Academic Profile : Faculty
Dr Wong Hwei Ming
Assistant Centre Director, Education, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice, OER Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Journal Articles (Central)
Goh, H.H., Wong, H.M., & Kwek, D. (2023). Home-based learning during school closure in Singapore: perceptions from the language classrooms. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, -(-), 1-25.
Wong, H. M. , Kwek, D., & Tan, K. (2021). Changing Assessments and the Examination Culture in Singapore: A Review and Analysis of Singapore's Assessment Policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(4), 433-457.
Wong, H. M. (2017). Implementing self-assessment in Singapore primary schools: Effects on students' perceptions of self-assessment. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12(4), 391-409.
Wong, H. M. (2016). I can assess myself: Singaporean primary students' and teachers' perceptions of students' self-assessment ability. Education 3-13, 44(4), 442-457.
Tan, A.-L., & Wong, H.-M. (2012). "Didn't get e xpected answer, rectify it.": Teaching science content in an elementary science classroom using hands-on activities.". International Journal of Science Education, 34(2), 197-222.
Wong, H. M. , Kwek, D., & Tan, K. (2021). Changing Assessments and the Examination Culture in Singapore: A Review and Analysis of Singapore's Assessment Policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(4), 433-457.
Wong, H. M. (2017). Implementing self-assessment in Singapore primary schools: Effects on students' perceptions of self-assessment. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12(4), 391-409.
Wong, H. M. (2016). I can assess myself: Singaporean primary students' and teachers' perceptions of students' self-assessment ability. Education 3-13, 44(4), 442-457.
Tan, A.-L., & Wong, H.-M. (2012). "Didn't get e xpected answer, rectify it.": Teaching science content in an elementary science classroom using hands-on activities.". International Journal of Science Education, 34(2), 197-222.
Books (Central)
Taras, M. & Wong, H. M. (2023). Student Self-Assessment: An essential guide for teaching, learning and reflection at School and University (PP. 198). London: Routledge.
Book Chapters (Central)
Wong, H. M. (2023). Student Self-Assessment in Primary Schools. In Taras, M., & Wong, H.M. (Eds.), Stude nt self-assessment: An essential guide for teaching, learning and reflection at school and university(PP. 82-104). London: Routledge.
Tan, K.H.K., & Wong, H.M. (2023). Using self-assessment to best effect. In Taras, M., & Wong, H.M. (Eds.), Student self-assessment: An essential guide for te aching, learning and reflection at school and university(PP. 153 - 165). Abingdon: Routledge.
Wong, H. M. (2023). Implementing Student Self-Assessment: Conditions and Climate. In Taras, M., & Wong, H.M. (Eds.), Student self-assessment: An essential guide for teaching, learning and reflection at school and university(PP. 38-53). London: Routledge.
Wong, H. M. (2023). Student Self-Assessment in Secondary Schools. In Taras, M., & Wong, H.M. (Eds.), Student self-assessment: An essential guide for teaching, learning and reflection at school and university(PP. 105-131). London: Routledge.
Wong, H. M. (2019). Assessment in Primary Education in Singapore. In Menter, I & Tatto, M. T. (Eds.), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood StudiesLondon: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Tan, K.H.K., & Wo ng, H.M. (2018). Assessment Feedback in Primary Schools in Singapore and Beyond. In Smith,J., & Lipnevich, A. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback(PP. 123 - 144). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Paris, S. G., Yeung, A. S., Wong, H. M., & Luo, W. (2011). Global per spectives on education during middle childhood. In K. R. Harris, S. Graham & T. Urdan (Eds.), APA Handbook of Educational Psychology(PP. 903-918). New York: APA.
Tan, K.H.K., & Wong, H.M. (2023). Using self-assessment to best effect. In Taras, M., & Wong, H.M. (Eds.), Student self-assessment: An essential guide for te aching, learning and reflection at school and university(PP. 153 - 165). Abingdon: Routledge.
Wong, H. M. (2023). Implementing Student Self-Assessment: Conditions and Climate. In Taras, M., & Wong, H.M. (Eds.), Student self-assessment: An essential guide for teaching, learning and reflection at school and university(PP. 38-53). London: Routledge.
Wong, H. M. (2023). Student Self-Assessment in Secondary Schools. In Taras, M., & Wong, H.M. (Eds.), Student self-assessment: An essential guide for teaching, learning and reflection at school and university(PP. 105-131). London: Routledge.
