Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Onishi Pamela Grace Costes
Education Research Scientist, OER Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Journal Articles (Central)
Costes-Onishi, P., Baildon, M. & Aghazadeh, S. (2020). Moving inquiry-based learning forward: A meta-synthesis on inquiry-based classroom practices for pedagogical innovation and school improvement in the humanities and arts. Asia-Pacifi c Journal of Education,, 1-48.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2020). Diffusing and sustaining ground-up arts partnership initiatives in a de/centralized education system: the case of Singapore. Arts Education Policy Review, 00(null), 1-14.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2019). Community Music-Based Structures of Learning (CoMu-Based SL): Pedagogical Framework for the Nurturance of Future-Ready Habits of Mind. International Journal of Music Education, 37(3), 346-369.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2018). Measuring Critical Musicality. Music Education Research, 21(1), 1-16.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2016). Negot iating the boundaries between the formal and the informal: An experienced teacher's reflective adaptations of informal learning in a keyboard class for at-risk students. British Journal of Music Education, 33(null), 1-18.

Costes-Onishi,P. & Kwek, D. (2023). Technical skills vs meaning-making: Teacher competencies and strength of inquiry-based learning in aesthetic inquiry. Teaching and Teacher Education, 130(null), 1-10.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Kwek, D. (2022). Inquiry -based learning in music: Indicators and relationships between key pedagogical practices and the quality of critical thinking. Research Studies in Music Education, 00(null), 1-17.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Caleon, I. (2016). Generalists to Specialists: Tra nsformative Evidences and Impediments to Student-centered Practices of Primary Music and Art Teachers in Singapore. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 17(7), 1-27.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Lum, C.H. (2015). Multicultural Music Education in Singapore Primary Schools: An analysis of the applications of a specialist professional development in practical music teaching. Multicultural Education Review, 7(04), 213-229.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2014). Drumming for community building: The development of the Community Drumming Network (CDN) and its impact in Singapore society. International Journal of Community Music, 7(3), 299-317.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2010). Kulintan g Stateside: Issues on Authenticity of Transformed Musical Traditions. Humanities Diliman, 7(1), 111-139.

Books (Central)
Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.). (2019). Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts /in/Education Research for Future-ready Learners (PP. 309). Singapore: Springer.

Lee, S. S., Chua, B. L., Chia, A., Ong, M., & Costes-Onishi, P. (PRESS). Teacher Professional Learning for Pedagogic al Leaders: The Singapore Perspective (PP. 350). Singapore: Springer.

Book Chapters (Central)
Costes-Onishi, P. (2019). Conclusion: Evidences for Artistic Thinking in the Schools. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts in/Education Research for Future-ready Learners(PP. 299-309). Singapore: Springer.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Ca leon, I. (2019). Community Music-based Structures of Learning (CoMu-based SL): Artistic Thinking and Processes. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts in/Education Research for Future-ready Learners(PP. 195-211). Springer: Springer.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2019). Introduction: Finding Evidences for Artistic Thinking in the Schools. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Toward Innovative Arts in/Education Research for Future-ready Learners(PP. 3-17). Singapore: Springer.

Tan, L., & C ostes-Onishi, P. (2019). Nurturing Future Ready Learners Through the Arts: A Case Study of an Exemplary Primary School Band. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Artistic Thinking in the Schools: Towards Innovative Arts /in/Education Research for Future-ready Learners.(PP. 161-173). Singapore: Springe r.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2013). Pedagogical issues in multicultural education: An autoethnography of the challenges in delivering 'A' levels non-western music curriculum in Singapore schools. In Lum, C.H. (Ed.), Contextualized Practices in Arts Education: An International Dialogue on Singapore(PP. 281-311). Singapore: Springer Publisher.

Costes-Onishi, P. (in press). Partnership for Professional Learning and Innovation: Music Teacher Self-Efficacy in the Design and Implementation of the 'Teaching Living Legends' Curriculum. In Lee, S. S., Chua, B. L., Chia, A., Ong, M., & Costes-Onish i, P. (Eds.), Teacher Professional Learning for Pedagogical Leaders: The Singapore Perspective(PP. 1-13). Singapore: Springer.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2012). The Role of Philippine Traditional Music in Stimulating Musical Intelligence in the Early Childhood Education of a Multiple Intelligences International School in Manila, Philippines. In Whiteman, P. & Lum, C.H. (Eds.), Musical Childhoods of the Asia-Pacific: A New Sourcebook in Early Childhood Music Education(PP. 50-70). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Costes-Onishi, P. & Onishi, H. (2013, June). The Institutionalization of the Philippine Kulintang Tradition: A Proposal for an Alternative Teaching Methodology Consistent With Its Stylistic Essence. In Nor, M.A. (Ed.), (RE)PRODUCING SOUTHEAST AS IAN PERFORMING ARTS & SOUTHEAST ASIAN BODIES, MUSIC, DANCE AND OTHER MOVEMENT ARTS, 2, 1-8.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Onishi, H. (2011, June). Traditional and Filipino American Kulintang Improvisations: Making Authenticity Issues Current in the Global Age. In Nor, M.A., Matusky, P., Tan S. B., Kitin gan, Jacqueline-Pugh, K., & Prudente, F. (Eds.), Hybridity in the Performing Arts of Southeast Asia, 1, 219-224.

