Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Choy Doris
Associate Professor, Learning Sciences and Assessment
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Learning Sciences & Assessment
Journal Articles (Central)
Choy, D., Deng, F., Chai, C. S., Koh, H. W. J., & Tsai, P-S (2016). Singapore primary and secondary students' motivated approaches for learning: A validation study. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 282-290.
Choy, D. & Cheung, Y.L. (2022). Comparison of primary four students' percept ions towards self-directed learning and collaborative learning with technology in their English writing lessons. Journal of Computers in Education, Online, Online.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., Low, E.L., & Goh, K. C. (2014). Practicum experience: Pre -service teachers' self-perception of their professional growth. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51(5), 472-482.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., Lim, K. M., & Chong, S. (2013). Beginning teachers ' perceptions of their pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching: A three year study. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(5), 68-79.
Wong, A. F. L., Chong, S., Choy, D., & Lim, K. M. (2012). Investigating changes in pedagogical knowledge and skills from pre-service to the ini tial year of teaching. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 11(2), 105-117.
Ali, F., Choy, D., Divaharan, S., Tay, H. Y., & Chen, W. (2023). Supporting self-directed learning and self-assessment using TeacherGAIA, a generative AI chatbot application: Learning approaches and prompt engineering. Learning: Research and Practice, 9(2), 135-147.
Cheung, Y.L., Choy, D., & Liang, W. J. (2022). Impacts of a socio-cognitive and motivation-and-learning approach on students' writing with a real audience. Education 3-13, Online, Online.
Choy, D., Lim, K. M., Chong, S., & Wong, A. F. L. (2012). A confirmatory factor analytic approach on Perceptions of Knowledge and Skills in Teaching (PKST). Psychological Reports, 110(2), 589-597.
Gao, P., Tan, S. C., Wang, L., Wong, A., & Choy, D. (2011). Self reflection and preservice teachers' technological pedagogical knowledge: Promoting earlier adoption of student-centred pedagogies. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(6), 997-1013.
Gao, P., W ong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Wu, J. (2011). Beginning teachers' understanding performances of technology integration. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 31(2), 211-223.
Choy, D., Chong, S., Wong, A. F. L., & Wong, I. Y-F. (2011). Beginning teachers' perceptions of their levels of pedagogical knowledge and skills: Did they change since their graduation from initial teacher preparation. Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(1), 79-87.
Gao, P., Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Wu, J. (2010). Developing leadership potential for technology integration: Perspectives of three beginning teacher s. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(5), 643-658.
Chong, S., Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., Wong, I. Y'F, & Goh, K. C. (2010). Perception changes in knowledge and skills of graduating student teachers: A Singapore study. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 19(2), 333-3 45.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., & Gao, P. (2010). Student teachers' intentions and actions in integrating technology into their classrooms during student teaching: A Singapore study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 175-195.
Gao, P., Choy, D., Wong, A.F.L., & Wu, J. (2 009). Developing a better understanding of technology based pedagogy. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(5), 714-730.
Goh, K. C., Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Tan, J. P. I. (2009). Confidence levels after practicum experiences of student teachers in Singapore: An exploratory study. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 6(2), 121-140.
Teo, T., Lee, C. B., Chai, C. S., & Choy, D. (2009). Modelling pre-service teachers' perceived usefulness of an ICT- based student-centred learning (SCL) curriculum: A Sin gapore study. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(4), 535-545 [SSCI].
Kim, J. & Choy, D. (2008). Learning to toot your own horn: Pre-service teachers' integrating music into a childhood classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22(4), 405-424.
Wong, A. F. L., Chong, S., Choy, D., Wong, I. Y-F., & Goh, K. C. (2008). A comparison of perceptions of knowledge and skills held by primary and secondary teachers: From the entry to exit of their preservice programme. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 33(3), 77-93.
