Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Chung Ho Jin
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Physical Education & Sports Science
Journal Articles (Central)
Gu, Y., Kim, J., Ma, J., Guo, H., Sano, H., Chung, H. J., Chua, T. B. K., Chia, M. Y. H., & Kim, H. (2024). Isotemporal substitution of accelerometer-derived sedentary behavior and physical activity on physical fitness in young children. Scientific Reports, 14(13544), xxx-xxx.

Wang, J., Teo , W. P., Burns, S. F., Chung, H. J., Chian, L. K., Sumarta, T. T., Muhkerjee, S., Tan, Y. J., & Gooley, J. (2024). Trends of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviours among Secondary School Students in Singapore: What has Changed in Fifteen Years?. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psy chology, xx(x), xxx-xxx.

Chung, H. J. (2023). An archaeological discourse analysis of physical education as challenging in South Korea primary schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 43(1), 50-61.

Lim, Y. Y., & Chung, H. J. (2022). A journey of continuous commitment to martial art s in alumni karate practitioners. ACPES Journal of Physical Education, Sport and Health, 2(1), 1-8.

Chung, H. J. (2022). Convergence of Singapore's competency-based character and citizenship education and primary school physical education. Journal of Next-generation Convergence Informati on Services Technology, 11(1), 71-78.

Tan, K. L., & Chung, H. J. (2021). Injury causes and recovery management strategies among Singapore CrossFitters. ACPES Journal of Physical Education, Sport and Health, 1(2), 134-144.

Chung, H. J. (2021). Singapore's physical education in the era of artificial intelligence: Supports and Strategies. Journal of Next-generation Convergence Information Services Technology, 10(6), 645-654.

Hafiz, J., & Chung, H. J. (2021). An empirical phenomenological study of youths' experiences jogging in Singapore parks. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 9(6), 1-16.

Poh, J. H. S., & Chung, H. J. (2021). Impact of fitspiration content on social media among followers in Singapore universities. ACPES Journal of Physical Education, Sport, and Health, 1(1), 64-78.

Lau, E. S., Chung, H. J., & Chia, Y. H. M. (202 0). Voices of Singapore national beach volleyball female athletes: What is an ideal coach?. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 15(5-6), 642-652.

Lee, H. M., Chung, H. J., & Jung, I. K. (2020). Relationships among metabolic status, physical activity, and sedentary behavior a ccording to obesity in low-income menopause women. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 8(2), 75-89.

Phang, V. X. Y., & Chung, H. J. (2020). (Dis)Joining fitness gyms membership: Sustained participation and deterred mindset amongst female teachers in Singapo re. The Asian Journal of Kinesiology, 22(2), 11-20.

Chung, H. J., Sufri, M., & Wang, C. K. J. (2019). An archaeological analysis to trace the emergence and transformation of qualified physical education teachers in Singapore primary schools. International Sports St udies, 41(2), 69-84.

Chung, H. J., Leng, H. K., & Park, C. (2019). A Foucauldian analysis on discourse in primary school physical education classes in Singapore. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 83(1), 1-15.

Sufri, M. & Chung, H. J. (2019). Following the footsteps of specialist physical education teachers in Singapore's primary schools. The International Journal of The History of Sport, 36(4-5), 449-473.

Chung, H. J. (2019). A reform of physical education syllabus and teacher training in Singapore: The tripartite pa rtnership between the Ministry of Education, the National Institute of Education and the local schools. The Korean Journal of Sport Policy, 17(1), 1-10.

Fadzal, I. N. J. & Chung, H. J. (2018). Overcoming the stereotypes of masculinity in Singaporean elite level male gymnasts. The Asian Journal of Kinesiology, 20(4), 30-42.

Bu, E. Q. L., & Chung, H. J. (2018). Barriers towards exercise and physical activity of different ethnic groups in Middle-aged female Singaporeans. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 14(5), 739-745.

Mohamad, S. O., & Chung, H. J . (2018). Foucault's history of the present: The birth of Games Concept Approach in Singapore's physical education curriculum. The International Journal of The History of Sport, 35(12-13), 1325-1334.

Chew, W. C. E., Chung, H. J., & Lee, J. W. (2017). Sports clubs and org anisations in changing times: the case of Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 6(1), 1-16.

Books (Central)
Koh, K. T., Chung, H. J., & Chia, M. (Eds.). (2021). Legacy of Edmund William (E.W.) Barker. Singapore: TimesPrinters.

