Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Sun He
Assistant Centre Director, Infancy & Early Childhood Research, Centre for Research in Child Development
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Asian Languages & Cultures
Journal Articles (Central)
Vijayakumar, P., Steinkrauss, R., Sun, H. (2023). Entering into the Weak Version of Translanguaging: Teachers' English Use in Children's Tamil Language Classes in Singapore. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 44(3 ), 230-247.
Sun, H., & Verspoor, M. (2022). Mandarin Vocabulary Growth, Teacher Qualification and Teacher Talk in Bilingual Kindergartners. International journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism., 25(6), 1976-1991.
Ng, S. C., & Sun, H. (2022). Promoting Social Emotional Learning through Shared Book Reading in Kindergarten Classrooms. Early Education and Development, 33(8), 1326-1346.
Sun, H., Roberts, A. C., & Bus, A. (2022). Bilingual children's visual attention while reading digital picture books and story retelling. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 215, 105327.
Sun, H., Waschl, N., & Veera, R. (2022). Language Experience and Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, advance onl ine(null), 1-28.
Sun, H., Bornstein, & M., Esposito, G. (2021). The Specificity Principle in Young Dual Language Learners' English Development. Child Development, 92(5), 1752-1768.
Sun, H., & Ng, E. L. (2021). Home and school factors in early English language development. Asia Paci fic Journal of Education, 41(4), 657-672.
*Sun, H., Yussof, N., Habib Mohamed, M., Rahim, A., Bull, R., Cheung, M., & Cheong, S.A. (2021). Bilingual language experience and children's social-emotional and behavioral skills: a cross-sectional stud y of Singapore preschoolers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24(3), 324-339.
Green, C., & Sun, H. (2021). Global estimates of syntactic alignment in adult and child utterances during interaction: NLP estimates based on multiple corpora. Language Sciences, advance online, 1-14.
Sun, H. (2020). When the East Meets the West in Singapore: Introduction to the Proceedings of the Fourth CCS Satellite Symposium on Complex Sy stems and Education: Applications in language pedagogy, assessment, and complexity learning. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 1(2), 91-94.
Yussof, N. T., Sun, H. (2020). Mismatches between teacher beliefs, practice s and reasons for English use in preschool Malay language classrooms. Journal of Language and Education, 34(4), 363-382.
Sun, H., & Yin, B. (2020). Multimedia input and bilingual children's language learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(null), 1-11.
Sun, H., Ng, S. C., O'Brien, B.A., & Fritzsche, T. (2020). Child, Family, and School Factors in Bilingual Preschoolers' Vocabulary Development in Heritage Languages. Journal of Child Language, 47(4), 817-843.
Sun, H., Cheong, S.A., Yen, T. W., Koh, E., Kwek, D., & Tan. J. (2020). Network Science Approaches to Education Research. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 1(2), 121-149.
Sun, H., Toh, W. M., & Steinkrauss, R. (2020). Instructional strategies and linguistic feat ures of kindergarten teachers' shared book reading: the case of Singapore. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(2), 427-456.
Sun, H., Yussof, N., Vijayakumar, P., Lai, G., O'Brien, B. A., & Ong, Q.H. (2020). Teacher's Code-switching and Bil ingual Children's Heritage Language Learning and Cognitive Switching Flexibility. Journal of Child Language, 47(2), 309-336.
Rifkin-Graboi, A., Khng, K. H., Cheung, P., Tsotsi, S., Sun, H., Kwok, F., Yu, Y., Xie, H., Yang, Y., Chen, M., Ng, C. C., Hu, P.L., & Tan, N. C. (2019). Will the future BE POSITIVE? Early life experience as a signal to the developing brain pre school entry. Learning: Research and Practice, 5(2), 99-125.
Sun, H. (2019). Home Environment, Bilingual Preschooler's Receptive Mo ther Tongue Language Outcomes, and Social-Emotional and Behavioral Skills: One Stone for Two Birds?. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-13.
*Sun, H., Loh, J. Y., & Charles, A. R. (2019). Motion and sound in animated storybooks for preschool er's total fixation time and mandarin language learning: an eye-tracking study with Singaporean bilingual children. AERA Open, 5(2), 1-19.
*Sun, H., Yin, B., Amsah, F., & O'Brien, B. A. (2018). Differential effects of internal and exte rnal factors in early bilingual vocabulary learning: the case of Singapore. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(2), 383-411.
*Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & de Bot, K. (2018). Individual differences in very young Chinese children's English vocabulary breadth and semantic depth: Internal and external factors. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(4), 405-425.
*Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., Tendeiro, J., & de Bot, K. (2016). Individual differences in very young children's English acquisition in China: Internal and external factors. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 19(3), 550-566.
*Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., *Cox, R., & de Bot, K. (2016). Foreign language learning as a comple x dynamic system: a microgenetic case study of a Chinese child EFL learner. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 287-296.
Sun, H., *de Bot, K., & Steinkrauss, R. (2015). A multiple case study on the effects of temperamental traits in Chinese p reschoolers learning English. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 19(6), 703-725.
Sun, H., & Batra, R. (2024). Contextualized and decontextualized questions on bilinguals' heritage language learning and reading engagement. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal., 37 (null), 1733'1752.
Sun, H., Low, J. M., & Chua, C. (2023). Maternal Language Proficiency and Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Learning. International journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 26(7), 861-875.
Sun, H. (2023). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: A Conceptual Framework. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1282863.
Bautista, A., Cerd'n, R., Garc'a-Carri'n, R., Salsa, A. M., Aldoney, D., Cabedo-Mas, A., Campos, R., Clar', M., G'mez-Guadix, M., Ilari, B., Kammerer, Y., Macedo-Rouet, M., Mendive, S., M''ez, D., Saux, G. I., Sun, H., Sun, J., Ventura, A. C., Yang, W., . . . Yeung, J. (2023). What research is important today in human development, learning and education ? JSED Editors' reflections and research calls.. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 1, 1'38.
