Academic Profile : Faculty

Dr Lee Shu Shing
Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Controlled Keywords
Shu Shing is a Research Scientist at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice. She earned her MSc. and PhD. in Information Studies from Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
In research, she has led as principal investigator of a Ministry of Education-contracted research on the Centre of Teaching and Learning Excellence’s (CTLE) model of professional development. Shu Shing actively collaborates with schools, master teachers, the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST) and Ministry of Education (MOE) stakeholders in her research projects. Shu Shing engages in research on teacher professional learning across different contexts, such as school-based efforts, professional learning that is driven by educational innovations, professional learning communities, and system-level efforts that are driven by policy or AST, online and face-to-face efforts. Her research looks at studying impact, structures, conditions (individual and contextual factors) and processes that shape teacher learning. She is also interested to understand how teachers’ participation in authentic situations such as through classroom observations, interacting and reflecting in communities can shape the ways teachers learn.
In teaching, Shu Shing teaches pre-service teachers to appreciate the social cultural context of education in Singapore and how it shapes the enactment and evolution of policies and teacher professional learning, such as the revised Character and Citizenship Education Curriculum 2021. As for in-service teachers, Shu Shing has conducted professional development courses related to action research and teacher inquiry in schools. She continues to help pre-service and in-service teacher develop insights on how to engage in evidenced-informed practices.
In research, she has led as principal investigator of a Ministry of Education-contracted research on the Centre of Teaching and Learning Excellence’s (CTLE) model of professional development. Shu Shing actively collaborates with schools, master teachers, the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST) and Ministry of Education (MOE) stakeholders in her research projects. Shu Shing engages in research on teacher professional learning across different contexts, such as school-based efforts, professional learning that is driven by educational innovations, professional learning communities, and system-level efforts that are driven by policy or AST, online and face-to-face efforts. Her research looks at studying impact, structures, conditions (individual and contextual factors) and processes that shape teacher learning. She is also interested to understand how teachers’ participation in authentic situations such as through classroom observations, interacting and reflecting in communities can shape the ways teachers learn.
In teaching, Shu Shing teaches pre-service teachers to appreciate the social cultural context of education in Singapore and how it shapes the enactment and evolution of policies and teacher professional learning, such as the revised Character and Citizenship Education Curriculum 2021. As for in-service teachers, Shu Shing has conducted professional development courses related to action research and teacher inquiry in schools. She continues to help pre-service and in-service teacher develop insights on how to engage in evidenced-informed practices.
Shu Shing’s areas of expertise are in teacher professional learning, teacher inquiry, and situated learning. Her research interests are in studying the impact, structures, conditions (individual and contextual factors) and processes that shape teacher learning across different contexts and modalities (face-to-face and online environments). She is also keen to understand how the broader social context of education influences teacher professional learning.
- Qualcomm - Wireless Reach Round III
- Development of a Tool for decision making on subject placement in secondary schools
- An investigation on PE teachers' understanding and enactment of Nonlinear Pedagogy
- An Inquiry into Instructors' and Teachers' Perspectives and Experiences of Online Professional Learning
- An Investigation of Learning and Teaching Supported by Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) in Secondary Schools
- Characterising Situated Professional Learning in Schools: Contexts, Approaches and Perspectives
- Sustained Creative Discourse for Deep Learning: Synchronous, asynchronous and blended environment.
- What shapes and enables the development of expertise of expert teachers: A case study of Singapore expert teachers
- Exploring the Effect of Data Literacy Professional Development on Beginning Teachers' Data Literacy Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Perceived Value of Data Use
- Engaging Community and Enhancing Academic, Emotional, and Cognitive Development of Low-SES Students through and Innovative Summer Programme
- Young Tembusu Programme: Prototype of the future of learning - Pilot Phase
- Teacher Reflection as Situated Professional Learning