Academic Profile : Faculty
Dr Caleon Imelda Santos
Assistant Dean, Impact & Partnerships, OfR Impact & Partnerships
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
External Links
Journal Articles (Central)
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B. (2021). Examining the phenomenon of resilience in schools: Development, validation and application of the School Resilience Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37(1), 52-64.
King, R. B. & Ca leon, I. S. (2021). School psychological capital: Instrument development, Validation, and prediction. Child Indicators Research, 14(null), 341-367.
Caleon, I. S. & Wui. M. G. L. (2019). The cross-Lagged relations between teacher-student rel atedness and reading achievement of academically at-risk students. Journal of Early Adolescence, 39(5), 717-744.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, Y. S. M, & Cho, Y. H. (2018). Does teaching experience matter? The beliefs and practices of beginning and experienced physics teachers. Research in Science Education, 48(1), 117-149.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2008). Attitudes towards science of intellectually gifted and mainstream upper pri mary students in Singapore. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(8), 940-954.
Caleon, I. S., King, R. B., Tan, J. P.-L., Low, M., Tan, C. S., & Liem, G. A. D. (2017). Nurturing grateful and connected twenty-first century lea rners: Development and evaluation of a socially-oriented gratitude intervention. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37(4), 567-581.
Caleon, I. S., Kadir, M., Tan, C. S., Chua, J. & Ilham, N. Q. M. (2023) (2023). Stress mindset, coping strategies, and well-being of secondary students in Singapore during the Covid-19 pandemic. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 43(5), 491-508.
Kadir, M.S., Yeung, A.S., Caleon, I.S., Diallo, T.M., Forbes, A., & Koh, W.X. (2023). The effects of load reduction instruction on educational out comes: An intervention study on hands‐on inquiry‐based learning in science. Applied Cognitive Psychology. (2023). The effects of load reduction instruction on educational outcomes: An intervention study on hands-on inquiry-based learning in science. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(4), 814-829.
Tan, C.S., Caleon, I.S., Shaik Kadir, M., Chua, J., Ilham, N.Q.M. (2023). Navigating Challenges during Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences and Coping Strategies of Singapore Students. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 40(1), 63-73.
Tan, Y. Z. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2 022). 'It's not just about grades': Teachers' alternative perceptions of students performing at a low level and of these students' academic success. Teaching and Teacher Education, 118, xx.
Caleon. I. S., Ilham, Q., Ong, C. L. & Tan, J. P.L. (2019). Cascading effects of gratitude: A sequential mediation analysis of gratitude, interpersonal relationships, school resilience and school well-being. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28(xx), 303-312.
Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2018). Measuring Critical Musicality. Music Education Research, 21(1), 1-16.
Caleon*, I. S., Wui. M. G. L., Chiam, C. L., King, R. B., Tan, J. P. L., & Tan, C. S. (2017). Personal strengths and perceived teacher support as predict ors of Singapore students' academic risk status. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 37(8), 983-1000.
Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2016). Generalists to Specialists: Transformative Evidences and Impediments to Student-centered Practices of Primary Music and Art Teachers in Singapore. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 17(7), 1-27.
King, R. B.,Caleon, I. S., Tan, J. P. L., & Ye, S. (2016). Positive education in Asia. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 25(3), 361-365.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2016). Dealing with the ambiguities of science inquiry. The Physics Teacher, 54, 168-171.
Caleon*, I. S., Wui, M. G. L., Tan, J. P. L., Chiam, C. L., Tan C. S., & King, R. B. (2015). Cross-cultural validation of the academic mot ivation scale: A Singapore investigation. Child Indicators Research, 8(4), 925-942.
Caleon*, I. S., Wui, M. G. L., & Regaya, M. H. P. (2015). Personal beliefs as key drivers in identifying and solving seminal problems: Lessons from Faraday, Maxwell, Kepler and Newton. Science Educati on International, 26(1), 3-23.
Koh, E., Cho, Y.H., & Caleon, I. (2015). Learning and Instruction Research in the Asia-Pacific Region from 2002 to 2011: Examining Trends,Authors, and Institutions. The Asia-Pacific Edu cation Researcher, 24(4), 719-730.
Tan, Y. S. M., & Caleon, I. S. (2015). Problem finding in professional learning communities: A learning study approach. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60(2), 127-146.
Tan, J.P-L., Caleon, I.S., Jonathan, C.R., & Koh, E. (2014). A dialogic framework for assessing collective creativity in computer-supported collaborative problem-solving tasks. Research and Practic e in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(3), 411-437.
Caleon, I. S., & Subramaniam*, R. (2014). Science epistemological beliefs of secondary students in Singapore. The International Journal of Psychological and Educational Assessment, 16(1), 102-120.
Areepattamannil, S., & Caleon, I. S. ( 2013). Relationships of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies to mathematics achievement in four high-performing East Asian education systems. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174(6), 696-702.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2013). Addressing students' alternative conceptions on the propagation of periodic waves through refutational text. Physics Education, 48(5), 657-663.
Caleon, I. S., Subramaniam*, R. & Regaya, M. H. P. (2013). Revisiting bell-jar demonstration. Physics Education, 48(2), 247-251.
Caleon, I. S.& Subramaniam*,R. (2010). Do students kno w what they know and what they don't know? Using a four-tier diagnostic test to assess the nature of students' alternative conceptions. Research in Science Education, 40(3), 313-337.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2010). Development and application of a three-tier diagnos tic test to assess secondary students' understanding of waves. International Journal of Science Education, 32(7), 939-961.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2010). Exploring students' conceptualization of the propagation of periodic waves. The Physics Teacher, 48(1), 55-59.
Sar avanan, V., Seetha Lakshmi, & Caleon, I. S. (2009). The debate over Literary Tamil vs. Standard Spoken Tamil: What do teachers say?. Journal of Language Identity and Education, 8(4), 231-235.
Bokhorst-Heng, W. & Ca leon, I. S. (2009). The language attitudes of bilingual youth in multilingual Singapore. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 30(3), 235-251.
Caleon*, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2008). From music to physics: the undervalued legacy of Pythagoras. Science and Education, 17(4), 449-456..
Saravanan, V., Seetha Lakshmi, & Caleon, Imelda S. (2007). Attitudes towards Literary Tamil and Standard Spoken Tamil in Singapore. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(1), 58-79.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramani am*, R. (2007). Augmenting learning in an out-of-school context: the cognitive and affective impact of two cryogenics-based enrichment programmes on upper primary students. Research in Science Education, 37(3), 333-351.
Caleon*, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2007). From Pythagoras to Sauveur: Tra cing the history of ideas about the nature of sound. Physics Education, 42, 173-179.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2006). Probably the coolest demonstrations you will do today in the laboratory. Physics Education, 41(5), 371-373.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*,R. (2005). The impa ct of a cryogenics-based enrichment programme on attitude towards science and the learning of science concepts. International Journal of Science Education, 27(6), 679-704.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2005). Having fun with liquid nitrogen. Physics Education, 40(6), 509-511.
C aleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2004). Liquid nitrogen turns down the temperature on gas-law demos. Physics Education, 39(4), 324-327.
King, R. B. & Ca leon, I. S. (2021). School psychological capital: Instrument development, Validation, and prediction. Child Indicators Research, 14(null), 341-367.
Caleon, I. S. & Wui. M. G. L. (2019). The cross-Lagged relations between teacher-student rel atedness and reading achievement of academically at-risk students. Journal of Early Adolescence, 39(5), 717-744.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, Y. S. M, & Cho, Y. H. (2018). Does teaching experience matter? The beliefs and practices of beginning and experienced physics teachers. Research in Science Education, 48(1), 117-149.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2008). Attitudes towards science of intellectually gifted and mainstream upper pri mary students in Singapore. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(8), 940-954.
Caleon, I. S., King, R. B., Tan, J. P.-L., Low, M., Tan, C. S., & Liem, G. A. D. (2017). Nurturing grateful and connected twenty-first century lea rners: Development and evaluation of a socially-oriented gratitude intervention. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37(4), 567-581.
Caleon, I. S., Kadir, M., Tan, C. S., Chua, J. & Ilham, N. Q. M. (2023) (2023). Stress mindset, coping strategies, and well-being of secondary students in Singapore during the Covid-19 pandemic. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 43(5), 491-508.
Kadir, M.S., Yeung, A.S., Caleon, I.S., Diallo, T.M., Forbes, A., & Koh, W.X. (2023). The effects of load reduction instruction on educational out comes: An intervention study on hands‐on inquiry‐based learning in science. Applied Cognitive Psychology. (2023). The effects of load reduction instruction on educational outcomes: An intervention study on hands-on inquiry-based learning in science. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(4), 814-829.
Tan, C.S., Caleon, I.S., Shaik Kadir, M., Chua, J., Ilham, N.Q.M. (2023). Navigating Challenges during Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences and Coping Strategies of Singapore Students. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 40(1), 63-73.
Tan, Y. Z. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2 022). 'It's not just about grades': Teachers' alternative perceptions of students performing at a low level and of these students' academic success. Teaching and Teacher Education, 118, xx.
Caleon. I. S., Ilham, Q., Ong, C. L. & Tan, J. P.L. (2019). Cascading effects of gratitude: A sequential mediation analysis of gratitude, interpersonal relationships, school resilience and school well-being. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28(xx), 303-312.
Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2018). Measuring Critical Musicality. Music Education Research, 21(1), 1-16.
Caleon*, I. S., Wui. M. G. L., Chiam, C. L., King, R. B., Tan, J. P. L., & Tan, C. S. (2017). Personal strengths and perceived teacher support as predict ors of Singapore students' academic risk status. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 37(8), 983-1000.
Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2016). Generalists to Specialists: Transformative Evidences and Impediments to Student-centered Practices of Primary Music and Art Teachers in Singapore. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 17(7), 1-27.
King, R. B.,Caleon, I. S., Tan, J. P. L., & Ye, S. (2016). Positive education in Asia. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 25(3), 361-365.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2016). Dealing with the ambiguities of science inquiry. The Physics Teacher, 54, 168-171.
Caleon*, I. S., Wui, M. G. L., Tan, J. P. L., Chiam, C. L., Tan C. S., & King, R. B. (2015). Cross-cultural validation of the academic mot ivation scale: A Singapore investigation. Child Indicators Research, 8(4), 925-942.
