Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Assoc Prof Mark Charles Baildon
Associate Professor, Humanities & Social Studies Education
Journal Articles (Central)
Lim, S.H., & Baildon, M. (2021). Understanding self-regulated learning in Singapore?s social studies classrooms. Learning: Research and Practice, 8(2), xxx-xxx.

Damico, J.S., Baildon, M., & Panos, A. (2020). Climate justice literacy: Stories-we-live-by, ecolinguistic s, and classroom practice. Journal Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 63(6), 683-691.

Costes-Onishi, P., Baildon, M. & Aghazadeh, S. (2020). Moving inquiry-based learning forward: A meta-synthesis on inquiry-based classroom practices for pedagogical innovation and school improvement in the humanities and arts. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education,, 1-48.

Baildon, M., & Alviar-Martin, T. (2020). Taming cosmopolitanism: The limits of national and neoliberal civic education in two global cities. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(1), 98-111.

Baildon, M. (2020). Inquiry-based teaching and learning. HSSE Online, 9(1), 70-77.

Baildon, M, & Damico, J.S. (2019). Education in an age of limits. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 34(3), 25-40.

de Roock, R.S., & Baildon, M. (2019). MySkillsFuture for students, STEM learning, and the design of neoliberal citizenship in Singapore. Cognition and Instruction, 37(3), 285-305.

Baildon, M., Rajah, C., & Afandi, S . (2019). Sparking joy in history classrooms. HSSE Online, 8(1), 66-76.

Baildon, M., & Afandi, S. (2018). 单向历史叙事形塑好公民的神话. 怡和专题 / Yihe Shiji, 35(1), 60-65.

B aildon, M., Afandi, S., Bott, S., & Rajah, C. (2018). Guiding students in Singapore to investigate historical controversy using a disciplinary approach. History Education Research Journal, 15(2), 308-327.

Damico, J.S., Baildon, M., & Panos, A. (2018). Media literacy and climate change in a post-truth society. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(2), 11-32.

Damico, J., Panos, A., & Baildon, M. (2018). "I'm not in the truth business": The politics of climate change with pre-service teachers. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 17(2), 72-89.

Baildon, M ., & Baildon, B. (2016). Teaching against idiocy, redux. The Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, 4(2), 20-30.

Alviar-Martin, T., & Baildon, M. (2016). Context and curriculum in two global cities: A study of discourses of citizenship in Hong Kong and Singapore. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(58), 1-31.

Gaydos, M., Prematillake, T. M., Leng, N. W., Tan, C. K., Suhaimi, A., & Baildon, M. (2016). Serious Fun: Game Design to Support Learning about the Surrender of Singapore. HSSE Online, 5(2), 28-36.

Baildon, M., Lin, M., & Chia, G. (2016). Developing conceptual understanding in social studies using technology and discussion. HSSE Online, 5(2), 94-102.

Alviar-Martin, T., & Baildon, M. (2016). Issues-centred global citizenship education in Asia: Curricular challenges and possibilities in nation-centric and neoliberal times. Curriculum Perspectiv es, 36(2), 65-75.

Damico, J.S., & Baildon, M. (2015). Rethinking reliability after students evaluate a Facebook page about health care in Singapore. Journal of International Social Studies, 5(1), 51-63.

Afandi, S., & Baildon, M. (2015). Anxieties over Singapore students' conceptions a bout history and the past. HSSE Online, 4(2), 36-47.

Starker, R., & Baildon, M. (2014). Designing classrooms of the future now!. HSSE Online, 3(2), 40-50.

Afandi, S., Baildon, M., & Rajah, S.N.C. (2014). "Reading" monuments and memorials of war. Muse, 7(4), 32-39.

Baildon, M., Sim, J. B.-Y., & Paculdar, A. (2014). A tale of two countries: Comparing civic education in the Philippines and Singapore. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(1), 93-115.

Baildon, M. (2014). Well-being and humanities education in Singapore. HSSE Online, 3(1), 37-47.

Baildon, M., & Damico, J. (2014). Social studies education for the 21st century: Addressing challenges with new literacies an d a web-based technology tool. T.H.E.N (Journal about Technology, Humanities, Education, & Narrative), 11, online.