Book Chapters (Central)
Chew, W. C. E., Chung, H. J., & Lee, J. W. (2017). Sports clubs and organizations in changing times: the case of Singapore. In Trotier, F. & Bairner, A. (Eds.), Sport and body cultures in East and Southeast Asia(PP. 71-86). Oxford: Routledge.

Conference Papers (Central)

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Chung, H. J. (2024, October). Unearthing hidden layers: An archaeological investigation of physical education curriculum reforms in Singapore. Paper presented at The 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Spo rt (NASSS), Chicago, United States.

Chung, H. J. (2024, May). Tracing the emergence of the Games Concept Approach in the Singapore physical education syllabus: An archaeological analysis. Paper presented at The 52nd Annual Conference of the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH), Denver, United States.

Chung, H. J., & Chian, L. K. (2020, December). The birth of transnational sports broadcast, new exercise space, and social-distancing physical education in the era of COVID-19. Paper presented at The 6th International Conference of ASEAN Council of Physical Education and Sport (ACPES), Bangkok, Thailand.

Lau, E. S., Chung, H. J., & Chia, M. (2020, October). Transformational coaching for Singapore national beach volleyball female athletes: Is it good enough?. Paper presented at CoachSG Virtual Conference 2020, Singapore.

Chung, H. J., & Muhammad, R. S. (2019, April). System of unwritten rules on the emergence/transformation of increasing physical education teachers in Singapore primary schools. Paper presented at 2019 International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Mohammad, S. & Chung, H. J. (2018, June). A new approach to historical study on increasing qualified physical education teachers in Singapore. Paper presented at The 8th International Conference on Sports and Exercise Science, Bangkok, Thailand.

Sheikh, O. B. M. & Chung, H. J. (2017, November). A history of the present on the birth of games concept approach in Singapore's primary school physical education classes. Paper presented at Asian Youth Sport Symposium, Singapor e.

Chung, H.J., Leng, H.K., & Park, C.M. (2017, May). Using Foucault's Archaeological Lens to Examine Physical Education Classes in Primary Schools. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.

Chung, H.J., Leng, H.K., & Park, C.M. (2017, May). Physical Education Classes at Primary Schools in Singapore: Foucault, Epist'm' and Archaeology. Paper presented at 2017 International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Chung, H. J., & Park, C. (2016, November). How do Singapore schools incor porate core values from Character and Citizenship Education into physical education classes within primary schools?. Paper presented at The 2016 Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), Tampa, FL, United States.

Chung, H. J., Park, C., & Pyun, D. Y. ( 2015, July). Visible issues and invisible discourse structures of physical education classes: Foucault's archaeological discourse analysis for policy recommendations. Paper presented at 2015 International University Sports Federation (FISU) International Conference, Gwangju, Korea.

Chung, H . J. (2015, June). A hidden truth that nobody tells you about: The real challenges for physical education classes within elementary schools. Paper presented at 2015 International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Paris, France.

Ch ung, H. J. & Pyun, D. Y. (2014, July). An empirical phenomenological study on the emotional journey of learning sports skills. Paper presented at 2014 Asian Conference for Physical Education & Sports Science (ACPESS), Singapore.

Chung, H. J. & Pyun, D. Y. (2014, July). The very first exp eriences: A skiing lesson of Singapore university students who live in a tropical environment. Paper presented at 2014 International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Beijing, China.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Keynote Addresses

Chung, H. J. (2024, February). 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Korean Sport Committee (S). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Unveiling the Vision 2030 Recharged: Reimagining the landscape of sports in Singapore, Singapore.

Chung, H. J. (2023, December). UNESCO Chair Gl obal Lecture & Workshop. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Physical activities and data utilization in the context of Singapore, Seoul, Korea.

Chung, H. J. (2023, January). International Teacher Education Forum. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Initial teacher education, induction and continuing professional learning: Innovative ideas for sustainable teacher development, Cheongju, Korea.

Chung, H. J. (2022, June). 2022 IOS (Institute for Olympic Studies) International Olympic Colloquium. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Introducing Singapore 2010, the first Youth Olympic Games (YOG) for Gangwon 2024 YOG, Seoul, Korea.

Chung, H. J. (2021, August). 2021 Korean Society of Sport Policy (KSSP) International Symposium. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Re-envisioning the future of sports in Singapore: The birth of "Vision 2030 Recharged", Seoul, Korea.