Steinkrauss, R., Green, C., Verspoor, M., & Sun, H. (2023). A Dynamic Usage Based Perspective of Child Bilinguals' English Deve lopment. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 4(1), 9-36.
Sun, H., Tan, J., & Chen, W. (2023). COVID-19 and bilingual children's home language environment: Digital media, socioeconomic status, and language status. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(null), 10.3389/fpsyg.2023 .1115108.
Green, C., Keogh, K., Sun, H., & O'Brien, B. (2023). The Children's Books Lexicon (CB-LEX): A Large-Scale Lexical Database from Children's Picture Books. Behaviour Research Methods, first view online, xx.
Sun, H., & Verspoor, M. (2022). Mandarin Vocabulary Growth, Teacher Qualification and Teacher Talk in Bilingual Kindergartners. International journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism., 25(6), 1976-1991.
Ng, S. C., & Sun, H. (2022). Promoting Social Emotional Learning through Shared Book Reading in Kindergarten Classrooms. Early Education and Development, 33(8), 1326-1346.
Sun, H., Roberts, A. C., & Bus, A. (2022). Bilingual children's visual attention while reading digital picture books and story retelling. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 215, 105327.
Sun, H., Waschl, N., & Veera, R. (2022). Language Experience and Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, advance onl ine(null), 1-28.
Sun, H., Bornstein, & M., Esposito, G. (2021). The Specificity Principle in Young Dual Language Learners' English Development. Child Development, 92(5), 1752-1768.
Sun, H., & Ng, E. L. (2021). Home and school factors in early English language development. Asia Paci fic Journal of Education, 41(4), 657-672.
*Sun, H., Yussof, N., Habib Mohamed, M., Rahim, A., Bull, R., Cheung, M., & Cheong, S.A. (2021). Bilingual language experience and children's social-emotional and behavioral skills: a cross-sectional stud y of Singapore preschoolers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24(3), 324-339.
Green, C., & Sun, H. (2021). Global estimates of syntactic alignment in adult and child utterances during interaction: NLP estimates based on multiple corpora. Language Sciences, advance online, 1-14.
Sun, H. (2020). When the East Meets the West in Singapore: Introduction to the Proceedings of the Fourth CCS Satellite Symposium on Complex Sy stems and Education: Applications in language pedagogy, assessment, and complexity learning. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 1(2), 91-94.
Yussof, N. T., Sun, H. (2020). Mismatches between teacher beliefs, practice s and reasons for English use in preschool Malay language classrooms. Journal of Language and Education, 34(4), 363-382.
Sun, H., & Yin, B. (2020). Multimedia input and bilingual children's language learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(null), 1-11.
Sun, H., Ng, S. C., O'Brien, B.A., & Fritzsche, T. (2020). Child, Family, and School Factors in Bilingual Preschoolers' Vocabulary Development in Heritage Languages. Journal of Child Language, 47(4), 817-843.
Sun, H., Cheong, S.A., Yen, T. W., Koh, E., Kwek, D., & Tan. J. (2020). Network Science Approaches to Education Research. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 1(2), 121-149.
Sun, H., Toh, W. M., & Steinkrauss, R. (2020). Instructional strategies and linguistic feat ures of kindergarten teachers' shared book reading: the case of Singapore. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(2), 427-456.
Sun, H., Yussof, N., Vijayakumar, P., Lai, G., O'Brien, B. A., & Ong, Q.H. (2020). Teacher's Code-switching and Bil ingual Children's Heritage Language Learning and Cognitive Switching Flexibility. Journal of Child Language, 47(2), 309-336.
Rifkin-Graboi, A., Khng, K. H., Cheung, P., Tsotsi, S., Sun, H., Kwok, F., Yu, Y., Xie, H., Yang, Y., Chen, M., Ng, C. C., Hu, P.L., & Tan, N. C. (2019). Will the future BE POSITIVE? Early life experience as a signal to the developing brain pre school entry. Learning: Research and Practice, 5(2), 99-125.
Sun, H. (2019). Home Environment, Bilingual Preschooler's Receptive Mo ther Tongue Language Outcomes, and Social-Emotional and Behavioral Skills: One Stone for Two Birds?. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-13.
*Sun, H., Loh, J. Y., & Charles, A. R. (2019). Motion and sound in animated storybooks for preschool er's total fixation time and mandarin language learning: an eye-tracking study with Singaporean bilingual children. AERA Open, 5(2), 1-19.
*Sun, H., Yin, B., Amsah, F., & O'Brien, B. A. (2018). Differential effects of internal and exte rnal factors in early bilingual vocabulary learning: the case of Singapore. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(2), 383-411.
*Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & de Bot, K. (2018). Individual differences in very young Chinese children's English vocabulary breadth and semantic depth: Internal and external factors. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(4), 405-425.
*Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., Tendeiro, J., & de Bot, K. (2016). Individual differences in very young children's English acquisition in China: Internal and external factors. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 19(3), 550-566.
*Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., *Cox, R., & de Bot, K. (2016). Foreign language learning as a comple x dynamic system: a microgenetic case study of a Chinese child EFL learner. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 287-296.
Sun, H., *de Bot, K., & Steinkrauss, R. (2015). A multiple case study on the effects of temperamental traits in Chinese p reschoolers learning English. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 19(6), 703-725.
Sun, H., & Batra, R. (2024). Contextualized and decontextualized questions on bilinguals' heritage language learning and reading engagement. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal., 37 (null), 1733'1752.
Sun, H., Low, J. M., & Chua, C. (2023). Maternal Language Proficiency and Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Learning. International journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 26(7), 861-875.
Sun, H. (2023). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: A Conceptual Framework. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1282863.
Bautista, A., Cerd'n, R., Garc'a-Carri'n, R., Salsa, A. M., Aldoney, D., Cabedo-Mas, A., Campos, R., Clar', M., G'mez-Guadix, M., Ilari, B., Kammerer, Y., Macedo-Rouet, M., Mendive, S., M''ez, D., Saux, G. I., Sun, H., Sun, J., Ventura, A. C., Yang, W., . . . Yeung, J. (2023). What research is important today in human development, learning and education ? JSED Editors' reflections and research calls.. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 1, 1'38.
