Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Tan Lip Thye, Michael
Education Research Scientist, OER Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Journal Articles (Central)
Tan, Michael; Koh, Teck Seng (2022). Learning to become ignorant: Improving the quality of epistemic knowledge in science education. Science Education, 107(1), 9-27.

Tan, M. (2021). STEM as opportunity to get TSLN right: Sc ience education for economically productive creativity. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(4), 485-500.

Tan, M. (2018). When Makerspaces Meet School: Negotiating Tensions Between Instruction and Construction. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28(2), 75-89.

Lim, L. & T an, M. (2018). Meritocracy, policy and pedagogy: Culture and the politics of recognition and redistribution in Singapore. Critical Studies in Education, -(-), -.

Tan, M., Lee, S. S., & Hung, D. W. L (2014). Digital s torytelling and the nature of knowledge. Education and Information Technologies, 19(3), 623-635.

Tan, M. (2020). Context Matters in Science Education. Cultural Studies in Science Education, in press, in press.

Tan, M. (2018). Why STEM? Why now? Educating for technologies, or te chnologies for education?. Learning: Research and Practice, 4(2), 203-209.

Tan, M., Lee, S. -S., & Ng, Z. Y. (2017). Social influences on student perceptions of failure in learning design processes: Instructional implicat ions. Learning: Research and Practice, 3(2), 130-147.

Tan, M., & Pedretti, E. (2010). Negotiating the complexities of environmental education: A study of Ontario teachers. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 10(1), 61-78.

Books (Central)
Book Chapters (Central)
Tan, Michael (2023). Beyond Economic Goals for STEM Education Development in the Asia Pacific. In Lee, Wing On; Brown, Phillip; Goodwin, A Lin; Green, Andy (Ed.), International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific(PP. 1-20). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

Tan, M. (2022) . Humanistic goals for science education: STEM as an opportunity to reconsider goals for education. In Berry, A., Corrigan, D., Buntting, C., Gunstone, R., Jones, A. (Ed.), Conceptualising Education in the 21st Century: STEM Education,Creativity and Critical Thinking(PP. 1-15). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Tan, M. (2021). If STEM education is the solution, then what is the problem?: Thinking about the what and why in relation to the how. In White, P. J., Tytler, R., Ferguson, J. P., Clark, J. C. (Ed.), Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research(PP. 24-39). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Tan, M. (2019). On pursuing quixotic goals: What are worthwhile interruptions to research?. In Ruecker, T. & Svihla, V. (Eds.), Research Interrupted(PP. 995-999). New York: Routledge.

Tan, M. (2019). Makerspaces. In Tatnall, A (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies(PP. online). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Tan, M., & Towndrow, P. A. (2019). Educative Value of Digital Storytelling. In Tatnall, A (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies(PP. online). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Tan, M. (2019). Innovation to what end? Makerspaces as sites for science education. In Bryan, L., & Tobin, K. (E ds.), Critical Issues and Bold Visions for Science Education: The Road Ahead.(PP. 37-55). Leiden: Brill.

Tan, M. (2017). Makerspaces in Singapore: Pedagogic principles for nurturing innovativeness. In Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., & Teo, Y. H. (Eds.), Technology-enhanced 21st Century Lear ning(PP. 284-299). Singapore: Pearson.

Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Tan, M. (2022, June). The weak makerspace as site for STEM education. Redesigning Pedagogies International Conference, 1, 11-20.

Tan, M., Kwek, D. (2022, June). How are students creative? A categorisation of student design projects. In nul l (Ed.), Redesigning Pedagogies International Conference, 1, 1-10.

Tan, M., Ong, J. (2020, May). Constructing what? Prospects for the weak makerspace in strong accountability regimes. In Tangney, B., Byrne, J. R., Girvan C. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2020 Constructionism Conference, 2020, 231-237.

Tan, M. (2018, August). Constructing what? Knowledge of the powerful,and powerful knowledge. In Dagiene, V, & Jauste, E (Eds.), Constructionism 2018, Vilnius: Constructionism , Computational Thinking and Educational Innovation, 1, 714-717.

Tan, M., Trninic, D., & Ng, Z. Y. (2016, December). Abductive reasoning in design, tinkering and making: Studying problem solving activity in m akerspaces. In Baguley, M. (Ed.), Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, 1, 1-13.

Tan, M., Trninic, D., Ng, Z. Y. (2016, December). Abductive reasoning in design, tinkering and making: Studying problem solving activity in makerspaces. In Baguley, M. ( Ed.), AARE Conference 2016, 2016, Online.

Tan, M. (2016, June). Embodied Search Processes in Creative Problem Solving: How Do People Learn in Makerspaces?. In Looi, C. K., Polman, J. L., Cress, U., & Reimann, P. (Eds.), Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners, 2, 920-925.

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Tan, M. (2018, April). When makerspaces meet school: Considering cultural designs for learning in makerspaces. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, United States.

Tan, M., Lim, K., Chong , S. K., Koh, H. J., Teo, B. C. (2018, January). Changing learning cultures by reevaluating existing resources: informal learning within the school context. Paper presented at International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement, Singapore.

Loh, C. E., Tan., M., Ellis, M., Wilkins on, M. (2017, May). Rethinking Learning Spaces: Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogies International Conference, Singapore.

Tan, M. (2017, May). Making for science education: reconsidering the nature of science in science instruction. Pa per presented at Redesigning Pedagogies International Conference, Singapore.

Tan, M. (2017, April). Makerspaces at Scale: Hacking the Design and Technology Instructional Strategy of Singaporean Schools. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX, United States.

Wee, H. S., Tan, M. (2015, September). MAKING MAKERS: DEVELOPING A CULTURE OF INNOVATION & EXPLORATION IN A SINGAPOREAN SCHOOL. Paper presented at Fablearn 2015, Palo Alto, CA, United States.

Tan, M., Lee, S. S., Lai, C., & Yeo, R. (2015, June). Makerspaces without space: Rethinking makerspaces in Singapore. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogies: Leaders, Values, and Citizenship in the 21st Century, Singapore.

Tan, M. (2015, January). It looks like fun, but what are they learning: Generating curriculum principles for makerspaces in school contexts. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogies: Leaders, Values, and Citizenship in the 21st Century, Singapore.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Keynote Addresses

Tan, M. (2019, July). Summer Institute of the International Network of Educational Institutes. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Why STEM? Why now? Taking the long and wide view to improve educational outcomes in STEM, Beijing, China.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Workshops and Seminars

Tan, M., Urschitz, T., Hannula, M., Johari, R., (2019, November). Gender Equitable STEM Curriculum and Pedagogy.

Tan, M. (2018, November). What could be some tradeoffs of STEM? or: Why I want a divorce. Now..

Tan, M. (2018, Octobe r). Education Policy Summit Asia.

Blikstein, P., Fields, D., & Tan, M. (2018, August). Constructionism across Cultures:Commonalities and Differences ofConstructionist ImplementationsAround the World.

Tan, M. (2017, March). Science Education in Singapore: What's next?.

T an, M., Presenter, A., Presenter, B. (2016, March). Is the maker movement and maker education a fad?.