Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Koh Koon Teck
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Physical Education & Sports Science
Journal Articles (Central)
Koh, K.T., Lee, C.X., & Swarup, M. (2021). Pre-service Physical Education Teachers' Perceptions of a Flipped Basketball Course: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 40(4), 589-597.
Mar, X. F. F., Koh, K. T., & Falc'o, W. R. (2021). Strategies and methods for teaching values transference from physical education to the classroom and home: A case study. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Ahead of Print DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2021.1926919(DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2021.1926919), xxx.
Koh, K. T., Tan, L. Q. W., Camir', M., Paculdar, M. A . A., & Chua, W. G. A. (2021). Teachers' and students' perceptions of factors influencing the adoption of information and communications technology in physical education in Singapore school. European Physical Education Review, Ahead of Print. DOI:10.1177/1356336X211017949(DOI:10.1177/1356336X 211017949), 1-20.
Seah, M.L.C., & Koh, K.T. (2020). The efficacy of using mobileapplications in changingadolescent girls' physical activitybehaviour during weekends. European Physical Education Review, 26(2), 481-494.
Koh, K. T., Cami re, M., Bloom, G. A., & Wang, C. K. J. (2017). Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a values-based training program for sport coaches and physical education teachers in Singapore. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 12(6), 795-806.
Cho, H.T., Koh, K.T., & Chian, L.K. (2023). Subjective knowledge in open water activities: Scale development andvalidation. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching, XX(DOI: 10.1177/17479541231168513), 1-12.
Guo, M.M., Wang, X.Z., & Koh, K.T. (2022). Association be tween physical activity, sedentary time and physical fitness of female college students in China.. BMC Women's Health, 22(1), 502.
Cu, H. Q., Xue, Y. T., Zhou, Z. J., Koh, K.T., Xu, X., Shi, J. P., Zhang, S. W., Zhang, X., Cai, J. (2021). Retentive capacity of power output and linear ve rsus non‑linear mapping of power loss in the isotonic muscular endurance test. Scientific Reports, 11(22677), 1-12.
Li, C. X., Wang, C. K. J., Koh, K. T., Tan, K. S. S., Tan, S. M., Ang, W. B., Wong, L. H., & Yeo, H. N. C. (2021). Basic psychological need profiles and correlates in ph ysical activity participation: A person-centered approach. Frontier in Psychology, 12, 675639.
Tou N.X., Kee, Y.H., Koh, K.T., Camir', M., & Chow, J.Y. (2020). Singapore teachers' attitudes towards the use of information and communication technologies in physical education. European Phys ical Education Review, 26(2), 481-494.
Pyun, D. Y., Wang, C. K. J., & Koh, K. T. (2020). Testing a proposed model of perceived cognitive learning outcomes in outdoor education. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 50(4), 330-349.
Koh, K.T., Kokkonen, M ., & Bryan Law, H.R. (2019). Coaches' implementation strategies in providing social support to Singaporean university athletes: A case study. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching, 14(5), 681-693.
Lim, S.H.R., Koh, K.T., & Chan, M. (20 19). 'Two Heads are Better Than One': How Supporting Staff Complement High School Sport Coaches in Promoting Positive Youth Development. International Sport Coaching Journal, 6(2), 160-171.
Koh, K.T., Lam, C.S.G., Lim, S.H.R., & Sam, K.L. (2019). Physical activity patterns and factors that facilitate or hinder exercise among adolescents in an all-boys school. European Physical Education Review, Advance on-line publication DOI:10.1177//1356336X17744520, 456-472.
Koh, K.T., Morris Koh, L.S., Gordon, A.B., & Todd, M.L. (2019). Stakeholders' perceptions and recommendations of a high school leadership development programme for athletes in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2019.1677217(xx), 1-15.
Li, C.,* Koh, K. T., & Guo , Q. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sport Scale. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16(5), 465-475.
Koh, K. T., & Tan, K. H. (2018). The use of group-based reflective practice to enhance badminton play ers' performance: An exploratory study. Asian Journal of Coaching Science, 1(2), 46-62.
Koh, K. T., Lee, T. P. G., & Lim, S. H. R. (2018). The Internet as a source of learning for youth soccer coaches. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 13(2), 278-289.
Koh, K. T., Ho, X. Y. M., & Koh Y. Z. (2017). The developmental experiences of basketball mentor coaches. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 12(4), 520-531.
Bennie, A., Apoilis, N., Caron, J. G., Falcao, W. R., Bengoechea, E. G., Koh, K. T., Griffiths, A., & MacMillan, F. (2017). A gui de to conducting systematic reviews of coaching science research. International Sport Coaching Journal, 4(2), xx.
Koh, K.T., Wong, M.L.E., Kokkonen, M., & Chew, W.C.E (2017). The use of reflection-card by elite youth basketball players, head coach, and team manager: Effects on players' perf ormance and perceptions of users. Reflective Practice, '`, 1-21.
Li C.X., Koh, K.T., & Guo, Q. (2016). Psychometric properties of the chinese version of the prosocial and antisocial behaviour in sport scale. International Journal of Sport an d Exercise Psychology, '`, 1-11.
Han, S.Y. & Koh, K.T. (2016). Factors associated with the development of decision making skills: A case study of individual sport coaches. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 4(1), 1-17.
Koh, K.T., Camire, M., Lim, S.H., & Soon, W.S (2016). Implementation of a values training programme in physical education and sport: A follow-up study.. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy.,, Advance online publication.
Tan, S.L., Koh, K.T., & Kokkonen, M (2016). The perception of elite athletes' guided self-reflection and performance in archery. Reflective Practice, 17(2), 207-220.
Koh, K.T., Ong, S.W., & Camire Martin (2016). Implementation of a values training program in physical education and sport: perspectives from teache rs, coaches, students, and athletes. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 21(3), 295-312.
Koh, K. T., & Wang, C. K. J (2015). Gender and type of sport differences on perceived coaching behaviours, achievement goal orientations, and life aspirations of youth Olympic games Singaporean athlete s. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13(2), 91-103.
Koh, K. T., Mallett, C. J., Camire, M., & Wang, C. K. J. (2015). A guided reflection intervention for high performance basketball coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal, 2, 273-284.
Li, C.,* Koh, K. T. , Wang, C. K. J., & Chian, L. K. (2015). Sports participation and moral development outcomes: Examination of validity and reliability of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10(2+3), 505-513.
Koh, K.T., *Kawabata, M., & Mallett, C.J. (2014). The Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport:Factor structure examination for Singaporean youth athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 9(6), 1311-1324.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., & Chew, W. C. E. (2014). Participation in physical activ ity and sports in Singapore: Barriers and enablers. International Sports Studies, 36(2), 5-18.
Wang, J. C. K., Liu, W. C., Koh, K. T., & Lim, C. B. S. (2014). Differences in daily step counts among primary, secondary, and junior college students. Journal of Youth Studies, 17(2), 1-8.
Koh, K.T., Foo, K., Sakamoto, G., & Low, A. (2014). The Profile of Coaching and Coach Education in Singapore: Past, Present and Future. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1(2), 94-102.
Koh, K.T., Gordon, A.B., Katherine, F., Dominique, P., & Kee, Y.H. (2014). An investigation of a for malized mentoring program fornovice basketball coaches. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 45(1), 11-32.
Koh, K. T., Kee, Y. H., Bloom, G. A., Wang, J., & Sun, Y. (2013). Perceptions of mentors on a structured mentoring programme for novice coaches: A case study using self-determina tion theory. Journal of Tianjin University of Sport., 28(5), 431-435.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., & Mallet, C. J. (2012). Discriminating factors between successful and unsuccessful elite Youth Olympic female basketball team. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 12, 119-131.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., Erickson, K., & Cote, J. (2012). Experience in competitive youth sport and needs satisfaction: The Singapore story. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 43, 15-32.
Wang, C. K. J., Koh, K. T., Biddle, S. J. H., Liu, W. C., & Chye, S. (2011). Phys ical activity patterns and psychological correlates of physical activity among Singaporean primary, secondary, and junior college students. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research, 6(2), 3-9.
Koh, K. T., Mallet, C. J., & Wang, C. K. J. (2011). Developmental pathways of Singapore's high-performance ba sketball coaches. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 9(4), 338-353.
Chew, W. C. E., Wang C. K. J., Liu, W. C., Koh, K. T., & Lim, B. S. C. (2011). A comparison of physical activity patterns among primary, secondary, and junior college students. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 9(2), 38-43.
Koh, K. T., Wang, J., & Mallett, C. J. (2011). Discriminating factors between successful and unsuccessful teams: A case study in elite Youth Olympic basketball games. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 7(3), Article 21, 1-13.
Pyun, D. Y., Kwon, H. H., Koh, K. T., & Wang, C. K. J. (2010). Perceived coaching leadership of youth athletes in Singapore. Journal of Sport Behavior, 33(1), 25-41.
Kwon, H. H., Koh, K. T., Pyun, D. Y., & Wang, J. (2009). Psychometric properties of Leadership Scale for Sport: The case of Singaporean secondary school athletes. International Journal of Sport Management, 10(4), 367-381.
Koh, K. T., Mallet, C., & Wang, C. K. J. (2009). Examining the ecological validity of the Coaching Behavior Scale (Sports) for basketball. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(2), 261-272.
