Academic Profile : Faculty

Dr O'Brien Beth Ann
Deputy Centre Director, Centre for Research in Child Development
Principal Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
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Dr O'Brien Beth Ann is the head of Early and Middle Childhood Research,Centre for Research in Child Development (CRCD), OER, National Institute of Education.
Applied Cognitive Development,Bilingual and Biliteracy Development,Children at Risk (Disability),Preschool/Early Childhood Education
- Singapore Kindergarten Impact Project (SKIP)
- Technology-based Tools for Teaching Early Literacy Skills
- Leisure Reading in Two Languages: Reading Habits and Preferences of Bilingual Children in Singapore
- Biliterate Shared Book Intervention with Disadvantaged Preschoolers
- Development of Mother Tongue Language Assessment Tools and SKIP project data finalisation
- Beginning Early: SingaPore's Ongoing Study starting in Infancy of Twenty-first-century-skills, Individual differences, and Variance in the Environment (BE POSITIVE study)
- Mandarin eBook App and Singaporean Children's Home Reading Quantity, Quality, and Emergent Literacy Outcomes
- A Follow-up of the Singapore Kindergarten Impact Project (SKIP) Cohort in Middle Childhood: Social-Emotional, Physical, Academic Outcomes and Predictors
- Growth in Bilingual & Biliteracy Proficiency: Environmental, Individual & Experiential Factors (GIBBER)
- Mobile Web App for Preschool Screening of Language Weakness in English and Mandarin (MAPS-LEM)
- Early Support for Foundational Skills of Preschool Children at Socio-Economic Risk in Singapore
- Words in two Languages: Fostering Vocabulary Development in Kindergarten Children through Synchronized Bilingual Reading Programme