Caleon*, I. S., Wui, M. G. L., & Regaya, M. H. P. (2015). Personal beliefs as key drivers in identifying and solving seminal problems: Lessons from Faraday, Maxwell, Kepler and Newton. Science Educati on International, 26(1), 3-23.
Koh, E., Cho, Y.H., & Caleon, I. (2015). Learning and Instruction Research in the Asia-Pacific Region from 2002 to 2011: Examining Trends,Authors, and Institutions. The Asia-Pacific Edu cation Researcher, 24(4), 719-730.
Tan, Y. S. M., & Caleon, I. S. (2015). Problem finding in professional learning communities: A learning study approach. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60(2), 127-146.
Tan, J.P-L., Caleon, I.S., Jonathan, C.R., & Koh, E. (2014). A dialogic framework for assessing collective creativity in computer-supported collaborative problem-solving tasks. Research and Practic e in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(3), 411-437.
Caleon, I. S., & Subramaniam*, R. (2014). Science epistemological beliefs of secondary students in Singapore. The International Journal of Psychological and Educational Assessment, 16(1), 102-120.
Areepattamannil, S., & Caleon, I. S. ( 2013). Relationships of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies to mathematics achievement in four high-performing East Asian education systems. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174(6), 696-702.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2013). Addressing students' alternative conceptions on the propagation of periodic waves through refutational text. Physics Education, 48(5), 657-663.
Caleon, I. S., Subramaniam*, R. & Regaya, M. H. P. (2013). Revisiting bell-jar demonstration. Physics Education, 48(2), 247-251.
Caleon, I. S.& Subramaniam*,R. (2010). Do students kno w what they know and what they don't know? Using a four-tier diagnostic test to assess the nature of students' alternative conceptions. Research in Science Education, 40(3), 313-337.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2010). Development and application of a three-tier diagnos tic test to assess secondary students' understanding of waves. International Journal of Science Education, 32(7), 939-961.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2010). Exploring students' conceptualization of the propagation of periodic waves. The Physics Teacher, 48(1), 55-59.
Sar avanan, V., Seetha Lakshmi, & Caleon, I. S. (2009). The debate over Literary Tamil vs. Standard Spoken Tamil: What do teachers say?. Journal of Language Identity and Education, 8(4), 231-235.
Bokhorst-Heng, W. & Ca leon, I. S. (2009). The language attitudes of bilingual youth in multilingual Singapore. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 30(3), 235-251.
Caleon*, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2008). From music to physics: the undervalued legacy of Pythagoras. Science and Education, 17(4), 449-456..
Saravanan, V., Seetha Lakshmi, & Caleon, Imelda S. (2007). Attitudes towards Literary Tamil and Standard Spoken Tamil in Singapore. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(1), 58-79.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramani am*, R. (2007). Augmenting learning in an out-of-school context: the cognitive and affective impact of two cryogenics-based enrichment programmes on upper primary students. Research in Science Education, 37(3), 333-351.
Caleon*, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2007). From Pythagoras to Sauveur: Tra cing the history of ideas about the nature of sound. Physics Education, 42, 173-179.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2006). Probably the coolest demonstrations you will do today in the laboratory. Physics Education, 41(5), 371-373.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*,R. (2005). The impa ct of a cryogenics-based enrichment programme on attitude towards science and the learning of science concepts. International Journal of Science Education, 27(6), 679-704.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2005). Having fun with liquid nitrogen. Physics Education, 40(6), 509-511.
C aleon, I. S. & Subramaniam*, R. (2004). Liquid nitrogen turns down the temperature on gas-law demos. Physics Education, 39(4), 324-327.
Books (Central)
King, R.B., Caleon, I. S. & Bernardo, A. B. (Eds.). (2023). Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia (PP. 377). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Appreciating gifts: Activity Booklet (PP. 26). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Thanksgiving: Teachers' Guide (PP. 39). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Discovering Me: Teachers' Guide (PP. 21). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Counting Everyday Gifts: Activity Booklet (PP. 27). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B. (2021). Appreciating Gifts: Teachers' Guide (PP. 39). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B. (2021). Counting Everyday Gifts: Teachers' Guide (PP. 37). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Thanksgiving: Activity Booklet (PP. 22). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Discovering Me: Activity Booklet (PP. 22). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & Tan , J. P. L. (Eds.). (2018). Fostering Positivity and Meaning in Schools (PP. 15). Singapore: National Institute of Education.
Cho, Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.). (2015). Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspect ives from Singapore and beyond (PP. 365). Singapore: Springer.
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Appreciating gifts: Activity Booklet (PP. 26). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Thanksgiving: Teachers' Guide (PP. 39). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Discovering Me: Teachers' Guide (PP. 21). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Counting Everyday Gifts: Activity Booklet (PP. 27). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B. (2021). Appreciating Gifts: Teachers' Guide (PP. 39). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B. (2021). Counting Everyday Gifts: Teachers' Guide (PP. 37). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Thanksgiving: Activity Booklet (PP. 22). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B (2021). Discovering Me: Activity Booklet (PP. 22). Manila: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Caleon, I. S. & Tan , J. P. L. (Eds.). (2018). Fostering Positivity and Meaning in Schools (PP. 15). Singapore: National Institute of Education.
Cho, Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.). (2015). Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspect ives from Singapore and beyond (PP. 365). Singapore: Springer.
Book Chapters (Central)
Caleon, I. S. Tan, J. P-L, Wui, M.G.L., Chiam, C.L., & King, R.B. (2015). Academically at-risk adolescents in Singapore: the importance of teacher support in promoting academic engagement. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), The psychology of Asian learners: a festschrift in honor of Davi d Watkins(PP. 519-539). Singapore: Springer.
Low, M., & King, R. B., & Caleon, I. S. (2015). Predicting students' well-being: The broaden-and-build theory approach. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), The psychology of Asian learners: a festschrift in honor of David Watkins(PP. 4 85-501). Singapore: Springer.
Caleon, I. S. (2019). The role of music-based activities in fostering well-being of adolescents: insights from two decades of research (2008-2018). In P. Costes-Onishi (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts in/Education Resea rch for Future-ready Learners(PP. 235-256). Singapore: Springer.
Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (2015). Authentic problem solving and learning for 21st century learners. In Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.), Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspectives from Singapore and beyond(PP. 3-16). Singapore: Springer.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2015). Exploring the process of problem finding in professional learning communities through a learning study approach. In Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.), Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspectives from Singapore and beyond(PP. 307-326). Singapore: Springer.
Caleon, I. S., Kadir, M., Tan. C. S.. Ong, C. L. & Zhou, J. (in press). The Influence of Gratitude on Students' Interpersonal Relationships, Resilience, and Well-Being. In Chan , K. S. K. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on Life and Values Education in Asia(PP. 1-13). Hong Kong: Routledge.
Bernardo, A. B. I., Burgos, J. F., King, R. B., & Caleon, I. S. (2023). The Application of Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Schools: Moving Forward in Asia . In King, R.B., Caleon, I. S. & Bernardo, A. B. (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia(PP. 377-389). Springer: Springer.
Caleon, I. S.& Chua, V.Y. (2023). Towards a school culture where students thrive: The positive education journey of Westwood Primary Schoo l. In R. B. King, I. S. Caleon, & A. Bernardo (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia: Understanding and Fostering Well-Being in Schools(PP. 219-237). Singapore: Springer.
Caleon, I.S., Lim, S. Q.W., Ilham, N. Q., Koh, W.X., Tan, C. S. & Nie, Y. (2023). Factors and P rocesses that Facilitate the Development of Academic Resilience: Perspectives from Students in Singapore. In R. King, I. S. Caleon & A. Bernardo (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia(PP. 15-34). Singapore: Springer.
King, R.B, Caleon, I. S. & Bernardo, A. B. (2023). Positive Psychology and Positive Education: Asian Perspectives on Well-being in Schools. In King, R.B, Caleon, I. S. & Bernardo, A. B. (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia: Understanding and Fostering Well-Being in School s(PP. 1-11). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Tan, C.S., Ilham, Q.M., Caleon, I.S. (2023). Future Orientation and Resilience of Academically At-Risk Students in Singapore. In Hung, W.L.D. (Ed.), Moving Beyond Grades to Purposeful Learning: Lessons from Singaporean Research(PP. 61-77). Singap ore: Springer.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2023). The Influence of Science Teachers' Beliefs and Practices on Students' Learning Spaces and Processes: Insights from Singapore. In Maulana, R., Helms-Lorenz, M., & Klassen, R. (Eds.), Effective teaching around the world: Theoret ical, empirical, methodological and practical insights(PP. 635-651). Switzerland: Springer.
Kadir, M. S., Wong, Z. Y., Tan, S. H., & Caleon, I. S. (2023). The basic psychological needsatisfaction and frustration, and emotional well-being of young at-risk and non-at-risk students inS ingapore. In B. Ng (Ed.), Self-Determination Theory and Socioemotional Learning(PP. 127'144). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2021). It is better to receive and appreciate the good than to do good: Gratitude and altruism as predictors of p ositive relationships and well-being in schools. In Chen, J. & King, R.B. (Eds.), Emotions in Learning, Teaching, and Leadership: Asian Perspectives(PP. 29-43). Hong Kong: Routledge.
Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2019). Community Music-based Structures of Learning (CoMu-bas ed SL): Artistic Thinking and Processes. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts in/Education Research for Future-ready Learners(PP. 195-211). Springer: Springer.
Tan, J. P-L., Caleon, I. S., Ng, H. L., Poon, C. L., & Koh, E. L. (2018). Collective creativity competencies and collaborative problem-solving outcomes: Insights from the dialogic interactio ns of Singapore student teams. In E. Care, P. Griffin and M. Wilson (Ed.), Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. Research and Application. Educational Assessment in an Information Age.(PP. 95-118). Cham: Springer.
Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M (2015). Authentic learni ng research and practice: issues, challenges, and future directions. In Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.), Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspectives from Singapore and beyond(PP. 355-364). Singapore: Springer.
Low, M., & King, R. B., & Caleon, I. S. (2015). Predicting students' well-being: The broaden-and-build theory approach. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), The psychology of Asian learners: a festschrift in honor of David Watkins(PP. 4 85-501). Singapore: Springer.
Caleon, I. S. (2019). The role of music-based activities in fostering well-being of adolescents: insights from two decades of research (2008-2018). In P. Costes-Onishi (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts in/Education Resea rch for Future-ready Learners(PP. 235-256). Singapore: Springer.
Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (2015). Authentic problem solving and learning for 21st century learners. In Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.), Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspectives from Singapore and beyond(PP. 3-16). Singapore: Springer.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2015). Exploring the process of problem finding in professional learning communities through a learning study approach. In Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.), Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspectives from Singapore and beyond(PP. 307-326). Singapore: Springer.
Caleon, I. S., Kadir, M., Tan. C. S.. Ong, C. L. & Zhou, J. (in press). The Influence of Gratitude on Students' Interpersonal Relationships, Resilience, and Well-Being. In Chan , K. S. K. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on Life and Values Education in Asia(PP. 1-13). Hong Kong: Routledge.
Bernardo, A. B. I., Burgos, J. F., King, R. B., & Caleon, I. S. (2023). The Application of Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Schools: Moving Forward in Asia . In King, R.B., Caleon, I. S. & Bernardo, A. B. (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia(PP. 377-389). Springer: Springer.
Caleon, I. S.& Chua, V.Y. (2023). Towards a school culture where students thrive: The positive education journey of Westwood Primary Schoo l. In R. B. King, I. S. Caleon, & A. Bernardo (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia: Understanding and Fostering Well-Being in Schools(PP. 219-237). Singapore: Springer.
Caleon, I.S., Lim, S. Q.W., Ilham, N. Q., Koh, W.X., Tan, C. S. & Nie, Y. (2023). Factors and P rocesses that Facilitate the Development of Academic Resilience: Perspectives from Students in Singapore. In R. King, I. S. Caleon & A. Bernardo (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia(PP. 15-34). Singapore: Springer.
King, R.B, Caleon, I. S. & Bernardo, A. B. (2023). Positive Psychology and Positive Education: Asian Perspectives on Well-being in Schools. In King, R.B, Caleon, I. S. & Bernardo, A. B. (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia: Understanding and Fostering Well-Being in School s(PP. 1-11). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Tan, C.S., Ilham, Q.M., Caleon, I.S. (2023). Future Orientation and Resilience of Academically At-Risk Students in Singapore. In Hung, W.L.D. (Ed.), Moving Beyond Grades to Purposeful Learning: Lessons from Singaporean Research(PP. 61-77). Singap ore: Springer.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2023). The Influence of Science Teachers' Beliefs and Practices on Students' Learning Spaces and Processes: Insights from Singapore. In Maulana, R., Helms-Lorenz, M., & Klassen, R. (Eds.), Effective teaching around the world: Theoret ical, empirical, methodological and practical insights(PP. 635-651). Switzerland: Springer.
Kadir, M. S., Wong, Z. Y., Tan, S. H., & Caleon, I. S. (2023). The basic psychological needsatisfaction and frustration, and emotional well-being of young at-risk and non-at-risk students inS ingapore. In B. Ng (Ed.), Self-Determination Theory and Socioemotional Learning(PP. 127'144). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2021). It is better to receive and appreciate the good than to do good: Gratitude and altruism as predictors of p ositive relationships and well-being in schools. In Chen, J. & King, R.B. (Eds.), Emotions in Learning, Teaching, and Leadership: Asian Perspectives(PP. 29-43). Hong Kong: Routledge.
Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2019). Community Music-based Structures of Learning (CoMu-bas ed SL): Artistic Thinking and Processes. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts in/Education Research for Future-ready Learners(PP. 195-211). Springer: Springer.
Tan, J. P-L., Caleon, I. S., Ng, H. L., Poon, C. L., & Koh, E. L. (2018). Collective creativity competencies and collaborative problem-solving outcomes: Insights from the dialogic interactio ns of Singapore student teams. In E. Care, P. Griffin and M. Wilson (Ed.), Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. Research and Application. Educational Assessment in an Information Age.(PP. 95-118). Cham: Springer.
Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M (2015). Authentic learni ng research and practice: issues, challenges, and future directions. In Cho , Y. H., Caleon, I. S., & Kapur, M. (Eds.), Authentic problem solving and learning in the 21st century: Perspectives from Singapore and beyond(PP. 355-364). Singapore: Springer.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Koh, E., Cho, Y.H., Caleon, I., & Wei, Y. (2014, June). Where are we now? Research trends in the Learning Sciences. In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E. A., O'Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O'Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Ed.), Learning and becoming in practice: Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1, 535-542.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2003, November). Learning beyond the four walls of the classroom: the potential of cryogenics-based enrichment programs in science educatio n. In Dawson, R. (Ed.), Research in and on the classroom, Proceedings on Educational Research Association of Singapore, 1, 510-532.
Jonathan, C., Tan, J. P-L., Koh, E., Caleon, I., & Tay, S. H. (2017, December). Enhancing students' critical reading fluency, engagement and self-efficacy using self-referenced learning analytics dashboard visualizations. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 457-462.
Leong, W. S., Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., & Low, T. (2019, April). Evaluation of Assessment Tasks and Students' Works from General Music Programme (GMP) in Singaporean Schools. In Brophy, T. & Fautley, M. (Eds.), 6th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education (ISAME), 00, 00.
Koh, E., Tee, Y-H., Suresh, D., & Caleon, I. (2020, June). A digital formative assessment intervention for cultivating teamwork skills. 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1, 1597-1600.|
||Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Caleon, I. S. (2017, May). Nurturing Positivity in Singapore Schools: Lessons from the Implementation of a Positive Psychology Intervention Package. Paper presented at International Conference on Happiness Education and the Seminar on Positi ve Mental Health (Invited Presentation), Beijing, China.
Caleon, I. S., & Tan, J. P. L. (2016, July). Making social connections visible: an exploratory analysis of academically at-risk students' peer networks. Paper presented at 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), Yoko hama, Japan.
Caleon, I. S. (2016, July). Enhancing well-being and intrinsic motivation of academically at-risk students through classroom-based hope intervention activities. Paper presented at 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), Yokohama, Japan.
Caleon, I. S. (2015, February). Profiling academically at-risk secondary students in Singapore: What are the factors that predict students' placement into high-risk and low-risk groups?. Paper presented at Educational Resilience among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment Conference (Invited Presentati on), Singapore.
Lim, M. l. & Caleon, I. S. (2017, May). 'I decided to change' I started to focus'': Positive turning points of academically at-risk adolescents in Singapore. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. [Chair] (2024, May) . Understanding Friend Selection and Influence: Does Class Composition Matter [Symposium]. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. and Tan, R. X. (2024, May). Social Mixing Across Course Lines: Does Class Composition Matter?. Pa per presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024,, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Ilham, N. Q. M., & Kheng, C. (2024, May). Examining the Similarities and Differences in Students' Friendship Networks across Different School Ecosystems in Singapore: A Social Network Perspective . Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conference 2024, Singapore.
Kadir, M. S., Wong, Z. Y., Tan, S. H., & Caleon, I. S. (2024, May). Exploring the Divide: A Comparative Study of Basic Psychological Needs and Emotio nal Well-Being between At-Risk and Non-At-Risk Primary School Students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Huang, X. & Wong, Y. S. (2024, May). Development and Evaluation of the Metacognition Intervention Programme: A Pilot S tudy. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conference 2024, Singapore.
Caleon, I.S., Tan, R. X., Koh, W. X., Liu, W. C (2024, January). Peer Influence and Selection Effects on Adolescents' School Engagement: A Longitudinal Dyadic Analysis. Paper presented at 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, United States.
Lee, N. H., Tay, L. Y., Chan, M., Teo, W. P., Caleon, I. S., Ng, D. & Lee, J. (2023, November). Exploring and Fostering Metacognition for Learning and Transfer to Pave the Way for towards Lifelong and Lifewide Learning. Paper presented at MME Staff and Graduate Colloquium, November 2023, National Institute of Education, Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Tan, R. X., Fan, Y., Liu, W. C., Chan, M., & Huang, X. (2023, September). The Influence of Close Friendship among Differentially Motivated Adolescent Dyads on School Engagement: An Ac tor-Partner Interdependence Model Approach. Paper presented at European Conference on Social Networks 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Caleon, I.S. (2023, July). Sense of Meaning, Purpose and Future Orientation in the Face of Adversities: Insights into the Resilience Development of Academical ly At-risk Students in Singapore. Paper presented at World Congress in Positive Psychology 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. (2023, July). How Do Peer Networks Influence Adolescents' Well-being and Ill-being? Insights from a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study in Singapore. Paper present ed at World Congress in Positive Psychology 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
Caleon, I.S. (2023, May). Longitudinal Patterns in Students' Peer Networks, Motivation, Engagement and Openness to Diversity: Does Class Composition Matter? (Invited Spotlight Session). Paper presented at Teachers' Confere nce and ExCEL Fest 2023 (TCEF2023), Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Tan, R. X., Koh, W. X. & Ilham, N. Q. M. (2022, September). A Longitudinal Investigation of Adolescents' Friendship Networks in Singapore Schools. Paper presented at 6th European Conference on Social Networks, London, United King dom.
Caleon, I. S. & Dela Cruz, N. (2022, July). The effectiveness of mindset interventions on stress mindset and wellbeing. Paper presented at 10th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP), Reykjavik, Iceland.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, June). Making social capital visible: Examini ng peer networks of adolescents in Singapore (Invited Masterclass). Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, May). Positive Education: Insights from Singapore [Chairperson for Symposium]. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedago gy International Conference 2022, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B. (2021, July). The Effects of Self-focused and Others-focused Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs) on the Well-being, Resilience and Relatedness of High-ability Students (Poster Presentation). Paper presented at 7th International Positive Psychology Association World Congress 2021, Virtual Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, April). Flourishing in the New Normal and Beyond: Insights from Positive Psychology (Invited Panel Presentation). Paper presented at Student-Centered Pedagogies in Blended Learning Environments ((attended by about 200 faculty members teaching humanities and social science courses), Manila, Philippines.
Caleon. I. S. (2021, March). Focusing on Well-being: Current Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education (Invited Presentation). Paper presented at W ell-being Education Symposium: Promoting Character and Wellbeing in the 21st Century, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, January). Positive STEM Education: Convergence and Synergy between STEM Education and Positive Education (invited Parallel Presentation). Paper presented at 2nd Integrated S TEM Leadership Summit Asia, Reimagining Integrated STEM Education: Amplifying Agility and Transformational Collaboration for a Post-Pandemic Asia, Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, January). Current Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education (Invited Lecture attended by 150 students and 60 external guests from polytechnics, JCS, MOE and other organisations). Paper presented at Raffles Science Symposium: Mental Health Science Strand, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, July). Are positive psychology interventions effective for high-achieving and low-achieving students?. Paper presented at 6th World Congress in Positive Psycholog, Melbourne, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2019, July). Examining a sequential mediation model linking gr atitude, social relationships, school resilience and school well-being. Paper presented at 6th World Congress in Positive Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, May). Gratitude Pays: Nurturing Grateful Learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop). Pape r presented at 2019 International and 55th Annual National Conference, Manila, Philippines.