Wang, C. K. J., Koh, K. T., & Chatzisarantis, N. (2009). An intra-individual analysis of players' perceived coaching behaviours, psychological needs, and achievement goals. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(2), 177-192.
Mar, X. F. F., Koh, K. T., & Falc'o, W. R. (2021). Strategies and methods for teaching values transference from physical education to the classroom and home: A case study. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Ahead of Print DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2021.1926919(DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2021.1926919), xxx.
Koh, K. T., Tan, L. Q. W., Camir', M., Paculdar, M. A . A., & Chua, W. G. A. (2021). Teachers' and students' perceptions of factors influencing the adoption of information and communications technology in physical education in Singapore school. European Physical Education Review, Ahead of Print. DOI:10.1177/1356336X211017949(DOI:10.1177/1356336X 211017949), 1-20.
Seah, M.L.C., & Koh, K.T. (2020). The efficacy of using mobileapplications in changingadolescent girls' physical activitybehaviour during weekends. European Physical Education Review, 26(2), 481-494.
Koh, K. T., Cami re, M., Bloom, G. A., & Wang, C. K. J. (2017). Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a values-based training program for sport coaches and physical education teachers in Singapore. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 12(6), 795-806.
Cho, H.T., Koh, K.T., & Chian, L.K. (2023). Subjective knowledge in open water activities: Scale development andvalidation. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching, XX(DOI: 10.1177/17479541231168513), 1-12.
Guo, M.M., Wang, X.Z., & Koh, K.T. (2022). Association be tween physical activity, sedentary time and physical fitness of female college students in China.. BMC Women's Health, 22(1), 502.
Cu, H. Q., Xue, Y. T., Zhou, Z. J., Koh, K.T., Xu, X., Shi, J. P., Zhang, S. W., Zhang, X., Cai, J. (2021). Retentive capacity of power output and linear ve rsus non‑linear mapping of power loss in the isotonic muscular endurance test. Scientific Reports, 11(22677), 1-12.
Li, C. X., Wang, C. K. J., Koh, K. T., Tan, K. S. S., Tan, S. M., Ang, W. B., Wong, L. H., & Yeo, H. N. C. (2021). Basic psychological need profiles and correlates in ph ysical activity participation: A person-centered approach. Frontier in Psychology, 12, 675639.
Tou N.X., Kee, Y.H., Koh, K.T., Camir', M., & Chow, J.Y. (2020). Singapore teachers' attitudes towards the use of information and communication technologies in physical education. European Phys ical Education Review, 26(2), 481-494.
Pyun, D. Y., Wang, C. K. J., & Koh, K. T. (2020). Testing a proposed model of perceived cognitive learning outcomes in outdoor education. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 50(4), 330-349.
Koh, K.T., Kokkonen, M ., & Bryan Law, H.R. (2019). Coaches' implementation strategies in providing social support to Singaporean university athletes: A case study. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching, 14(5), 681-693.
Lim, S.H.R., Koh, K.T., & Chan, M. (20 19). 'Two Heads are Better Than One': How Supporting Staff Complement High School Sport Coaches in Promoting Positive Youth Development. International Sport Coaching Journal, 6(2), 160-171.
Koh, K.T., Lam, C.S.G., Lim, S.H.R., & Sam, K.L. (2019). Physical activity patterns and factors that facilitate or hinder exercise among adolescents in an all-boys school. European Physical Education Review, Advance on-line publication DOI:10.1177//1356336X17744520, 456-472.
Koh, K.T., Morris Koh, L.S., Gordon, A.B., & Todd, M.L. (2019). Stakeholders' perceptions and recommendations of a high school leadership development programme for athletes in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2019.1677217(xx), 1-15.
Li, C.,* Koh, K. T., & Guo , Q. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sport Scale. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16(5), 465-475.
Koh, K. T., & Tan, K. H. (2018). The use of group-based reflective practice to enhance badminton play ers' performance: An exploratory study. Asian Journal of Coaching Science, 1(2), 46-62.
Koh, K. T., Lee, T. P. G., & Lim, S. H. R. (2018). The Internet as a source of learning for youth soccer coaches. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 13(2), 278-289.
Koh, K. T., Ho, X. Y. M., & Koh Y. Z. (2017). The developmental experiences of basketball mentor coaches. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 12(4), 520-531.
Bennie, A., Apoilis, N., Caron, J. G., Falcao, W. R., Bengoechea, E. G., Koh, K. T., Griffiths, A., & MacMillan, F. (2017). A gui de to conducting systematic reviews of coaching science research. International Sport Coaching Journal, 4(2), xx.
Koh, K.T., Wong, M.L.E., Kokkonen, M., & Chew, W.C.E (2017). The use of reflection-card by elite youth basketball players, head coach, and team manager: Effects on players' perf ormance and perceptions of users. Reflective Practice, '`, 1-21.
Li C.X., Koh, K.T., & Guo, Q. (2016). Psychometric properties of the chinese version of the prosocial and antisocial behaviour in sport scale. International Journal of Sport an d Exercise Psychology, '`, 1-11.
Han, S.Y. & Koh, K.T. (2016). Factors associated with the development of decision making skills: A case study of individual sport coaches. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 4(1), 1-17.
Koh, K.T., Camire, M., Lim, S.H., & Soon, W.S (2016). Implementation of a values training programme in physical education and sport: A follow-up study.. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy.,, Advance online publication.
Tan, S.L., Koh, K.T., & Kokkonen, M (2016). The perception of elite athletes' guided self-reflection and performance in archery. Reflective Practice, 17(2), 207-220.
Koh, K.T., Ong, S.W., & Camire Martin (2016). Implementation of a values training program in physical education and sport: perspectives from teache rs, coaches, students, and athletes. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 21(3), 295-312.
Koh, K. T., & Wang, C. K. J (2015). Gender and type of sport differences on perceived coaching behaviours, achievement goal orientations, and life aspirations of youth Olympic games Singaporean athlete s. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13(2), 91-103.
Koh, K. T., Mallett, C. J., Camire, M., & Wang, C. K. J. (2015). A guided reflection intervention for high performance basketball coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal, 2, 273-284.
Li, C.,* Koh, K. T. , Wang, C. K. J., & Chian, L. K. (2015). Sports participation and moral development outcomes: Examination of validity and reliability of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10(2+3), 505-513.
Koh, K.T., *Kawabata, M., & Mallett, C.J. (2014). The Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport:Factor structure examination for Singaporean youth athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 9(6), 1311-1324.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., & Chew, W. C. E. (2014). Participation in physical activ ity and sports in Singapore: Barriers and enablers. International Sports Studies, 36(2), 5-18.
Wang, J. C. K., Liu, W. C., Koh, K. T., & Lim, C. B. S. (2014). Differences in daily step counts among primary, secondary, and junior college students. Journal of Youth Studies, 17(2), 1-8.
Koh, K.T., Foo, K., Sakamoto, G., & Low, A. (2014). The Profile of Coaching and Coach Education in Singapore: Past, Present and Future. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1(2), 94-102.
Koh, K.T., Gordon, A.B., Katherine, F., Dominique, P., & Kee, Y.H. (2014). An investigation of a for malized mentoring program fornovice basketball coaches. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 45(1), 11-32.
Koh, K. T., Kee, Y. H., Bloom, G. A., Wang, J., & Sun, Y. (2013). Perceptions of mentors on a structured mentoring programme for novice coaches: A case study using self-determina tion theory. Journal of Tianjin University of Sport., 28(5), 431-435.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., & Mallet, C. J. (2012). Discriminating factors between successful and unsuccessful elite Youth Olympic female basketball team. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 12, 119-131.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., Erickson, K., & Cote, J. (2012). Experience in competitive youth sport and needs satisfaction: The Singapore story. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 43, 15-32.
Wang, C. K. J., Koh, K. T., Biddle, S. J. H., Liu, W. C., & Chye, S. (2011). Phys ical activity patterns and psychological correlates of physical activity among Singaporean primary, secondary, and junior college students. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research, 6(2), 3-9.
Koh, K. T., Mallet, C. J., & Wang, C. K. J. (2011). Developmental pathways of Singapore's high-performance ba sketball coaches. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 9(4), 338-353.
Chew, W. C. E., Wang C. K. J., Liu, W. C., Koh, K. T., & Lim, B. S. C. (2011). A comparison of physical activity patterns among primary, secondary, and junior college students. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 9(2), 38-43.
Koh, K. T., Wang, J., & Mallett, C. J. (2011). Discriminating factors between successful and unsuccessful teams: A case study in elite Youth Olympic basketball games. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 7(3), Article 21, 1-13.
Pyun, D. Y., Kwon, H. H., Koh, K. T., & Wang, C. K. J. (2010). Perceived coaching leadership of youth athletes in Singapore. Journal of Sport Behavior, 33(1), 25-41.
Kwon, H. H., Koh, K. T., Pyun, D. Y., & Wang, J. (2009). Psychometric properties of Leadership Scale for Sport: The case of Singaporean secondary school athletes. International Journal of Sport Management, 10(4), 367-381.
Koh, K. T., Mallet, C., & Wang, C. K. J. (2009). Examining the ecological validity of the Coaching Behavior Scale (Sports) for basketball. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(2), 261-272.