Steinkrauss, R., Green, C., Verspoor, M., & Sun, H. (2023). A Dynamic Usage Based Perspective of Child Bilinguals' English Deve lopment. International Journal of Complexity in Education, 4(1), 9-36.
Sun, H., Tan, J., & Chen, W. (2023). COVID-19 and bilingual children's home language environment: Digital media, socioeconomic status, and language status. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(null), 10.3389/fpsyg.2023 .1115108.
Green, C., Keogh, K., Sun, H., & O'Brien, B. (2023). The Children's Books Lexicon (CB-LEX): A Large-Scale Lexical Database from Children's Picture Books. Behaviour Research Methods, first view online, xx.
Books (Central)
Sun, H. (2015). Predictors and stages of very young child EFL learners' English development in China (PP. 169). Groningen: University of Groningen.
Meir, N., Sun, H., & Chondrogianni, V. (Eds.). (2023). International Mother Language Day: Enhancing Home Language Development from a Young Age (PP. 141). Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
Shimpi, P., Colunga, E., Sun, H., Sperry, D., Song, L. (Ed.). (2022). The Role of Experience in Children's Language Development: A Cultural Perspective (PP. 160). Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA..
Meir, N., Sun, H., & Chondrogianni, V. (Eds.). (2023). International Mother Language Day: Enhancing Home Language Development from a Young Age (PP. 141). Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
Shimpi, P., Colunga, E., Sun, H., Sperry, D., Song, L. (Ed.). (2022). The Role of Experience in Children's Language Development: A Cultural Perspective (PP. 160). Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA..
Book Chapters (Central)
Sun, H., Ng, S. C., & Peh, A. (2023). Shared book reading and children's social-emotional learning in Asian Schools. In King, R., Caleon, I., & Bernardo, A. (Eds.), Positive Psychology and Positive Education in Asia: Understanding and Fostering Well-Being in Schools(PP. 293'30 9). Singapore: Springer.
Sun, H. (2022). Harmonious Bilingualism: the Concept, the Significance and the Implications. In Tan, O. S., Poon K., O'Brien, B., & Rifkin, A. (Eds.), The Future of Early Childhood in Singapore: Policies, Perspectives, Teacher Education and Research book. (PP. 261-280). Singapore: Springer.
Sun, H., Yin, B. (2020). Vocabulary development in early language education. In Schwartz, M. (Ed.), International handbook on early language education(PP. 1-26). Cham: Springer.
Sun, H., Ro cafort, Q. H., & Ong, W. S. (2024). Language Use and Proficiency in Bilingual Children's Subjective Wellbeing. In Tan, O. S., Caleon, I., & Ng, E. L. (Eds.), Enhancing Holistic Well-Being of Children and Youth: Insights from Singapore for Research, Policy and Practice in Education(PP. 167'180). Singapore: Springer.
Sun, H. (2022). Harmonious Bilingualism: the Concept, the Significance and the Implications. In Tan, O. S., Poon K., O'Brien, B., & Rifkin, A. (Eds.), The Future of Early Childhood in Singapore: Policies, Perspectives, Teacher Education and Research book. (PP. 261-280). Singapore: Springer.
Sun, H., Yin, B. (2020). Vocabulary development in early language education. In Schwartz, M. (Ed.), International handbook on early language education(PP. 1-26). Cham: Springer.
Sun, H., Ro cafort, Q. H., & Ong, W. S. (2024). Language Use and Proficiency in Bilingual Children's Subjective Wellbeing. In Tan, O. S., Caleon, I., & Ng, E. L. (Eds.), Enhancing Holistic Well-Being of Children and Youth: Insights from Singapore for Research, Policy and Practice in Education(PP. 167'180). Singapore: Springer.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Wong, L.-H., Aw, G. P., Sun, H., Yen, C.-C., Teo, C. G., & Wen, Y. (2023, December). Effects of a Machine Learning-empowered Chinese Character Handwriting Learning Tool on Rectifying Legible Writing in Young Children: A Pilot Study. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2023, 1, 742-747.
Sun, H., & Cheong, S. A. (2021, November). Dynamical Motifs in Temporal Networks. In Bui-Tien T., Nguyen Ngoc L., & De Roeck G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil E ngineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 1, 15-22.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Sun, H. (2022, June). Artificial Intelligence and Early Language Instruction: A Meta-Analysis.. Paper presented at Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Ed ucation, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H. (2022, June). Output and Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Learning. Paper presented at Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H. (2022, March). What and when individual differences matter: the specificity principle in young dual language learners' English development. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Pittsburgh, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, July). Motion and Sound in Animated Storybooks for Preschooler's Visual Attention and Mandarin L anguage Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study with Bilingual Children.. Paper presented at 15th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, July). Child, Family, and School Factors in Bilingual Preschoolers' Vocabulary Development in Heritag e Languages. Paper presented at 15th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, April). The Differential Effects of Teachers' Questions in Bilingual children's Reading engagement and Learning Outcomes.. Paper presented at The Soci ety for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Online, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, March). Teachers' Questions in Bilingual Children's Mandarin Reading Engagement. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.
Sun, H. (2021, March). Shared B ook Reading and Asian Children's Language and Literacy Skills: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.
Sun, H. (2020, September). Animated eBooks and Bilingual Children's Mandarin Language Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study. Paper pr esented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, Hong Kong, China.
Sun, H. (2019, October). The dynamics of teachers' questions and comments and bilingual preschooler's Chinese learning process and outcome in Singapore. Paper presented at Conference for Complex Systems 2019, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2019, September). What animated feature(s) in eBooks could help children to learn their mother tongue language better? Evidences from an eyetracking study.. Paper presented at Asian Festival of Children's Content, Singapore.