Tan, J. P-L., Koh, E., Caleon, I. S., & Chen, X. Q. (2019, April). Collaborative video annotation and learning analytics to foster deep and social learning: Possibilities and challenges. Paper presen ted at American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, March). Nurturing grateful learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop, attended by 120 teachers and school administrators). Paper presented at Capability Building in Developing the So cio-Emotional Skills of Philippine Science High School Students, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, January). Positive Education: Discovering Me (Invited Presentation and Workshop, attended by about 50 teachers and administrators). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and Will Program (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, January). Positive Education: Gratitude (Invited Presentation, attended by ~50 educators and administrators). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and W ill Program (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, December). Nurturing Grateful Learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop, Attended by about 50 Educators and Administrators). Paper presented at Symposium on Positive Educat ion and Its Role on the Mental Health and Well-being of Learners and Teachers, Makati City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, November). Positive Education: Gratitude (Invited Presentation and Workshop, Attended by about 50 educators and school administrators). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and Will Program (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September). Towards a Pedagogy of Failing and Bouncing Back: Lessons in Academic Resilience from Turnaround Students (Invited Presentation). Paper presented at Symposium on Promoting Student Well-being: Motivation, Engagement and Resilience, MOE Edutorium, Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, August). Nurturing Grateful Learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop, attended by ~100 educators and administrators). Paper pr esented at Capability Building in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Philippine Science High School Students, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I S. (2018, July). Bouncing back from negativity: Cultivating resilience and well-being in Singapore schools. Paper presented at Internationa l Education Conference 2018, Grand Copthorne Waterfront, Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, June). Turning Achievement Around: Factors and Conditions Promoting Academic Resilience in Singapore Schools (Invited Plenary Talk). Paper presented at DLSU Research Congre ss 2018: "'Building Impact on FirmFoundations: From Basics to Applications", Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, June). Making Social Capital Visible: A Workshop on Social Network Analysis (Invited Presentation and Workshop). Paper presented at DLSU Resear ch Congress: 'Building Impact on FirmFoundations: From Basics to Applications", Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. & Wui, M. G. L. (2018, April). Reciprocal Relationship between Teacher-Student Relatedness and Reading Achievement of Academically At-Risk Students: A Two-wave Longitudinal St udy. Paper presented at 2018 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York, United States.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, January). Positive Education: Gratitude (Invited Presentation and Workshop). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and Will P rogram (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Jonathan, C., Tan, J. P-L, Koh, E., Caleon, I., Tay, S. H. (2017, November). Visualizing learning in real time: The effectiveness of a self-referenced learning analytics dashboard in promoting academic self-concept, engagem ent and critical reading skills in English language. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education Conference 2017, Canberra, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2017, November). Parenting through a different lens: Identifying, cultivating and harnessing your chil d's strengths (Invited Main Presentation (Attended by about 60 parents). Paper presented at Parent Symposium on Positive Education, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2017, July). The effectiveness of a classroom-based hope intervention on the well-being, learning strategies and a cademic motivation of academically at-risk students in Singapore. Paper presented at Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2017, May). Agents of resilience: Examining the factors that influence shifts in the academic trajectories of aca demically at-risk students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Caleon, I.S., & Wui, M. G. L. (2017, May). The reciprocal relation between teacher-student relatedness and reading achievement of academically at-risk students: A cross-lagged analy sis. Paper presented at Symposium on "Insights into Research on Singapore Low Progress Classrooms (Part 1)" at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Aris, J. A. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2017, May). The impact of a gratitude-based intervention on social rela tionships and kindness of academically at-risk students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Tan, J. P. L. & Caleon, I. S. (2017, March). Understanding and fostering collaborative creativity and problem-solving competencies in everyday teaching and learning dialogues. Paper presented at 9th Annual 21st Century Learning Conference, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Caleon, I. S. (2016, December). Cultivating gratitude and hope: a workshop for positive educators (Invited presentation and Workshop). Paper presented at Second National Convention on Positive Psychology, Naga City, Philippines.
Leong, W. S., Costes-Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., and Low, T. (2016, July). A Preliminary Study of Assessment Progression: Evaluation of Assessment Tasks and Students' Works from General Music Programme (GMP) in Singaporean Schools. Paper presented at 32nd World Conference International Society of Music Education Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Leong, W. S., Costes-Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., & Low, T. (2016, July). A Preliminary Study of Assessment Progression: Case Studies of Expe rt Teacher-Evaluators of Music Assessment Tasks and Students' Works. Paper presented at 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Caleon, I. S., Wui, M. G. L., Chiam, C. L., King, R. B., Tan, J. P.L., & Tan, Chee Soon (2016, April). Personal s trengths and perceived teacher support as predictors of students' academic risk status. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA)Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, United States.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2016, April). Science education for learners in different academic streams: Physics teachers' beliefs and practices in Singapore. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference 2016, Baltimore, United States.
Caleon, I. S., Tan, Y. S. M. & Cho, Y. H. (2016, April). Resolving an int egrative conundrum: The beliefs and practices of beginning and experienced physics teachers. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2016, April). Experienced and beginning physics teachers' pedagogical c ontent knowledge and instructional practices. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)Annual International Conference 2016, Baltimore, United States.
Caleon, I. S., Low, M., King, R. B., & Tan, C. S. (2015, June). Cultivating Secondary Students' Well- being in Singapore: A Gratitude Intervention. Paper presented at Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Tan, J.P-L., Caleon, I.S., Ng, H.L., Koh, E., & Kwek, D. B. K. (2015, June). A dialogic approach to formatively assessing students' collective crea tivity in online collaborative problem-solving contexts. Paper presented at Symposium 'Making 21CC Visible: Contemporary Approaches to Assessing and Fostering Collective Creativity, Teamwork and Social Learning Capital', at the 2015 Redesigning Pedagogy Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I.S., Tan , J. P. L., Wui,M. G. L., & King, R. B. (2015, June). Making social capital visible: Peer networks of academically at-risk students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conference 2015, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Loo, M. Y. (2015, May). Exploring peer networks of academically at-risk students using social network analysis. Paper presented at 2015 Briefing-cum-Sharing on Educational Support: Helping Every Student Who Needs Us Most (Invited Presentation), Singapore.
Tan, J.P-L, Caleon, I.S., Koh, E., & Jonathan, C.R. (2014, December). Assessing and fostering students' co llective creativity and collaborative problem-solving competencies: A dialogic approach. Paper presented at the joint Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference (AARE-NZARE) 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2014, D ecember). Beginning and experienced physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and practices in promoting conceptual change. Paper presented at AARE-NZARE Conference 2014 (Speaking Back through Research), Brisbane, Australia.
Tan, J.P-L, Caleon, I.S., Wui, G. (2014, December). Towar ds more equitable 21st century schooling outcomes: Relatedness, motivation and literacy achievement of at-risk learners. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2014, November). Novice and experienced physics teachers' pe dagogical content knowledge and practices in promoting conceptual change. Paper presented at International Science Education Conference 2014 (Pushing the Boundaries), Singapore.
Koh, E., Caleon, I., & Cho, Y.H. (2013, September). Collaboration patterns of educational researchers in the Asia -Pacific: An analysis of 12 top journals in teaching and learning from 2002 to 2011. Paper presented at 2013 Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2013, September). Is experience the best teacher? Physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and practices onpromoting conceptual change. Paper presented at Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singa pore.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2013, June). Problem finding in Professional Learning Communities: A Singapore case of learning study. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, Y. S. M. (2013, June). Experienced and beginning Physics teachers' beliefs and instructional practices in promoting conceptual and procedural learning of low-achieving students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2013, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam, R. (2012, April). Fostering conceptual change usin g student-centred and precise refutational texts. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2011, November). Promoting conceptual change in Physics: The role of refutational texts. Paper presented at F ourth Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2010, November). Fostering conceptual change on waves using different forms of refutational texts. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malay sia.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2008, November). Do students know what they do not know? The use of a three-tier diagnostic instrument in investigating alternative conceptions. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2007, July). The science-related epistemological beliefs of upper secondary students in Singapore: A pilot study. Paper presented at World Science and Technology Education Conference, Perth, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2006, November). The evolution of ideas about the nature of sound. Paper presented at Science Education for the Next Society Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2004, November). Attitudes towards science of gifted and non-gifted upper primary students. Paper presented at Educational Research Associati on of Singapore Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2004, June). Cryogenics-based enrichment programme as a supplement to collaborative learning. Paper presented at International Association for the Study of Collaboration in Education Conference, Singapore.
Koh, E., Cho, Y.H., Caleon, I., & Wei, Y. (2014, June). Where are we now? Research trends in the Learning Sciences. In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E. A., O'Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O'Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Ed.), Learning and becoming in practice: Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1, 535-542.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2003, November). Learning beyond the four walls of the classroom: the potential of cryogenics-based enrichment programs in science educatio n. In Dawson, R. (Ed.), Research in and on the classroom, Proceedings on Educational Research Association of Singapore, 1, 510-532.
Jonathan, C., Tan, J. P-L., Koh, E., Caleon, I., & Tay, S. H. (2017, December). Enhancing students' critical reading fluency, engagement and self-efficacy using self-referenced learning analytics dashboard visualizations. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 457-462.
Leong, W. S., Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., & Low, T. (2019, April). Evaluation of Assessment Tasks and Students' Works from General Music Programme (GMP) in Singaporean Schools. In Brophy, T. & Fautley, M. (Eds.), 6th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education (ISAME), 00, 00.
Koh, E., Tee, Y-H., Suresh, D., & Caleon, I. (2020, June). A digital formative assessment intervention for cultivating teamwork skills. 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1, 1597-1600.|
||Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Caleon, I. S. (2017, May). Nurturing Positivity in Singapore Schools: Lessons from the Implementation of a Positive Psychology Intervention Package. Paper presented at International Conference on Happiness Education and the Seminar on Positi ve Mental Health (Invited Presentation), Beijing, China.