Wong, H. M. (2019). Assessment in Primary Education in Singapore. In Menter, I & Tatto, M. T. (Eds.), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood StudiesLondon: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Tan, K.H.K., & Wo ng, H.M. (2018). Assessment Feedback in Primary Schools in Singapore and Beyond. In Smith,J., & Lipnevich, A. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback(PP. 123 - 144). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Paris, S. G., Yeung, A. S., Wong, H. M., & Luo, W. (2011). Global per spectives on education during middle childhood. In K. R. Harris, S. Graham & T. Urdan (Eds.), APA Handbook of Educational Psychology(PP. 903-918). New York: APA.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Luo, W., Lee, K., Ong, J., Wong, H. M., & Foo, S.F. (2014, May). Implicit theories of ability, homework behavior, and achievement. Assessment Innovations in the 21st Century, 3.4.2, 3.4.2 (1-9).
Wong, H.-M., & Tan, A.-L. (2009, April). You made us think, think, think!: An illustration of questioning and its impact on interaction in the elementary science classroom. In Czerniak, C. M., Duschl, R. A., Kyle, W. C., & Sondergeld, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the NARST 2009 Annual Meeting, **, 204.
Conference Papers Without Pr oceedings
Wong, H. M., Kwek, D., & Ho, J. (2023, April). Singapore's Educational Reforms Toward Holistic Outcomes: (Un)Intended Consequences of Policy Layering. In D. Parsley (Chair), Transforming Education Systems for Holistic Student Development: Learning From Case Studies Around the Worl d [Symposium]. Paper presented at 2023 Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) Meeting, Chicago, United States.
Wong, H. M. & Rahmat, F. A. (2022, May). Changing Assessment: Study of PERI Holistic Assessment in Primary Schools. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Int ernational Conference 2022, Singapore.
Wong, H.M., Safii, L, & Rahmat, F. (2022, May). Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Schools: Engaging Teachers and Students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.
Wong, H. M., Goh, R., & Tan, K. ( 2022, May). How do Secondary School Students Experience Assessment Feedback? Lessons Learnt. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. & Rahmat, F. A. (2022, May). Knowledge, Interactions, Assessment in Singapore Classrooms: Find ings on the Instructional Core from NIE's CORE 1-3 Research Programmes, 2004-Present - The Assessment Work of Teachers: Findings on Assessment and Feedback from CORE 1-3 (2004-2019). Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.
Goh, R., Lam, K., Tan, K., Tay. H.Y. & Wong, H.M. (2021, October). Secondary Teachers' and Students' Experiences of Assessment Feedback: Understanding Students' Affective, Behavioural, and Cognitive Responses to Transform Feedback Pedagogy. Paper presented at 2021 MOE Professional Forum for Research and Practice, Singapore.
Wong, H. M., Tan, L. S., Tan, J. Y., & Chia, T. T. (2018, August). Professional Learning Communities: A Tale of Two Schools in Singapore. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference on Education and Learning, Tokyo, Japan.
Wong, H. M., Tan, L. S., Hong, H., Ng, E., Koh, K. , Muhammad, S. Kamaludin, A. B. A., Ng, Y. S., & Pang, A. (2017, November). To be an ethical educator: Narratives from Singapore teachers in an era of deprofessionalisation. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2017, Canberra, Australia.
Safi i, L., & Wong, H. M. (2017, May). Seeing self-assessment and teacher feedback through students' lenses. Paper presented at 7th Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Rahmat, F. A., & Wong, H. M. (2017, May). Analysing the nature of feedback in classrooms in Singap ore. Paper presented at 7th Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2016, June). Student Self-Assessment: What do Singaporean Students Perceive?. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Social Sciences (ACSS 2016), Kobe, Japan.
Tan, C.S, Wong, H. M., & O'Brien, B. (2015, January). Creating a reading program for diverse learners. Paper presented at International Literacy Association Annual Conference, St Louis, Missouri, United States.
Luo, W. Foo, S. F., & Wong, H. W. (2013, June). Parent goal emphasis and students' self-regulat ed learning: A self-determination theory perspective. Paper presented at the 5th Redesigning Pedagogy conference, Singapore.
Luo, W.S., Foo, S. F., & Wong, H. M. (2013, June). Parental goal emphasis and student' self-regulated learning: An examination from a self-determination perspective. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Internation Conference - Thinking: Time for a Rethink?, Singapore.
Wong, H-M., Hogan, D. & Paris, S. (2012, December). Singaporean primary school teachers' perceptions of instructional practices and t heir students: A comprehensive survey. Paper presented at AARE- APERA 2012 (The joint Australian association for research in education and Asia-Pacific education research association conference), University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Wong, H. M. (2010, November). "I know myself bette r now": Student perception of Self-assessment. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, Australia.