Baildon, M., Afandi, S., & Rajah, C. (2014). Wars past used to promote peace education. Sangsaeng, 39, 27-29.

Ho, L.C., & Baildon, M. (2013). Geographies of online spaces and intercultural education. Intercultural Education, 24, 327-341.

Baildon, M., & Baildon, R. (2012). Evaluating Online Sources: Helping Students Determine Trustworthiness, Readability, and Usefulness. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 24(4), 11-14.

Damico, J. & Baildon , M. (2011). Content Literacy for the 21st Century: Excavation, Elevation, and Relational Cosmopolitanism in the Classroom. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(3), 232-243.

Baildon, M. & Damico, J. (2011). Judging the credibility of internet sources: Developing critical and reflexive readers of complex digital texts. Social Education, 75(3), 269-273.

Damico, J.S., Baildon, M., & Greenstone, D. (2010). Examining How Historical Agency Works in Children's Literature. Social Studies Research and Practice, 5(1), 1-12.

Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B-Y. (2009). Notions of criticality: Singaporean teacher perspectives of critical thinking in social studies. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(4), 407-422.

Damico, J., Baildon, M., Exter, M. & Guo, S.-J. (2009). Where we read from matters: Disciplinary literacy in a 9th grade social studies cl assroom. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 5(4), 325-335.

Baildon, M. & Damico, J. (2009). How do we know? Students examine issues of credibility with a complicated multimodal Web-based text. Curriculum Inquiry, 39(2), 265-285.

Damico, J., Baildon, M., & Lowenstein, K. (2008) . Did the bombs just fall from the sky?: Examining agency in a text set of World War II Children's Literature. Social Studies Research and Practice, 3(3), 51-59.

Baildon, R. & Baildon, M. (2008). Guiding independence: Developing a research tool to support student decision-making in selectin g sources of information. The Reading Teacher, 61(8), 636-647.

Baildon, M. (2008). Troubling data: A Foucauldian perspective of ?a multiple data source approach? to professional learning and evaluation. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, 15, 126-144.

Baildon, M. & Damico, J. (2008). Negotiating epistemological tensions in thinking and practice: A case study of a literacy and inquiry tool as a mediator of professional conversation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(6), 1645-1657.

Damico, J., & Baildon, M. (2007). Examining ways readers engage with Web sites dur ing think aloud sessions.. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy., July 2007, 254-263.

Baildon, M. & Damico, J. (2006). 'We have to pick sides': Students wrestle with counterclaims while reading Web sites.. Social Education., 70(3), 156-159.

Damico, J., Baildon, M., & Campano, G. (2005). Integrating literacy, technology and disciplined inquiry in social studies: The development and application of a conceptual model.. T.H.E.N (Journal about Technology, Humanities, Education, & Narrative).,, online.

Baildon, M. (2005). A case for e ngaged intellectual work.. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor., 5(2), online.

Books (Central)
Alviar-Martin, T., & Baildon, M. (Eds.). (2021). Research on global citizenship in Asia: Conceptions, perceptions and practice (PP. 250). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Baildon, M., Loh, K. S., Lim, I. M., Inanc, G. Z., & Jaffar, J (Eds.). (2013). Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts (PP. 248). Singapore: Routledge.

Baildon, M., & Damico, J. (2011). Social studies as new literacies in a global society: Relational cosmopolitanism in the classroom (PP. 208). New York: Routledge.

Baildon, M., Afandi, S., Seow, T., & Irvine, K.N. (in press). Developing signature labs in humanities education: Ground-up educational innovation in a top-down system. In D. Hung & E. Koh (Eds.), ICT-based learning innovations for the 21st century: Scaling change through apprenti cising and ecological leadership in Singapore.(PP. xxx-xxx). Dordrecht: Springer.