Caleon, I. S., & Tan, J. P. L. (2016, July). Making social connections visible: an exploratory analysis of academically at-risk students' peer networks. Paper presented at 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), Yoko hama, Japan.
Caleon, I. S. (2016, July). Enhancing well-being and intrinsic motivation of academically at-risk students through classroom-based hope intervention activities. Paper presented at 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), Yokohama, Japan.
Caleon, I. S. (2015, February). Profiling academically at-risk secondary students in Singapore: What are the factors that predict students' placement into high-risk and low-risk groups?. Paper presented at Educational Resilience among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment Conference (Invited Presentati on), Singapore.
Lim, M. l. & Caleon, I. S. (2017, May). 'I decided to change' I started to focus'': Positive turning points of academically at-risk adolescents in Singapore. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. [Chair] (2024, May) . Understanding Friend Selection and Influence: Does Class Composition Matter [Symposium]. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. and Tan, R. X. (2024, May). Social Mixing Across Course Lines: Does Class Composition Matter?. Pa per presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024,, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Ilham, N. Q. M., & Kheng, C. (2024, May). Examining the Similarities and Differences in Students' Friendship Networks across Different School Ecosystems in Singapore: A Social Network Perspective . Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conference 2024, Singapore.
Kadir, M. S., Wong, Z. Y., Tan, S. H., & Caleon, I. S. (2024, May). Exploring the Divide: A Comparative Study of Basic Psychological Needs and Emotio nal Well-Being between At-Risk and Non-At-Risk Primary School Students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Huang, X. & Wong, Y. S. (2024, May). Development and Evaluation of the Metacognition Intervention Programme: A Pilot S tudy. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conference 2024, Singapore.
Caleon, I.S., Tan, R. X., Koh, W. X., Liu, W. C (2024, January). Peer Influence and Selection Effects on Adolescents' School Engagement: A Longitudinal Dyadic Analysis. Paper presented at 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, United States.
Lee, N. H., Tay, L. Y., Chan, M., Teo, W. P., Caleon, I. S., Ng, D. & Lee, J. (2023, November). Exploring and Fostering Metacognition for Learning and Transfer to Pave the Way for towards Lifelong and Lifewide Learning. Paper presented at MME Staff and Graduate Colloquium, November 2023, National Institute of Education, Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Tan, R. X., Fan, Y., Liu, W. C., Chan, M., & Huang, X. (2023, September). The Influence of Close Friendship among Differentially Motivated Adolescent Dyads on School Engagement: An Ac tor-Partner Interdependence Model Approach. Paper presented at European Conference on Social Networks 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Caleon, I.S. (2023, July). Sense of Meaning, Purpose and Future Orientation in the Face of Adversities: Insights into the Resilience Development of Academical ly At-risk Students in Singapore. Paper presented at World Congress in Positive Psychology 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. (2023, July). How Do Peer Networks Influence Adolescents' Well-being and Ill-being? Insights from a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study in Singapore. Paper present ed at World Congress in Positive Psychology 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
Caleon, I.S. (2023, May). Longitudinal Patterns in Students' Peer Networks, Motivation, Engagement and Openness to Diversity: Does Class Composition Matter? (Invited Spotlight Session). Paper presented at Teachers' Confere nce and ExCEL Fest 2023 (TCEF2023), Singapore.
Caleon, I. S., Tan, R. X., Koh, W. X. & Ilham, N. Q. M. (2022, September). A Longitudinal Investigation of Adolescents' Friendship Networks in Singapore Schools. Paper presented at 6th European Conference on Social Networks, London, United King dom.
Caleon, I. S. & Dela Cruz, N. (2022, July). The effectiveness of mindset interventions on stress mindset and wellbeing. Paper presented at 10th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP), Reykjavik, Iceland.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, June). Making social capital visible: Examini ng peer networks of adolescents in Singapore (Invited Masterclass). Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, May). Positive Education: Insights from Singapore [Chairperson for Symposium]. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedago gy International Conference 2022, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & King, R. B. (2021, July). The Effects of Self-focused and Others-focused Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs) on the Well-being, Resilience and Relatedness of High-ability Students (Poster Presentation). Paper presented at 7th International Positive Psychology Association World Congress 2021, Virtual Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, April). Flourishing in the New Normal and Beyond: Insights from Positive Psychology (Invited Panel Presentation). Paper presented at Student-Centered Pedagogies in Blended Learning Environments ((attended by about 200 faculty members teaching humanities and social science courses), Manila, Philippines.
Caleon. I. S. (2021, March). Focusing on Well-being: Current Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education (Invited Presentation). Paper presented at W ell-being Education Symposium: Promoting Character and Wellbeing in the 21st Century, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, January). Positive STEM Education: Convergence and Synergy between STEM Education and Positive Education (invited Parallel Presentation). Paper presented at 2nd Integrated S TEM Leadership Summit Asia, Reimagining Integrated STEM Education: Amplifying Agility and Transformational Collaboration for a Post-Pandemic Asia, Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, January). Current Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education (Invited Lecture attended by 150 students and 60 external guests from polytechnics, JCS, MOE and other organisations). Paper presented at Raffles Science Symposium: Mental Health Science Strand, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, July). Are positive psychology interventions effective for high-achieving and low-achieving students?. Paper presented at 6th World Congress in Positive Psycholog, Melbourne, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2019, July). Examining a sequential mediation model linking gr atitude, social relationships, school resilience and school well-being. Paper presented at 6th World Congress in Positive Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, May). Gratitude Pays: Nurturing Grateful Learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop). Pape r presented at 2019 International and 55th Annual National Conference, Manila, Philippines.
Tan, J. P-L., Koh, E., Caleon, I. S., & Chen, X. Q. (2019, April). Collaborative video annotation and learning analytics to foster deep and social learning: Possibilities and challenges. Paper presen ted at American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, March). Nurturing grateful learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop, attended by 120 teachers and school administrators). Paper presented at Capability Building in Developing the So cio-Emotional Skills of Philippine Science High School Students, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, January). Positive Education: Discovering Me (Invited Presentation and Workshop, attended by about 50 teachers and administrators). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and Will Program (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, January). Positive Education: Gratitude (Invited Presentation, attended by ~50 educators and administrators). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and W ill Program (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, December). Nurturing Grateful Learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop, Attended by about 50 Educators and Administrators). Paper presented at Symposium on Positive Educat ion and Its Role on the Mental Health and Well-being of Learners and Teachers, Makati City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, November). Positive Education: Gratitude (Invited Presentation and Workshop, Attended by about 50 educators and school administrators). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and Will Program (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September). Towards a Pedagogy of Failing and Bouncing Back: Lessons in Academic Resilience from Turnaround Students (Invited Presentation). Paper presented at Symposium on Promoting Student Well-being: Motivation, Engagement and Resilience, MOE Edutorium, Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, August). Nurturing Grateful Learners (Invited Presentation and Workshop, attended by ~100 educators and administrators). Paper pr esented at Capability Building in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Philippine Science High School Students, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I S. (2018, July). Bouncing back from negativity: Cultivating resilience and well-being in Singapore schools. Paper presented at Internationa l Education Conference 2018, Grand Copthorne Waterfront, Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, June). Turning Achievement Around: Factors and Conditions Promoting Academic Resilience in Singapore Schools (Invited Plenary Talk). Paper presented at DLSU Research Congre ss 2018: "'Building Impact on FirmFoundations: From Basics to Applications", Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, June). Making Social Capital Visible: A Workshop on Social Network Analysis (Invited Presentation and Workshop). Paper presented at DLSU Resear ch Congress: 'Building Impact on FirmFoundations: From Basics to Applications", Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. & Wui, M. G. L. (2018, April). Reciprocal Relationship between Teacher-Student Relatedness and Reading Achievement of Academically At-Risk Students: A Two-wave Longitudinal St udy. Paper presented at 2018 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York, United States.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, January). Positive Education: Gratitude (Invited Presentation and Workshop). Paper presented at Nurturing Heart, Mind and Will P rogram (Positive Education Teacher Training), Quezon City, Philippines.
Jonathan, C., Tan, J. P-L, Koh, E., Caleon, I., Tay, S. H. (2017, November). Visualizing learning in real time: The effectiveness of a self-referenced learning analytics dashboard in promoting academic self-concept, engagem ent and critical reading skills in English language. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education Conference 2017, Canberra, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2017, November). Parenting through a different lens: Identifying, cultivating and harnessing your chil d's strengths (Invited Main Presentation (Attended by about 60 parents). Paper presented at Parent Symposium on Positive Education, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2017, July). The effectiveness of a classroom-based hope intervention on the well-being, learning strategies and a cademic motivation of academically at-risk students in Singapore. Paper presented at Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. & Ilham, N. Q. (2017, May). Agents of resilience: Examining the factors that influence shifts in the academic trajectories of aca demically at-risk students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Caleon, I.S., & Wui, M. G. L. (2017, May). The reciprocal relation between teacher-student relatedness and reading achievement of academically at-risk students: A cross-lagged analy sis. Paper presented at Symposium on "Insights into Research on Singapore Low Progress Classrooms (Part 1)" at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Aris, J. A. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2017, May). The impact of a gratitude-based intervention on social rela tionships and kindness of academically at-risk students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Tan, J. P. L. & Caleon, I. S. (2017, March). Understanding and fostering collaborative creativity and problem-solving competencies in everyday teaching and learning dialogues. Paper presented at 9th Annual 21st Century Learning Conference, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Caleon, I. S. (2016, December). Cultivating gratitude and hope: a workshop for positive educators (Invited presentation and Workshop). Paper presented at Second National Convention on Positive Psychology, Naga City, Philippines.
Leong, W. S., Costes-Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., and Low, T. (2016, July). A Preliminary Study of Assessment Progression: Evaluation of Assessment Tasks and Students' Works from General Music Programme (GMP) in Singaporean Schools. Paper presented at 32nd World Conference International Society of Music Education Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Leong, W. S., Costes-Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., & Low, T. (2016, July). A Preliminary Study of Assessment Progression: Case Studies of Expe rt Teacher-Evaluators of Music Assessment Tasks and Students' Works. Paper presented at 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Caleon, I. S., Wui, M. G. L., Chiam, C. L., King, R. B., Tan, J. P.L., & Tan, Chee Soon (2016, April). Personal s trengths and perceived teacher support as predictors of students' academic risk status. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA)Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, United States.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2016, April). Science education for learners in different academic streams: Physics teachers' beliefs and practices in Singapore. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference 2016, Baltimore, United States.
