Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Ng Kit Ee, Dawn
Assistant Dean, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Office of Teacher Education & Undergraduate Programmes
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Mathematics & Mathematics Education
Journal Articles (Central)
Ng, K. E. D. (2018). Towards a professional development framework for mathematical modelling: The case of Singapore Teachers. ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education, 50(2), 287' 300.

Chan, C. M. E., Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., & Seto, Cynthia. (2015). A case study on developing a teacher's capacity in mathematical modelling. The Mathematics Educator, 16(1), 47-76.

Chan, C. M. E., Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., & Seto, C. (2012). Assessment of primary 5 students' mathe matical modelling competencies. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, 35(2), 146-178.

Ng, K. E. D. (2023). Constructivist Learning Design: A platform for differentiated instruction towards mathematical literacy. The Mathematician Educator, 4(2), 148-164.

N g, K. E. D. (2011). Towards mathematical literacy in the 21st century: Perspectives from Singapore. Southeast Mathematics Education Journal, 1(1), 19-29.

Chan, C. M. E., Widjaja, W., & Ng, K. E. D. (2011). Exemplifying a model-eliciting task for primary school pupils. Southeast Mathemati cs Education Journal, 1(1), 65-74.

Ng, K.E.D., Teong, S.K. (2003). Dynamic geometry in primary schools in Singapore. Micromath, 19(3), 5-9.

Books (Central)
Lee, N. H., & Ng, K. E. D. (Eds.). (2015). Mathematical modelling: From theory to practice (PP. 239). Singapore: World Scientific Co. Pte. Ltd..

Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., Chan, C. M. E, Cheang, W. K., Cheng, L. P., Ho, F. H., Ho., W. K., Dindyal, J., Soon, W. M., Yeo, K. K. J., & Zhao, D. S. (Eds.). (2012). Mathematical Modelling: A Collection of Tasks (PP. 83). Singapore: Alston Publications.

Ng, K. E. D., Seto, C., Lee, N. H., Liu, M., Lee, P. C. J., & Wong, Z. Y. (2021). Constructivist learning design: Classroom tasks for deeper learning (PP. 82). Singapore: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Yeo, J. B. W., Choy, B. H., Ng, K. E. D., & Ho, W. K. (2018). Problems in real-world contexts: Principles of design and implementation (PP. 112). Singapore: Shinglee.

Kaur, B., Toh, T. L., Lee, N. H., Leong, Y. H., Cheng, L. P., Ng, K. E. D., Yeo, K. K. J., Yeo, J. B. W., Wong, L. F., Tong, C. L., Toh, W. Y. K., Safii, L. (2019). Twelve questions on mathematics teaching (PP. 108). Singapore: National Institute of Education.

Book Chapters (Central)
Ng, K. E. D. & Tay, E. G. (2021). Paving the way for mathematical literacy in the 21st century: Pre-service mathematics education, professional development and professional networks. In Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., Tay, E. G., & Yan, Y. K. (Eds.), Singapore math and science education in novation: Beyond PISA(PP. 209-226). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd..

Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., & Safii, L. (2021). Facilitation of students' metacognition: Some insights gleaned from mathematics classrooms in Singapore secondary schools. In Kaur, B. & Leong, Y. H. (Eds.), Mathematics instructional practices in Singapore secondary schools(PP. 105-122). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Ng, K. E. D., Yeo, K. K. J., Chua, B. L., & Ng, S. F. (2019). Continuing from pre-servi ce: Towards a professional development framework for mathematics teachers in the 21st century. In Toh, T. L., Kaur, B., & Tay, E. G. (Eds.), Mathematics Education in Singapore(PP. 405-427). Singapore: Springer.

Lee, N. H., Ng, K. E. D., & Yeo, B. W. J. (2019). Metacognition in the teaching and learning of mathematics. In Toh, T. L., Kaur, B., & Tay, E. G. (Eds.), Mathematics education in Singapore(PP. 241-268). Singapore: Springer.

Chan, C. M. E., Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., & Jaguthsing, D. (2019) . Problems in real-world context and mathematical modelling. In Toh, T. L., Kaur, B., Tay, E. G. (Ed.), Mathematics education in Singapore(PP. 195-216). Singapore: Springer.