Wang, C. K. J., Koh, K. T., & Chatzisarantis, N. (2009). An intra-individual analysis of players' perceived coaching behaviours, psychological needs, and achievement goals. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 4(2), 177-192.
Books (Central)
Koh, K.T., & John Wang C.K. (2020). Basketball: A Guide for Physical Education Teachers and Coaches (PP. 200). Singapore: World Scientific.
Koh,K.T., Chung,H.J., & Chia, Y.H. M. (Eds.). (2021). EW Barker's Legacy (PP. 110). Singapore: Time s Publisher.
Isley, N., Koh, K. T., & Wang, C. K. J. (2008). Level 3 basketball coaching manual (Technical) (PP. 99). Singapore: Basketball Association of Basketball.
Koh, K. T., York, T., Teo, H. H., & Wang, C.K.J. (2007). Level 1 integrated basketball coaching manual (PP. 108). S ingapore: Basketball Association of Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Lee, K.S., Tan, M.T., & Teo, H.H. (2006). Basketball Skills Test Manual (PP. 45). Singapore: Pioneer Publisher.
Koh, K.T., Newman, T., & Muhd, S. (Eds.). (2024). Teaching Values and Life Skills through Physical Education and Sp orts: A Practical Toolkit (PP. 100). London: Routledge.
Koh, K.T (Ed.). (2023). Teaching Values and Character in Physical Education and Sports:From Theory to Practice (PP. 70). Singapore: NIE.
Koh, K.T., & Teo, H.H. (2003). Level 1 Basketball Coaching Manual (Technical) (PP. 8 2). Singapore: Basketball Association of Singapore.
Koh,K.T., Chung,H.J., & Chia, Y.H. M. (Eds.). (2021). EW Barker's Legacy (PP. 110). Singapore: Time s Publisher.
Isley, N., Koh, K. T., & Wang, C. K. J. (2008). Level 3 basketball coaching manual (Technical) (PP. 99). Singapore: Basketball Association of Basketball.
Koh, K. T., York, T., Teo, H. H., & Wang, C.K.J. (2007). Level 1 integrated basketball coaching manual (PP. 108). S ingapore: Basketball Association of Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Lee, K.S., Tan, M.T., & Teo, H.H. (2006). Basketball Skills Test Manual (PP. 45). Singapore: Pioneer Publisher.
Koh, K.T., Newman, T., & Muhd, S. (Eds.). (2024). Teaching Values and Life Skills through Physical Education and Sp orts: A Practical Toolkit (PP. 100). London: Routledge.
Koh, K.T (Ed.). (2023). Teaching Values and Character in Physical Education and Sports:From Theory to Practice (PP. 70). Singapore: NIE.
Koh, K.T., & Teo, H.H. (2003). Level 1 Basketball Coaching Manual (Technical) (PP. 8 2). Singapore: Basketball Association of Singapore.
Book Chapters (Central)
Koh, K. T. & Tan, L. Q. W. (2021). Interpersonal Knowledge of Coaching. In C. Nash (Ed.), Practical Sports Coaching 2(PP. xxx). London: Routledge.
Nash, C., Culver, D., Koh, K.T., Thompson, M., Galatti, L., & Duarte, T. (2019). The coaching journey: Learning as lifelong and life-wide. In Richard, T., & Matt, D. (Eds.), Professional advances in sports coaching: Research and Practice(PP. 44-61). London: Routledge.
Koh, K. T., Tan, L. Q. W., Lim T. H. & Lee, G (2022). Coach Development System for Elite Football Coaches in Singapore. In T.M Leeder (Ed.), Coach education in football: Contemporary issues and global perspectives(PP. xxx). London: Routledge.
Chia, M., Koh, K. T. (2019). Physical education preparation for te achers in a physically inactive world. In tba, TBA (Ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education(PP. DOI:9780190264093.013.815). London: Oxford University Press.
Koh, K.T. & Camire, M. (2015). Strategies for the Development of Life Skills and Values through Spo rt Programmes: Review and Recommendations. In Leng, H.K.& Hsu, N.Y. (Eds.), Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia(PP. 241-256). Singapore: IGI Global.
Koh, K. T., Ito, S., Tan, L. Q. W., & M, Sarodo (in press). Coach Education Systems in Asia. In S. Rynne & C. Mallett (Eds.), Handbook of Coach Development in Sport(PP. xxx). London: Routledge.
Huang, H., Chew, W. C. E., Koh, K. T. (2015). Perceived importance and extent of implementation of volunteer management practices: Comparison between national sports associations and eve nt management. In Leng, H. K., Hsu, N. Y. (Ed.), Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia(PP. 258-274). Hershey: IGI Global.
Koh, K.T & Chew, W.C.E. (2015). Coach Education and Learning: Singapore's Story. In Leng, H.K. & Hsu, N.Y. (Eds.), Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia(PP. 275-288). Singapore: IGI Global.
koh, K.T (2009). How Coaches Coach: The Case of High Performance Basketball in Singapore. In Aplin, N (Ed.), Perspectives on PE and Sports Science in Singapore:An Eye on the Youth Olypic Games 20 10(PP. 192-206). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education.
Tan, J., Koh, K.T. and Azhar, M. (2009). Talent Identification and Talent Development in Singapore. In Aplin, N. (Ed.), Perspectives on PE and Sports Science in Singapore:An Eye on the Youth Olympic Games 2010(PP. 222-239). Singapore: M cGraw-Hill Education.
Nash, C., Culver, D., Koh, K.T., Thompson, M., Galatti, L., & Duarte, T. (2019). The coaching journey: Learning as lifelong and life-wide. In Richard, T., & Matt, D. (Eds.), Professional advances in sports coaching: Research and Practice(PP. 44-61). London: Routledge.
Koh, K. T., Tan, L. Q. W., Lim T. H. & Lee, G (2022). Coach Development System for Elite Football Coaches in Singapore. In T.M Leeder (Ed.), Coach education in football: Contemporary issues and global perspectives(PP. xxx). London: Routledge.
Chia, M., Koh, K. T. (2019). Physical education preparation for te achers in a physically inactive world. In tba, TBA (Ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education(PP. DOI:9780190264093.013.815). London: Oxford University Press.
Koh, K.T. & Camire, M. (2015). Strategies for the Development of Life Skills and Values through Spo rt Programmes: Review and Recommendations. In Leng, H.K.& Hsu, N.Y. (Eds.), Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia(PP. 241-256). Singapore: IGI Global.
Koh, K. T., Ito, S., Tan, L. Q. W., & M, Sarodo (in press). Coach Education Systems in Asia. In S. Rynne & C. Mallett (Eds.), Handbook of Coach Development in Sport(PP. xxx). London: Routledge.
Huang, H., Chew, W. C. E., Koh, K. T. (2015). Perceived importance and extent of implementation of volunteer management practices: Comparison between national sports associations and eve nt management. In Leng, H. K., Hsu, N. Y. (Ed.), Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia(PP. 258-274). Hershey: IGI Global.
Koh, K.T & Chew, W.C.E. (2015). Coach Education and Learning: Singapore's Story. In Leng, H.K. & Hsu, N.Y. (Eds.), Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia(PP. 275-288). Singapore: IGI Global.
koh, K.T (2009). How Coaches Coach: The Case of High Performance Basketball in Singapore. In Aplin, N (Ed.), Perspectives on PE and Sports Science in Singapore:An Eye on the Youth Olypic Games 20 10(PP. 192-206). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education.
Tan, J., Koh, K.T. and Azhar, M. (2009). Talent Identification and Talent Development in Singapore. In Aplin, N. (Ed.), Perspectives on PE and Sports Science in Singapore:An Eye on the Youth Olympic Games 2010(PP. 222-239). Singapore: M cGraw-Hill Education.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Koh, K.T. (2023, July). The Effects of a Values and Principles in Sports Coach Education Course Designed to Promote Values-Driven Coaching Styles. In Chengdu FISU World Conference Organizing Committee (Ed.), Chengdu FISU World Conference 2023, 1 , 1-60.
Koh, K.T. (2018, October). Coach Education in Singapore. In Yoon, S.K., Jun, T.W,& Choi, K.Y. (Eds.), Constructing a Happy Sport Field for Future Generations, 1, 26-27.
Kwon, H. H., Pyun, D. Y., Koh, K., & Wang, J. (2008, May). Psychometric properties of leadership scale for s port: The case of Singaporean secondary school athletes. In H. Yoshiro (Ed.), The Annual Conference for the International Council for Health, Phyical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance, 50, 130-134.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., & Mallet, C. (2008, January). Relationships between perceiv ed coaching behaviours and players? motivation in Basketball. In P. Heikinaro-Johansson, R. Telama, & E. McEvoy (Eds.), AIESEP World Congress 2008 Proceedings, 1, 256.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Koh, K.T., John, K., & Tan, E. (2021, June). The Effects of a Values a nd Principles in Sport Programme in Changing Coaching Behaviours. Paper presented at ACPES Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T., and Kokonen, M. (2019, October). Back on podium after medal drought of three decade: Perceived benefits and challenges of integrating psychological skills and reflect ive practice in elite basketball. Paper presented at 12th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Woo, S.X.V., & Koh, K.T. (2019, October). The facilitators and barriers in building a successful programme in elite sport. Paper presented at 12th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Tokyo, J apan.