Goh, S. & Sun, H. (2019, July). Dual lan guage learners: Latent classes of vocabulary growth associate with variation in hyperactivity-inattention. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, United Kingdom.
Sun, H. (2019, April). Teachers' Questions and Comments and Bilingual Preschooler's Chinese Learning: a Complex Dynamic System Perspective. Paper presented at AERA, Toronto, Canada.
Sun, H., & Williams, D. (2019, March). What and when individual differences matter: bio-ecological influences in early language and literacy development. Paper presented at SR CD, Baltimore, United States.
Sun, H., Yussof, N., Vijayakumar, P., Ong, Q. H., O'Brien, B. (2019, March). Teacher's Codeswitching and Bilingual Children's Mother Tongue Language Learning and Cognitive Switching Flexibility. Paper presented at SRCD, Baltimore, United States.
Lim, N., O'Br ien, B. A., Sun, H. (2019, March). Exploring the Relationship between the Development of English and Chinese Vocabulary Skills in Bilingual Children from Kindergarten 1 to Primary 1. Paper presented at International Symposium on Cognition and Neuroscience, Singapore.
Sun, H., Loh, J. Y., & Au Yong, S. L. (2018, October). The efficacy of animated e-books in fostering Singaporean kindergartener's Mandarin lexical learning. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Babylab Constellation Conference 2018, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2018, May). Improve the Efficacy of Electronic Books in Early E ducation. Paper presented at NIE Post-Graduate Fair, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2018, May). Social-Emotional Wellbeing and Singaporean Preschooler's Bilingual Language Proficiency. Paper presented at Harmonious Bilingualism Network, Brussels, Belgium.
Sun,H. (2017, July). Differential eff ects of internal and external factors in bilingual children's dual vocabulary development. Paper presented at 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.
Sun, H. (2017, July). Bilingual language experience and social-emotional wellbeing: A cross-sectional stu dy of Singapore pre-schoolers.. Paper presented at at14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.
Sun, H. (2017, May). Instructional strategy and language complexity in preschool teacher's shared book reading: variation, effectiveness and potential reasons. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Sun,H. (2017, April). Preschoolers' bilingualism and their social-emotional wellbeing: the case of Singapore. Paper presented at 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, United States.
Sun,H.,O'Brien,B.A. (2017, February). Differential effects of internal and external factors in early bilingual vocabulary learning: a case of Singapore. Paper presented at 2017 Association for Reading and Writing in Asia Conference, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Sun, H. (2016, O ctober). Foreign language learning as a complex dynamic process: A microgenetic case study of a Chinese child's English learning trajectory. Paper presented at Focus on the learner: Contributions of individual differences to second language learning and teaching, Konin, Poland.
Sun, H. (201 6, September). Individual Differences in Very Young Children's Early English Acquisition in China: Internal and External Factors. Paper presented at 2016 Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), New York, United States.
Sun, H. (2024, September). The relationship between bilingualism and c hildren's social emotional wellbeing. Paper presented at EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING AND MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H., & Cheong, S. A. (2024, September). Bilingual Children's Language Use and Productive Vocabulary. Paper presented at EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING AND MULTILINGU AL EDUCATION, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P., & Steinkrauss, R. (2024, August). Teachers' English use in children's Tamil language classes in Singapore: a translanguaging perspective. Paper presented at Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliqu'e, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sun, H. (2024, July). Early Language Teaching and Learning with AI: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sun, H. (2024, July). The intersection of socioemotional well-being and bilingual development.. Pa per presented at International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sun, H., Lim. V., Teo, W. P., Azhari, A., Low, J. M., & Tang, S. (2024, May). The Influence of Screen Time Quantity and Quality on Early Childhood Development: Insights from the CHILD Project.. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Sun, H., Hong, N., & Tan, J. (2024, May). eBook APP and Child Mother Tongue Language Learning. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2024, April). Paper books ve rsus eBooks: Bilingual Children's Reading Behaviour and Heritage Reading Outcomes. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, United States.
Sun, H., Cheong, S. A., & Verspoor, M. (2023, July). Motif detection and teacher-child interaction in bilingual child ren's Mandarin learning. Paper presented at International Association of Applied Linguistics, Lyon, France.
Sun, H. (2023, June). Enrichment Class and Children's Bilingual Language Learning in Singapore. Paper presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism, Sydney, Australia.
Su n, H. (2023, June). COVID-19 and Bilingual Children's Oral and Multimedia Input at Home. Paper presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism, Sydney, Australia.
Sun, H. (2023, May). Multimedia input and bilingual children's language learning. Paper presented at The American Ed ucational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago (virtual conference), United States.
Sun, H. (2023, March). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at 2023 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, United States.
Sun, H. (2023, M arch). Enrichment Class and Children's Bilingual Language Learning in Singapore. Paper presented at 2023 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, United States.
Sun, H. (2023, February). Proficiency and Compensatory Strategies in Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Narrative. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong, China.
Sun, H. (2022, May). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Family Wellbeing. Paper presented at The Second HaBilNet Colloquium, Frankfurt, Germany.
Sun, H. (2022, May). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Family Wellbeing. Paper presented at The Second HaBilNet Colloquium, Frankfurt, Germany.
Sun, H. (2020, December). Early language development could be considered a self-organizing process.. Paper presented at The 5th CCS Satellite Symposium on Complex Systems and Education, Online, United Stat es.
Sun, H. (2020, October). Book Reading and Children's Engagement in Early Language Learning. Paper presented at Language Output and Child Mandarin Heritage Language Maintenance in Singapore, Shanghai, China.
Sun, H. (2020, October). Language Output and Child Mandarin Heritage Langua ge Maintenance in Singapore. Paper presented at Instructed Second Language Acquisition Forum, Shanghai, China.
Goh, S & Sun, H (2019, July). Dual language learners: Latent classes of vocabulary growth associate with variation in hyperactivity-inattention. Paper presented at Internationa l Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, United Kingdom.
