Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Mercy Karuniah Jesuvadian
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development
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Mercy currently teaches pre-service and in-service courses in educational psychology. She also designs and teaches Masters courses in the Early Childhood Masters programme. She is the course designer and course coordinator for the in service course: Engaging Parents: A Practical Approach. She also works with in-service pre-school teachers on parent-school partnerships. Her formal training and experience as a classroom teacher had inspired her interest in learning more about the social and emotional development of young children. Her Master's dissertation (2007)explored children's criteria in selecting peers in a local preschool. Her PhD dissertation (2016) explored parent-child relationships in impoverished single mother homes in Singapore. Her other research interests include matters of social justice, diversity and multiculturalism as practiced in the local context. She continues to research within the qualitative paradigm .
Family structure and its impact on child development, Home-school partnerships, Parent-child relationships, Parent-teacher involvement, Poverty and its influence on minority child development, Self-identity and self-understanding in young children, Social emotional development of young children
  • Perspectives and Experiences of Transition from Early Childhood Education to Primary School in Singapore
  • Investigating the Psychosocial Factors Associated with Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Well-be ing in Singapore: A Pilot Study
  • Developing a transition position statement to guide transition practices in Singapore
Dean's Commendation Award 2011