Wong, H. M. & Paris, S. (2010, May). Formative assessment of literacy and numeracy in primary grades. Paper presented at American Educational Researc h Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado, United States.
Paris, S. & Wong, H. M. (2010, May). Assessing beginning reading skills with a smart pen technology.. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado, United States.
Wong, H. M. (2009, November). Self-assessment: What is it to students and teachers?. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education: International Education Research Conference (AARE), Canberra, Australia.
Wong, H. M., & Tan, A. L. (2009, June). "Didn't get expected answer, rectify it": Using inq uiry science to teach canonical science. Paper presented at 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2009, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2009, June). The perceptions of Singaporean students towards self-assessment.. Paper presented at International Conference on Education - Redesigni ng Pedagogy: Designing New Learning Contexts for a Globalizing World, Singapore.
Wong, H.-M., & Tan, A. L. (2008, November). ?Didn?t Get Expected Answer, Rectify It?: Case of Using Inductive Science Activity to Teach Science Content. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Sc ience Education for the Next Society, Seoul, Korea.
Tan, K., Stinson, M., Koh, K. H., Gwee, S., & Wong, H. M. (2007, May). Improving teachers' assessment literacy. Paper presented at International Conference on Education - Redesigning Pedagogy: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding, Singapor e.
Wong, H. M., & Poh, S. H. (2003, January). Project work in primary school: Effects on learning and teaching.. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Singapore.
Luo, W., Lee, K., Ong, J., Wong, H. M., & Foo, S.F. (2014, May). Implicit theories of ability, homework behavior, and achievement. Assessment Innovations in the 21st Century, 3.4.2, 3.4.2 (1-9).
Wong, H.-M., & Tan, A.-L. (2009, April). You made us think, think, think!: An illustration of questioning and its impact on interaction in the elementary science classroom. In Czerniak, C. M., Duschl, R. A., Kyle, W. C., & Sondergeld, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the NARST 2009 Annual Meeting, **, 204.
Conference Papers Without Pr oceedings
Wong, H. M., Kwek, D., & Ho, J. (2023, April). Singapore's Educational Reforms Toward Holistic Outcomes: (Un)Intended Consequences of Policy Layering. In D. Parsley (Chair), Transforming Education Systems for Holistic Student Development: Learning From Case Studies Around the Worl d [Symposium]. Paper presented at 2023 Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) Meeting, Chicago, United States.
Wong, H. M. & Rahmat, F. A. (2022, May). Changing Assessment: Study of PERI Holistic Assessment in Primary Schools. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Int ernational Conference 2022, Singapore.
Wong, H.M., Safii, L, & Rahmat, F. (2022, May). Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Schools: Engaging Teachers and Students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.
Wong, H. M., Goh, R., & Tan, K. ( 2022, May). How do Secondary School Students Experience Assessment Feedback? Lessons Learnt. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. & Rahmat, F. A. (2022, May). Knowledge, Interactions, Assessment in Singapore Classrooms: Find ings on the Instructional Core from NIE's CORE 1-3 Research Programmes, 2004-Present - The Assessment Work of Teachers: Findings on Assessment and Feedback from CORE 1-3 (2004-2019). Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.
Goh, R., Lam, K., Tan, K., Tay. H.Y. & Wong, H.M. (2021, October). Secondary Teachers' and Students' Experiences of Assessment Feedback: Understanding Students' Affective, Behavioural, and Cognitive Responses to Transform Feedback Pedagogy. Paper presented at 2021 MOE Professional Forum for Research and Practice, Singapore.
Wong, H. M., Tan, L. S., Tan, J. Y., & Chia, T. T. (2018, August). Professional Learning Communities: A Tale of Two Schools in Singapore. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference on Education and Learning, Tokyo, Japan.
Wong, H. M., Tan, L. S., Hong, H., Ng, E., Koh, K. , Muhammad, S. Kamaludin, A. B. A., Ng, Y. S., & Pang, A. (2017, November). To be an ethical educator: Narratives from Singapore teachers in an era of deprofessionalisation. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2017, Canberra, Australia.
Safi i, L., & Wong, H. M. (2017, May). Seeing self-assessment and teacher feedback through students' lenses. Paper presented at 7th Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Rahmat, F. A., & Wong, H. M. (2017, May). Analysing the nature of feedback in classrooms in Singap ore. Paper presented at 7th Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2016, June). Student Self-Assessment: What do Singaporean Students Perceive?. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Social Sciences (ACSS 2016), Kobe, Japan.
