Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Boon Suan Loy Zoe
Senior Lecturer, Policy, Curriculum and Leadership
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
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Dr Zoe Boon has served in MOE for more than three decades in diverse school settings. Prior to her first appointment as Principal of Merlimau Primary School from 1998 to 2001, Dr Boon completed her Diploma in Education Administration and was awarded the Ruth Wong and the Singapore Educational Administration Society Book Prizes. She received her PhD based on her dissertation “The Making of School Principals in Singapore” in 2005 and was then appointed as Principal of Anglican High School from 2005 to 2010. In addition to training, consultancy, professional sharing at local and international conferences and seminars, she contributes towards the training of pre-service teachers, middle and school leaders. She has written several research papers and book chapters related to principalship, coaching, mentoring, learning organisation, and teacher training.

Her book “Singapore School Principals: Leadership Stories” was published in 2018. She recently graduated as a trained Coach for coaching individuals in the education and private sector. She is also a certified coach.
School Leadership
  • Principals as Leaders of Future-Ready Learners in the Singapore Education System: Roles and Implications on Principalship Training
Best conference paper presenter at the ICEPP 2021: International Conference on Educational Policies and Practices on January 14-15, 2021, Digital Presentation. -- Boon, Z. (2021). Education Reforms in the Singapore Education System: Implications for School Leadership.