Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Assoc Prof Nguyen Thi Thuy Minh
Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
Journal Articles (Central)
Nguyen, T.T.M., Ha T.T. Do, Thuy T. Pham, & Anh T. Nguyen, M.A (2019). The effects of corrective feedback with and without revision on enhancing L2 pragmatic performance. Applied Pragmatics, 1(1), 1-19.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2018). Pragmatic development in the instructed context: A longitudinal investigation of L2 email requests. Pragmatics, 28(2), 217-252.

Nguyen, T.T.M., Do, T.T.H., Pham, T.T.T., & Nguyen, T.A. (2018). The ef fectiveness of corrective feedback for the acquisition of L2 pragmatics: An eight month investigation. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 56(3), 345-375.

Nguyen T.H., & Nguyen, T.T.M. (2017). "Am I a good boy?": Explicit membership categorization in parent-child interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 121, 25-39.

Nguyen, T.T.M., Pham, T.H., & Pham, M.T. (2017). The effects of input enhancement and recasts on the developmen t of second language pragmatic competence. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 11(1), 45-67.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2017). Using conversation tasks and retrospective methodology to investigate L2 pragmatics development: The case of EFL criticism and responses to criticism. The Language Learning Journal, 45(3), 399-417.

Nguyen, T.H., & Nguyen, T.T.M. (2016). ?But please can I play with the iPad??: The development of request negotiation practices by a four-year-old child. Journal of Pragmatics, 101, 66-82.

Nguyen, T.T.M., Do, T.T.H., Nguyen, T.A., Pham, T.T.T. (2015). Teaching email requests in the academic context: A focus on the role of corrective feedback. Language Awareness, 24(2), 169-195.

Nguyen, T.T.M., & Lwin, S.M. (2014 ). Effects of parents? corrective feedback on the pragmatic performance of L1 English-speaking Singaporean children. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 129-148.

Nguyen, T.T.M. & Ho, G.A.L (2014). Acquisition of request modifiers in Vietnamese as a second language. Journal of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 7, 31-51.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2013). An exploratory study of criticism realization strategies used by NS and NNS of New Zealand English. Multilingua, 32(1), 103-130.

Nguyen, T.T.M & Ho, G.A.L (2013). Requests and politeness in Vietnamese as a native language. Pragmatics, 23(4), 685-714.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2013). Instructional effects on the acquisition of modifier s in constructive criticism by EFL learners. Language Awareness, 22(1), 76-94.

Le, V.C. & Nguyen, T.T.M. (2012). Teacher learning within the school context: An ecological perspective. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 52-67.

Nguyen, T.T.M., Pham, T.H., & Pham, M. T. (2012). The relative effects of explicit and implicit form-focused instruction on the development of L2 pragmatic competence. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(4), 416-434.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2011). Learning to communicate in a globalized world: To what extent do school textbooks facilitate the development of intercultural pragmatic competence?. RELC Journal, 42(1), 17-30.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2008). Criticizing in a L2: Pragmatic strategies used by Vietnamese EFL learners. Intercultural Pragmatics, 5(1), 41-66.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2008). Modifying L2 critici sms: How learners do it?. Journal of Pragmatics, 40(4), 768-791.

Books (Central)
Nguyen, T.T.M., & Le, V.C. (2020). Teaching Pragmatics in EFL Classrooms (PP. 102). Jakarta: The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN).

Le, V,.C., Nguyen, T.M.H., Nguyen, T.T.M., & Bernard, R. (Eds.). (2019). Building t eacher capacity in Vietnamese English Language Teaching: Research, Policy and Practice (PP. 216). London: Routledge.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2007). Learning to give and respond to peer- feedback in the L2: the case of EFL criticisms and responses to criticism (PP. 332). Munich: Lincom Europ a.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2019). Data collection methods in L2 pragmatics research: An overview. In Taguchi, N. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Pragmatics(PP. 195-211). New York: Routledge.

Nguyen, T.T.M., & Cao, T.H.P. (2019). An evaluation of the intercultur al orientation of secondary English textbooks in Vietnam: How well are students prepared to communicate in global contexts?. In Le, V.C., Nguyen, T.M.H., Nguyen, T.T.M., & Bernard, R. (Eds.), Building Teacher Capacity in Vietnamese English Language Teaching: Research, Policy and Practice(PP. 150-165). London: Routledge.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2018). First language and assessing English as an International Language. In Abrar-ul-Hassan, S. (Ed.), Teaching English as an International Language Volume, TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Tea ching(PP. 1-12). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Nguyen, T.T.M., & Ho, G.A.L. (2018). Pragmatic development in the study-abroad context: Impact of a cross-cultural pragmatic strategies intervention. In I. Walker, N. Masanori, D. Chan, & C. Bourguignon (Eds.), New perspectives on the developm ent of key competencies in foreign language education(PP. 229-288). Berlin: De Gruyter.

Basturkmen, H., & Nguyen, T.T.M. (2017). Teaching pragmatics. In Barron, A., Grundy, P., & Guo, Y. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics(PP. 563-574). London: Routledge.

Nguyen, T.T.M., Cao , T.H., & Pham, M.T. (2013). The effects of explicit meta-pragmatic instruction on EFL learners? performance of constructive criticism in an academic setting. In Greer, T., Tatsuki, D., & Roever, C. (Eds.), Pragmatics and Language Learning Vol 13(PP. 199-230). Honolulu: University of Hawaii.

Nguyen, T.T.M. & Basturkmen, H. (2013). Requesting in Vietnamese as a second language. In Roever C., & Nguyen T.H. (Eds.), Pragmatics of Vietnamese as native and target language(PP. 33-95). Honolulu: National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii.

Nguyen, T.T.M., & Bastur kmen & H. (2010). Teaching constructive critical feedback. In Houck N., & Tatsuki. D (Eds.), Pragmatics: Teaching Speech acts(PP. 125-140). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.

Le, V.C., & Nguyen, T.T.M (2010). Minds working together: Scaffolding academic writing in a mixed-ability EFL class. In Baurain, B., & Phan, L.H. (Eds.), Multilevel and Diverse Classrooms. TESOL Classroom Practice Series(PP. 149-160). Alex andria, VA: TESOL.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2005). Pragmatic development in L2 use of criticisms: A case of Vietnamese EFL learners.. In Foster-Cohen, S.H., Garcia-Mayo, M.P., & Cenoz, J. (Eds.), EUROSLA Yearboo k 5(PP. 163-194). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Nguyen, T.T.M., & Marwan, A. (2018, February). Aptis General Writing Test Task 4: An Analysis of Test-takers' Pragmatic Performance and Cognitive Processing, 58.

Nguyen, T.T.M., Lwin, S.M., & Zhang, Y. (2014, October). Input, output, interaction and pragmatics: A study of the effects of adult-child interaction on Singaporean children?s acquisition of speech acts, 20.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2007, December). Textbook evaluation: the case of English textbooks currently in use at Vietnam?s upp er-secondary school. Unpublished research report. Singapore: RELC SEAMEO., 70.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2013). [Review of LoCastro, V. Pragmatics for Language Educators: A Sociolinguistic Perspective]. Asian EFL Journal, 279-283.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2009). [Review of Ellis, R. & Barkhuize n, G Analysing Learner Language]. Asian EFL Journal, 218-219.

Nguyen, T.T.M. (2007). [Review of Cummings, L. Pragmatics: A multidisciplinary perspective]. Asian EFL Journal, 223-224.