Tan, C.S, Wong, H. M., & O'Brien, B. (2015, January). Creating a reading program for diverse learners. Paper presented at International Literacy Association Annual Conference, St Louis, Missouri, United States.
Luo, W. Foo, S. F., & Wong, H. W. (2013, June). Parent goal emphasis and students' self-regulat ed learning: A self-determination theory perspective. Paper presented at the 5th Redesigning Pedagogy conference, Singapore.
Luo, W.S., Foo, S. F., & Wong, H. M. (2013, June). Parental goal emphasis and student' self-regulated learning: An examination from a self-determination perspective. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Internation Conference - Thinking: Time for a Rethink?, Singapore.
Wong, H-M., Hogan, D. & Paris, S. (2012, December). Singaporean primary school teachers' perceptions of instructional practices and t heir students: A comprehensive survey. Paper presented at AARE- APERA 2012 (The joint Australian association for research in education and Asia-Pacific education research association conference), University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Wong, H. M. (2010, November). "I know myself bette r now": Student perception of Self-assessment. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, Australia.
Wong, H. M. & Paris, S. (2010, May). Formative assessment of literacy and numeracy in primary grades. Paper presented at American Educational Researc h Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado, United States.
Paris, S. & Wong, H. M. (2010, May). Assessing beginning reading skills with a smart pen technology.. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado, United States.
Wong, H. M. (2009, November). Self-assessment: What is it to students and teachers?. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education: International Education Research Conference (AARE), Canberra, Australia.
Wong, H. M., & Tan, A. L. (2009, June). "Didn't get expected answer, rectify it": Using inq uiry science to teach canonical science. Paper presented at 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2009, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2009, June). The perceptions of Singaporean students towards self-assessment.. Paper presented at International Conference on Education - Redesigni ng Pedagogy: Designing New Learning Contexts for a Globalizing World, Singapore.
Wong, H.-M., & Tan, A. L. (2008, November). ?Didn?t Get Expected Answer, Rectify It?: Case of Using Inductive Science Activity to Teach Science Content. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Sc ience Education for the Next Society, Seoul, Korea.
Tan, K., Stinson, M., Koh, K. H., Gwee, S., & Wong, H. M. (2007, May). Improving teachers' assessment literacy. Paper presented at International Conference on Education - Redesigning Pedagogy: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding, Singapor e.
Wong, H. M., & Poh, S. H. (2003, January). Project work in primary school: Effects on learning and teaching.. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Singapore.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Wong, H. M. & Tan, K. (Ed.) (2019). SingTeach: Education Research for Teachers, Assessment for Learning, Learning for Life, - (68).
Keynote Addresses
Wong, H. M. (2022, November). Zhejiang Elementary English Teacher Training Programme, Zhejiang International Studies University. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Assessment in Singapore Primary Education, Zhejiang, China, China.
Wong, H.M. (2022, April). Language Testing and Evaluation Seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Rubrics and Grading, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2021, August). Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference Asia Pacific 2021: Advancing Learning for a Better Future. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Panel Session: Designing Effective Self- and Peer-Assessment Tasks for Varying Modes of Course Delivery, -, Australia.
Wong, H. M. (2018, May). Sharing @ Wes t 3 cluster Secondary School Student Development Team & West 3 Primary School Year Heads. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Resilience, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2016, November). Sharing @ North Vista Secondary School Staff Day. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Student Involved Assessment: Student Self-Assessment, Singapore.
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Wong, H. M. & Tan, K. (Ed.) (2019). SingTeach: Education Research for Teachers, Assessment for Learning, Learning for Life, - (68).
Keynote Addresses
Wong, H. M. (2022, November). Zhejiang Elementary English Teacher Training Programme, Zhejiang International Studies University. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Assessment in Singapore Primary Education, Zhejiang, China, China.
Wong, H.M. (2022, April). Language Testing and Evaluation Seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Rubrics and Grading, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2021, August). Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference Asia Pacific 2021: Advancing Learning for a Better Future. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Panel Session: Designing Effective Self- and Peer-Assessment Tasks for Varying Modes of Course Delivery, -, Australia.
Wong, H. M. (2018, May). Sharing @ Wes t 3 cluster Secondary School Student Development Team & West 3 Primary School Year Heads. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Resilience, Singapore.