Caleon, I. S., Tan, Y. S. M. & Cho, Y. H. (2016, April). Resolving an int egrative conundrum: The beliefs and practices of beginning and experienced physics teachers. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2016, April). Experienced and beginning physics teachers' pedagogical c ontent knowledge and instructional practices. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)Annual International Conference 2016, Baltimore, United States.
Caleon, I. S., Low, M., King, R. B., & Tan, C. S. (2015, June). Cultivating Secondary Students' Well- being in Singapore: A Gratitude Intervention. Paper presented at Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Tan, J.P-L., Caleon, I.S., Ng, H.L., Koh, E., & Kwek, D. B. K. (2015, June). A dialogic approach to formatively assessing students' collective crea tivity in online collaborative problem-solving contexts. Paper presented at Symposium 'Making 21CC Visible: Contemporary Approaches to Assessing and Fostering Collective Creativity, Teamwork and Social Learning Capital', at the 2015 Redesigning Pedagogy Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I.S., Tan , J. P. L., Wui,M. G. L., & King, R. B. (2015, June). Making social capital visible: Peer networks of academically at-risk students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conference 2015, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Loo, M. Y. (2015, May). Exploring peer networks of academically at-risk students using social network analysis. Paper presented at 2015 Briefing-cum-Sharing on Educational Support: Helping Every Student Who Needs Us Most (Invited Presentation), Singapore.
Tan, J.P-L, Caleon, I.S., Koh, E., & Jonathan, C.R. (2014, December). Assessing and fostering students' co llective creativity and collaborative problem-solving competencies: A dialogic approach. Paper presented at the joint Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference (AARE-NZARE) 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2014, D ecember). Beginning and experienced physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and practices in promoting conceptual change. Paper presented at AARE-NZARE Conference 2014 (Speaking Back through Research), Brisbane, Australia.
Tan, J.P-L, Caleon, I.S., Wui, G. (2014, December). Towar ds more equitable 21st century schooling outcomes: Relatedness, motivation and literacy achievement of at-risk learners. Paper presented at Australian Association for Research in Education 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. (2014, November). Novice and experienced physics teachers' pe dagogical content knowledge and practices in promoting conceptual change. Paper presented at International Science Education Conference 2014 (Pushing the Boundaries), Singapore.
Koh, E., Caleon, I., & Cho, Y.H. (2013, September). Collaboration patterns of educational researchers in the Asia -Pacific: An analysis of 12 top journals in teaching and learning from 2002 to 2011. Paper presented at 2013 Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2013, September). Is experience the best teacher? Physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and practices onpromoting conceptual change. Paper presented at Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singa pore.
Tan, Y. S. M. & Caleon, I. S. (2013, June). Problem finding in Professional Learning Communities: A Singapore case of learning study. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, Y. S. M. (2013, June). Experienced and beginning Physics teachers' beliefs and instructional practices in promoting conceptual and procedural learning of low-achieving students. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2013, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Subramaniam, R. (2012, April). Fostering conceptual change usin g student-centred and precise refutational texts. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2011, November). Promoting conceptual change in Physics: The role of refutational texts. Paper presented at F ourth Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2010, November). Fostering conceptual change on waves using different forms of refutational texts. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malay sia.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2008, November). Do students know what they do not know? The use of a three-tier diagnostic instrument in investigating alternative conceptions. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & R. Subramaniam (2007, July). The science-related epistemological beliefs of upper secondary students in Singapore: A pilot study. Paper presented at World Science and Technology Education Conference, Perth, Australia.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2006, November). The evolution of ideas about the nature of sound. Paper presented at Science Education for the Next Society Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2004, November). Attitudes towards science of gifted and non-gifted upper primary students. Paper presented at Educational Research Associati on of Singapore Conference, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. and R. Subramaniam (2004, June). Cryogenics-based enrichment programme as a supplement to collaborative learning. Paper presented at International Association for the Study of Collaboration in Education Conference, Singapore.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Keynote Addresses
Caleon, I. S. (2024, August). West Cluster Professional Learning Team Meeting. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Building a School Culture to Nurture Resilient and Flourishing Learners: What Does Research Say?, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2024, May). 2024 Korea-OECD Interna tional Seminar on 'Digital Transformation and Teacher Competencies". KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Resilient and Flourishing Learners in the Complex and Interconnected World: Insights from a Decade of Research Involving Adolescents in Singapore, Yeosu, Korea.
Caleon, I. S. (2023, October). S4 Cluster Interest Group Meeting. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Student Well-being in Schools: Current State and New Perspectives, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, July). Uplift and Educational Support Seminar 2022. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Resilient and Flourishing Learners: Insights from a Dec ade of Research involving Academically At-risk Learners in Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, July). Uplift and Educational Support (UES) Seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Resilient and Flourishing Learners: Insights from a Decade of Research involving Academically At-risk Learner s in Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, March). Positive Education Conference with theme "Raising Resilient Children" (organised by Heary: Positive Education Centre in Vietnam and attended by about 400 participants). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Beating the Odds: Nurturing Resilience in Children, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, January). Third National Conference on STEM Education with theme "System Upgrade: STEM Education for a Better Normal". KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Positive STEM Education: Convergence and Synergy Between STEM Education and Positive Edu cation, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, August). PSHS System 2021 National Teachers' Convention. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Focusing on Teacher Well-being: Flourishing in the Face of Adversities (Invited Plenary Presentation attended by about 800 teachers and school leaders), Manila, P hilippines.
Caleon, I.S. (2021, April). West 1 Cluster Positive Education Programme. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Current Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, February). 5th National and the 1st International Conference on Education 2021: "Inn ovative Educational Management for Transition to New Normal'. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Flourishing in the New Normal: Insights from Positive Psychology (Invited Plenary Presentation), Bangkok, Thailand.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, December). Positive Education Training @ Rizal National High School. KE YNOTE ADDRESS, The Power of Gratitude: Nurturing Grateful and Flourishing Learners, Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, August). Singapore Positive Education Network Meeting. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, May). 2019 International and 55th Annual National Conference: 'Professional Practice in the Age of Disruption for Global Well-being'. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Turning Negativity Around: Factors and Conditions that Foster Resilience (Plenary Presentation), Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, March) . Capability Building in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Philippine Science High School Students. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bouncing back from negativity: factors and conditions that foster resilience, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, February). 5th National Research Confer ence in Science and Mathematics Education: STEM Towards Education 4.0. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, STEM education and positive education: Convergence and synergy (Plenary Presentation attended by more than 200 participants), Legazpi City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, December). Symposium on Posit ive Education and its Role on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Learners and Teachers. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bouncing Back From Negativity: Factors and Conditions that Foster Resilience, Makati City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, November). Symposium on Advancing Pathways for 21st Century C ompetencies, Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Making Social Capital Visible: What Can We Learn from the Peer Networks of Academically At-Risk Students?, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September). AED (Teaching and Learning) Symposium: Getting Motivated to Motivate. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing motivated and resilient learners, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September). Normal Course Symposium:Getting Motivated to Motivate. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing motivated and resilient learners, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September ). Normal Course Symposium 2018. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Motivated and Resilient Learners, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, August). Capability Building in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Philippines Science High School Students. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bouncing back from negativ ity: factors and conditions that foster resilience, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2016, December). Second National Convention on Positive Psychology. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing positivity in schools: Lessons from Singapore and beyond, Naga City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2015 , May). 2015 Briefing-cum-sharing on Educational Support: Helping Every Student who Needs Us Most. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Turning achievement around: The academic resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore Year 1 Results (Invited Main Presentation), Singapore.
Keynote Addresses
Caleon, I. S. (2024, August). West Cluster Professional Learning Team Meeting. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Building a School Culture to Nurture Resilient and Flourishing Learners: What Does Research Say?, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2024, May). 2024 Korea-OECD Interna tional Seminar on 'Digital Transformation and Teacher Competencies". KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Resilient and Flourishing Learners in the Complex and Interconnected World: Insights from a Decade of Research Involving Adolescents in Singapore, Yeosu, Korea.
Caleon, I. S. (2023, October). S4 Cluster Interest Group Meeting. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Student Well-being in Schools: Current State and New Perspectives, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, July). Uplift and Educational Support Seminar 2022. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Resilient and Flourishing Learners: Insights from a Dec ade of Research involving Academically At-risk Learners in Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, July). Uplift and Educational Support (UES) Seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Resilient and Flourishing Learners: Insights from a Decade of Research involving Academically At-risk Learner s in Singapore, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, March). Positive Education Conference with theme "Raising Resilient Children" (organised by Heary: Positive Education Centre in Vietnam and attended by about 400 participants). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Beating the Odds: Nurturing Resilience in Children, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.
Caleon, I. S. (2022, January). Third National Conference on STEM Education with theme "System Upgrade: STEM Education for a Better Normal". KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Positive STEM Education: Convergence and Synergy Between STEM Education and Positive Edu cation, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, August). PSHS System 2021 National Teachers' Convention. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Focusing on Teacher Well-being: Flourishing in the Face of Adversities (Invited Plenary Presentation attended by about 800 teachers and school leaders), Manila, P hilippines.
Caleon, I.S. (2021, April). West 1 Cluster Positive Education Programme. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Current Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, February). 5th National and the 1st International Conference on Education 2021: "Inn ovative Educational Management for Transition to New Normal'. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Flourishing in the New Normal: Insights from Positive Psychology (Invited Plenary Presentation), Bangkok, Thailand.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, December). Positive Education Training @ Rizal National High School. KE YNOTE ADDRESS, The Power of Gratitude: Nurturing Grateful and Flourishing Learners, Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, August). Singapore Positive Education Network Meeting. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Trends in Positive Psychology and Positive Education, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, May). 2019 International and 55th Annual National Conference: 'Professional Practice in the Age of Disruption for Global Well-being'. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Turning Negativity Around: Factors and Conditions that Foster Resilience (Plenary Presentation), Manila, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, March) . Capability Building in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Philippine Science High School Students. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bouncing back from negativity: factors and conditions that foster resilience, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, February). 5th National Research Confer ence in Science and Mathematics Education: STEM Towards Education 4.0. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, STEM education and positive education: Convergence and synergy (Plenary Presentation attended by more than 200 participants), Legazpi City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, December). Symposium on Posit ive Education and its Role on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Learners and Teachers. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bouncing Back From Negativity: Factors and Conditions that Foster Resilience, Makati City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, November). Symposium on Advancing Pathways for 21st Century C ompetencies, Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Making Social Capital Visible: What Can We Learn from the Peer Networks of Academically At-Risk Students?, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September). AED (Teaching and Learning) Symposium: Getting Motivated to Motivate. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing motivated and resilient learners, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September). Normal Course Symposium:Getting Motivated to Motivate. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing motivated and resilient learners, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, September ). Normal Course Symposium 2018. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing Motivated and Resilient Learners, Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. (2018, August). Capability Building in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Philippines Science High School Students. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bouncing back from negativ ity: factors and conditions that foster resilience, Quezon City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2016, December). Second National Convention on Positive Psychology. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Nurturing positivity in schools: Lessons from Singapore and beyond, Naga City, Philippines.