Lee, N. H., Ng, K. E. D., Seto, C., & Lo h, M. Y. (2019). Potentials and challenges in examining teachers' metacognitive instructional strategies using video technology. In Xu, L. H., Aranda, G., Widjaja, W., & Clarke, D. (Eds.), Video-based research in education: Cross-disciplinary perspectives(PP. 50-65). London: Routledge.

Brow n, J. P., Stillman, G. A., Galbraith, P. L., & Ng, K. E. D. (2024). Mathematical modelling of real-world phenomena. In Mesiti, C., Seah, W. T., Cameron, S., Every, E., Jones, A., Kaur, B., & Pearn, C. (Eds.), Research in mathematics education in Australasia (RiMEA) 2020 ' 2023(PP. 126-157). Singapore: Springer.

Ng, K.E.D. (2017). Empowering teachers to use open-ended real-World tasks in primary mathematics classrooms. In Kaur, B., & Lee, N. H. (Eds.), Empowering mathematics learners: Yearbook of Association of Mathematics Educators(PP. 271-294). Singapore: World Scientific Pub lishing Co. Pte. Ltd..

Stillman, G., Brown, J., Galbraith, P. L., & Ng, K. E. D. (2016). Research into mathematical applications and modelling. In K. Makar, S. Dole, J. Visnovska, M. Goos, A. Bennison, & K. Fry (Eds.), Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia: 2012-2015(PP. 281-304 ). New York: Springer.

Ng, K. E. D., & Stillman, G. A. (2015). Exploring interconnections between real-world and application tasks: Case study from Singapore. In Stillman, G. A., Biembengut, M. S., & Blum, W. (Eds.), International perspectives on the teaching and learning of mathematical modell ing: Teaching mathematical modelling - History and future prospects(PP. 207-217). Dordrecht: Springer.

Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., Chan, C. M. E., & Seto, C. (2015). Developing teaching competencies through videos for facilitation of mathematical modelling in Singapore primary schools. In Ng, S . F. (Ed.), The contributions of video and audio technology towards professional development of mathematics teachers(PP. 15-38). Singapore: Springer.

Ng, K. E. D., & Lee, N. H. (2015). Introduction: Mathematical modelling outreach in Singapore. In Lee, N. H., & Ng, K. E. D. (Eds.), Math ematical modelling: From theory to practice(PP. 1-17). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd..

Stillman, G., & Ng, K. E. D. (2013). Embedding authentic real world tasks into secondary mathematics curricula. In Damlamian, A., Rodrigues, J. F., & Str''er, R. (Eds.), Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry(PP. 299-307). Dordrecht: Springer.

Ng, K. E. D. (2013). Teacher readiness in mathematical modelling: Are there differences between pre-service and experienced teachers?. In Stillman, G., Kaiser, G.,Blum, W., & Brown, J. (Eds.), Teaching Mathematic al Modelling: Connecting to Research and Practice(PP. 339-348). Dordrecht: Springer.

Ng, K. E. D. (2013). Initial perspectives of teacher professional development on mathematical modelling in Singapore: A framework for facilitation. In G. Stillman, G. Kaiser, W. Blum, & J. Brown (Eds.), Tea ching Mathematical Modelling: Connecting to Research and Practice(PP. 427-436). Dordrecht: Springer.

Ng, K. E. D. (2011). Mathematical Knowledge Application and Student Difficulties in a Design-Based Interdisciplinary Project. In Kaiser, G., Blum, W., Borromeo Ferri, R., & Stillman, G. (Eds.), International perspectives on the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling: Trends in the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling (Vol. 1)(PP. 107-116). New York: Springer.

Ng, K. E. D. (2010). Initial experiences of primary school teachers with mathematical modelling. In Ka ur, B., Yeap, B. H., & Manu, K. (Eds.), Mathematical modelling and applications: Yearbook of Association of Mathematics Educators(PP. 129-144). Singapore: World Scientific.

Chua, B. L., & Ng, K. E. D. (2009). Teaching of Graphs. In P. Y. Lee & N. H. Lee (Eds.), Teaching of Secondary Scho ol Mathematics: A resource book (Second Edition Updated).(PP. 52 - 85). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia).