Koh, K.T., Tou, N.X., Kee, Y.H.A., Camir', M., & Chow, J.Y. (2019, June). Singapore teachers' attitudes towards the use of information and communication technologies in physical education. Paper presented at AIESEP International Conference, New York, United States.
Koh, K.T., Tan, K .S.S., Tan, S.M., and Ang W.B. (2021, June). Understanding the process of implementing physical education syllabus in Singapore schools. Paper presented at 2021 International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) Scientific Conference, Alberta, Canada (Virtual), Sing apore.
Koh, K.T. (2023, November). A Mobile Application for Effective Coaching - Strengthening the Coaching of Values, Life skills, and Sports Skills.. Paper presented at 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. (2023, November). (Symposium)Coach Leadership: Coaching Val ues and Life Skills in Physical Education and Sports - The Singaporean Context. Paper presented at 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Sin, H.X., & Muhammad, S.S. (2022, June). Making effective teaching/coaching visible: A mobile application to quantify sports skills an d values inculcation in physical education and sports. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. (2020, October). My life story with sports LIVE ordinary, ACT Extra-ordinary: A Personal Journey. Paper presented at Sport Singapore Coachin g Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K. T. (2018, November). Teaching Values and Character Through Sport: The Singapore Story. Paper presented at Coaching Better Every Day: Made In Singapore, Singapore.
Koh, K. T. (2018, September). Using Flipped Classroom in the Teaching of Physical Educatio n. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Movement, Health & Exercise; 4th ASEAN Conference on Physical Education & Sport MoHE-ACPES 2018, KL, Malaysia.
Koh, K.T. & Poon, K. (2017, September). Integrating Reflective Practice and Mental Skills Training to Reach Peak Performance: A Case Study. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Physical Education Health and Sport, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
Lim, Z.H. & Koh, K.T. (2017, September). A follow up study of a formalized mentoring program for novice basketball coaches. Paper presented at The 3rd Inter national Conference on Physical Education, Health and Sport, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
Lim, S.H.R & Koh, K.T. (2017, August). Strategies to promote positive youth development through sport: A study of successful high school sport teams in Singapore. Paper presented at 11th International Coun cil of Coaching Excellence (ICCE) Coach Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T., Camire, M., Bloom, G.A., & Wang, C.K.J (2017, July). Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a values-based training program for sport coaches and physical education teachers in Singapore. Paper pr esented at 11th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T. (2017, July). High School Coaching in Singapore. Paper presented at 11th ICCE Global Coach Conference - Syposium on Global High School Coaching in Sports, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T., Camire, M., B loom, G.A., & Wang, C.K.J. (2016, September). Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a values-based training program for sport coaches and physical education teachers. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Physical Education, Health and Sport, Cagayan de Ore City, Philippine s.
Koh, K.T. (2014, November). Physical activity, management to develop youth in Asia: The Singaporean's perspective. Paper presented at Physical activity, management to develop youth in Asia, Nakhon Rachasima Province, Thailand.
Koh, K.T. (2014, July). Symposium on Sport Science and i ts Impact on Pedagogy - Strategies for Teaching Values and Character through PE and Sport. Paper presented at ASIAN Conference for PE & Sports Science, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. & Koh, Y.Z. (2014, June). Developmental Pathways of Mentors in a Structured Mentoring Program. Paper presented at National Coaching Conference, Washington, DC, United States.
Koh, K.T. (2014, March). Trends and issues on physical education in Asia. Paper presented at International Conference on Physical Education, Recreation, Sport Science and Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
Koh, K.T., Bloom, G.A., Fairhu rst, K.E., Paiement, D.M., & Kee Y.H. (2014, February). Symposium on Current Issues in Sport Coaching - MentorshipPaper presented-An Investigation of a Formalized Mentoring Program for Novice Basketball Coaches. Paper presented at AIESEP World Congress 2014., Auckland, New Zealand.
Koh, K.T ., & Ong, S.H. (2013, June). A rethink on strategies used in teaching values through PE and sports programmes. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conferene- A symposium on "Innovation in sports science and management research: Time to rethink practices"., Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Mallett, C.J., & Wang, C.K.J. (2013, June). Relationship between structured reflection and changing coaching behaviour: A case study of high performance basketball coaches.. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Self-determination Theory, Rochester, United States.
Koh, K.T., Kee, Y.H., & Gordon, B. (2012, June). Impact of a structured mentoring programme for sports coaches: A case study.. Paper presented at The Inaugural Tianjin-Singapore International Conference on Sport and Physical Education, Tianjin, China.
Koh, K.T., Kee, Y.H., & Bloom, G. (2012, March). Structur ed mentoring: A programme for effective coaching in the sporting industries. Paper presented at 2nd Joint Symposium on Exercise & Sports Science Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., & Mallett, J. (2011, June). Discriminating factors between successful and unsuccessful elite Youth Olympic Basketball Teams. Paper presented at 1st International of South East Asian University on Physical Education, Recreation, Sport Science and Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., & Mallett, C.J. (2011, June). Discriminating Factors Bewteen Successful and Unsuccessful El ite Youth Olympic Female Basketball Teams. Paper presented at Coaching Conference, Colorado Springs, United States Minor Outlying Islands.
Koh, K.T. (2010, June). Coaching Science in Asia. Paper presented at 12th ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology Symposium: Coaching Science Around the World, Marrakech, Morocco.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., Erickson, K., & Cote, J. (2010, May). Creating a Positive Experience for Youth in Sport: The Singapore Story. Paper presented at III International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science, Singapore.
Chia, M, Wong, P., Ta n, J., Singh, G., & Koh, K. T. (2007, November). Managing Health, Exercise and Physical Activity in Young People in Singapore Schools. Paper presented at Educating for Health Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. (2023, July). The Effects of a Values and Principles in Sports Coach Education Course Designed to Promote Values-Driven Coaching Styles. In Chengdu FISU World Conference Organizing Committee (Ed.), Chengdu FISU World Conference 2023, 1 , 1-60.
Koh, K.T. (2018, October). Coach Education in Singapore. In Yoon, S.K., Jun, T.W,& Choi, K.Y. (Eds.), Constructing a Happy Sport Field for Future Generations, 1, 26-27.
Kwon, H. H., Pyun, D. Y., Koh, K., & Wang, J. (2008, May). Psychometric properties of leadership scale for s port: The case of Singaporean secondary school athletes. In H. Yoshiro (Ed.), The Annual Conference for the International Council for Health, Phyical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance, 50, 130-134.
Koh, K. T., Wang, C. K. J., & Mallet, C. (2008, January). Relationships between perceiv ed coaching behaviours and players? motivation in Basketball. In P. Heikinaro-Johansson, R. Telama, & E. McEvoy (Eds.), AIESEP World Congress 2008 Proceedings, 1, 256.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Koh, K.T., John, K., & Tan, E. (2021, June). The Effects of a Values a nd Principles in Sport Programme in Changing Coaching Behaviours. Paper presented at ACPES Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T., and Kokonen, M. (2019, October). Back on podium after medal drought of three decade: Perceived benefits and challenges of integrating psychological skills and reflect ive practice in elite basketball. Paper presented at 12th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Woo, S.X.V., & Koh, K.T. (2019, October). The facilitators and barriers in building a successful programme in elite sport. Paper presented at 12th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Tokyo, J apan.
Koh, K.T., Tou, N.X., Kee, Y.H.A., Camir', M., & Chow, J.Y. (2019, June). Singapore teachers' attitudes towards the use of information and communication technologies in physical education. Paper presented at AIESEP International Conference, New York, United States.
Koh, K.T., Tan, K .S.S., Tan, S.M., and Ang W.B. (2021, June). Understanding the process of implementing physical education syllabus in Singapore schools. Paper presented at 2021 International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) Scientific Conference, Alberta, Canada (Virtual), Sing apore.
Koh, K.T. (2023, November). A Mobile Application for Effective Coaching - Strengthening the Coaching of Values, Life skills, and Sports Skills.. Paper presented at 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. (2023, November). (Symposium)Coach Leadership: Coaching Val ues and Life Skills in Physical Education and Sports - The Singaporean Context. Paper presented at 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Sin, H.X., & Muhammad, S.S. (2022, June). Making effective teaching/coaching visible: A mobile application to quantify sports skills an d values inculcation in physical education and sports. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. (2020, October). My life story with sports LIVE ordinary, ACT Extra-ordinary: A Personal Journey. Paper presented at Sport Singapore Coachin g Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K. T. (2018, November). Teaching Values and Character Through Sport: The Singapore Story. Paper presented at Coaching Better Every Day: Made In Singapore, Singapore.
Koh, K. T. (2018, September). Using Flipped Classroom in the Teaching of Physical Educatio n. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Movement, Health & Exercise; 4th ASEAN Conference on Physical Education & Sport MoHE-ACPES 2018, KL, Malaysia.