Choy, D. & Cheung, Y.L. (2022). Comparison of primary four students' percept ions towards self-directed learning and collaborative learning with technology in their English writing lessons. Journal of Computers in Education, Online, Online.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., Low, E.L., & Goh, K. C. (2014). Practicum experience: Pre -service teachers' self-perception of their professional growth. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51(5), 472-482.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., Lim, K. M., & Chong, S. (2013). Beginning teachers ' perceptions of their pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching: A three year study. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(5), 68-79.
Wong, A. F. L., Chong, S., Choy, D., & Lim, K. M. (2012). Investigating changes in pedagogical knowledge and skills from pre-service to the ini tial year of teaching. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 11(2), 105-117.
Ali, F., Choy, D., Divaharan, S., Tay, H. Y., & Chen, W. (2023). Supporting self-directed learning and self-assessment using TeacherGAIA, a generative AI chatbot application: Learning approaches and prompt engineering. Learning: Research and Practice, 9(2), 135-147.
Cheung, Y.L., Choy, D., & Liang, W. J. (2022). Impacts of a socio-cognitive and motivation-and-learning approach on students' writing with a real audience. Education 3-13, Online, Online.
Choy, D., Lim, K. M., Chong, S., & Wong, A. F. L. (2012). A confirmatory factor analytic approach on Perceptions of Knowledge and Skills in Teaching (PKST). Psychological Reports, 110(2), 589-597.
Gao, P., Tan, S. C., Wang, L., Wong, A., & Choy, D. (2011). Self reflection and preservice teachers' technological pedagogical knowledge: Promoting earlier adoption of student-centred pedagogies. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(6), 997-1013.
Gao, P., W ong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Wu, J. (2011). Beginning teachers' understanding performances of technology integration. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 31(2), 211-223.
Choy, D., Chong, S., Wong, A. F. L., & Wong, I. Y-F. (2011). Beginning teachers' perceptions of their levels of pedagogical knowledge and skills: Did they change since their graduation from initial teacher preparation. Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(1), 79-87.
Gao, P., Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Wu, J. (2010). Developing leadership potential for technology integration: Perspectives of three beginning teacher s. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(5), 643-658.
Chong, S., Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., Wong, I. Y'F, & Goh, K. C. (2010). Perception changes in knowledge and skills of graduating student teachers: A Singapore study. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 19(2), 333-3 45.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., & Gao, P. (2010). Student teachers' intentions and actions in integrating technology into their classrooms during student teaching: A Singapore study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 175-195.
Gao, P., Choy, D., Wong, A.F.L., & Wu, J. (2 009). Developing a better understanding of technology based pedagogy. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(5), 714-730.
Goh, K. C., Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Tan, J. P. I. (2009). Confidence levels after practicum experiences of student teachers in Singapore: An exploratory study. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 6(2), 121-140.
Teo, T., Lee, C. B., Chai, C. S., & Choy, D. (2009). Modelling pre-service teachers' perceived usefulness of an ICT- based student-centred learning (SCL) curriculum: A Sin gapore study. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(4), 535-545 [SSCI].
Kim, J. & Choy, D. (2008). Learning to toot your own horn: Pre-service teachers' integrating music into a childhood classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22(4), 405-424.
Wong, A. F. L., Chong, S., Choy, D., Wong, I. Y-F., & Goh, K. C. (2008). A comparison of perceptions of knowledge and skills held by primary and secondary teachers: From the entry to exit of their preservice programme. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 33(3), 77-93.
Books (Central)
Tan, S. C., Cheah, H. M., Chen, W. L., & Choy, D. (2017). Pushing the frontier: A cohesive system-wide approach to integrating ICT into education. (PP. 155). Singapore: Springer.
Book Chapters (Central)
Tan, S. C. & Choy, D. (2021). Learning in the 21st Century. In Tan, S. C., Divaharan, S., & Quek, C. L. G. (Eds.), Technology for meaningful learning(PP. 27-38). Singapore: Pearson Education.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2018). Structuring and managing ICT-enabled learning environments. In Y. H. Teo, & J. H. L. Koh (Eds.), Technology-enhanced 21st century learning(PP. 80-98). Singapore: Pearson.
Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Divaharan, S. (2016). Designing instructional plans for ICT-integration lessons and blended learning. In C. S. Chai, J. H. L. Koh, & Y. H. Teo (Eds.), I CT for 21st century learning(PP. 36-67). Singapore: Pearson.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2016). Managing ICT-integrated and online learning environments. In C. S. Chai, H. L. Koh & Y. H. Teo. (Eds.), ICT for 21st century learning(PP. 68-86). Singapore: Pearson.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2018). Structuring and managing ICT-enabled learning environments. In Y. H. Teo, & J. H. L. Koh (Eds.), Technology-enhanced 21st century learning(PP. 80-98). Singapore: Pearson.
Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Divaharan, S. (2016). Designing instructional plans for ICT-integration lessons and blended learning. In C. S. Chai, J. H. L. Koh, & Y. H. Teo (Eds.), I CT for 21st century learning(PP. 36-67). Singapore: Pearson.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2016). Managing ICT-integrated and online learning environments. In C. S. Chai, H. L. Koh & Y. H. Teo. (Eds.), ICT for 21st century learning(PP. 68-86). Singapore: Pearson.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Idris, E., Chua, B. L., Choy, D. (2022, December). Considering modes of delivery in blended PBL: a literature-based approach. In Wilson, S., Arthars, N., Wardak, D., Yeoman, P., Kalman, E., & Liu, D. Y. T. (Eds.), ASCILITE 2022: Reconnecting rel ationships through technology., 1, e20053.
Huan, W. S., & Choy, D. (2016, May). Using one-to-one computing and flipped classroom approach in facilitating primary students' learning in mathematics in Singapore. In Song, Y. J. (Ed.), The 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Educatio n, 1, Online.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., & Tan, S. C. (2011, December). Singapore student teachers' intentions and practices in integrating technology in their teaching. In Williams, G., Statham, P., Brown, N., & Cleland, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australasian So ciety for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (Ascilite 2011), online, 227-233.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Cheung, Y. L. & Choy, D. (2020, December). Using ICT tools to facilitate Primary school students' development of collaborative learning skills in their w riting with Social-Cognitive and Motivation and Learning (SCML) approach. Paper presented at eLearning Forum Asia 2020 (eLFA2020), Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Choy, D. & Cheung, Y. L. (2020, December). Impacts of instructional technologies on primary four students' self-directed learning and collaborative learning: A Singapore study. Paper presented at eLearning Forum Asia 2020 (eLFA2020), Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Cheung, Y. L. & Choy, D. (2020, March). Exploring a socio-cognitive-motivation-and-learning approach on students' writing: A study with four elementary schoo ls in Singapore.. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL), Denver, Colorado, United States.
Cheung, Y.L. & Choy, D. (2019, December). Investigating socio-cognitive and motivation-and-learning (SCML) approach on students' writing quality. Paper p resented at Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Choy, D. & Cheung, Y. L. (2019, December). Primary school students' perceptions of self-directed learning and collaborative learning with the use of ICT tools in their writing through the use of Social -Cognitive and Motivation and Learning approach. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Tan, H. B., Cheung, Y. L., & Choy, D. (2018, December). Teaching English composition / English expository writing skills: A synthesis of rece nt research. Paper presented at ERAS-APERA International Conference 2018, Singapore.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2017, December). The development of beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching. Paper presented at Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) In ternational Conference 2017, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Huan, W. S., & Choy, D. (2017, May). Facilitating Singapore primary students' learning in Mathematics with the implementation of flipping classroom & one-to-one computing. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Confer ence 2017, Singapore.
