Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Sun He
Assistant Centre Director, Infancy & Early Childhood Research, Centre for Research in Child Development
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Asian Languages & Cultures
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My research focus is on bilingual education for English and Mother Tongue Languages. I am interested in biliteracy learning and teaching with eBooks, and the relationship between bilingualism and psychological traits, such as social emotional well-being and temperament. These research interests stem from my studies in applied linguistics and the rising global trend of bilingual education when I was doing my PhD at the University of Groningen, Netherlands. Before I came to work at NIE, I did some research and teaching there. I see that tremendous focus has been placed on bilingualism over the last decades. It piques my interest to find out how we can motivate children to develop both languages harmoniously and to explore whether bilingualism brings about long-term benefits.
Details can be found at this website:
Details can be found at this website:
Bilingual and Biliteracy Development,English Language and Mother Tongue Languages,Multimodality and Learning,New Media,Pre-school/Early Childhood Education
- Emotion Socialization in Singaporean Children
- Singapore Kindergarten Impact Project (SKIP)
- Beginning Early: SingaPore's Ongoing Study starting in Infancy of Twenty-first-century-skills, Individual differences, and Variance in the Environment (BE POSITIVE study)
- A Study on Children's Home ICT Use on their Language and Development (CHILD)
- Growth in Bilingual & Biliteracy Proficiency: Environmental, Individual & Experiential Factors (GIBBER)
- DRivers, Enablers and pathways of Adolescent developMent in Singapore (DREAMS): The Singapore Longitudinal Cohort Study (SG-LCS) Phase 1
- Mandarin eBook App and Singaporean Children's Home Reading Quantity, Quality, and Emergent Literacy Outcomes
- SingaKids Pic2Speak: Multilingual AI Tutor ' Uplifting Singapore's Bilingual Edge
- Promoting Early Book Reading at Home: An Intervention with Enhanced eBooks
- AI-Strokes: An AI-powered Chinese handwriting teaching aid with instant diagnostic and predictive capabilities to address cognitive and motor-related learning difficulties via game-based engagements
- Understanding the role of caregiver-child pedagogical questioning in Singaporean children's school readiness and achievement
- Development of Mother Tongue Language Assessment Tools and SKIP project data finalisation
- Randomised Pilot Control Trial for Reducing Anxiety Problems among Children indicated to have Developmental Language Disorder (RAP-iDLD)
- Understanding the Development and Drivers of Adolescents' EducationalPathways: The Singapore Longitudinal Cohort Study (Phase 1 of Year 1)
- Deepening The Dialogic Discourse and Thinking of NTU Students Through Student-Led Book Clubs on Children's Literature: Strengthening Prevailing Practices
- Improving Early Number Word Learning: Examining the Role of Input
- A Follow-up of the Singapore Kindergarten Impact Project (SKIP) Cohort in Middle Childhood: Social-Emotional, Physical, Academic Outcomes and Predictors
- Literate lives: Youth's emotive-embodied experiences of literacy
- Mobile Web App for Preschool Screening of Language Weakness in English and Mandarin (MAPS-LEM)
- The Instrument Pilot Study for Research on Early Education and Development in Singapore (REEDS-Pilot)