Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Caroline Koh
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development
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Caroline Koh is an Associate Professor with Psychology and Child & Human Development, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. She obtained her B.A. and M.A. at the University of Cambridge, and her Ed.D. from the University of Durham, U.K. She has taught biology in schools before her appointment at NIE, where she is currently teaching undergraduate, post-graduate and in-service programmes. Her research projects, past and present, include studies in diverse fields such as student motivation, teacher education, the development of moral judgment, pre-service teachers' perceptions of national education, the effectiveness of simulation-based learning and the use of the e-portfolio and the flipped classroom approach. Besides publishing in international journals, she was the editor for 'Motivation, Leadership and Curriculum Design' and 'Diversifying Learner Experience: A kaleidoscope of instructional approaches and strategies'. She also served as a reviewer for the British Journal of Educational Technology, Scientific Journals International and Education Research for Policy and Practice.
Attribution Theory,Motivation, Self-Determination theory, Moral development and values education, Educational technology,Project Work,Stimulation-based Learning
- Harnessing Positive Psychology Principles in Fostering Academic Motivation/Engagement and Wellbeing of Low-Progress Learners in Singapore