Koh, K.T. & Poon, K. (2017, September). Integrating Reflective Practice and Mental Skills Training to Reach Peak Performance: A Case Study. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Physical Education Health and Sport, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
Lim, Z.H. & Koh, K.T. (2017, September). A follow up study of a formalized mentoring program for novice basketball coaches. Paper presented at The 3rd Inter national Conference on Physical Education, Health and Sport, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
Lim, S.H.R & Koh, K.T. (2017, August). Strategies to promote positive youth development through sport: A study of successful high school sport teams in Singapore. Paper presented at 11th International Coun cil of Coaching Excellence (ICCE) Coach Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T., Camire, M., Bloom, G.A., & Wang, C.K.J (2017, July). Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a values-based training program for sport coaches and physical education teachers in Singapore. Paper pr esented at 11th ICCE Global Coach Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T. (2017, July). High School Coaching in Singapore. Paper presented at 11th ICCE Global Coach Conference - Syposium on Global High School Coaching in Sports, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T., Camire, M., B loom, G.A., & Wang, C.K.J. (2016, September). Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a values-based training program for sport coaches and physical education teachers. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Physical Education, Health and Sport, Cagayan de Ore City, Philippine s.
Koh, K.T. (2014, November). Physical activity, management to develop youth in Asia: The Singaporean's perspective. Paper presented at Physical activity, management to develop youth in Asia, Nakhon Rachasima Province, Thailand.
Koh, K.T. (2014, July). Symposium on Sport Science and i ts Impact on Pedagogy - Strategies for Teaching Values and Character through PE and Sport. Paper presented at ASIAN Conference for PE & Sports Science, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. & Koh, Y.Z. (2014, June). Developmental Pathways of Mentors in a Structured Mentoring Program. Paper presented at National Coaching Conference, Washington, DC, United States.
Koh, K.T. (2014, March). Trends and issues on physical education in Asia. Paper presented at International Conference on Physical Education, Recreation, Sport Science and Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
Koh, K.T., Bloom, G.A., Fairhu rst, K.E., Paiement, D.M., & Kee Y.H. (2014, February). Symposium on Current Issues in Sport Coaching - MentorshipPaper presented-An Investigation of a Formalized Mentoring Program for Novice Basketball Coaches. Paper presented at AIESEP World Congress 2014., Auckland, New Zealand.
Koh, K.T ., & Ong, S.H. (2013, June). A rethink on strategies used in teaching values through PE and sports programmes. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conferene- A symposium on "Innovation in sports science and management research: Time to rethink practices"., Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Mallett, C.J., & Wang, C.K.J. (2013, June). Relationship between structured reflection and changing coaching behaviour: A case study of high performance basketball coaches.. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Self-determination Theory, Rochester, United States.
Koh, K.T., Kee, Y.H., & Gordon, B. (2012, June). Impact of a structured mentoring programme for sports coaches: A case study.. Paper presented at The Inaugural Tianjin-Singapore International Conference on Sport and Physical Education, Tianjin, China.
Koh, K.T., Kee, Y.H., & Bloom, G. (2012, March). Structur ed mentoring: A programme for effective coaching in the sporting industries. Paper presented at 2nd Joint Symposium on Exercise & Sports Science Conference, Singapore.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., & Mallett, J. (2011, June). Discriminating factors between successful and unsuccessful elite Youth Olympic Basketball Teams. Paper presented at 1st International of South East Asian University on Physical Education, Recreation, Sport Science and Health, Bangkok, Thailand.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., & Mallett, C.J. (2011, June). Discriminating Factors Bewteen Successful and Unsuccessful El ite Youth Olympic Female Basketball Teams. Paper presented at Coaching Conference, Colorado Springs, United States Minor Outlying Islands.
Koh, K.T. (2010, June). Coaching Science in Asia. Paper presented at 12th ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology Symposium: Coaching Science Around the World, Marrakech, Morocco.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., Erickson, K., & Cote, J. (2010, May). Creating a Positive Experience for Youth in Sport: The Singapore Story. Paper presented at III International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science, Singapore.
Chia, M, Wong, P., Ta n, J., Singh, G., & Koh, K. T. (2007, November). Managing Health, Exercise and Physical Activity in Young People in Singapore Schools. Paper presented at Educating for Health Conference, Singapore.
Creative Works (Central)
Koh, K.T., & Chua, A (2016). Basketball Instructional Videos [ Others ].Singapore
Koh, K.T. (2013). Mentoring Programme for Basketball Coaches [ Others ].Singapore
Koh, K.T. (2013). Mentoring Programme for Basketball Coaches [ Others ].Singapore
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Conference Proceedings
Koh, K.T. (Ed.) (2013). 4th ASEAN Universities Physical and Sports Conference. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4th ASEAN Universities Physical and Sports Conference. Thailand
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Koh, K.T. (Ed.) (in press). SAGE Open, A machine learning approach to 'revisit' specialization and sampling in institutionalized practice, SS.
Keynote Addresses
Koh, K.T. (2021, October). From Pandemic to Endemic: Good Practices in Physical Education and Sports. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Pandemic to Endemic: T eaching and Coaching Strategies for PE and Sports, Surabaya (Virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2021, August). International Webinar: Teaching Physical Education during the COVID 19 Pandemic. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Teaching Physical Education during the Covid-19 (Singapore), Virtual, Malaysia.
Koh , K.T. (2021, October). 3rd International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Teaching and Coaching Strategies During Pandemic Recovery Phase, Surabaya (Virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2019, November). 8th International Conference for Ma naging the Asian Century Conference: From Smart City to Future City. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The use of information communication & technology in physical education: Perception, opportunities and challenges., Bali, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2017, November). PAP COMMUNITY FOUNDATION CONFERENCE 2017: EM POWERING EDUCATORS, EMBRACING CHANGE. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Teaching Values and Character through Physical Activities: A Rethink on 'What' and 'How' We Do, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. (2024, June). International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Coaching Strategies for Enhancement of Student-athletes' Well-being and Physical Activity Participation, Shanghai, China.
Koh, K.T. (2024, May). Sport Coaching Conference: Back to the Coalface. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Coaching and Evaluating Values, Character and 21 Century Competencies Skills through Spor ts Programme, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T. (2023, June). Sports Industry as A Platform to Promote Health and Strengthen the Economy. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Sport Preneurship as a Business Opportunity to Support the Sports Industry, Samarang, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2023, June). Interna tional Conference of Sports and Exercise Science Students (ICSESS) organized by the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Sciences. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Research scenario in sports education, Kulua Lumpar, Malaysia.
Koh, K.T. (2023, April). World Physical Education Alliance Conference. KEYNOTE ADDR ESS, The History and Development of Physical Education in Singapore, Shanghai (online), China.
Koh, K.T. (2022, October). The Evolution & Growth of Physical Education, Sport, and Health in the New Normal. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Planning, Delivering and Evaluating Values and Character in Physical Education & Sports: Implications and Future Directions, Medan, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2022, September). 2nd International Conference on PE, Sport, and Health. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Quantifying the teaching of values and sport skills in physical education and sport programmes - An evidence-based m obile application, Surabaya (virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2021, November). International Webinar on New Perspective in Sports, Physical Education and Recreation Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Strategies and Practices for Physical Educators and Sport Coaches in the New Normal, Iligan City, Philippines.
Koh,K.T. (2021, September). Global Initiatives and Strategies for Sustainable Extension Program. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Health-Promotion Programmes & Initiatives in Singapore, Virtual, Philippines.
Koh, K.T. (2021, April). The 5th ISMINA International Conference on Sports, Health, and Physical Education: Transformation on Sports, Health & Physical Education Facing the Global Pandemic. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Training Methods and Programs during Pandemic, Semarang (Virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2020, December). 10th International Conference on Sports and E xercise Science (ICSES) and the 6th International Conference of ASEAN Council of Physical Education and Sport (ACPES). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, How physical education and sport is changing in the time of COVID 19 pandemic?, Bangkok (Virtual), Thailand.
Koh, K.T. (2019, November). 1st UNIMED Interna tional Conference on Sport Science (UNICoSS): Sport Sciences in Disruptive Era - Challenges and Opportunities. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Integrating psychological skills and reflective practice for peak performance: Opportunities and challenges., Medan, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2018, October). Sport Sc ience at a Crossroad of Transition: Challenges and Opportunities.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Positive Youth Development and Coaching Practices, Iksan City, Korea.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Physical Education Curriculum and Teaching Workshop 2017. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Strategic Plan and Practice of Physical Education in Singapore, Changhua, Taiwan.
Koh, K.T. (2017, April). 4th International Conference on Physical Education, Sport, and Health and Workshop. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Challenge for Physical Education in Singapore, Semarang, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2014, October). International Seminar of Sport and Exercise Science.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Efficacy of using Game Reflection-cards to enhance Learning and Performance: The Process & Perceived Outcomes, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (Ed.) (2013). 4th ASEAN Universities Physical and Sports Conference. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4th ASEAN Universities Physical and Sports Conference. Thailand
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Koh, K.T. (Ed.) (in press). SAGE Open, A machine learning approach to 'revisit' specialization and sampling in institutionalized practice, SS.
Keynote Addresses
Koh, K.T. (2021, October). From Pandemic to Endemic: Good Practices in Physical Education and Sports. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Pandemic to Endemic: T eaching and Coaching Strategies for PE and Sports, Surabaya (Virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2021, August). International Webinar: Teaching Physical Education during the COVID 19 Pandemic. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Teaching Physical Education during the Covid-19 (Singapore), Virtual, Malaysia.