Afandi, S., & Baildon, M. (in press). Inquiry-based learning in Singapore: Challenges, constraints & opportunities. In B. Bain, A. Chapman, A. Kitson, & T. Shreiner (Eds.), History Education & Historical Enqu iry(PP. xxx-xxx). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

de Roock, R., & Baildon, M. (2021). MySkillsFuture for students, STEM learning, and the design of neoliberal citizenship in Singapore. In Sengupta-Irving, T., & McKinney de Royston, M. (Eds.), STEM and t he social good: Forwarding political and ethical perspectives in the learning sciences(PP. xxx-xxx). New York : Routledge.

Afandi, S., & Baildon, M. (2021). Historical fieldwork as reflection on the uses of history. In Sim, T.Y.H., & Sim, H.H. (Eds.), F ieldwork in humanities education in Singapore(PP. 93-111). Singapore : Springer.

Yang, P., Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2020). Educational mobility and citizenship: The Asian cases of Chi nese "foreign talent" students in Singapore and Indian medical students in China. In Peterson, A., Stahl, G. & Soong, H. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education(PP. 633-647). London : Palgrave Macmillan.

Baildon, M., & Bott, S. (2020). The role of voice, v alues, and volunteerism in teaching global issues in Singapore. In Myers, J. (Ed.), Research on teaching global issues(PP. 115-132). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Alviar-Martin, T., & Baildon, M. (2018). Global citizenship education in Asia. In K.J. Kennedy, & J.C.-K. Lee (Eds .), The Routledge handbook on schools and schooling in Asia(PP. xxx-xxx). Oxon: Routledge.

Baildon, M., & Afandi, S. (2018). History education research and practice: An international perspective. In S. Metzger, & L. Harris (Eds.), International handbook of history teaching and learning(PP. 37-59). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Alviar-Martin, T., & Baildon, M. (2018). Issues-centered global citizenship education in Asia: Theoretical discourses and curricular implications. In Leviste, N. (Ed.), Education for a globalizing Asia: Challenges and opportunities(PP. 1-25). M anila: Ateneo Center for Asian Studies.

Baildon, M., Alviar-Martin, T., Bott, S., & Lam, M. (2018). A comparative case study of international schools in Singapore and Hong Kong: Studying global issues as ethical/political practice. In Rapoport, A. (Ed.), Competing frameworks: Global and nationa l in citizenship education(PP. 31-53). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Baildon, M., & Alviar-Martin, T. (2018). Transforming social studies teacher education for global citizenship education. In C. Martell (Ed.), Social studies teacher education: Critical issues and current pers pectives(PP. 77-100). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Baildon, M., & Alviar-Martin, T. (2018). Transforming social studies teacher education for global citizenship education. In Martell, C. (Ed.), Social studies teacher education: Critical issues and current perspectives(PP. 77-100). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Damico, J.S., Baildon, M., & Panos, A. (2017). This changes everything: Critical literacy and climate change in social studies. In Russell, W.B., & Waters, S. (Eds.), Cinematic social studies: A resource for teaching and learning social stud ies with film(PP. 347-367). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.

Baildon, M., & Afandi, S. (2017). The Myth that a Singular Historical Narrative Moulds Good Citizens. In Loh, K.S., Chia, J., Thum, P.J., & Feng, D. (Eds.), Living with Myths: Exploring Singapore's Pasts and Futures(PP. 29-39). Singapore: Select Books.

Alviar-Martin, T., & Baildon, M. (2017). Deliberating values for global citizenship: A study of Singapore?s Social Studies and Hong Kong?s Liberal Studies curricula. In Choo, S., Sawch, D., Villanueva, D., & Vinz, R. (Eds.), Educating for 21st century global cap acities: International perspectives and practices(PP. 73-92). Singapore: Springer.

Baildon, M., & Damico, J.S. (2015). Judging the credibility of Internet sources: Developing critical and reflexive readers of complex digital texts . In Parker, W.C. (Ed.), Social Studies Today: Research and Practice(PP. 246-253). New York: Routledge.

Damico, J.S., & Baildon, M. (2015). With or without you: The Common Core Standards and addressing global climate change. In Richards, Janet C., & Zenkov, K. (Eds.), Social Justice, the Common Core, and Closing the Instructional Gap: Empowering Diverse Learners and Their Teachers(PP. 183-204). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Baildon, M. (2014). Disciplinary intuitions as praxis: Th e role of intuition in social education. In Lim, K.Y.T. (Ed.), Disciplinary Intuition and the Design of Learning Environments(PP. 171-184). New York: Springer.