Wong, A. F. L., & Choy, D. (2016, November). Motivation, competence, and confidence to teach - Perceptions of beginning primary school teachers in their third year of teaching. Paper presented at Asia Pacific Educational Research Association - Taiwan Education Research Association (APERA-TERA) 2016 Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2013, December). A six-year longitudinal study on the development of beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching. Paper presented at Annual International Conference for Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, Australia.
Wong, A. F. L., & Choy, D. (2013, December). How do school administrators perceive the professional readiness of primary school beginning teachers?. Paper presented at Annual international conference of the Australian Association f or Research in Education (AARE), Adelaide, Australia.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L, & Lim, K. M. (2012, December). Beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching in Singapore: A six-year longitudinal study. Paper presented at The Joint Australian Association for Research in Edu cation and Asia-Pacific Education Research Association Conference (AARE-APERA 2012), Sydney, Australia.
Wong, A. F. L., Lim, K. M., & Choy, D. (2012, May). Beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills: Are they ready for school?. Paper presented at Partnership for Developing Classro om Practices: A Learning Forum for Mentoring Teaching, Singapore.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., & Tan, S. C. (2012, March). Student teachers' practices in integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) during their practicum attachments. Paper presented at International Conference o n Teaching and Learning with Technology, Singapore.
Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., Lim, K. M., & Chong, S. (2011, September). School administrators' perceptions of beginning teachers' professional readiness in their first and third year of service. Paper presented at European Conference on Educa tional Research (ECER), Berlin, Germany.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2011, September). Singapore's pre-service teachers' general perceptions about using the interactive whiteboard in their future teaching. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Berlin, German y.
Divaharan, S., Koh, H.L.J., Choy, D. , Wong, A.F.L., & Williams, M.D. (2010, March). Exploring Singapore's pre-service teachers' readiness to use Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) meaningfully in their future teaching. Paper presented at International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology, Singapore.
Idris, E., Chua, B. L., Choy, D. (2022, December). Considering modes of delivery in blended PBL: a literature-based approach. In Wilson, S., Arthars, N., Wardak, D., Yeoman, P., Kalman, E., & Liu, D. Y. T. (Eds.), ASCILITE 2022: Reconnecting rel ationships through technology., 1, e20053.
Huan, W. S., & Choy, D. (2016, May). Using one-to-one computing and flipped classroom approach in facilitating primary students' learning in mathematics in Singapore. In Song, Y. J. (Ed.), The 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Educatio n, 1, Online.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., & Tan, S. C. (2011, December). Singapore student teachers' intentions and practices in integrating technology in their teaching. In Williams, G., Statham, P., Brown, N., & Cleland, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australasian So ciety for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (Ascilite 2011), online, 227-233.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Cheung, Y. L. & Choy, D. (2020, December). Using ICT tools to facilitate Primary school students' development of collaborative learning skills in their w riting with Social-Cognitive and Motivation and Learning (SCML) approach. Paper presented at eLearning Forum Asia 2020 (eLFA2020), Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Choy, D. & Cheung, Y. L. (2020, December). Impacts of instructional technologies on primary four students' self-directed learning and collaborative learning: A Singapore study. Paper presented at eLearning Forum Asia 2020 (eLFA2020), Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Cheung, Y. L. & Choy, D. (2020, March). Exploring a socio-cognitive-motivation-and-learning approach on students' writing: A study with four elementary schoo ls in Singapore.. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL), Denver, Colorado, United States.
Cheung, Y.L. & Choy, D. (2019, December). Investigating socio-cognitive and motivation-and-learning (SCML) approach on students' writing quality. Paper p resented at Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Choy, D. & Cheung, Y. L. (2019, December). Primary school students' perceptions of self-directed learning and collaborative learning with the use of ICT tools in their writing through the use of Social -Cognitive and Motivation and Learning approach. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Tan, H. B., Cheung, Y. L., & Choy, D. (2018, December). Teaching English composition / English expository writing skills: A synthesis of rece nt research. Paper presented at ERAS-APERA International Conference 2018, Singapore.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2017, December). The development of beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching. Paper presented at Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) In ternational Conference 2017, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Huan, W. S., & Choy, D. (2017, May). Facilitating Singapore primary students' learning in Mathematics with the implementation of flipping classroom & one-to-one computing. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Confer ence 2017, Singapore.