Caleon, I. S. (2015 , May). 2015 Briefing-cum-sharing on Educational Support: Helping Every Student who Needs Us Most. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Turning achievement around: The academic resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore Year 1 Results (Invited Main Presentation), Singapore.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Professional Articles
Caleon, I. S., Tan, Y. S. M., Chua, J., Nie, Y., Binte Ilham, N. Q., Tan, H. Y. R., & Lee, F. H. (2019, January). OER Research Brief Series Lessons from Resilience-Nurturing Environments: Classroom Practices of Turnaround Teachers., 19-029, 1-2.
Ca leon, I. S. (2019, March). OER Knowledge Bites Towards a pedagogy of failing and bouncing back: lessons in academic resilience from turnaround students., 9, 7-8.
Caleon, I. S., Nie, Youyan, Tan, J. P. L., Tan, C. S., King, R. B., Ahmad, K., Lim, M. L. & Ilham, N. Q. (2018, April). OER Research Brief Series Turning achievement around: Predictors of academic resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore., 18-027, 1-2.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, J. P. L. (2018, April). Research Within Reach: Singteach Student well-being: What about it?, 64, 4-6.
Caleon, I.S., King, R. B., Liem, G. A., Tan, C. S., Tan, J. P. L., Lam, R., & Ilham, N. Q. (2017, November). OER Research Brief Series Nurturing positivity: A positive psychology intervention to enhance well-being, engagement, and achievement among at-risk students., 17-014, 1-2.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, September). NIEWS Using everyday magic to build resilience amid the Covid-19 pandemic., 117, NA.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, October). Singapore Positive Education Network: Research Positive Education: Teaching Well-being in Schools., NA.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, May). Singteach Virtual Staff lounge Maintaining positivity and building resi lience amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Practical tips for parents., NA.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, J. P. L. (2018, April). Research Within Reach: SingTeach Fostering positivity and meaning in schools., 64, 1-15.
Workshops and Seminars
Tan, J.P-L., Lam, R., & Caleon, I.S. (2015, July). Nurturing positivity: Positive psychology intervention to enhance students' well-being, sense of relatedness, and learning outcomes. (Research Presentation at 2015 Briefing-cum-Sharing on Educational Support. Attended by ~55 secondary school teachers and administrators).
Caleon, I. S. (2018, April). Fostering Academic Resilience: Insights from a Three-Year Longitudinal Study (Invited Presentation at Seoul National University).
Caleon, I. S. (2015, May). Turning achievement ar ound: The academic resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore (Invited Presentation to MOE Standing Committee for Educational Support).
Caleon, I. S. (2024, May). Programme for Understanding and Supporting Strategic and Empowered Learners: Neuroscience-based Learning Strategi es. Workshop conducted at Beatty Secondary School.
Caleon, I. S. (2024, March). Metacognition for Strategic Learning and Transfer (Invited Presentation).
Caleon, I. S. (2024, March). Metacognition for Strategic Learning and Transfer (Invited Research Sharing to E2 Cluster Meeting , with school leaders and middle leaders from 11 schools).
Caleon, I. S. (2024, January). Overview of OER Research (Part 2). Presentation to Oman Specialised Institute for Professional Training of Teachers Delegation, National Institute of Education Singapore..
Caleon, I. S., Liu, W . C., Kheng, C., Tan, R., Arwani, A., Zhou, J. and Tan, R. X. (2023, December). Peer Power Study: Understanding Friendship Formation, Selection, Influence, and Dynamics. Presentation to the Ministry of Education (session was attended by the education officers and specialists led by Dr. Poon Chew Leng, Chief Specialist/Divisional Director, Research and Management Information Division and Dr. Teh Laik Woon, Director, Corporate Research Office).
Caleon, I. S. (2023, October). Tracing the Winds of Change: Policy Initiatives and Assessment Reforms in Singapore. Guest lecture at the Ed ucation University of Hong Kong (about 40 students of a psychology course focusing on assessment in education)..
Caleon, I.S. (2023, February). Peer Power: Examining Adolescents' Peer Networks as Context and Resource for Nurturing and Optimizing Human Potential (Presentation during the Vis it of the MOE Scientific Advisory Board Members of the Human Potential Steering Committee to NIE).
Caleon, I. S., Tan, R.X., Koh, W.X., Liu, W.C., Steglich, C., Fan, Y.G. & Ilham, N. Q. (2022, November). Peer Power Study Results Sharing (Invited Presentation for the FSBB sub-committee of t he Ministry of Education) Online research presentation..
Caleon, I. S. (2022, August). Like an Invisible Force: Stressors, Stress Mindset and Coping Strategies of Adolescents in Singapore (Invited presentation for the Lunch Series attended by about 40 middle-level school leaders participat ing in the Management and Leadership in Schools [MLS] programme).
Caleon, I. S. (2022, March). Like an Invisible Force: Stressors, Stress Mindset and Coping Strategies of Adolescents in Singapore (Invited presentation for the Lunch Series attended by 56 middle-level school leaders particip ating in the Management and Leadership in Schools [MLS] programme).
Caleon, I. S. & Gaydos, Matthew (2022, January). Understanding and Nurturing Social Capital in Schools Invited Seminar for West 2 Cluster of Schools Meeting (Attended by 35 school leaders).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, Nov ember). Exploring and Fostering Well-being and Metacognition in Singapore Schools: Current Research and Way Forward.
Caleon, I. S., Li, E. & Ang, C. (2021, October). Turn-around Pedagogies: Powerful Teaching Practices that Can Foster Academic Resilience (Invited Presentation for EZ in C onversation with NIE Faculty).
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2021, September). Peer Power Study: Comparing Social Networks of Students in FSBB Pilot and Non-Pilot Schools (Invited Presentation for the Guidance Branch of the Ministry of Education).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, August). Mind Over Stress: Rethinking Stress to Promote Well-being and Resilience During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (Invited Presentation for the Virtual Sandbox Seminar Series of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning of the University of Hong Kong).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, July). L ike an Invisible Force: Stressors, Stress Mindset and Coping Strategies of Adolescents in Singapore (Invited presentation for the Lunch Series attended by about 30 middle-level school leaders participating in the Management and Leadership in Schools [MLS] programme).
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2021, May). Peer Power Study: Comparing Social Networks of Students in FSBB Pilot and Non-Pilot Schools (Invited Virtual Presentation for the Social Mixing Steering Committee Meeting, Ministry of Education).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, April). Forging and Nurturing Partnership with Schools (Invited Presentation for OER Partnership Day).
Koh, R. L. E. & Caleon, I. S. (2021, March). Teaching and Learning of 21st Century Competencies: Insights from 119 Studies in Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2020, November). Peer Power Study: Comparing Social Networks of S tudents in Full SBB Pilot and Non-Pilot Schools (Invited Presentation @ Full SBB Sub-Committee Meeting).
Caleon, I.S. (2020, November). How Do We Know If It Works? (Invited sharing at Xishan Primary School).
Costes-Onishi, P., Carino, C., Wong, J., & Kehk, B.L. (2020, November). Why Artistic Thinking is Important for Academic Achievement and Emotional Resilience?.
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2020, September). Social Network Analysis Workshop at Northbrooks Secondary School.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, September). Making Research Impactful: Insights from my Res earch Journey (Invited Presentation for Staff Development Day.
Caleon, I.S. (2020, August). Turn-around Pedagogies: Teaching Practices that Foster Academic Resilience (Invited Sharing for EZ in Conversation with NIE Faculty).
Caleon, I.S. (2020, July). Well-being Boosters (Invite d Staff Welfare Committee Sharing).
Caleon, I.S. (2020, June). Positive Education: Applying Positive Psychology in Learning and Teaching (Invited Sharing at Xishan Primary School).
Caleon, I. S. (2020, June). Strengths-based education: Discovering, cultivating and harnessing psyc hological strengths to promote flourishing (Invited presentation attended by about 40 teachers of gifted and high-ability learners).
Koh, E., Caleon, I., & de Roock, R. (2020, March). Local evidence synthesis on teaching and learning of 21st century competencies.
Caleon, I. S. (2019 , December). Turning Achievement Around: Lessons from Two Resilience Studies (Invited Presentation at the National University of Singapore, Institute for Applied Learning Sciences and Educational Technology or ALSET).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, November). Educating Learners in Mixed-Ability S ettings: Addressing Diversity and Forging Connections--Gratitude and Self-discovery (Invited workshop at Gan Eng Seng School, attended by about 87 teachers and school administrators).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, October). Lessons from Resilience-Nurturing Environments: Classroom Practices of Turn around teachers (Academy of Singapore Teachers).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, September). How to Nurture Resilience and Positivity in Children: Lessons from Resilience Studies (Education in the City Series, attended by more than 100 parents and educators).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, June). Pra ctical Assessment Techniques to Evaluate Impact of School Programmes (Invited Presentation for the Leaders in Education Programme).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, April). Nurturing grateful learners in schools (Invited Presentation for the West Zone Cluster of Schools attended by about 35 educators ).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, March). Nurturing heart, mind and will. Presentation before World Bank, JP Morgan and Unilab Foundation Executives.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, February). Nurturing Positivity in Singapore Schools (Northbrooks Secondary School).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, Februa ry). Positive Education: Fostering Positivity in Schools (Invited Workshop and Presentation at Bukit View Secondary School, attended by about 80 teachers and school administrators).
Caleon, I. S. (2018, June). Fostering Hope (Invited Seminar cum Workshop at De La Salle University).
Caleon, I. S. (2018, March). Instrument development: Multiple-choice questions (Invited Workshop conducted at the Ministry of Education HQ).