Sun, H. (2018, June). Effective shared book reading and child bilinguals' second language development: preschool teacher's qualification, language complexity, and children's vocabulary growth. Paper presented at t he Child Language Symposium, Reading, United Kingdom.
Wong, L.-H., Aw, G. P., Sun, H., Yen, C.-C., Teo, C. G., & Wen, Y. (2023, December). Effects of a Machine Learning-empowered Chinese Character Handwriting Learning Tool on Rectifying Legible Writing in Young Children: A Pilot Study. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2023, 1, 742-747.
Sun, H., & Cheong, S. A. (2021, November). Dynamical Motifs in Temporal Networks. In Bui-Tien T., Nguyen Ngoc L., & De Roeck G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil E ngineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 1, 15-22.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Sun, H. (2022, June). Artificial Intelligence and Early Language Instruction: A Meta-Analysis.. Paper presented at Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Ed ucation, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H. (2022, June). Output and Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Learning. Paper presented at Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H. (2022, March). What and when individual differences matter: the specificity principle in young dual language learners' English development. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Pittsburgh, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, July). Motion and Sound in Animated Storybooks for Preschooler's Visual Attention and Mandarin L anguage Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study with Bilingual Children.. Paper presented at 15th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, July). Child, Family, and School Factors in Bilingual Preschoolers' Vocabulary Development in Heritag e Languages. Paper presented at 15th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Philadelphia, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, April). The Differential Effects of Teachers' Questions in Bilingual children's Reading engagement and Learning Outcomes.. Paper presented at The Soci ety for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Online, United States.
Sun, H. (2021, March). Teachers' Questions in Bilingual Children's Mandarin Reading Engagement. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.
Sun, H. (2021, March). Shared B ook Reading and Asian Children's Language and Literacy Skills: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.
Sun, H. (2020, September). Animated eBooks and Bilingual Children's Mandarin Language Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study. Paper pr esented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, Hong Kong, China.
Sun, H. (2019, October). The dynamics of teachers' questions and comments and bilingual preschooler's Chinese learning process and outcome in Singapore. Paper presented at Conference for Complex Systems 2019, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2019, September). What animated feature(s) in eBooks could help children to learn their mother tongue language better? Evidences from an eyetracking study.. Paper presented at Asian Festival of Children's Content, Singapore.
Goh, S. & Sun, H. (2019, July). Dual lan guage learners: Latent classes of vocabulary growth associate with variation in hyperactivity-inattention. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, United Kingdom.
Sun, H. (2019, April). Teachers' Questions and Comments and Bilingual Preschooler's Chinese Learning: a Complex Dynamic System Perspective. Paper presented at AERA, Toronto, Canada.
Sun, H., & Williams, D. (2019, March). What and when individual differences matter: bio-ecological influences in early language and literacy development. Paper presented at SR CD, Baltimore, United States.
Sun, H., Yussof, N., Vijayakumar, P., Ong, Q. H., O'Brien, B. (2019, March). Teacher's Codeswitching and Bilingual Children's Mother Tongue Language Learning and Cognitive Switching Flexibility. Paper presented at SRCD, Baltimore, United States.
Lim, N., O'Br ien, B. A., Sun, H. (2019, March). Exploring the Relationship between the Development of English and Chinese Vocabulary Skills in Bilingual Children from Kindergarten 1 to Primary 1. Paper presented at International Symposium on Cognition and Neuroscience, Singapore.
Sun, H., Loh, J. Y., & Au Yong, S. L. (2018, October). The efficacy of animated e-books in fostering Singaporean kindergartener's Mandarin lexical learning. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Babylab Constellation Conference 2018, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2018, May). Improve the Efficacy of Electronic Books in Early E ducation. Paper presented at NIE Post-Graduate Fair, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2018, May). Social-Emotional Wellbeing and Singaporean Preschooler's Bilingual Language Proficiency. Paper presented at Harmonious Bilingualism Network, Brussels, Belgium.
Sun,H. (2017, July). Differential eff ects of internal and external factors in bilingual children's dual vocabulary development. Paper presented at 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.
Sun, H. (2017, July). Bilingual language experience and social-emotional wellbeing: A cross-sectional stu dy of Singapore pre-schoolers.. Paper presented at at14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France.
Sun, H. (2017, May). Instructional strategy and language complexity in preschool teacher's shared book reading: variation, effectiveness and potential reasons. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Sun,H. (2017, April). Preschoolers' bilingualism and their social-emotional wellbeing: the case of Singapore. Paper presented at 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, United States.
Sun,H.,O'Brien,B.A. (2017, February). Differential effects of internal and external factors in early bilingual vocabulary learning: a case of Singapore. Paper presented at 2017 Association for Reading and Writing in Asia Conference, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Sun, H. (2016, O ctober). Foreign language learning as a complex dynamic process: A microgenetic case study of a Chinese child's English learning trajectory. Paper presented at Focus on the learner: Contributions of individual differences to second language learning and teaching, Konin, Poland.
Sun, H. (201 6, September). Individual Differences in Very Young Children's Early English Acquisition in China: Internal and External Factors. Paper presented at 2016 Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), New York, United States.
Sun, H. (2024, September). The relationship between bilingualism and c hildren's social emotional wellbeing. Paper presented at EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING AND MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H., & Cheong, S. A. (2024, September). Bilingual Children's Language Use and Productive Vocabulary. Paper presented at EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING AND MULTILINGU AL EDUCATION, Granada, Spain.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P., & Steinkrauss, R. (2024, August). Teachers' English use in children's Tamil language classes in Singapore: a translanguaging perspective. Paper presented at Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliqu'e, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sun, H. (2024, July). Early Language Teaching and Learning with AI: A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sun, H. (2024, July). The intersection of socioemotional well-being and bilingual development.. Pa per presented at International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sun, H., Lim. V., Teo, W. P., Azhari, A., Low, J. M., & Tang, S. (2024, May). The Influence of Screen Time Quantity and Quality on Early Childhood Development: Insights from the CHILD Project.. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Sun, H., Hong, N., & Tan, J. (2024, May). eBook APP and Child Mother Tongue Language Learning. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Sun, H. (2024, April). Paper books ve rsus eBooks: Bilingual Children's Reading Behaviour and Heritage Reading Outcomes. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, United States.