Wong, H. M. (2016, November). Sharing @ North Vista Secondary School Staff Day. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Student Involved Assessment: Student Self-Assessment, Singapore.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Government Reports
Chan, M., Manzon, M. E., Hong, H., Wong, H. M., Tan, T. K., & Tan, V. (2018). Engaging Parents as Supportive Partners: A Baseline Study of Practices in Singapore Schools (null). Singapore.
Wong, H. M., Rahmat, F. A., & Kwek, D. (2018). Final Research Repor t on Qualitative Study of PERI Holistic Assessment Implementation in Primary SchoolsSingapore.
Tan, J.P-L, Wong, H.M., Chan, M. (2015). Primary Education Implementation & Review (PERI) 2014 Follow Up Quantitative Evaluation Study: Preliminary ReportSingapore.
Wong, H. M., Hogan, D., & Paris, S. (2012). PERI Baseline Data Collection: A Final Report of the Quantitative Survey (Multivariate Analysis)Singapore.
Hogan, D., Wong, H. M., Paris, S., & Lee, Y. P. (2012). PERI Baseline Data Collection: A Preliminary Report of the Quantitative Survey (updated)Singapore.
Hogan, D., Paris, S., Wong, H. M., & Lee, Y. P. (2011). PERI Baseline Data Collection: A Preliminary Report of the Quantitative SurveySingapore.
Professional Articles
Wong, H. M. (2022, December). The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) The Blue DOT - Designing A Healthy Ecosystem to Promote Mental Health 'You are not alone': Tackling Bullying Together, Issue 16, 39-43.
Chia, E., Wong, H. M. & Tan, A. L. (2022, May). AskST, Life, The Straits Times 7 questions you can ask at parent-teacher meetings, -, C2.
Wong, H.M. (2022, March). TheHomeGround Asia Removal of m id-year exams: What is the impact on teachers, students and parents?, 1.
H. Yang & Wong, H. M. (2021, July). The New Paper Changes to support students' mental health a positive step, -, 0.
Lee, V & Wong, H. M. (2021, April). The Straits Times 12 Tips to help kids STUDY, Life, C1-C2.
Wong, H. M. (2020, March). OER Knowledge Bites Perception s of Singaporean primary students: What is self-assessment and feedback to me?, 12, 6-7.
Wong, H. M., Safii, L., & Kwek, D. (2020, January). Research Brief Series Seeing Self-Assessment and Teacher Feedback through Students' Lenses: Implementation of Self-Assessment and Investigation of Fee dback in Lower Primary Classrooms, 19-014, 2.
Wong, H. M. (2018, December). Schoolbag: The Education News Site (MOE) How to help your child come to terms with bullying, N.A., 1.
Wong, H. M. (2017, November). The Straits Times Every individual counts when tackling bullying., 0, B10.
Wong, H. M. (2017, March). SingTeach Students and Stress: What Can I Do as a Parent to Help My Child?, Issue 60 March 2017, 1.
Wong, H. M. (2016, December). SingTeach Inspi ring Learning through Self-assessment, Issue 59, 3-4.
Wong, H. M. (2015, September). SingTeach How to Stop Bullying: Advice from a School Counsellor, Issue 55, 1.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Wong, H. M., Rahmat, F. A., Safii, L., Tan, K., Sun, B. Q., Chng, M., & Lee, J . (2023, February). Building Teachers' and Students' Capacities in Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Classrooms, 40.
Tan, L. S., Ho, P. Y. J. M., Ong, M. W. L., Wong, H. M., Onishi, P. G. C., Teng, S. S., Tan, J. Y., Chia, S. A. T. T., Viswanathan, S., & Goa, S.E. (2019, November). Professio nal Learning Communities in Singapore Schools: The Current Practice and Possibilities for Teacher Practice and Student Learning, 79.
Wong, H. M., Safii, L., & Kwek, B. K. D. (2019, January). Implementation of Self-assessment and Investigation of Feedback in Lower Primary Classrooms, 24.
Tan, L .S., Hong, H., Wong, H. M., Ng, E. L., Koh, D., Shhrin, M., Kamaludin, A. B. A., Ng, Y. S., & Pang, X. A. (2019, January). A Teacher-Led Interpretation of the Teacher Growth Model: Inquiry into Professional Identity of Singapore Teachers, 31.
Wong, H. M., Rahmat, F. A., & Kwek, B. K. D. (2018, Oc tober). Qualitative Study of PERI Holistic Assessment Implementation in Primary Schools, 25.
