Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Lim Tong Li, Christina
Senior Lecturer, Policy, Curriculum and Leadership
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
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Dr. Christina Ratnam-Lim is a senior lecturer at the Policy, Curriculum and Leadership Academic Group, focusing on crafting the curriculum, curriculum implementation and evaluation, perspectives of learning, and teacher professional development and learning. She enjoys facilitating deep conversations on curriculum and pedagogical leadership, perspectives of learning and mindsets, and engaging in Q methodology in research. Prior to joining NIE in 2007, she was a part of the teaching fraternity of the Ministry of Education, having taught English Language Arts in the Gifted Education Programme for Secondary pupils, and then serving as a Specialist Inspector for English Language and Literature in the Curriculum Planning Division, and then moving on to explore instructional design as a Media Specialist in the Educational Technology Division, and finally serving in the Pre-school Education Branch to work on curriculum issues in Singaporean pre-schools. Part of her work included publishing the Kindergarten Curriculum Framework package, Nurturing Early Learners. Christina received her BA (1st class Hons.) from National University of Singapore, her EdM. from Harvard Graduate School of Education, and her PhD from Macquarie University for her thesis on exploring teachers' beliefs about early literacy development in Singaporean kindergartens. She is serving as an Associate Editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Education.
Dr. Christina Ratnam-Lim had successfully led and completed three research studies: an MOE-commissioned study entitled PERI Qualitative Case Studies (Baseline); a tier 2 study Exploring the Variety in Lesson Study: Unpacking the Variety from Cases in Singapore; and a tier 1 study entitled, Exploring the Designing of a Growth Mindset Curriculum in a Singaporean School. Christina’s PhD thesis was on exploring teachers’ beliefs about literacy development in early childhood education, which included some investigation into teachers’ reflection on and in action. She is interested in qualitative research methodologies in revealing multiple perspectives and uncovering rich narratives, and in Q methodology in exploring priorities and core beliefs.
  • Understanding how Teachers Hybridise Differentiated Instruction in Singapore
  • A study on early mathematics professional development
  • Leading Differentiated Instruction: Perspectives from the Middle
  • Constructing Values ' Meanings and Implications for Practice in Singapore's Pre-school Education Curriculum
• 2014 Excellence in teaching commendation NIE, NTU
• 2010 Excellence in teaching commendation NIE, NTU
• 2005 Long Service (20 years) Ministry of Education, Singapore
• 2004 National Day Public Administration Medal (Bronze) Civil Service, Government of Singapore