Sun, H., Cheong, S. A., & Verspoor, M. (2023, July). Motif detection and teacher-child interaction in bilingual child ren's Mandarin learning. Paper presented at International Association of Applied Linguistics, Lyon, France.
Sun, H. (2023, June). Enrichment Class and Children's Bilingual Language Learning in Singapore. Paper presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism, Sydney, Australia.
Su n, H. (2023, June). COVID-19 and Bilingual Children's Oral and Multimedia Input at Home. Paper presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism, Sydney, Australia.
Sun, H. (2023, May). Multimedia input and bilingual children's language learning. Paper presented at The American Ed ucational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago (virtual conference), United States.
Sun, H. (2023, March). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at 2023 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, United States.
Sun, H. (2023, M arch). Enrichment Class and Children's Bilingual Language Learning in Singapore. Paper presented at 2023 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, United States.
Sun, H. (2023, February). Proficiency and Compensatory Strategies in Bilingual Children's Heritage Language Narrative. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong, China.
Sun, H. (2022, May). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Family Wellbeing. Paper presented at The Second HaBilNet Colloquium, Frankfurt, Germany.
Sun, H. (2022, May). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Family Wellbeing. Paper presented at The Second HaBilNet Colloquium, Frankfurt, Germany.
Sun, H. (2020, December). Early language development could be considered a self-organizing process.. Paper presented at The 5th CCS Satellite Symposium on Complex Systems and Education, Online, United Stat es.
Sun, H. (2020, October). Book Reading and Children's Engagement in Early Language Learning. Paper presented at Language Output and Child Mandarin Heritage Language Maintenance in Singapore, Shanghai, China.
Sun, H. (2020, October). Language Output and Child Mandarin Heritage Langua ge Maintenance in Singapore. Paper presented at Instructed Second Language Acquisition Forum, Shanghai, China.
Goh, S & Sun, H (2019, July). Dual language learners: Latent classes of vocabulary growth associate with variation in hyperactivity-inattention. Paper presented at Internationa l Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, United Kingdom.
Sun, H. (2018, June). Effective shared book reading and child bilinguals' second language development: preschool teacher's qualification, language complexity, and children's vocabulary growth. Paper presented at t he Child Language Symposium, Reading, United Kingdom.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Meir, N., Sun, H., & Chondrogianni, V. (Ed.) (2023). Frontiers in Psychology, International Mother Language Day: Enhancing Home Language Development from a Young Age, xx (xx).
Sun, H., & Tribushinina, E. (Ed.) (2023). Journal of Child L anguage, Individual Differences in Bilinguals, 50 (4).
Sun, H., Shimpy, P., Colunga, E., Sperry, D., Song, L. (Ed.) (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, The Role of Experience in Children's Language Development: A Cultural Perspective, xx (null).
Sun, H. (Ed.) (2018). SingTeach, Ea rly bilingualism, 1 (67).
Keynote Addresses
Sun, H. (2021, December). Advances in Language Research in an Interconnected World: Sustaining Vitality, Relevance and Rigor. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Multimedia Exposure in Early Second and Foreign Language Learning, Mindanao State University , Philippines.
Sun, H. (2021, April). the 4th English Language at Literature International Conference (ELLiC 2020). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Digital Language Learning and Technology, Semarang, Indonesia.
Sun, H. (2023, March). Preschool Education Colloquium in Southeast Asia (东南& #20122;学前教育专题学术研讨会). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, 用阅读点亮童年:绘本的挑选及阅读, Ningbo, China.
Sun, H. (2023, January). Intern ational Webinar in EFL: Strategy for Engaging Young Learners. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Temperamental traits in Young Learners' English Language Learning, Malang, Indonesia.
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Meir, N., Sun, H., & Chondrogianni, V. (Ed.) (2023). Frontiers in Psychology, International Mother Language Day: Enhancing Home Language Development from a Young Age, xx (xx).
Sun, H., & Tribushinina, E. (Ed.) (2023). Journal of Child L anguage, Individual Differences in Bilinguals, 50 (4).
Sun, H., Shimpy, P., Colunga, E., Sperry, D., Song, L. (Ed.) (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, The Role of Experience in Children's Language Development: A Cultural Perspective, xx (null).
Sun, H. (Ed.) (2018). SingTeach, Ea rly bilingualism, 1 (67).
Keynote Addresses
Sun, H. (2021, December). Advances in Language Research in an Interconnected World: Sustaining Vitality, Relevance and Rigor. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Multimedia Exposure in Early Second and Foreign Language Learning, Mindanao State University , Philippines.
Sun, H. (2021, April). the 4th English Language at Literature International Conference (ELLiC 2020). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Digital Language Learning and Technology, Semarang, Indonesia.
Sun, H. (2023, March). Preschool Education Colloquium in Southeast Asia (东南& #20122;学前教育专题学术研讨会). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, 用阅读点亮童年:绘本的挑选及阅读, Ningbo, China.
Sun, H. (2023, January). Intern ational Webinar in EFL: Strategy for Engaging Young Learners. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Temperamental traits in Young Learners' English Language Learning, Malang, Indonesia.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Sun, H., Ng, S. C., Yussof, N. T., Aram, D. (2019). [Review of A systematic review protocol: impact of shared book reading on children's social emotional competencies]. PROSPERO, 1-7.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P., Yussof, N.T., von Hagen, A., & Bus, A. (2019). [Review of Impact of shared book reading on the language and literacy skills of children in Asia: asystematic review protocol]. PROSPE RO, 1-7.
Professional Articles
Sun, H., Ng, S. C., Yussof, N. T., & Aram, D. (2019, May). PROSPERO A systematic review protocol: impact of shared book reading on children's socialemotional c ompetencies, 1, 1-7.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P., Yussof, N. T., von Hagen, A., & Bus, A. (2019, March). PROSPERO Impact of shared book reading on the language and literacy skills of children in Asia: a syste matic review protocol, 1, 1-7.