Chan, M., Manzon, M. E., Wong, H. M., Hong, H., Tan, T. K., & Tan, V. (2018, July). Final Report on Engaging Parents as Supportive Partners: A Baseline Study of Practices in Singapore Schools, 30.
Kwek , D., Lee, Y.-J., Wong, H. M., Hussain, F. A., Miller, R. (2018, June). CORE Research Programme: Baseline investigation of science pedagogy, 29.
Luo, W., Lee, K., Wong, H. M., & Foo, S. F. (2015, June). Assessing Students' Academic Motivation, Emotion and Strategies, 31.
Wong, H. M., Hogan, D. , & Paris, S. (2013, March). Final Report of PERI Project, 44.
Workshops and Seminars
Wong, H. M. (2023, March). Building Teachers' and Students' Capacities in Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Classrooms @ Research -Practice Connection.
Wong, H. M. (2022, November). The Singapore Teaching Practice (STP) Webinar on Designing Learner-centred and Balanced Assessment to Support Student Self-directed Learning.
Wong, H. M. (2022, October). Building Teachers' and Students' Capacities in Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Classrooms @ 2nd MEETING OF THE CORE STEERING COMMITTEE, MOE.
Wong, H.M. (2022, March). Say No to Bullying.
Wong, H.M. (2021, October). Students' Conception of Assessment Feedback.
Kwek, D., Wong, H.M. (2021, January). Status Update on CORE 1-3 Research Programme. Presentation to MOE Professional Dire ctors' Meeting, January 13, MOE, Singapore. Chair of PDM: Mr Wong Siew Hong, Director General of Education..
Kwek, D. & Wong, H.M. (2021, January). Status Update on CORE 1-3 Research Programme. Presentation to MOE Educational Research Council, January 29, MOE, Singapore. Chair of MOE ERC: Mr Lai Chung Han, Permanent Secretary (Education)..
Wong, H. M. (2020, November). Student Self-Assessment: 5Ws & 1H @Singapore Chinese Girls' School (Primary).
Wong, H. M. (2020, November). Student Self-Assessment: 5Ws & 1H @Mayflower Secondary School.
Wong, H. M. (2020, A ugust). Empowering Low Progress Learners (LPL) to Assess Themselves @2020 Educational Support (ESU) Seminar.
Wong, H. M. (2020, April). Assessment Tasks and Rubrics.
Wong, H. M. (2020, February). Student-Involved Assessment and Feedback.
Wong, H. M. (2019, September). Student Self-Assessment @ 3rd Annual CATL Colloquium 2019.
Wong, H. M. (2019, September). 'What is Self-Assessment and Teacher Feedback to me?': Perceptions of Singaporean primary students @ OER-AST Seminar: Leverage Assessment In a Differentiated Classroom.
Wong, H. M. (2019, Jul y). Student Self-Assessment (SSA) Workshop for N7 Primary English Teachers.
Wong, H. M. (2019, July). Student Self-Assessment (SSA) Workshop for N7 Primary English Teachers.
Wong, H. M. (2019, April). Seeing self-assessment and teacher feedback through students' lenses @ EZ In Conversation.
Wong, H. M. (2018, July). Student Self-Assessment: 5W1H @CHIJ Katong Convent.
Wong, H. M. (2018, June). Assessment for Learning workshop on Student Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment @Swiss Cottage Secondary School.
Wong, H. M., Kwek, D., & Rahmat, F. A. (2 018, May). Qualitative Study of PERI Holistic Assessment Implementation in Primary Schools: Presentation @ MOE.
Wong, H. M. (2017, November). "Managing Stress" in Edu cation in the City series 'Helping Children Cope with Stress @ NLB.
Wong, H. M. (2017, January). Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment @ Springfield Secondary School.
Wong, H. M. (2016, May). How Education Research can be translated to Improve Classroom Practice.
Wong, H . M. (2015, November). Student Self-Assessment @ De La Salle School.
Wong, H. M. (2015, November). Student Self-Assessment @ Raffles Institution.
Wong, H. M. (2015, June). Student Self-Assessment @ Peirce Secondary School.
Wong, H. M. (2023). Education planning after release of O level results on Mediacorp Channel 8 Chinese News - 狮城有约: 十分访谈 . Singapore: Mediacorp News Group.
Chia, S., Wong, H. M., Ong, R. (2022). Heart of the Matter - S3E9: Why are students behaving so badly in and out of class? . Singapore: ChannelNewsAsia (CNA) .
Wong, H.M. (2021). Challenges of students during global pandemic . Singapore: MediaCorp Channel 8's morning news ' Morning Express.