Leong, W. S., Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., & Low, T. (2019, April). Ev aluation of Assessment Tasks and Students' Works from General Music Programme (GMP) in Singaporean Schools. In Brophy, T. & Fautley, M. (Eds.), 6th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education (ISAME), 00, 00.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Azlan, A. (2023, November). Understanding Artistic Sensibilities in the Teaching Practice of ArtistEducators for the Advancement of 21st Century Classroom Pedagogies. In ICERI 2023 (Ed.), ICERI Proceedings: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain. 13-1 5 November, 2023., 2023, 0.

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Costes-Onishi, P. & Kwek, D. (2021, April). Inquiry-Based Learning in Music: Key Pedagogical Practices and Intellectual Quality of Knowledge Work. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting: Accepting Educational Responsibility, Virtual, United States.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Kwek, D. (2019, January). Toward Heightened Experiential Classroom Dynamics: Meaning-making in Curriculum Enactment through Aesthetic Inquiry. Paper presented at 32nd ICSEI Conference, Stavanger, Norway.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2018, July). Bridging the Community and Institutions: Collaborative partnerships for increased classroom advocacies in community music. Paper presented at ICTM Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology and the Music Education and Social Inclusion, Beijing, China.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Kang, N. (2024, May). Supporting Youths to Thrive: An Arts-based Group Intervention Programme. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2024, Singapore.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2024, April). Multicultural education through artist educators' practices: challenges of teaching rac e and inequality in Singapore. Paper presented at AERA 2024: Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action, Philadelphia, United States.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2023, April). Optimizing inquiry outcomesthrough experiential-based pedagogies: Teacher acc ounts of aestheticallyinfused inquiry-based learning (AIIBL) practices. Paper presented at 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Arwani, A. (2022, November). The Value of Aesthetic Experience:Teacher Beliefs, Knowledge and Skills inAesthetically infused Inqui ry based Learning(AIIBL) in Singapore Schools. Paper presented at ICERI2022 (15th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation), Seville, Spain.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Arwani, A. (2022, May). The Value of Aesthetic Experience in the Quality of Teaching and Learning Env ironments: Teachers' current understandings of the concept of aesthetically-infused inquiry-based learning (AIIBL). Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.

Caleon, I. S., Onishi, P., & Ilham, N.Q. M (2022, May). Nurturing positivity in Singapore schools: The effects of arts-based positive psychology interventions on students' resilience and well-being. In I. S. Caleon, Chairperson, Positive Education: Insights from Singapore [Symposium]. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Peacock, A., & Costes-On ishi, P. (2018, January). Building a case for the deepening of teacher pedagogies through the Centre for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE).. Paper presented at International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Singapore.

Costes-Onishi, P., Hilarian, L.F., & Dahlan, I. ( 2017, June). Developing 21st century Habits of Mind among At-risk Learners through the 6 Learning Structures of Community Music-based Education. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy, Singapore.

Leong, W. S., Costes-Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., & Low, T. (2016, July). A Prelimin ary Study of Assessment Progression: Case Studies of Expert Teacher-Evaluators of Music Assessment Tasks and Students' Works. Paper presented at 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Leong, W. S., Costes-Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Suradi, S., an d Low, T. (2016, July). A Preliminary Study of Assessment Progression: Evaluation of Assessment Tasks and Students' Works from General Music Programme (GMP) in Singaporean Schools. Paper presented at 32nd World Conference International Society of Music Education Conference, Glasgow, United Ki ngdom.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Hilarian, L.F. (2016, July). Towards the development of innovative pedagogies for the nurturance of 21st century learners: The 6 learning structures and 5 habits of mind of community music-based education. Paper presented at 32nd ISME World Conference on Music Edu cation, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Onishi, H. (2016, July). Towards the preservation of the Philippine Kulintang ensemble's dynamism: new pedagogical approach and musical analysis of the ensuing multi-layered improvisations for social/musical interaction. Paper presented a t Fourth Symposium of ICTM Study Group in Multi-part Music, Singapore.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2015, June). Teaching creativity through collaborative learning: The drum circle principles as a pedagogical innovation in primary music classrooms. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy, Singapore.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Lum, C.H. (2015, May). Multicultural Music Education in Singapore Primary Schools: An analysis of the applications of a specialist professional development in practical music teaching. Paper presented at 2015 KAME International Conference, Seoul, Korea.

