Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Norman Lim T-Lon
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Natural Sciences & Science Education
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Dr Norman Lim has been with National Institute of Education since 2014. He graduated from National University of Singapore with a BSc (Hons) in Biology in 2004 and a MSc in Biology in 2007. Having an interest in understudied vertebrates, he focused on the autecology of the Sunda Colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) and Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica) for his Honours and Masters research projects, respectively. Subsequently, he was awarded an Overseas Graduate Scholarship from National Institute of Education (Nanyang Technological University) and obtained his PhD in Ecology at University of California, Davis (U.S.A.), in 2015, where he worked on the diversity and roles of vertebrate scavengers in Borneo.

In terms of research, Norman focuses on the ecology and conservation of terrestrial vertebrates, particularly neglected taxa. His past research projects include investigating the ecological impacts of free-roaming dogs, habitat connectivity of colugos, and habitat selection of small mammals and their roles in seed dispersal. He has been a member of the IUCN Pangolin Specialist Group since 2012, and serves as an Associate Editor for The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology since 2013.

Norman teaches a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, ranging from animal diversity, biostatistics, to ecology and conservation. He received the NIE Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award in 2019 and 2022.
conservation ecology,terrestrial ecology,vertebrate ecology
  • Impacts of free-roaming dogs on native biodiversity
  • Improving Habitat Connectivity for Sunda Colugo at Mandai
  • Tracking seeds and their animal dispers in tropical forests: using engineering advances to address long-standing challenges in biodiversity conservation
  • Development of Lower Secondary Integrated Science Curriculum Packages
  • Habitat selection including the ecological significance of Singapore's forest mammals and their impacts to native flora seed dispersal
2019 NIE Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award, National Institute of Education
2022 NIE Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award, National Institute of Education
2023 Dedicated Service Award, Ministry of National Development