Government Reports
Chan, M., Manzon, M. E., Hong, H., Wong, H. M., Tan, T. K., & Tan, V. (2018). Engaging Parents as Supportive Partners: A Baseline Study of Practices in Singapore Schools (null). Singapore.
Wong, H. M., Rahmat, F. A., & Kwek, D. (2018). Final Research Repor t on Qualitative Study of PERI Holistic Assessment Implementation in Primary SchoolsSingapore.
Tan, J.P-L, Wong, H.M., Chan, M. (2015). Primary Education Implementation & Review (PERI) 2014 Follow Up Quantitative Evaluation Study: Preliminary ReportSingapore.
Wong, H. M., Hogan, D., & Paris, S. (2012). PERI Baseline Data Collection: A Final Report of the Quantitative Survey (Multivariate Analysis)Singapore.
Hogan, D., Wong, H. M., Paris, S., & Lee, Y. P. (2012). PERI Baseline Data Collection: A Preliminary Report of the Quantitative Survey (updated)Singapore.
Hogan, D., Paris, S., Wong, H. M., & Lee, Y. P. (2011). PERI Baseline Data Collection: A Preliminary Report of the Quantitative SurveySingapore.
Professional Articles
Wong, H. M. (2022, December). The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) The Blue DOT - Designing A Healthy Ecosystem to Promote Mental Health 'You are not alone': Tackling Bullying Together, Issue 16, 39-43.
Chia, E., Wong, H. M. & Tan, A. L. (2022, May). AskST, Life, The Straits Times 7 questions you can ask at parent-teacher meetings, -, C2.
Wong, H.M. (2022, March). TheHomeGround Asia Removal of m id-year exams: What is the impact on teachers, students and parents?, 1.
H. Yang & Wong, H. M. (2021, July). The New Paper Changes to support students' mental health a positive step, -, 0.
Lee, V & Wong, H. M. (2021, April). The Straits Times 12 Tips to help kids STUDY, Life, C1-C2.
Wong, H. M. (2020, March). OER Knowledge Bites Perception s of Singaporean primary students: What is self-assessment and feedback to me?, 12, 6-7.
Wong, H. M., Safii, L., & Kwek, D. (2020, January). Research Brief Series Seeing Self-Assessment and Teacher Feedback through Students' Lenses: Implementation of Self-Assessment and Investigation of Fee dback in Lower Primary Classrooms, 19-014, 2.
Wong, H. M. (2018, December). Schoolbag: The Education News Site (MOE) How to help your child come to terms with bullying, N.A., 1.
Wong, H. M. (2017, November). The Straits Times Every individual counts when tackling bullying., 0, B10.
Wong, H. M. (2017, March). SingTeach Students and Stress: What Can I Do as a Parent to Help My Child?, Issue 60 March 2017, 1.
Wong, H. M. (2016, December). SingTeach Inspi ring Learning through Self-assessment, Issue 59, 3-4.
Wong, H. M. (2015, September). SingTeach How to Stop Bullying: Advice from a School Counsellor, Issue 55, 1.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Wong, H. M., Rahmat, F. A., Safii, L., Tan, K., Sun, B. Q., Chng, M., & Lee, J . (2023, February). Building Teachers' and Students' Capacities in Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Classrooms, 40.
Tan, L. S., Ho, P. Y. J. M., Ong, M. W. L., Wong, H. M., Onishi, P. G. C., Teng, S. S., Tan, J. Y., Chia, S. A. T. T., Viswanathan, S., & Goa, S.E. (2019, November). Professio nal Learning Communities in Singapore Schools: The Current Practice and Possibilities for Teacher Practice and Student Learning, 79.
Wong, H. M., Safii, L., & Kwek, B. K. D. (2019, January). Implementation of Self-assessment and Investigation of Feedback in Lower Primary Classrooms, 24.
Tan, L .S., Hong, H., Wong, H. M., Ng, E. L., Koh, D., Shhrin, M., Kamaludin, A. B. A., Ng, Y. S., & Pang, X. A. (2019, January). A Teacher-Led Interpretation of the Teacher Growth Model: Inquiry into Professional Identity of Singapore Teachers, 31.
Wong, H. M., Rahmat, F. A., & Kwek, B. K. D. (2018, Oc tober). Qualitative Study of PERI Holistic Assessment Implementation in Primary Schools, 25.
Chan, M., Manzon, M. E., Wong, H. M., Hong, H., Tan, T. K., & Tan, V. (2018, July). Final Report on Engaging Parents as Supportive Partners: A Baseline Study of Practices in Singapore Schools, 30.