Ng, K.E.D., Teong, S.K. (2005). The Geometer's Sketchpad for Primary Geometry: A Framework. In Wright, D. (Ed.), Moving on with Dynamic Geometry(PP. 123-127). London: Associa tion of Teachers of Mathematics.

Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Kaur, B., Lee, N.H., Ng, K.E.D., Yeo, B.W.J., Yeo, K.K.J. & Safii, L. (2019, July). Instructional strategies adopted by experienced secondary teachers when enacting the Singapore school mathematics curriculum. In Hine, G., Blackl ey, S. & Cooke, A. (Eds.), Mathematics research impacting practice (Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia), 1, 86-89.

Tan, H. S. H., Ng, K. E. D., & Cheng, L. P. (2017, July). Towards a conceptual framework for assessment literacy for mathematics teachers. In Kaur, B., & Ho, W. K. (Eds.), Towards a conceptual framework for assessment literacy for mathematics teachers, 1, 247-256.

Ng, K. E. D., Chan, C. M. E., Widjaja, W., & Seto, C. (2013, March). Fos tering teacher competencies in incorporating mathematical modelling in Singapore primary mathematics classrooms. In Inprasitha, M. (Ed.), Innovations and exemplary practices in mathematics education: 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 3, 219-228.

Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., & Lee, M. L. S. (2024, July). Professional development programme on metacognition: The case of Singapore Teachers. In null (Ed.), 15th International Congress on Mathematics Education: Come and be Counted, 1, 0000.

Ng, K. E. D., Cheng, L. P., Lee, N. H., Lee, P. C. J., Liu, M., & Wong , Z. Y. (2024, July). Facilitating students' mathematisation for knowledge construction during real-world tasks. In null (Ed.), 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 1, 0000.

Seto, C., Thomas, M., Ng, K. E. D., Chan, C. M. E., & Widjaja, W. (2012, July). Mathematical modell ing for Singapore primary classrooms: From a teacher's lens. In Dindyal, J., Cheng, L. P.,& Ng, S. F. (Eds.), Mathematics education - Expanding horizons: Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2, 674-681.

Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., Chan, C. M. E., & Seto, C. (2012, July). Activating teacher critical moments through reflection on mathematical modelling facilitation. In Brown, J. & Ikeda, T. (Eds.), ICME 12 electronic pre-conferenceproceedings TSG17: Mathematical applications and modelling in the teaching and learning of mathematics, 1, 3347-3356.

Ng, K. E. D. (2011, November). Towards Mathematical Literacy in the 21st Century: Perspectives from Singapore. In Wahyudi, & Shadiq, F. (Eds.), Connecting practice and research - working towards mathematical literacy: 1st International Symposium on Mathematics Edu cation Innovation (ISMEI), 1, 85-94.

Chan, C. M. E., Widjaja, W., & Ng, K. E. D. (2011, November). Exemplifying a model-eliciting task for primary school pupils.. In Wahyudi, & Shadiq, F. (Eds.), Connecting practice and research - working towards mathematical literacy: 1st International Sym posium on Mathematics Education Innovation (ISMEI), 1, 125-133.

Ng, K. E. D. (2011, June). Initial perspectives of teacher professional development on mathematical modelling in Singapore: A framework for facilitation. In Stillman, G. & Brown, Jill. (Eds.), Connecting to practice - Teaching practice and the practice of applied mathematicians: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications, 1, 156-163.

Ng, K. E. D. (2010, August). Collective reasoning and sense making processes during a real-world mathematical project. I n Shimizu, S., Leung, F. K. S., & Fujii, T. (Eds.), In search of excellence in mathematics education: Proceedings of the 5th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 1, 771-778.

Ng, K. E. D. (2010, July). Partial metacognitive blindness in collaborative problem solving. In Sp arrow, L., Kissane, B., & Hurst, C. (Eds.), Shaping the future of mathematics education: Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2, 446-453.