Koh , K.T. (2021, October). 3rd International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Teaching and Coaching Strategies During Pandemic Recovery Phase, Surabaya (Virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2019, November). 8th International Conference for Ma naging the Asian Century Conference: From Smart City to Future City. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The use of information communication & technology in physical education: Perception, opportunities and challenges., Bali, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2017, November). PAP COMMUNITY FOUNDATION CONFERENCE 2017: EM POWERING EDUCATORS, EMBRACING CHANGE. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Teaching Values and Character through Physical Activities: A Rethink on 'What' and 'How' We Do, Singapore.
Koh, K.T. (2024, June). International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Coaching Strategies for Enhancement of Student-athletes' Well-being and Physical Activity Participation, Shanghai, China.
Koh, K.T. (2024, May). Sport Coaching Conference: Back to the Coalface. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Coaching and Evaluating Values, Character and 21 Century Competencies Skills through Spor ts Programme, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Koh, K.T. (2023, June). Sports Industry as A Platform to Promote Health and Strengthen the Economy. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Sport Preneurship as a Business Opportunity to Support the Sports Industry, Samarang, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2023, June). Interna tional Conference of Sports and Exercise Science Students (ICSESS) organized by the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Sciences. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Research scenario in sports education, Kulua Lumpar, Malaysia.
Koh, K.T. (2023, April). World Physical Education Alliance Conference. KEYNOTE ADDR ESS, The History and Development of Physical Education in Singapore, Shanghai (online), China.
Koh, K.T. (2022, October). The Evolution & Growth of Physical Education, Sport, and Health in the New Normal. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Planning, Delivering and Evaluating Values and Character in Physical Education & Sports: Implications and Future Directions, Medan, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2022, September). 2nd International Conference on PE, Sport, and Health. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Quantifying the teaching of values and sport skills in physical education and sport programmes - An evidence-based m obile application, Surabaya (virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2021, November). International Webinar on New Perspective in Sports, Physical Education and Recreation Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Strategies and Practices for Physical Educators and Sport Coaches in the New Normal, Iligan City, Philippines.
Koh,K.T. (2021, September). Global Initiatives and Strategies for Sustainable Extension Program. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Health-Promotion Programmes & Initiatives in Singapore, Virtual, Philippines.
Koh, K.T. (2021, April). The 5th ISMINA International Conference on Sports, Health, and Physical Education: Transformation on Sports, Health & Physical Education Facing the Global Pandemic. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Training Methods and Programs during Pandemic, Semarang (Virtual), Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2020, December). 10th International Conference on Sports and E xercise Science (ICSES) and the 6th International Conference of ASEAN Council of Physical Education and Sport (ACPES). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, How physical education and sport is changing in the time of COVID 19 pandemic?, Bangkok (Virtual), Thailand.
Koh, K.T. (2019, November). 1st UNIMED Interna tional Conference on Sport Science (UNICoSS): Sport Sciences in Disruptive Era - Challenges and Opportunities. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Integrating psychological skills and reflective practice for peak performance: Opportunities and challenges., Medan, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2018, October). Sport Sc ience at a Crossroad of Transition: Challenges and Opportunities.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Positive Youth Development and Coaching Practices, Iksan City, Korea.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Physical Education Curriculum and Teaching Workshop 2017. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Strategic Plan and Practice of Physical Education in Singapore, Changhua, Taiwan.
Koh, K.T. (2017, April). 4th International Conference on Physical Education, Sport, and Health and Workshop. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Challenge for Physical Education in Singapore, Semarang, Indonesia.
Koh, K.T. (2014, October). International Seminar of Sport and Exercise Science.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Efficacy of using Game Reflection-cards to enhance Learning and Performance: The Process & Perceived Outcomes, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Koh.K.T (in press). [Review of An Overview of Seven International High Performance Coach Education Programs]. International Sport Coaching Journal, xxx.
Koh, K.T. (in press). [Review of The effect of head coach leadership styles on perceived cohesion of team]. I nternational Sport Coaching Journal, xxx.
Koh, K.T. (2014). [Review of A review of appropriate approaches to coaching: Mastery, autonomy, and transformation]. International Sport Coaching Journal, xxx.
Koh, K.T. (2013). [Review of Coach as a transformational leader and optimal devel opment of young male volleyball players: A qualitative investigation]. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, xx.
Koh, K.T. (2012). [Review of Supporting the Sport Commitment Perspective of Athlete Burnout]. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, xxx.
Patent/Licences/Commerical Products
Koh, K.T. (2021). NIE Coach Observation. PATENT NO.1540244000.
Professional Articles
Koh, K.T. (2021, December). Learning@NIE Coaching observation tool: The next frontier of values-driven sport practitioner feedback, 6, 16-19.
Koh, K.T. (2021, July). Singapore Physical Education Association Newsletter Motivational Strategies for Athletes in the Pandemic: A Self-Determined Approach, 26 (1), 20-26.
Koh, K. T. (2020, February). Singapore Physical Educa tion Association Newsletter Post Covid-19 and Beyond: Maintaining Quality Teaching and Learning in PE and Sports - Recommendations for a New Normal in Planning and Executing PE and Sports Lessons, 25 (2), 7-10.
Koh, K. T., Kee, Y. H., Chow, J. Y., & Camir', M. (2019, December). NIE Research Brief Series The Use of Information Communication and TechnologiesTools to Maximize Students' Learning in Physical Education in Singapore Schools, 19-032, 1-3.
Koh, K.T., & Ho, L. (2019, January). NIEWS Flipped Learning in PE, 106, XXX.
Swarup, M., & Koh, K.T. (2018, October). NIE WS The Next-Gen Physical Education Teacher Education ' from evolution to innovation, 105, XXX.
Koh, K. T. (2015, September). Quality Sport Programme Administrative and Training Manual Quality Sport Programme Administrative and Training Manual, 1, 1-30.
Koh, K.T. & Camire, M. (2015, Ja nuary). Singapore Physical Education Association Newsletter Strategies for Values-Driven Education through Phyiscal Education & Sport, 1, 15-22.
Koh, K.T., & Effendy, Y. (2011, December). Singapore Physical Education Association Newsletter Mentoring Programme in Schools- A Personal Journ ey, 2, 9-11.
Koh, K.T. (2010, September). Coaching & Development Committee Newsletter FIBA 33- So Fast, So Furious., 3, 6-7.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Koh, K.T. (2020, September). Coach Education and Development Pathways, 15.
Koh, K. T. (2015, August). 28th SEA Ga mes Basketball Report, 9.
Koh, K.T. (2014, August). FIBA Asia Basketball Championship, 35.
Koh, K.T. (2014, February). SEA Games 2013 Team Manager Report for the National Senior Basketball Men's Team, 10.
Koh, K.T., Kee, Y.H., & Bloom, G. (2013, January). Career Transition and Structured Me ntoring: A programme for effective coaching in the sporting industries., 31.
Koh K. T. (2024, February). Coaching Values and Life Skills Through Basketball Clinic (Pilot Project), 28.
Koh, K.T. & Chia, P.H.J (2022, July). Traditional Sports and Games (TSGs) in Singapore, 25.
Wang, C. K. J., Pyun, D. Y., Koh, K. T., & Kown, H. H. (2017, January). Teacher Burnout and Teaching Effectiveness in Singapore, 44.
Koh, K.T. (2013, May). FIBA Asia Level 1 Coaching Clinic Report (Bangladesh), 25.
Koh, K.T., & Wang, C.K.J (2013, January). Perceived coaching behaviours and motivation of 1st Youth Olympic Games athletes., 23.
Hshieh, C.C. & Koh, K.T. (2011, December). Evaluation and Feedback Tool for School Coaches (Sports), 14.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., Erickson, K., Cote, J., Hshieh, C.C., & Tay, L.H. (2009, December). The Development Profile of Performance Coaches for Young Adol escents in Singapore Schools, 12.
Koh, K.T. (2009, June). Evaluation and Feedback Tool for High Performance Basketball Teams, 12.
Workshops and Seminars
Koh, K.T. (2021, March). Flipped teaching and learning in physical education classes.
Koh, K.T. (2021, March). Livin g in New Normal: Flipped Learning with Authentic Resources.
Koh, K.T. (2021, March). PE in Singapore during Covid-19 and Post-Covid-19.
Koh, K.T. (2021, April). Blended learning in physical education: Principles and strategies for quality teaching and learning experience.
Koh, K.T. (2020, September). Webinar on Innovative Flexible Teaching (InFLeX) Modalities for Physical Education and Health.
Koh K.T. (2024, May). Using Technology to Inform Explicit Coaching of Values and Life Skills in Sport Programmes.
Koh, K.T. (2024, April). Effective Coac hing: The Power of Technology in Enhancing Coaches' Intra-personal Knowledge.
Koh, K.T. (2024, April). The Effects of a Values and Principles in Sports Coach Education Course Designed to Promote Values-Driven Coaching Styles.
Koh K.T. (2024, March). A Call for a Re-Examination of Coaching and Assessment of Values and Life Skills Development in Physical Education and Sport.
Koh K.T. (2024, March). Effective and Holistic Coaching: Reflections on Strategies and Approaches.
Koh, K.T. (2024, January). Quality Schools Sports Programme: A ProposalA Call to Reth ink How We Develop and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Coaching Values & Life Skills through Sports.
Koh, K.T. (2024, January). Quality Schools Sports Programme: A Proposal Rethink How We Develop and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Coaching Values & Life Skills Through Sports.