Kwek , D., Lee, Y.-J., Wong, H. M., Hussain, F. A., Miller, R. (2018, June). CORE Research Programme: Baseline investigation of science pedagogy, 29.
Luo, W., Lee, K., Wong, H. M., & Foo, S. F. (2015, June). Assessing Students' Academic Motivation, Emotion and Strategies, 31.
Wong, H. M., Hogan, D. , & Paris, S. (2013, March). Final Report of PERI Project, 44.
Workshops and Seminars
Wong, H. M. (2023, March). Building Teachers' and Students' Capacities in Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Classrooms @ Research -Practice Connection.
Wong, H. M. (2022, November). The Singapore Teaching Practice (STP) Webinar on Designing Learner-centred and Balanced Assessment to Support Student Self-directed Learning.
Wong, H. M. (2022, October). Building Teachers' and Students' Capacities in Student-Involved Assessment in Primary Classrooms @ 2nd MEETING OF THE CORE STEERING COMMITTEE, MOE.
Wong, H.M. (2022, March). Say No to Bullying.
Wong, H.M. (2021, October). Students' Conception of Assessment Feedback.
Kwek, D., Wong, H.M. (2021, January). Status Update on CORE 1-3 Research Programme. Presentation to MOE Professional Dire ctors' Meeting, January 13, MOE, Singapore. Chair of PDM: Mr Wong Siew Hong, Director General of Education..
Kwek, D. & Wong, H.M. (2021, January). Status Update on CORE 1-3 Research Programme. Presentation to MOE Educational Research Council, January 29, MOE, Singapore. Chair of MOE ERC: Mr Lai Chung Han, Permanent Secretary (Education)..
Wong, H. M. (2020, November). Student Self-Assessment: 5Ws & 1H @Singapore Chinese Girls' School (Primary).
Wong, H. M. (2020, November). Student Self-Assessment: 5Ws & 1H @Mayflower Secondary School.
Wong, H. M. (2020, A ugust). Empowering Low Progress Learners (LPL) to Assess Themselves @2020 Educational Support (ESU) Seminar.
Wong, H. M. (2020, April). Assessment Tasks and Rubrics.
Wong, H. M. (2020, February). Student-Involved Assessment and Feedback.
Wong, H. M. (2019, September). Student Self-Assessment @ 3rd Annual CATL Colloquium 2019.
Wong, H. M. (2019, September). 'What is Self-Assessment and Teacher Feedback to me?': Perceptions of Singaporean primary students @ OER-AST Seminar: Leverage Assessment In a Differentiated Classroom.
Wong, H. M. (2019, Jul y). Student Self-Assessment (SSA) Workshop for N7 Primary English Teachers.
Wong, H. M. (2019, July). Student Self-Assessment (SSA) Workshop for N7 Primary English Teachers.
Wong, H. M. (2019, April). Seeing self-assessment and teacher feedback through students' lenses @ EZ In Conversation.
Wong, H. M. (2018, July). Student Self-Assessment: 5W1H @CHIJ Katong Convent.
Wong, H. M. (2018, June). Assessment for Learning workshop on Student Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment @Swiss Cottage Secondary School.
Wong, H. M., Kwek, D., & Rahmat, F. A. (2 018, May). Qualitative Study of PERI Holistic Assessment Implementation in Primary Schools: Presentation @ MOE.
Wong, H. M. (2017, November). "Managing Stress" in Edu cation in the City series 'Helping Children Cope with Stress @ NLB.
Wong, H. M. (2017, January). Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment @ Springfield Secondary School.
Wong, H. M. (2016, May). How Education Research can be translated to Improve Classroom Practice.
Wong, H . M. (2015, November). Student Self-Assessment @ De La Salle School.
Wong, H. M. (2015, November). Student Self-Assessment @ Raffles Institution.
Wong, H. M. (2015, June). Student Self-Assessment @ Peirce Secondary School.
Wong, H. M. (2023). Education planning after release of O level results on Mediacorp Channel 8 Chinese News - 狮城有约: 十分访谈 . Singapore: Mediacorp News Group.
Chia, S., Wong, H. M., Ong, R. (2022). Heart of the Matter - S3E9: Why are students behaving so badly in and out of class? . Singapore: ChannelNewsAsia (CNA) .
Wong, H.M. (2021). Challenges of students during global pandemic . Singapore: MediaCorp Channel 8's morning news ' Morning Express.