Sun, H. (2018, December). SingTeach Balancing Bilingualism, 67, 4-5.
Sun, H. (2018, December). SingTeach Guest Editor's note, 67, 3.
Technical Reports or Monographs
O'Brien, B., Sun, H., Sun, B., Chua, D., & Ow, L. (2021, December). Local evidence synthesis on language learning and bilingualism, 34.
Sun, H. (2021, January). Preschooler's Engagement to Teacher's Questions during Interactive Book Reading: A Child-Centered Approach using Electro-Dermal Bracelet, 2.
Sun, H., Green, C. (2020, December). Syntactic Resonan ce in Child-Caretaker Interaction and Children's Peer Talk, 2.
Sun, H. (2019, September). Animated Electronic Storybook and Mandarin Learning, 2.
O'Brien, B., Habib, M., Yussof, N., Ng, S. C., Sun, H. (2018, June). Questioning in teaching: are all questions alike?, 2.
Workshops and Seminars
Sun, H. (2022, March). 挑选绘本和阅读绘本的家庭小技巧.
Sun, H. (2022, March). Picture book reading and early bilingualism in S ingapore.
Sun, H. (2022, March). Language use and bilingual children's heritage language learning and social emotional wellbeing.
Sun, H. (2022, March). Individual Differences Matter: Internal and External Factors in Early Language Learning.
Sun, H. (2022, February). Cu rrent and future research directions in Singapore Mandarin.
Sun, H. (2021, November). Use Picture Book Reading to Enhance Early Second and Foreign Language Learning: Implications from an Eye-tracking Study.
Sun, H. (2021, November). Language Use in Early Mother Tongue Language Le arning: Insights from Three Studies.
Sun, H. (2021, September). Enhanced eBooks and Early Mother Tongue Language Learning: Implications from an Eye-tracking Study.
Sun, H. (2020, July). Individual Differences in Early Bilingualism/Early Foreign Language Learning.
Sun, H. ( 2020, July). Education and Digitization.
Sun, H. (2020, April). An Introduction to the Common Statistics in Quantitative Research.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P. (2019, November). Teachers' questioning: A scaffolding strategy for language instruction.
Sun, H., Koopmans, M., S ayama, H., Stamovlasis, D., & Aryadoust, V., (2019, October). 4th CCS Satellite Symposium on Complex Systems and Education.
Sun, H. (2019, October). EBooks and children's early bilingual language development: attention and attainment.
Goh, S., Sun, H., Griffis, S., & Ooi, N. (201 9, August). Global Perspectives: Can Early Language Contribute to Mental Health in Singapore & United Kingdom.
Sun, H.; Wee, K. B.; Wei, X. R.; Luo, Y. Y. (2018, August). Interactive book reading strategies at home and in school.
Sun, H., Au Yong, S.L.,Loh,J.Y. (2018, March). How could we use shared book reading to promote early literacy development? Perspectives from teacher's language and children's individual characteristics.
Sun, H. (2018, March). Internal and external factors in child bilingual's early reading: individual, family and preschool.
Sun, H. (2018, February). Use share book reading to promote bilingual preschoolers' language and literacy development.
Sun, H. (2017, October). Cognitive Engagement and Electrodermal Activity.
Sun, H. (2017, September). Animated Electronic Storybook and Mandarin Learning: Tracing the Process and the Outcome..
Sun, H. (2016, May). Individual Differences in Early Foreign Language Development: From Linear and Nonlinear Perspectives.
Sun, H. (2024, August). eBooks and early language learning.
Sun, H. (2024, May). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: A Framework and Related Practices..
Sun, H. (2024, April). Promoting early MTL with reading and technology.
Sun, H. (2024, March). Promoting Early Book Reading at Home: Tips on Book Selection, Reading Strategies, and Multimedia Use.
Sun, H. (2024, January) . Bilingualism in Singapore.
Sun, H. (2024, February). Parental Language Proficiency and Bilingual Children's Language Development.
Sun, H. (2023, December). Enhanced eBooks and Early Language Learning: Attention and Learning Outcomes.
Sun, H. (2023, September). 472;本阅读: 读什么,怎么读 (Picture Book Reading: What to Read and How to Read)..
Jain, R., Schalley, A., De Houwer, A., & Sun, H. (2023, August). Languages in Singapore: To Transmit or Not to Transmit the Family Language ' That i s the Question!.
Ng, B. C., Altarriba, J., Yang, Y., Sun, H., & Cambria, E. (2023, May). Language and emotion: How feeling the language we speak shapes our lives.
Sun, H. (2022, November). Parental Bilingual Perception and Proficiency in Child Language Environment and Wellbeing: The Case of Singapore.
Sun, H. (2022, September). Internal and External Factors in Early Bilingualism: An Individual Difference Approach.
Sun, H. (2022, September). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: The Case of Singapore.
Sun, H. (2022, July). Harmoni ous Bilingualism in Singaporean Children's Language and Social-Emotional Development.
Sun, H. (2022, June). Eye tracker and skin conductance in bilingual children's heritage language reading process.
Sun, H. (2020, November). Individual differences in bilingual children's English language development.
Goh, S. Sun, H. Griffith, S., & Ooi, N. (2019, August). Global Perspectives: Can Early Language Contribute to Mental Health in Singapore & United Kingdom.
Lim, F.V., Sun, H., & Loh, C.E (2023). How parents, schools can help kids in Singap ore derive joy from reading . Singapore: Today.
Sun, H., Ng, S. C., Yussof, N. T., Aram, D. (2019). [Review of A systematic review protocol: impact of shared book reading on children's social emotional competencies]. PROSPERO, 1-7.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P., Yussof, N.T., von Hagen, A., & Bus, A. (2019). [Review of Impact of shared book reading on the language and literacy skills of children in Asia: asystematic review protocol]. PROSPE RO, 1-7.