Koh, K.T. (2024, January). Evaluating Values and Life Skills (21st CC, social-emotional) DevelopmentQuality School Sports Programme.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Coaching Redefined: Prioritizing Values and Life Skills Development in Sports and Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February) . Coaching Redefined: Prioritizing Values and Life Skills Development in Sports and Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Coaching Redefined: Prioritizing Values and Life Skills Development in Sports and Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Effective and H olistic Coaching Strategies.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Research Seminar: Strategies to Win Grants and Publish in High-Impact Journals.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Coaching Values and Life Skills Through Basketball.
Koh K,T. (2023, May). Effective Pedagogy in Deliverin g Quality Physical Education Lessons.
Koh, K.T. (2023, March). NIE Coaching Observation Application.
Koh, K.T. (2023, March). Peak Performance for Pistor Shooters- Mental Skills and Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T (2022, December). WABC Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2022, November). Peak Performance for Pistor Shooters- Mental Skills and Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T. (2022, October). SG-Coach Level 1 Integrated Basketball Coaching Course.
Koh, K.T. (2022, September). Coaching Matters Virtual Forum - Coach as Leader .
Koh,K.T. (2022, April). NIE Coaching Application: A tool for quantifying sport skills and values during PE and Sport lessons.
Koh, K.T., Heng, K., & Mohd, S. (2022, April). A dialogue with PGDE student teachers on Character & Citizen Education in the Singapore context.
Koh, K.T. (2022, February). Holistic Health: Programmes, Initiatives, and Implementation Strategies.
Koh, K.T. (2020, October). Quality Teaching and Learning in Physical Education and Sports During Covid-19 Crisis: Practices and Recommendations.
Koh, K.T. (2020, August). Athletes D evelopment Systems and Models.
Koh, K.T. (2020, March). Physical Education Teacher Education in Singapore: Opportunities and Challenges.
Koh. K.T. (2019, December). Peak Performance for CCA Athletes.
Koh, K.T (2019, November). Integrated Basketball SG-Coach Level 1.
Koh, K. T. (2019, May). Promoting Positive Youth Development in Sport: The Role of CCA Teachers and Coaches.
Koh K.T. (2019, March). Developing ICT Instructional Materials for Teaching of Basketball Module ' A Response to Meeting 21st Century Learners.
Koh, K.T. (2019, March) . SG-Coach Level 1: Delivery Methods.
Koh. K.T. (2018, December). WABC Level 1 Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2018, November). Using ICT in Teaching of PE.
Koh, K.T. (2018, November). Teaching Values Through PE and Sports.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Innovative coaching strategies in teaching values through sports.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Use of Information Communication and Technology in Teaching PE.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Innovation coaching strategies in teaching values through sports.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Use of Information Communication and Technology in Teaching PE.
Christine, N., Melissa, T., Koh, K.T., & Diane, C. (2017, July). Coach as A Lifelong Learner.
Koh, K.T. (2017, April). Basketball Coaching for Students Athletes.
Koh, K.T. (2017, March). Effective Pedagogy in Teaching Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2017, March). Reflective Practice for CCA Athletes (Sports).
Koh, K.T. (2016, December). FIBA Asia Level 2 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2016, September). FIBA Asia Level 3 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K. T. (2 016, August). Strategies in Teaching Values through PE and Sport - Part II.
Koh, K. T. (2016, June). The use of reflection-cards to enhance youth athletes' development and performance.
Koh, K.T. (2016, June). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K. T. (201 6, May). Strategies in Teaching Values through PE and Sport - Part I.
Koh, K.T., & Mah S.S. (2016, March). FIBA 3x3 Referees and Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2015, December). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2015, December). FIBA Asia Level 2 B asketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2015, May). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K. T. (2015, March). Peak Performance: The Power of Mental Skills & Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T. (2014, November). Mental Skills & Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T . (2014, November). Strategies on Students-centric, Values-driven Coaching Pedagogy.
Koh, K.T. (2014, August). Asean Forum and International Conference on Sport Science and Technology (AFICSST).
Koh, K.T (2014, March). Trends and Challenges of Physical Education in Singapore a nd ASEAN Communities.
Koh, K.T. (2013, November). Peak Performance: The Power of Mental Skill & Reflective Practice II.
Koh, K.T. (2013, October). Teaching Values Through Basketball.
Koh, K.T. (2013, October). Peak Performance: The Power of Mental Skill & Reflective Pra ctice I.
Koh, K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Basketball Specialised Positional Training for Schools Team Players-2.
Koh, K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Workshop for CCA Teachers-1.
Koh,K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Basketball Specialised Positional Tra ining for Schools Team Players-1.
Koh, K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Workshop for CCA Teachers-2.
Koh, K.T. (2013, August). Trends and Issues in PE: Singapore & ASEAN Countries.
Koh, K.T. (2013, August). Physical Education in Singapore.
Koh, K .T. (2013, July). Teaching values through PE & Sport: The How?.
Koh, K. T. (2013, July). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T (2013, May). Teaching Values Through PE and Sports - A Case Study.
Koh, K.T. (2012, October). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Wor kshop for CCA Teachers-2.
Koh, K.T. (2012, July). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Workshop for CCA Teachers-1.
Koh, K.T. (2012, July). Teaching of Invasion Games.
Koh, K.T. (2012, April). Management Basketball Team Workshop for CCA Teachers.
KOh K, T. (2012, February). Sport Administrator Workshop.
Koh, K.T. (2011, August). Career Transition and Coaching.
Koh, K.T. (2011, July). Structured Mentoring Programme for Basketball Coaches.
Koh, K.T. (2010, August). East Zone Centre of Excellence (EZCOE)Sports Fest.
Koh, K.T. (2010 , July). Sports Coaching - Evaluating Coaches' Work.
Koh, K.T. (2010, July). Effective Teaching of PE for Non-trained Primary School Teachers.
Koh, K.T. (2010, May). Sports Seminar.
Koh, K.T. (2010, April). Learn to Teach Basketball Programme.
Koh, K.T. (2009, February). Basketball Programme and Leadership Feedback Workshop.
Koh, K.T. (2019). Systematic Observation & Feedback Tool for Coaches and PE Teachers . Singapore: NIE IN-Learning Team.
Koh, K.T. (in press). Learning Basketball On-line . Singapore: NIE.
Koh.K.T (in press). [Review of An Overview of Seven International High Performance Coach Education Programs]. International Sport Coaching Journal, xxx.
Koh, K.T. (in press). [Review of The effect of head coach leadership styles on perceived cohesion of team]. I nternational Sport Coaching Journal, xxx.
Koh, K.T. (2014). [Review of A review of appropriate approaches to coaching: Mastery, autonomy, and transformation]. International Sport Coaching Journal, xxx.
Koh, K.T. (2013). [Review of Coach as a transformational leader and optimal devel opment of young male volleyball players: A qualitative investigation]. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, xx.
Koh, K.T. (2012). [Review of Supporting the Sport Commitment Perspective of Athlete Burnout]. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, xxx.
Patent/Licences/Commerical Products
Koh, K.T. (2021). NIE Coach Observation. PATENT NO.1540244000.
Professional Articles
Koh, K.T. (2021, December). Learning@NIE Coaching observation tool: The next frontier of values-driven sport practitioner feedback, 6, 16-19.
Koh, K.T. (2021, July). Singapore Physical Education Association Newsletter Motivational Strategies for Athletes in the Pandemic: A Self-Determined Approach, 26 (1), 20-26.
Koh, K. T. (2020, February). Singapore Physical Educa tion Association Newsletter Post Covid-19 and Beyond: Maintaining Quality Teaching and Learning in PE and Sports - Recommendations for a New Normal in Planning and Executing PE and Sports Lessons, 25 (2), 7-10.
Koh, K. T., Kee, Y. H., Chow, J. Y., & Camir', M. (2019, December). NIE Research Brief Series The Use of Information Communication and TechnologiesTools to Maximize Students' Learning in Physical Education in Singapore Schools, 19-032, 1-3.
Koh, K.T., & Ho, L. (2019, January). NIEWS Flipped Learning in PE, 106, XXX.
Swarup, M., & Koh, K.T. (2018, October). NIE WS The Next-Gen Physical Education Teacher Education ' from evolution to innovation, 105, XXX.
Koh, K. T. (2015, September). Quality Sport Programme Administrative and Training Manual Quality Sport Programme Administrative and Training Manual, 1, 1-30.
Koh, K.T. & Camire, M. (2015, Ja nuary). Singapore Physical Education Association Newsletter Strategies for Values-Driven Education through Phyiscal Education & Sport, 1, 15-22.
Koh, K.T., & Effendy, Y. (2011, December). Singapore Physical Education Association Newsletter Mentoring Programme in Schools- A Personal Journ ey, 2, 9-11.
Koh, K.T. (2010, September). Coaching & Development Committee Newsletter FIBA 33- So Fast, So Furious., 3, 6-7.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Koh, K.T. (2020, September). Coach Education and Development Pathways, 15.
Koh, K. T. (2015, August). 28th SEA Ga mes Basketball Report, 9.
Koh, K.T. (2014, August). FIBA Asia Basketball Championship, 35.
Koh, K.T. (2014, February). SEA Games 2013 Team Manager Report for the National Senior Basketball Men's Team, 10.