Costes Onishi, P., & Caleon, I. (2014, November). Generalists to specialists: Transformative evidences on the practices of music and art teachers in Singapore. Paper presented at AARE-NZARE 2014 Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Onishi, H. (2012, October). Introduction to the Philipp ine Kulintang. Paper presented at The Performer's Voice 2nd Symposium (Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music), Singapore.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2012, September). Drumming for Community Building: The Development of Community Drumming Network (CDN) and Its Impact on Singapore Society and Culture. Paper presented at Community Cultural Development (CCD) 2012 ' Practices and Possibilities, Singapore.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2012, April). Dynamics in the Formation of Arts Interest Groups in Singapore Local Communities: The Community Drumming Network Case. Paper presented at ICTM Study Gr oup on Applied Ethnomusicology, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Onishi, H. (2010, July). Restoration and Dissemination of the Philippine Kulintang's Improvisational Idiom: A Musical Analysis towards the Sustainability of a Musical Tradition. Paper presented at ICTM Study Group in Appli ed Ethnomusicology, Hanoi, Viet Nam.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Onishi, H. (2010, June). Issues on Authenticity and the Traditional Contextualized Within the Specificities of the Philippine Kulintang Music's Global/Local Traffic. Paper presented at ICTM Study Group on the Performing Arts in Southe ast Asia, Singapore.

Onishi, H. & Costes-Onishi, P. (2010, February). Spontaneous Representation and Thought-Out Patterns: An Analysis of the Philippine Kulintang's Improvisational Idiom. Paper presented at Analytical Approaches to World Music, Massachusetts, United States.

Onishi, H. & C ostes-Onishi, P. (2007, February). The Improvisational Structure of the Philippine Kulintang: A Semiological Analysis of Tagunggo Performances by Danongan Kalanduyan. Paper presented at Dutch-Flemish Music Theory Society Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2006, November) . The Transnational Native Who Became Modern? Issues on Authenticity and the Traditional Contextualized Within the Specificities of the Philippine Kulintang Music's Global/Local Traffic. Paper presented at Society for Ethnomusicology, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.

Costes, P.G. (2004, Apr il). TUNOG PiL-AM: Re-thinking an Emergent Musical Tradition Among the Filipino American Youth in Tacoma, WA. Paper presented at Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Seattle, Washington, United States.

Costes, P.G. (2001, November). My Heritage in a New Land: Transfor mation and Revival of Philippine music and dance among the Filipino American Youth. Paper presented at Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan, United States.

Costes, P.G. (2000, November). Chanting the Songs of our Mothers: Empowering Filipino Women through the Pas yon. Paper presented at Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Costes, P.G. (1999, April). Finding the way home through Music: Locating Culture and Cultural Identity Among the Filipino Diaspora in the U.S.. Paper presented at Society for Ethnomuisicology Regiona l Conference, Washington, United States.

Costes, P.G. (1998, April). Reclaiming the Role of Filipino Women in Philippine Society: The Pasyon Tradition as an Empowerment for the Filipina. Paper presented at Society for Ethnomusicology Regional Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Creative Works (Central)
Onishi, H., Costes-Onishi, P., Chia, H.H., Imson, D., Tan, Y.Z., Yeo, H.W. & Onishi, M. (2021). Light to Night 2021 Festival: Discover Kulintang [ Main Item of Concert (appr. 20 - 30mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Seow,G., Yeo, H.W., Tan, Y.Z., Chan, H.H., & Onishi, M. (201 9). Crossing Borders [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Onishi, H., Costes-Onishi, P., Imson, D. & Sim, R. (2017). National Library Board Outreach Programme [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Onishi, H., Costes-Onishi, P. & Singapore Sounds ( 2015). Library@Esplanade Open Stage [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Pangilinan, J., Segawa, N., & Phong Phong (2014). Tapestry of Sacred Music at the Esplanade [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Onishi, H., Costes-Onishi, P., Im son,D., Tan, Y.Z., Yeo, H.W. & Lai, J.K. (2023). Art Trek at the Philippine Embassy of Singapore [ Feature of Concert (up to 20mins) ].Sing apore