Wong, A. F. L., & Choy, D. (2016, November). Motivation, competence, and confidence to teach - Perceptions of beginning primary school teachers in their third year of teaching. Paper presented at Asia Pacific Educational Research Association - Taiwan Education Research Association (APERA-TERA) 2016 Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2013, December). A six-year longitudinal study on the development of beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching. Paper presented at Annual International Conference for Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, Australia.
Wong, A. F. L., & Choy, D. (2013, December). How do school administrators perceive the professional readiness of primary school beginning teachers?. Paper presented at Annual international conference of the Australian Association f or Research in Education (AARE), Adelaide, Australia.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L, & Lim, K. M. (2012, December). Beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills in teaching in Singapore: A six-year longitudinal study. Paper presented at The Joint Australian Association for Research in Edu cation and Asia-Pacific Education Research Association Conference (AARE-APERA 2012), Sydney, Australia.
Wong, A. F. L., Lim, K. M., & Choy, D. (2012, May). Beginning teachers' pedagogical knowledge and skills: Are they ready for school?. Paper presented at Partnership for Developing Classro om Practices: A Learning Forum for Mentoring Teaching, Singapore.
Choy, D., Wong, A. F. L., & Tan, S. C. (2012, March). Student teachers' practices in integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) during their practicum attachments. Paper presented at International Conference o n Teaching and Learning with Technology, Singapore.
Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., Lim, K. M., & Chong, S. (2011, September). School administrators' perceptions of beginning teachers' professional readiness in their first and third year of service. Paper presented at European Conference on Educa tional Research (ECER), Berlin, Germany.
Choy, D., & Wong, A. F. L. (2011, September). Singapore's pre-service teachers' general perceptions about using the interactive whiteboard in their future teaching. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Berlin, German y.
Divaharan, S., Koh, H.L.J., Choy, D. , Wong, A.F.L., & Williams, M.D. (2010, March). Exploring Singapore's pre-service teachers' readiness to use Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) meaningfully in their future teaching. Paper presented at International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology, Singapore.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Conference Proceedings
Choy. D., Mohd Ayub, A. F., Andaya, M., Wong, L.-H., Liu, C.-C., Hirashima, T., Sumedi, P., & Lukman, M. (Ed.) (2013). Work-in-Progress Posters Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICCE 20 13. Indonesia
Lee, J., Choy, D., Biswas, G., Wong, L.-H., Hirashima, T., & Chen, W. (Ed.) (2012). Work-in-Progress Poster Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore
Keynote Addresses
Choy, D. (2022, July). Celebrating Pedagogies. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Designing blended learning experience for Humanities students, Singapore.
Choy, D. (2015, June). 2015 Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT 2015). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Prepa ring teachers to integrate ICT in teaching and learning: Singapore's perspective, Sinpapore, Singapore.
Choy. D., Mohd Ayub, A. F., Andaya, M., Wong, L.-H., Liu, C.-C., Hirashima, T., Sumedi, P., & Lukman, M. (Ed.) (2013). Work-in-Progress Posters Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICCE 20 13. Indonesia
Lee, J., Choy, D., Biswas, G., Wong, L.-H., Hirashima, T., & Chen, W. (Ed.) (2012). Work-in-Progress Poster Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore
Keynote Addresses
Choy, D. (2022, July). Celebrating Pedagogies. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Designing blended learning experience for Humanities students, Singapore.
Choy, D. (2015, June). 2015 Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT 2015). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Prepa ring teachers to integrate ICT in teaching and learning: Singapore's perspective, Sinpapore, Singapore.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)