Caleon, I. S. (2016, March). Positive education: fostering positivity in schools (Invited Seminar/workshop at Greenridge Primary School).
Caleon, I.S. & King, R. B. (2021). Positive Education Online Modules: Self-Discovery . Philippines: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Koh, E., Caleon, I., & de Roock, R. (2020). Local evidence synthesis on teaching and learning of 21st century competencies . Singapore: NIE.
Professional Articles
Caleon, I. S., Tan, Y. S. M., Chua, J., Nie, Y., Binte Ilham, N. Q., Tan, H. Y. R., & Lee, F. H. (2019, January). OER Research Brief Series Lessons from Resilience-Nurturing Environments: Classroom Practices of Turnaround Teachers., 19-029, 1-2.
Ca leon, I. S. (2019, March). OER Knowledge Bites Towards a pedagogy of failing and bouncing back: lessons in academic resilience from turnaround students., 9, 7-8.
Caleon, I. S., Nie, Youyan, Tan, J. P. L., Tan, C. S., King, R. B., Ahmad, K., Lim, M. L. & Ilham, N. Q. (2018, April). OER Research Brief Series Turning achievement around: Predictors of academic resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore., 18-027, 1-2.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, J. P. L. (2018, April). Research Within Reach: Singteach Student well-being: What about it?, 64, 4-6.
Caleon, I.S., King, R. B., Liem, G. A., Tan, C. S., Tan, J. P. L., Lam, R., & Ilham, N. Q. (2017, November). OER Research Brief Series Nurturing positivity: A positive psychology intervention to enhance well-being, engagement, and achievement among at-risk students., 17-014, 1-2.
Caleon, I. S. (2021, September). NIEWS Using everyday magic to build resilience amid the Covid-19 pandemic., 117, NA.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, October). Singapore Positive Education Network: Research Positive Education: Teaching Well-being in Schools., NA.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, May). Singteach Virtual Staff lounge Maintaining positivity and building resi lience amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Practical tips for parents., NA.
Caleon, I. S. & Tan, J. P. L. (2018, April). Research Within Reach: SingTeach Fostering positivity and meaning in schools., 64, 1-15.
Workshops and Seminars
Tan, J.P-L., Lam, R., & Caleon, I.S. (2015, July). Nurturing positivity: Positive psychology intervention to enhance students' well-being, sense of relatedness, and learning outcomes. (Research Presentation at 2015 Briefing-cum-Sharing on Educational Support. Attended by ~55 secondary school teachers and administrators).
Caleon, I. S. (2018, April). Fostering Academic Resilience: Insights from a Three-Year Longitudinal Study (Invited Presentation at Seoul National University).
Caleon, I. S. (2015, May). Turning achievement ar ound: The academic resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore (Invited Presentation to MOE Standing Committee for Educational Support).
Caleon, I. S. (2024, May). Programme for Understanding and Supporting Strategic and Empowered Learners: Neuroscience-based Learning Strategi es. Workshop conducted at Beatty Secondary School.
Caleon, I. S. (2024, March). Metacognition for Strategic Learning and Transfer (Invited Presentation).
Caleon, I. S. (2024, March). Metacognition for Strategic Learning and Transfer (Invited Research Sharing to E2 Cluster Meeting , with school leaders and middle leaders from 11 schools).
Caleon, I. S. (2024, January). Overview of OER Research (Part 2). Presentation to Oman Specialised Institute for Professional Training of Teachers Delegation, National Institute of Education Singapore..
Caleon, I. S., Liu, W . C., Kheng, C., Tan, R., Arwani, A., Zhou, J. and Tan, R. X. (2023, December). Peer Power Study: Understanding Friendship Formation, Selection, Influence, and Dynamics. Presentation to the Ministry of Education (session was attended by the education officers and specialists led by Dr. Poon Chew Leng, Chief Specialist/Divisional Director, Research and Management Information Division and Dr. Teh Laik Woon, Director, Corporate Research Office).
Caleon, I. S. (2023, October). Tracing the Winds of Change: Policy Initiatives and Assessment Reforms in Singapore. Guest lecture at the Ed ucation University of Hong Kong (about 40 students of a psychology course focusing on assessment in education)..
Caleon, I.S. (2023, February). Peer Power: Examining Adolescents' Peer Networks as Context and Resource for Nurturing and Optimizing Human Potential (Presentation during the Vis it of the MOE Scientific Advisory Board Members of the Human Potential Steering Committee to NIE).
Caleon, I. S., Tan, R.X., Koh, W.X., Liu, W.C., Steglich, C., Fan, Y.G. & Ilham, N. Q. (2022, November). Peer Power Study Results Sharing (Invited Presentation for the FSBB sub-committee of t he Ministry of Education) Online research presentation..
Caleon, I. S. (2022, August). Like an Invisible Force: Stressors, Stress Mindset and Coping Strategies of Adolescents in Singapore (Invited presentation for the Lunch Series attended by about 40 middle-level school leaders participat ing in the Management and Leadership in Schools [MLS] programme).
Caleon, I. S. (2022, March). Like an Invisible Force: Stressors, Stress Mindset and Coping Strategies of Adolescents in Singapore (Invited presentation for the Lunch Series attended by 56 middle-level school leaders particip ating in the Management and Leadership in Schools [MLS] programme).
Caleon, I. S. & Gaydos, Matthew (2022, January). Understanding and Nurturing Social Capital in Schools Invited Seminar for West 2 Cluster of Schools Meeting (Attended by 35 school leaders).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, Nov ember). Exploring and Fostering Well-being and Metacognition in Singapore Schools: Current Research and Way Forward.
Caleon, I. S., Li, E. & Ang, C. (2021, October). Turn-around Pedagogies: Powerful Teaching Practices that Can Foster Academic Resilience (Invited Presentation for EZ in C onversation with NIE Faculty).
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2021, September). Peer Power Study: Comparing Social Networks of Students in FSBB Pilot and Non-Pilot Schools (Invited Presentation for the Guidance Branch of the Ministry of Education).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, August). Mind Over Stress: Rethinking Stress to Promote Well-being and Resilience During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (Invited Presentation for the Virtual Sandbox Seminar Series of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning of the University of Hong Kong).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, July). L ike an Invisible Force: Stressors, Stress Mindset and Coping Strategies of Adolescents in Singapore (Invited presentation for the Lunch Series attended by about 30 middle-level school leaders participating in the Management and Leadership in Schools [MLS] programme).
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2021, May). Peer Power Study: Comparing Social Networks of Students in FSBB Pilot and Non-Pilot Schools (Invited Virtual Presentation for the Social Mixing Steering Committee Meeting, Ministry of Education).
Caleon, I. S. (2021, April). Forging and Nurturing Partnership with Schools (Invited Presentation for OER Partnership Day).
Koh, R. L. E. & Caleon, I. S. (2021, March). Teaching and Learning of 21st Century Competencies: Insights from 119 Studies in Singapore.
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2020, November). Peer Power Study: Comparing Social Networks of S tudents in Full SBB Pilot and Non-Pilot Schools (Invited Presentation @ Full SBB Sub-Committee Meeting).
Caleon, I.S. (2020, November). How Do We Know If It Works? (Invited sharing at Xishan Primary School).
Costes-Onishi, P., Carino, C., Wong, J., & Kehk, B.L. (2020, November). Why Artistic Thinking is Important for Academic Achievement and Emotional Resilience?.
Caleon, I. S. & Koh, W. X. (2020, September). Social Network Analysis Workshop at Northbrooks Secondary School.
Caleon, I. S. (2020, September). Making Research Impactful: Insights from my Res earch Journey (Invited Presentation for Staff Development Day.
Caleon, I.S. (2020, August). Turn-around Pedagogies: Teaching Practices that Foster Academic Resilience (Invited Sharing for EZ in Conversation with NIE Faculty).
Caleon, I.S. (2020, July). Well-being Boosters (Invite d Staff Welfare Committee Sharing).
Caleon, I.S. (2020, June). Positive Education: Applying Positive Psychology in Learning and Teaching (Invited Sharing at Xishan Primary School).
Caleon, I. S. (2020, June). Strengths-based education: Discovering, cultivating and harnessing psyc hological strengths to promote flourishing (Invited presentation attended by about 40 teachers of gifted and high-ability learners).
Koh, E., Caleon, I., & de Roock, R. (2020, March). Local evidence synthesis on teaching and learning of 21st century competencies.
Caleon, I. S. (2019 , December). Turning Achievement Around: Lessons from Two Resilience Studies (Invited Presentation at the National University of Singapore, Institute for Applied Learning Sciences and Educational Technology or ALSET).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, November). Educating Learners in Mixed-Ability S ettings: Addressing Diversity and Forging Connections--Gratitude and Self-discovery (Invited workshop at Gan Eng Seng School, attended by about 87 teachers and school administrators).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, October). Lessons from Resilience-Nurturing Environments: Classroom Practices of Turn around teachers (Academy of Singapore Teachers).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, September). How to Nurture Resilience and Positivity in Children: Lessons from Resilience Studies (Education in the City Series, attended by more than 100 parents and educators).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, June). Pra ctical Assessment Techniques to Evaluate Impact of School Programmes (Invited Presentation for the Leaders in Education Programme).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, April). Nurturing grateful learners in schools (Invited Presentation for the West Zone Cluster of Schools attended by about 35 educators ).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, March). Nurturing heart, mind and will. Presentation before World Bank, JP Morgan and Unilab Foundation Executives.
Caleon, I. S. (2019, February). Nurturing Positivity in Singapore Schools (Northbrooks Secondary School).
Caleon, I. S. (2019, Februa ry). Positive Education: Fostering Positivity in Schools (Invited Workshop and Presentation at Bukit View Secondary School, attended by about 80 teachers and school administrators).
Caleon, I. S. (2018, June). Fostering Hope (Invited Seminar cum Workshop at De La Salle University).
Caleon, I. S. (2018, March). Instrument development: Multiple-choice questions (Invited Workshop conducted at the Ministry of Education HQ).
Caleon, I. S. (2016, March). Positive education: fostering positivity in schools (Invited Seminar/workshop at Greenridge Primary School).
Caleon, I.S. & King, R. B. (2021). Positive Education Online Modules: Self-Discovery . Philippines: Unilab Foundation, Inc..
Koh, E., Caleon, I., & de Roock, R. (2020). Local evidence synthesis on teaching and learning of 21st century competencies . Singapore: NIE.