Stillman, G., Ng, K. E. D. (2010, April). The other side of the coin - Attempts to embed authentic real world tasks in the secondary curriculum. In Ara'jo, Ad'rito., Fernandes, Ant'nio., Azevedo, Assis., Rodrigues, Jos'. Francisco. (Ed.), Educational interfaces between mathematics and industry: Proceedings of the EIMI 2010 Conference, 1, 491-500.

Ng, K. E. D., Stillman, G. (20 09, November). Patterns of thinking skills application during collaborative work in a longitudinal mathematically-based interdisciplinairy project. In Cheah, U. H., Wahyudi, Devadason, R. P., Ng, K. T., Preechaporn, W., & Aligaen, J. C. (Eds.), Improving science and mathematics literacy - Theory, innovation and practice: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd), 1, 320-328.

Ng, K. E. D., Stillman, G. (2009, July). Applying mathematical knowledge in a design-based interdisciplinary project. In Hunter, R., Bicknell, B., Burgess, T. (Ed.), Crossing, divides: Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2, 411-418.

Ng, K.E.D, Stillman, G., Stacey, K. (2007, July). Interdisciplinary learning and perceptions of interconnectedness of mathematics. In Woo, J. H., Lew, H. C., Park, K. S., Seo, D. Y. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 31st conference of the international group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 185-192.

Ng, K.E.D., Stillman, G. (2007, July). Interdisciplinary learning: Development of mathematical confidence, value, and the interconnect edness of mathematics scales. In Watson, J., Beswick, K. (Ed.), Mathematics, essential research, essential practice: Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2, 533-542.

Ng, K.E.D., Stillman, G. (2006, November). Interdisciplinary task: Designing an environmentally friendly building. In Ocean, J., Walta, C., Breed, M., Virgona, J., Horwood, J. (Ed.), Mathematics, the way forward: MAV Conference, 1, 250-259.

Ng, K.E.D., Stillman, G. (2006, May). Interdisciplinary learning: Are there differences among streams and gend er?. In Foo, K.F. (Ed.), Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference, 1, 2-13.

Ng, K.E.D., Teong,S.K. (2003, November). The Geometer's Sketchpad in Primary Pre-service Teacher Training. In Dawson, R. (Ed.), Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference, 1, 272 -277.

Ng, K.E.D. (2003, November). Project work: Background and future research. In Dawson, R. (Ed.), Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference, 1, 394-404.

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., Seto, C., Liu, M., Lee, J., & Wong, Z. Y. (2021, July). Towards differentiated instruction: Insights from constructivist learning design. Paper presented at 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Shanghai, China.

Lee, N.H., Ng, K.E.D., Yeo, J.B.W., Yeo, K.K.J., Kaur, B., Toh, T.L., Leong, Y.H., & Tay, E.G. (2018, No vember). Pedagogies adopted by experienced secondary school mathematics teachers in relation to the intended curriculum. A paper presented at Symposium: Pedagogies Adopted by Experienced Secondary School Mathematics Teachers. Paper presented at ERAS-APERA International Con ference 2018, Singapore.

Ng, K. E. D. (2018, November). A constructivist approach to the teaching of arc lengths, sector areas and radian measures. Paper presented at Educational Research Association Singapore and Asia-Pacific Educational Researc h Association Conference 2018, Singapore.

Lee, N. H., & Ng, K. E. D. (2023, September). Exploring and fostering metacognition for learning and transfer to pave the way for towards lifelong and lifewide learning. Paper presented at Mathematics teachers conference 2023: Mathematical and compu tational thinking, Singapore.

Lee, N. H., & Ng, K. E. D. (2017, July). The Bar Model Method. Paper presented at the 26th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Canberra, Australia.

Ng, K. E. D., & Lee, N. H. (2017, July). Metacognitive Instructional Strategies and The Problem Wheel. Paper presented at 26th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Canberra, Australia.

Zhuang, Y. L. J., & Ng, K. E. D. (2016, October). Case study insights into Singapore secondary school students' metacognition when solving problems in real-word contexts. Paper presented at Graduate Student Conference 2016, Singapore.