Chung, H. J. (2021, April). Korean Alliance for Health, Physi cal Education and Dance (KAHPERD) Conference in Commemoration of the 59th National Physical Education and Sports Week. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bully-free in sport, safe sport environment: The case of Singapore, Seoul, Korea.

Chung, H. J. (2018, October). Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Educat ion and Dance (KAHPERD) 30th International Sport Science Congress. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Physical education teacher training in Singapore: The robust interface between Ministry of Education, National Institute of Education and Schools, Iksan, Korea.

Chung, H. J. (2018, March). Olympics Colloquiu m Series 2018. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The first-ever Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and its impact on Singapore society, Sendai, Japan.

Chung, H. J. (2016, May). Seoul National University of Education (SNUE) 70th Anniversary & International Conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Character and Citizenship Ed ucation (CCE): The heart of Singapore's education system, Seoul, Korea.

Chung, H. J. (2014, November). 2014 Korea National Sport University (KNSU) International Conference on Sport Science. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Exploring media representations of Winter Olympic sports: A content analysis of Kore an newspaper coverage, Seoul, Korea.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Professional Articles

Chung, H. J. (2024, March). The Seoul Shinmun If there had been two form teachers in each class, the Seo2 Elementary School incident might have been preventable, NA.

Chung, H . J. (2024, March). The Seoul Shinmun If there is an issue at school, parents can intervene, ensuring that teacher protection rights are protected when they actively participate as partners [Mind Report F - Rescue the child right now], NA.

Chung, H. J. (2024, March). The Seoul Shinmun Children with ADHD symptoms should be observed by clinical psychologists at school [Mind Report F - Rescue the child right now], NA.

Chung, H. J. (2020, October). Korean Association of Sport Pedagogy (KASP) Exercise and physical education in the time of COVID-19: New emergence and transformative change, 20201023, 1-9.

Chung, H. J. (2020, July). Singapore Physical Education Association (SPEA) Appearance and disappearance: Transforming spo rts, exercise, and physical education in the COVID-19 era, 25(1), 11-14.

Chung, H. J. (2020, April). The Seoul Shinmun A successful shift of Home-Based Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore, 20200421, 31.

Chung, H. J. (2018, November). The Seoul Shinmun Singapore, a powerful country in the field of education, 20181114, 6.

Chung, H. J. (2018, May). The Korea University Education Monthly Teacher training system in Singapore: Nurturing quality teachers and enhancing teachers' professionalism, 446, 5.

Chung, H. J. (2018, May). Monthly Education Singapore Teachers' Union: Working with governments, trade unions and employers, 25, 6.

Chung H. J. (2018, February). Monthly Edu cation Teacher Education in Singapore: Collaboration between the Ministry of Education (MOE), the National Institute of Education (NIE) and Schools, 22, 51-53.

Chung, H. J. (2017, October). Financial News Spotlight on Singapore's education system, 4763, 5.

Chung , H. J. (2015, March). NIEWS An interview with KBS (Korean Broadcasting System), 91, 1.

Workshops and Seminars

Chung, H. J. (2024, June). Global education trends: Case of Singapore's educational innovation.

Chung, H. J., Koh, K. T., & Chian, L. K. (2023, December). Sports facilities in Singapore.

Koh, K. T., Chung, H. J., & Chian, L. K. (2023, December). An Insight to the Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS) Academic Group.

Chung, H. J. (2023, January). Initial Teacher Education and Teachers' Professional Learning System in Singa pore: A Lifelong Approach to Successful Teacher Development.

Chung, H. J. (2022, July). Post COVID-19: Sustainable support for education recovery in Singapore.

Chung, H. J. (2022, June). Singapore's learning recovery strategies after COVID-19.

Chung, H. J. (2022, March). NIE Faculty Engagement Session.

Chung, H. J. (2022, March). Student-teachers Engagement Programme.

Chung, H. J. (2021, July). The heart of education system: Character and Citizenship Education in Singapore.

Chung, H. j. (2021, May). Policies and initiatives of innovat ive teacher professional development in Singapore.

Chung, H. J. (2020, October). How is Singapore's physical education changing in the era of COVID-19?.

Chung, H. J. (2017, November). Teacher education and physical education in Singapore.


Chung, H. J. (2 024). Why is there less infringement on the authority of teachers in Singapore . Korea: Youtube created by The Seoul Shinmun.