Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Jose David Munez Mendez
Education Research Scientist, OER Centre for Research in Child Development
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Dr. David Munez is a Research Scientist at the Center for Research in Child Development, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his Ph.D. (European Doctorate Mention) from University of Salamanca in 2011. He was a recipient of the University of Salamanca Extraordinary Awards for Doctoral Dissertations in 2012.

His research interests include the development of early numeracy skill and the role of environmental factors on such development. His research is at the intersection of cognitive science and education, but also draws on developmental psychology. He has conducted research with children and adults and has extensive experience conducting longitudinal research.
Dr. Munez has published research on the development of early numeracy skills and the role of contextual factors such as the mother’s educational attainment. He is involved in several research projects that track the development of math abilities and the cognitive correlates of math in early childhood. Dr. Munez has conducted intervention studies aimed at supporting the understanding of cardinality in young children as well as the math abilities of school-age children.
  • Early Foundations of Place Value
  • The Instrument Pilot Study for Research on Early Education and Development in Singapore (REEDS-Pilot)
  • A longitudinal study on early number acquisition
  • Mechanisms underlying numeral ordering skills in children
  • Beginning Early: SingaPore's Ongoing Study starting in Infancy of Twenty-first- century-skills, Individual differences, and Variance in the Environment (BE POSITIVE study)
  • Understanding the Development and Drivers of Adolescents' EducationalPathways: The Singapore Longitudinal Cohort Study (Phase 1 of Year 1)
  • Early Support for Foundational Skills of Preschool Children at Socio-Economic Risk in Singapore
  • DRivers, Enablers and pathways of Adolescent developMent in Singapo re (DREAMS): The Singapore Longitudinal Cohort Study (SG-LCS) Phase 1
  • A Follow-up of the Singapore Kindergarten Impact Project (SKIP) Cohort in Middle Childhood: Social-Emotional, Physical, Academic Outcomes and Predictors
  • A study on early mathematics professional development
  • Home Mathematics Environment in Singapore: Mapping the Landscape (MathScape)