Professional Articles
Sun, H., Ng, S. C., Yussof, N. T., & Aram, D. (2019, May). PROSPERO A systematic review protocol: impact of shared book reading on children's socialemotional c ompetencies, 1, 1-7.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P., Yussof, N. T., von Hagen, A., & Bus, A. (2019, March). PROSPERO Impact of shared book reading on the language and literacy skills of children in Asia: a syste matic review protocol, 1, 1-7.
Sun, H. (2018, December). SingTeach Balancing Bilingualism, 67, 4-5.
Sun, H. (2018, December). SingTeach Guest Editor's note, 67, 3.
Technical Reports or Monographs
O'Brien, B., Sun, H., Sun, B., Chua, D., & Ow, L. (2021, December). Local evidence synthesis on language learning and bilingualism, 34.
Sun, H. (2021, January). Preschooler's Engagement to Teacher's Questions during Interactive Book Reading: A Child-Centered Approach using Electro-Dermal Bracelet, 2.
Sun, H., Green, C. (2020, December). Syntactic Resonan ce in Child-Caretaker Interaction and Children's Peer Talk, 2.
Sun, H. (2019, September). Animated Electronic Storybook and Mandarin Learning, 2.
O'Brien, B., Habib, M., Yussof, N., Ng, S. C., Sun, H. (2018, June). Questioning in teaching: are all questions alike?, 2.
Workshops and Seminars
Sun, H. (2022, March). 挑选绘本和阅读绘本的家庭小技巧.
Sun, H. (2022, March). Picture book reading and early bilingualism in S ingapore.
Sun, H. (2022, March). Language use and bilingual children's heritage language learning and social emotional wellbeing.
Sun, H. (2022, March). Individual Differences Matter: Internal and External Factors in Early Language Learning.
Sun, H. (2022, February). Cu rrent and future research directions in Singapore Mandarin.
Sun, H. (2021, November). Use Picture Book Reading to Enhance Early Second and Foreign Language Learning: Implications from an Eye-tracking Study.
Sun, H. (2021, November). Language Use in Early Mother Tongue Language Le arning: Insights from Three Studies.
Sun, H. (2021, September). Enhanced eBooks and Early Mother Tongue Language Learning: Implications from an Eye-tracking Study.
Sun, H. (2020, July). Individual Differences in Early Bilingualism/Early Foreign Language Learning.
Sun, H. ( 2020, July). Education and Digitization.
Sun, H. (2020, April). An Introduction to the Common Statistics in Quantitative Research.
Sun, H., Vijayakumar, P. (2019, November). Teachers' questioning: A scaffolding strategy for language instruction.
Sun, H., Koopmans, M., S ayama, H., Stamovlasis, D., & Aryadoust, V., (2019, October). 4th CCS Satellite Symposium on Complex Systems and Education.
Sun, H. (2019, October). EBooks and children's early bilingual language development: attention and attainment.
Goh, S., Sun, H., Griffis, S., & Ooi, N. (201 9, August). Global Perspectives: Can Early Language Contribute to Mental Health in Singapore & United Kingdom.
Sun, H.; Wee, K. B.; Wei, X. R.; Luo, Y. Y. (2018, August). Interactive book reading strategies at home and in school.
Sun, H., Au Yong, S.L.,Loh,J.Y. (2018, March). How could we use shared book reading to promote early literacy development? Perspectives from teacher's language and children's individual characteristics.
Sun, H. (2018, March). Internal and external factors in child bilingual's early reading: individual, family and preschool.
Sun, H. (2018, February). Use share book reading to promote bilingual preschoolers' language and literacy development.
Sun, H. (2017, October). Cognitive Engagement and Electrodermal Activity.
Sun, H. (2017, September). Animated Electronic Storybook and Mandarin Learning: Tracing the Process and the Outcome..
Sun, H. (2016, May). Individual Differences in Early Foreign Language Development: From Linear and Nonlinear Perspectives.
Sun, H. (2024, August). eBooks and early language learning.
Sun, H. (2024, May). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: A Framework and Related Practices..
Sun, H. (2024, April). Promoting early MTL with reading and technology.
Sun, H. (2024, March). Promoting Early Book Reading at Home: Tips on Book Selection, Reading Strategies, and Multimedia Use.
Sun, H. (2024, January) . Bilingualism in Singapore.
Sun, H. (2024, February). Parental Language Proficiency and Bilingual Children's Language Development.
Sun, H. (2023, December). Enhanced eBooks and Early Language Learning: Attention and Learning Outcomes.
Sun, H. (2023, September). 472;本阅读: 读什么,怎么读 (Picture Book Reading: What to Read and How to Read)..
Jain, R., Schalley, A., De Houwer, A., & Sun, H. (2023, August). Languages in Singapore: To Transmit or Not to Transmit the Family Language ' That i s the Question!.
Ng, B. C., Altarriba, J., Yang, Y., Sun, H., & Cambria, E. (2023, May). Language and emotion: How feeling the language we speak shapes our lives.
Sun, H. (2022, November). Parental Bilingual Perception and Proficiency in Child Language Environment and Wellbeing: The Case of Singapore.
Sun, H. (2022, September). Internal and External Factors in Early Bilingualism: An Individual Difference Approach.
Sun, H. (2022, September). Harmonious Bilingual Experience and Child Wellbeing: The Case of Singapore.
Sun, H. (2022, July). Harmoni ous Bilingualism in Singaporean Children's Language and Social-Emotional Development.
Sun, H. (2022, June). Eye tracker and skin conductance in bilingual children's heritage language reading process.
Sun, H. (2020, November). Individual differences in bilingual children's English language development.
Goh, S. Sun, H. Griffith, S., & Ooi, N. (2019, August). Global Perspectives: Can Early Language Contribute to Mental Health in Singapore & United Kingdom.
Lim, F.V., Sun, H., & Loh, C.E (2023). How parents, schools can help kids in Singap ore derive joy from reading . Singapore: Today.