Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Koh Koon Teck
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Physical Education & Sports Science
Controlled Keywords
Koon Teck has been a Physical Education (PE) teacher, Head of Department (PE/CCA), advisor and consultant for sport with the Ministry of Education from 1993 to 2006. He is actively involved in Basketball as both a competitive athlete and coach at various levels. He has worked with the Singapore senior basketball team as a team manager and sport scientist to achieve a historical medal at the South East Asia Games in 2013 after 34 years where the last medal was won and maintained the same result at the same competition in 2015.
Koon Teck's research areas are in sports coaching and pedagogy, in particular, understanding and developing coaches and PE teachers to promote good practices. He has also developed a keen interest in using sport and PE as a platform to teach values and character explicitly to athletes and students, guided by experiential learning theory. To this end, a structured instructional programme has been developed to assist coaches and PE teachers to achieve this goal. The programme has benefited many coaches/educators and students/athletes beyond Singapore e.g., ASEAN and in Asia.
Recently, his research interest has extended to the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to enhance the teaching and learning in PE. To address the lack of specific resources in the teaching and learning of basketball for differentiated learners in the context of pre-service student teachers, he has created image-rich, easy to understand instructional videos with student teachers to promote inquiry learning and post questions during and after lessons.
Koon Teck is a certified coach developler for Sport Singapore and FIBA. He has conducted numerous coach development programmes for coaches in Singapore and Asia. Notably, he initiated an integrated coaching course for Basketball Association of Singapore in 2007. It was the first among all the National Sport Associations in Singapore, which combined Theory and Technical courses to promote context-specific for basketball coaches to enhance their learning experience.
Koon Teck is currently holding a few key appointments at the international and local levels, namely: President, ASEAN Council of PE and Sport; President, Basketball Association of Singapore; President, Singapore Physical Education Association; Technical Commission, International Basketball Federation (FIBA); Chairman, Global Coach Education Pathway, International Bowling Federation (IBF). He is on the Peer Reviewer Committee of the Prince Faisal Bin Fahad Award for Sports Research, Associate Editor for the Asia Pacific Journal of Education, and Board Member of the International Sport Coaching Journal.
• Head, Physical Education and Sports Science Academic Group
• Associate Professor
Koon Teck's research areas are in sports coaching and pedagogy, in particular, understanding and developing coaches and PE teachers to promote good practices. He has also developed a keen interest in using sport and PE as a platform to teach values and character explicitly to athletes and students, guided by experiential learning theory. To this end, a structured instructional programme has been developed to assist coaches and PE teachers to achieve this goal. The programme has benefited many coaches/educators and students/athletes beyond Singapore e.g., ASEAN and in Asia.
Recently, his research interest has extended to the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to enhance the teaching and learning in PE. To address the lack of specific resources in the teaching and learning of basketball for differentiated learners in the context of pre-service student teachers, he has created image-rich, easy to understand instructional videos with student teachers to promote inquiry learning and post questions during and after lessons.
Koon Teck is a certified coach developler for Sport Singapore and FIBA. He has conducted numerous coach development programmes for coaches in Singapore and Asia. Notably, he initiated an integrated coaching course for Basketball Association of Singapore in 2007. It was the first among all the National Sport Associations in Singapore, which combined Theory and Technical courses to promote context-specific for basketball coaches to enhance their learning experience.
Koon Teck is currently holding a few key appointments at the international and local levels, namely: President, ASEAN Council of PE and Sport; President, Basketball Association of Singapore; President, Singapore Physical Education Association; Technical Commission, International Basketball Federation (FIBA); Chairman, Global Coach Education Pathway, International Bowling Federation (IBF). He is on the Peer Reviewer Committee of the Prince Faisal Bin Fahad Award for Sports Research, Associate Editor for the Asia Pacific Journal of Education, and Board Member of the International Sport Coaching Journal.
• Head, Physical Education and Sports Science Academic Group
• Associate Professor
Koon Teck's research interests are in sport coaching and pedagogy, coach education and development, use of information and communications technology, values and character development.
- SCALE-UP: Investigating the effect of modified CCA competition format in Singapore Schools
- The Effects of An Information Communication and Technologies-Based Intervention Programme on Students' Learning Outcomes of Physical Education (PE) in Singapore Schools
- A study of the relationships between character strengths and well-being among pre-service teachers in Singapore
- AI-powered Sports Coaching Observation Tool (COT) - A Mobile Application
• 2019 NIE Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award
• 2016 NTU Outstanding Alumni Award
• 2016 NTU Outstanding Alumni Award