Onishi, H., Costes-Onishi, P. Imson, D. Tan, Y.Z., Yeo, H.W. & Lai, J.K. (2023). Crossing Borders at the Esplanade [ Main Item of Concert (appr. 20 - 30mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P. (2021). Symphony of Light | Sentinels of Light Theme (SEA Version) ' League of Legends: Wild Rift [ Large Work ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Seow,G., Y eo, H.W., Tan, Y.Z., Chan, H.H., & Onishi, M. (2020). NIE Visual Performing Arts Anniversary Concert [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

ONISHI, H., Costes-ONISHI, P., Imson, D. and Sim, R. (2017). Crossing Borders [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Onishi, H., C ostes-Onishi, P., Imson, D. & Sim, R. (2017). National Library Board Outreach Programme [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Onishi, H., Costes-Onishi, P., Imson, D. & Sim, G.J.R. (2016). ICTM 4th Symposium on Multi-part Music: Sari-sari Philippine Kulintang Ensemble [ Main Item of Concert (appr. 20 - 30mins) ].Singapore

Onishi, H. Costes-Onishi, P. & Singapore Sounds (2015). Serangoon Public Library Programme Zone [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Onis hi, H. & Costes-Onishi, P. (2015). Introduction to the Philippine Kulintang Gongs and Drum Tradition (a lecture-recital) [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Shalin

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Pangilinan,J., Cambeis, D., & Shin, J. (2014). Explore by MM: Community Music Time [ Full Con cert (appr. 90mins) ].Jurong

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Pangilinan, J., Segawa, N., & Phong Phong (2013). Explore by MM: Community Music Time [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Toa Payoh

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Imson, D., Pangilinan, J., Jie, R., Trinh Ha, L. & Rianto (2012). Lunchtime Series at Asian Civilization Museum [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Pangilinan, J., Jie, R., Shin,J. & Trinh-Ha, L. (2012). 114th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence (Mandarin Orchard, 12 June) [ Feature of Conc ert (up to 20mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Bang, A., Pangilinan, J., Jie, R. Dao Hong, N., & Trinh-Ha, L. (2012). Tapestry of Sacred Music (Esplanade Concourse) [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Pangilinan, J., Jie, R., Trinh-Ha, L. (2012). Postcards from Home (Esplanade Concourse) [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Onishi, H., Costes-Onishi, P., Jie, R. Tinh-Ha, L., Segawa, N., Kok, V. & Dao Hong, N. (2012). The Third Space (da:ns festival, Esplanade) [ Main Item of Concert (appr. 20 - 30mins) ].Sing apore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Imson, D. & Vu Tien, D. (2011). Singapore Heritage Fest [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Imson, D., Vu Tien, D., Jie, Ryan, & Trinh Ha, L. (2011). Crossroads, University Cultural Center, NUS [ Joi nt Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Imson, D., Pangilinan, J., Jie, R., Trinh Ha, L., & Vu Tien, D. (2011). Genexis Open House at Fusionopolis [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi,P., Onishi, H., Imson, D., Yap, S., Saw , J., Chu, C. & Tumapang, A. (2010). Bamboozled! at the Esplanade [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Yap, S., & (2010). 1st Angklung Web Institute (AWI) Summit Gala Concert [ Joint Concert (appr. 30 - 40mins) ].Bandung

Costes-Onishi, P., On ishi H., Imson, D., Yap, S., Saw, J. (2010). Lunchtime Concert Series at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., & Imson, D. (2010). Tear, Love, Smile by Wen Shing Ho [ Others ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P. , Onishi, H., Imson, D., Yap, S., Saw, J., & Chu, C. (2010). Crossing Borders at the Esplanade [ Full Concert (appr. 90mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Onishi, H., Koong, Shiu, K., Saw, J., & Tsuruta, A. (2009). Southeast Asian Double Bill at the Esplanade [ Joint Concert (app r. 30 - 40mins) ].Singapore

Costes-Onishi, P., Imson, D., Saw, J., Chu, C., & Tsuruta, A. (2009). Opening of Philippine Exhibit at the Asian Civilization Museum [ Feature of Concert (up to 20mins) ].Singapore

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Keynote Addresses

Costes-Onishi, P., Carino, C., Kehk, B.L., & Wong, J. (2020, November). Educating for the Future. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Why Artistic Thinking is Important for Academic Excellence and Emotional Resilience, Singapore.