Baildon, M., & Afandi, S. (2013). A Disciplinary Approach to Teaching Historical Controversy in Singapore?s Schools: The Case o f the Internal Security Act. In Baildon, M., Loh, K. S., Lim, I. M., Inanc, G. Z., & Jaffar, J. (Eds.), Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts(PP. 196-217). Singapore: Routledge.

Loh, K. S., Baildon, M., Lim, I.M., Inanc, G., & Jaffar, J. (2013). Introduction: Controversy, Histor y and History Education in Asia. In Baildon, M., Loh, K. S., Lim, I. M., Inanc, G. Z., & Jaffar, J. (Eds.), Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts(PP. 3-18). Singapore: Routledge.

Baildon, M. C., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2012). Notions of criticality: Singaporean teachers' perspectives o f critical thinking in social studies. In Wyse, D. (Ed.), Literacy Teaching and Education(PP. XXX-XXX). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Baildon, M. & Damico, J.S. (2012). Using Technology to Support Relational Cosmopolitanism for Social Education. In Maguth, B.M. (Ed.), New Directions in Social Education Research: The Influence of Technology and Globalization on the Lives of Students(PP. 21-42). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Afandi, S., & Baildon, M. (2010). History Education in Singapore. In Nakou, I., & Barca, I. (Eds.), International Review of History Education: Trends in Contemporary Public Debates on History Education(PP. 223-242). London: Information Age.

Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B-Y. (2010). The dilemmas of Singapore's National Education in the global society. In Reid, A., Sears, A., & Gill, J. (Eds.), Globalization, the nation-state and the citi zen: Dilemmas and directions for civics and citizenship education(PP. 80-96). New York: Routledge.

Baildon, M. (2009). "Being rooted and living globally": Singapore's imagined communities and identities through the prism of educational innovation.. In Ismail, R., Shaw, B., & Ooi, G.L. (Eds.), Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage in a Globalising World(PP. 59-77). Surrey: Ashgate.

Damico, J., & Baildon, M. (2008). Reading web sites in an inquiry-based social studies classroom. In Rowe, D., & Jimenez, R.T. (Eds.), National Reading Conference Yearbook(PP. 204-217). Oak Creek , WI: National Reading Conference.

Ashburn, E., Baildon, M., Damico, J., & McNair, S. (2006). The landscape of teaching: Mapping the terrain of teaching for meaningful learning using technology in social studies.. In Ashburn, E., & Floden, R. (Eds.), Teaching for Meaningful Learning Using Techn ology: Knowledge, Skills and Leadership.(PP. 117-140). NY: Teachers College Press..
Conference Papers (Central)
Baildon, M. (2016, November). Global citizenship and social studies education in Singapore. In The Center for Global Citizenship Education and Research, Chungnam University (Ed.), International Conference of the Center for Global Citizenship Education and Research, 1, 18-31.

Damico , J.S., & Baildon, M. (2014, March). Using inquiry and literacy strategies to investigate climate change. In The International Society for the Social Studies (Ed.), The International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference Proceedings, 1, 40-47.

Ho, L.C., & Baildon, M. (2013, Janua ry). Geographies of Online Spaces and Intercultural Citizenship. The Body and the Web: Tools for Intercultural Learning, N.A..

Chang, C.H., Ho, L.C.& Baildon, M. (2009, June). Uncovering Disciplinary Influences on the National Soc ial Studies Syllabus.. In null (Ed.), Proceedings 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy Conference, 1, electronic.

Ho, L.C., Baildon, M. & Chang, C.H. (2009, June). Exploring teachers' conceptual understanding of the Social Studies Curriculum. Proceedings 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy Conference, 1, 1.

Baildon, M., Ho, L.C. & Chang, C.H. (2009, June). Positioning Singapore Social Studies for a Globalising World. Proceedings 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy Conference, 1, 1.