Ng, K. E. D., Lee, N. H., Seto, C., Loh, M. Y., & Chen, S. (2016, September). Teachers' conceptions of metacognition: Some preliminary findings from Singapore primary schools. Paper presented at British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Lee, N. H., Ng, K. E. D., Seto, C., Loh, M. Y., & Chen, S. (2016, September). Programmatic influence on mathematics teachers' metacognitive instructional strategies: A Singapore case study. Paper presented at British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Lee, N.H., Ng, K. E. D., Seto, C., & Loh, M. Y. (2016, June). Special Session showcasing pedagogy projects: Metacognition and mathematical problem solving: Teaching and learning at the primary levels. Paper presented at Mathematics Teachers Conference (MTC), Singapore.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Keynote Addresses

Ng, K. E. D. (2022, June). Mathematics Teachers' Conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Diverse learners, multiple possibilities: Differentiated instruction in primary mathematics, Singapore.

Ng, K. E. D. (2017, June). Mathematics Teachers' Conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Fostering student engagement in mathematics learning: The role of task design, Singapore.

Ng, K. E. D. (2016, July). Academy of Singapore Teachers: Mathematics Chapter Meeting. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Mathematics tasks for engaged learning, Singapore.

Ng, K. E. D. (2016, February). I nternational Conference of Mathematics and Science Education ' Case Study on Singapore. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Singapore: A Problem Solving Mathematics Curriculum, Takashima, Nakashima, Japan.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Workshops and Seminars

Ng, K. E. D. (2019, January). Fostering students' metacognition: Problems in real world contexts for primary mathematics classrooms.

Ng, K. E. D. (2019, March). Problems in Real-World Contexts: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Le arning Outcomes.

Ng, K. E. D. (2018, January). Using open-ended real-world problems in primary mathematics.

Ng, K. E. D. (2023, October). Use of formative assessment to support differentiated instruction to enhance students' metacognition 1.

Ng, K. E. D. (2023, October). Use of formative assessment to support differentiated instruction to enhance students' metacognition 2.

Ng, K. E. D. (2016, September). Alternative assessment in secondary mathematics: Tasks and rubrics.

Ng, K. E. D. (2016, July). Differentiation Through Formative Assessment.

Ng, K. E. D. (2016, June). Empowering mathematics learners through use of open-ended real-world tasks.

Ng, K. E. D. (2013, November). Enhancing mathematical reasoning through task design.

Ng, K. E. D. (2012, July). Teaching and learning through contextualised tasks: Elem ents of task design.

English, L.D., Lesh, R., & Ng, K. E. D. (2012, July). Models and Modelling for the Future: Round Table Discussion.

Ng, K. E. D. (2012, July). Teaching and learning through contextualised tasks: Elements of task design.

Ng, K. E. D. (2011, November). Task Design and Questioning Skills.

Ng, K. E. D. (2010, December). Designing a mathematical modelling task: The role of ICT.

Ng, K. E. D., & Lee, N. H. (2010, November). Modelling activities for your school: The start of a journey.

Ng, K. E. D., & Chua, B. L. (2010, Novem ber). Reflections from EARCOME conference 2010.

Ng, K. E. D. & Lee, N. H. (2010, August). Mathematical modelling: Task design and facilitation - Scaffolding for mathematical thinking.

Lee, N. H., & Ng, K. E. D. (2010, August). Mathematical modelling: Workshop on task design an d facilitation - Scaffolding for mathematical thinking.

Ng, K. E. D. (2010, July). Journal Writing and performance assessment in the context of Singapore schools.

Ng, K. E. D. & Lee, N. H. (2010, June). Mathematical Modelling: An Introduction.

Lee, N. H. & Ng, K. E. D. (20 10, June). Mathematical Modelling: Aspects of Task Design.

Lee, N. H. & Ng, K. E. D. (2010, June). Learning from another Modelling Task.

Ng, K. E. D. (2009, June). Mathematical modelling in primary mathematics.

Ng, K.E.D. & Teong, S.K. (2003, September). Framework in scaffolding the design of ICT activities using the Geometers' Sketchpad in primary mathematics.

Ng, K.E.D., Teong, S.K. (2002, November). Use of the Geometers' Sketchpad in primary mathematics. Seminar with staff at the Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group, National Instit ute of Education, Singapore.