Onishi, H. & Costes-Onishi, P. (2015, March). Chinese University of Hong Kong Academic Visitors Scheme. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Introduction to the Philippine Kulintang (lecture-recital), Shatin, Hong Kong (China).

Costes-Onishi, P. (2009, August). 1st Asian Traditional Music Forum. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Globalization and Transnationalism of Southeast Asian Musical Traditions: The Case of the Kulintang and the Filipino American Youth, Bangkok, Thailand.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Chapters in a Government Report

Costes-Onishi, P. (2013). Negotiating the Boundaries of Formal and Informal Learning. In Chew, R., Chua, S.L. & Ho, H.P. (Ed.), Connecting the Stars: Essays on Student-Centric Music Lessons, REPORT COMMISIONED BY .160.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2013). Supp lementary Report on the Community Drumming Network: Synergy between the drum circle and the Arts Interest Groups in Kallang Community Centre. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Final Report on the Community Drumming Network, REPORT COMMISIONED BY .82.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2012). The Community Drumm ing Network. In Costes-Onishi, P. (Ed.), Final Report on the Community Drumming Network, REPORT COMMISIONED BY .82.

Government Reports

Costes-Onishi, P., Vignesh, V., Aiyer Sai, L., Arwani, A., Tan, J.E. & HEATON, R. (2023). Artists as Educators: Understanding the Influences of Artistic Sensibilities on Teaching Practice (National Arts Council, Singapore). Singapore.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2012). Final Report on the Community Drumming Network (null). Singapore.

Professional Articles

Costes-Onishi, P. (2020, March). NIEWS Think Like Pic asso: Developing Creative Skills and Mindset for 21CC, 1, 16-17.

Tan, L., Dairianathan, E., Costes-Onishi, P., & Tan, J. (2018, December). NIE Research Brief Developing 21CC Through Band: An Ex ploratory Study of the Four Cs., 18-012, 1-2.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Arwani, A. (2024, June). NIEWS The Vital Spark of Aesthetic Experience in Inquiry-Based Learning, 00, 00.

Technical Reports or Monographs

Tan, J. P-L., Koh, E., Chan, M., Costes-Onishi, P. & Hung, D. (2017, February). Advancing 21st Century Competencies in East Asian Education Systems. Case studies: Singapore., 28.

Costes-Onishi, P., Caleon, I., Lum, C.H., Kehk, B.L. & Tan. C. (2015, November). Practices, Perceptions, and Needs of Primary School Generalist Art & Music Teachers in Singapore: An Inves tigation of the Pedagogical Changes & Differences of Generalists after a Specialist Professional Development Program, 25.

Tan, J.P-L., Koh, E., Chan, M., & Onishi, P. (2016, June). Educating for 21st century competencies in Singapore: From policy to practice, 11.

Costes-ONISHI P., Vignesh, V., Aiyer Sai, L., Arwani, A., Tan, J.E. & HEATON, R. (2024, January). Artists as Educators: Understanding the Influences of Artistic Sensibilities on Teaching Practice, 46.

EL Low, WC Liu, SYL Chye, PG Costes-Onishi, JSY Tan, V Kumar (2022, December). Local Evidence synthesis on baseline research t o inform Skills Future for educators, 29.

Tan, L., Dairianathan, E., Costes-Onishi, P., & Tan, J. (2018, April). Developing 21CC Through Band: An Exploratory Study of the Four Cs. Final Report (OER 17/15 TYC), 25.

Tan, J. P-L., Koh, E., Chan, M., Costes-Onishi, P. & Hung, D. (2017, February). Advancing 21st century competencies in Singapore, 28.

Workshops and Seminars

Costes-Onishi, P., Carino, C., Wong, J., & Kehk, B.L. (2020, November). Why Artistic T hinking is Important for Academic Achievement and Emotional Resilience?.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2019, July). Determining and Acquiring Strategies in Teaching New Disciplinary Content to Diverse Learners.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2020, November). Introduction to the Phili ppine Kulintang Music.

Costes-Onishi, P. (2019, June). Leaders in Education Programme.

COstes-Onishi, P. (2014, April). Research in Arts Education.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Onishi, H. (2024, July). World Music Pedagogy Webinar C ourse.

Costes-Onishi, P. & Arwani, A. (2023, May). The Value of Aesthetic Experience in the Quality of Teaching and LearningEnvironments: Teachers' design and learning of aesthetically-infusedinquiry-based learning.

Alsree, A., Costes-Onishi, P., & Caleon I. S. (2018, June). Group Music-making Using Percussion Instruments (Workshop Focusing on Arabic Music).

Costes-Onishi, P. (2013, January). Introduction to Ethnomusicology.