Koh, K.T., Kee, Y.H., & Bloom, G. (2013, January). Career Transition and Structured Me ntoring: A programme for effective coaching in the sporting industries., 31.
Koh K. T. (2024, February). Coaching Values and Life Skills Through Basketball Clinic (Pilot Project), 28.
Koh, K.T. & Chia, P.H.J (2022, July). Traditional Sports and Games (TSGs) in Singapore, 25.
Wang, C. K. J., Pyun, D. Y., Koh, K. T., & Kown, H. H. (2017, January). Teacher Burnout and Teaching Effectiveness in Singapore, 44.
Koh, K.T. (2013, May). FIBA Asia Level 1 Coaching Clinic Report (Bangladesh), 25.
Koh, K.T., & Wang, C.K.J (2013, January). Perceived coaching behaviours and motivation of 1st Youth Olympic Games athletes., 23.
Hshieh, C.C. & Koh, K.T. (2011, December). Evaluation and Feedback Tool for School Coaches (Sports), 14.
Koh, K.T., Wang, C.K.J., Erickson, K., Cote, J., Hshieh, C.C., & Tay, L.H. (2009, December). The Development Profile of Performance Coaches for Young Adol escents in Singapore Schools, 12.
Koh, K.T. (2009, June). Evaluation and Feedback Tool for High Performance Basketball Teams, 12.
Workshops and Seminars
Koh, K.T. (2021, March). Flipped teaching and learning in physical education classes.
Koh, K.T. (2021, March). Livin g in New Normal: Flipped Learning with Authentic Resources.
Koh, K.T. (2021, March). PE in Singapore during Covid-19 and Post-Covid-19.
Koh, K.T. (2021, April). Blended learning in physical education: Principles and strategies for quality teaching and learning experience.
Koh, K.T. (2020, September). Webinar on Innovative Flexible Teaching (InFLeX) Modalities for Physical Education and Health.
Koh K.T. (2024, May). Using Technology to Inform Explicit Coaching of Values and Life Skills in Sport Programmes.
Koh, K.T. (2024, April). Effective Coac hing: The Power of Technology in Enhancing Coaches' Intra-personal Knowledge.
Koh, K.T. (2024, April). The Effects of a Values and Principles in Sports Coach Education Course Designed to Promote Values-Driven Coaching Styles.
Koh K.T. (2024, March). A Call for a Re-Examination of Coaching and Assessment of Values and Life Skills Development in Physical Education and Sport.
Koh K.T. (2024, March). Effective and Holistic Coaching: Reflections on Strategies and Approaches.
Koh, K.T. (2024, January). Quality Schools Sports Programme: A ProposalA Call to Reth ink How We Develop and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Coaching Values & Life Skills through Sports.
Koh, K.T. (2024, January). Quality Schools Sports Programme: A Proposal Rethink How We Develop and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Coaching Values & Life Skills Through Sports.
Koh, K.T. (2024, January). Evaluating Values and Life Skills (21st CC, social-emotional) DevelopmentQuality School Sports Programme.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Coaching Redefined: Prioritizing Values and Life Skills Development in Sports and Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February) . Coaching Redefined: Prioritizing Values and Life Skills Development in Sports and Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Coaching Redefined: Prioritizing Values and Life Skills Development in Sports and Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Effective and H olistic Coaching Strategies.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Research Seminar: Strategies to Win Grants and Publish in High-Impact Journals.
Koh, K.T. (2024, February). Coaching Values and Life Skills Through Basketball.
Koh K,T. (2023, May). Effective Pedagogy in Deliverin g Quality Physical Education Lessons.
Koh, K.T. (2023, March). NIE Coaching Observation Application.
Koh, K.T. (2023, March). Peak Performance for Pistor Shooters- Mental Skills and Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T (2022, December). WABC Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2022, November). Peak Performance for Pistor Shooters- Mental Skills and Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T. (2022, October). SG-Coach Level 1 Integrated Basketball Coaching Course.
Koh, K.T. (2022, September). Coaching Matters Virtual Forum - Coach as Leader .
Koh,K.T. (2022, April). NIE Coaching Application: A tool for quantifying sport skills and values during PE and Sport lessons.
Koh, K.T., Heng, K., & Mohd, S. (2022, April). A dialogue with PGDE student teachers on Character & Citizen Education in the Singapore context.
Koh, K.T. (2022, February). Holistic Health: Programmes, Initiatives, and Implementation Strategies.
Koh, K.T. (2020, October). Quality Teaching and Learning in Physical Education and Sports During Covid-19 Crisis: Practices and Recommendations.
Koh, K.T. (2020, August). Athletes D evelopment Systems and Models.
Koh, K.T. (2020, March). Physical Education Teacher Education in Singapore: Opportunities and Challenges.
Koh. K.T. (2019, December). Peak Performance for CCA Athletes.
Koh, K.T (2019, November). Integrated Basketball SG-Coach Level 1.
Koh, K. T. (2019, May). Promoting Positive Youth Development in Sport: The Role of CCA Teachers and Coaches.
Koh K.T. (2019, March). Developing ICT Instructional Materials for Teaching of Basketball Module ' A Response to Meeting 21st Century Learners.
Koh, K.T. (2019, March) . SG-Coach Level 1: Delivery Methods.
Koh. K.T. (2018, December). WABC Level 1 Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2018, November). Using ICT in Teaching of PE.
Koh, K.T. (2018, November). Teaching Values Through PE and Sports.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Innovative coaching strategies in teaching values through sports.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Use of Information Communication and Technology in Teaching PE.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Innovation coaching strategies in teaching values through sports.
Koh, K.T. (2017, October). Use of Information Communication and Technology in Teaching PE.
Christine, N., Melissa, T., Koh, K.T., & Diane, C. (2017, July). Coach as A Lifelong Learner.
Koh, K.T. (2017, April). Basketball Coaching for Students Athletes.
Koh, K.T. (2017, March). Effective Pedagogy in Teaching Physical Education.
Koh, K.T. (2017, March). Reflective Practice for CCA Athletes (Sports).
Koh, K.T. (2016, December). FIBA Asia Level 2 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2016, September). FIBA Asia Level 3 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K. T. (2 016, August). Strategies in Teaching Values through PE and Sport - Part II.
Koh, K. T. (2016, June). The use of reflection-cards to enhance youth athletes' development and performance.
Koh, K.T. (2016, June). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K. T. (201 6, May). Strategies in Teaching Values through PE and Sport - Part I.
Koh, K.T., & Mah S.S. (2016, March). FIBA 3x3 Referees and Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2015, December). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2015, December). FIBA Asia Level 2 B asketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T. (2015, May). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K. T. (2015, March). Peak Performance: The Power of Mental Skills & Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T. (2014, November). Mental Skills & Reflective Practice.
Koh, K.T . (2014, November). Strategies on Students-centric, Values-driven Coaching Pedagogy.
Koh, K.T. (2014, August). Asean Forum and International Conference on Sport Science and Technology (AFICSST).
Koh, K.T (2014, March). Trends and Challenges of Physical Education in Singapore a nd ASEAN Communities.
Koh, K.T. (2013, November). Peak Performance: The Power of Mental Skill & Reflective Practice II.
Koh, K.T. (2013, October). Teaching Values Through Basketball.
Koh, K.T. (2013, October). Peak Performance: The Power of Mental Skill & Reflective Pra ctice I.
Koh, K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Basketball Specialised Positional Training for Schools Team Players-2.
Koh, K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Workshop for CCA Teachers-1.
Koh,K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Basketball Specialised Positional Tra ining for Schools Team Players-1.
Koh, K.T. (2013, September). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Workshop for CCA Teachers-2.
Koh, K.T. (2013, August). Trends and Issues in PE: Singapore & ASEAN Countries.
Koh, K.T. (2013, August). Physical Education in Singapore.
Koh, K .T. (2013, July). Teaching values through PE & Sport: The How?.
Koh, K. T. (2013, July). FIBA Asia Level 1 Basketball Coaching Clinic.
Koh, K.T (2013, May). Teaching Values Through PE and Sports - A Case Study.
Koh, K.T. (2012, October). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Wor kshop for CCA Teachers-2.
Koh, K.T. (2012, July). EZCOE Trailblazer Project Workshop for CCA Teachers-1.
Koh, K.T. (2012, July). Teaching of Invasion Games.
Koh, K.T. (2012, April). Management Basketball Team Workshop for CCA Teachers.
KOh K, T. (2012, February). Sport Administrator Workshop.
Koh, K.T. (2011, August). Career Transition and Coaching.
Koh, K.T. (2011, July). Structured Mentoring Programme for Basketball Coaches.
Koh, K.T. (2010, August). East Zone Centre of Excellence (EZCOE)Sports Fest.
Koh, K.T. (2010 , July). Sports Coaching - Evaluating Coaches' Work.
Koh, K.T. (2010, July). Effective Teaching of PE for Non-trained Primary School Teachers.
Koh, K.T. (2010, May). Sports Seminar.
Koh, K.T. (2010, April). Learn to Teach Basketball Programme.
Koh, K.T. (2009, February). Basketball Programme and Leadership Feedback Workshop.
Koh, K.T. (2019). Systematic Observation & Feedback Tool for Coaches and PE Teachers . Singapore: NIE IN-Learning Team.
Koh, K.T. (in press). Learning Basketball On-line . Singapore: NIE.