Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Yang Peidong
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - Humanities & Social Studies Education
Journal Articles (Central)
Yang, P. (2022). Differentiated inclusion, muted diversification: immigrant teachers' settlement and professional experiences in Singapore as a case of 'middling' migrants' integration. Journal of Ethnic and Migratio n Studies, 48(7), 1711-1728.

Yang, P. (2022). China in the Global Field of International Student Mobility: An Analysis of Economic, Human, and Symbolic Capitals. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52(2), 308-326.

Yang, P. (2020). Towards a fr amework for (re)thinking the ethics and politics of international student mobility. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(5), 518-534.

Yang, P. (2019). Psychoanalyzing fleeting emotive migrant encounters: a case from Singapore. Emotion, Space and Society., 31, 133-139 .

Yang, P (2018). Desiring 'foreign talent': lack and Lacan in anti-immigrant sentiments in Singapore. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(6), 1015-1031.

Yang, P. & Chow, L.-T. (2024). Negotiating identities, values, and teaching practices: Five immigrant teachers in Singapore sch ools as potential agents of educational diversity. Asia Pacific Education Review, 25(null), 1319-1329.

Cheng, Y. E., Yang, P., Lee, J., Waters, J. & Yeoh, B. S. A. (2024). Migration governance and higher education during a pandemic: policy (mis)alignments and international postgraduate stu dents' experiences in Singapore and the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(5), 1138-1156.

Cheng, Y., Yeoh, B. S. A., & Yang, P. (2023). Virtual student mobility on Zoom: digital platforms and differentiated experiences of international education and (im)mobilities in a time of pandemic. Mobilities, 18(5), 839-854.

Yang, P (2023). Interpreting inquiry learning in social studies: Singapore secondary school teachers' understandings of "Issue Investigation" - a preliminary study. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 18(1), 26-42.

Yang, P. & Tian, Y. (2023). International student mobility in a de-globalizing and post-pandemic world: Resilience, reconfiguration, renewal. Journal of International Students, 13(1), i-v.

Foo, A. & Yang, P. (2022). Allying and aligning: teachers' extra-curricular work, meritocracy and state-sponsored scholarships in Singapore. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 43(7), 1076-1093.

Yang, P. (2022). Rethinking International Student Mobility through the Lens of &q uot;Crisis" at A Juncture of Pandemic and Global Uncertainties. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(sub1), 20-33.

Yang, P., Chua, J. Y. (2021). A politician, a social scientist, and a social worker walk into a bar: Towards a taxonomy of Social Studies inquiry questions. HSSE Onlin e, 10(1), 15-26.

Yang, P. (2020). Taming "Issue Investigation": Singapore Secondary Social Studies Teachers' Accounts of Challenges Encountered and Strategies for Coping. HSSE Online, 9(1), 15-23.

Yang, P., & Chow, L. T. (2019). Immigrant Teachers in Singapore Schools: Backgrounds, Integration, and Diversification. HSSE Online, 8(2), 39-51.

Yang, P. (2018). Understanding Youth Educational Mobilities in Asia: A Comparison of Chinese 'Foreign Talent' Students in Singapore and Indian MBBS Students in China. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39(6), 722-738.

Yang, P. (2018). Compromise and complicity in international student mobility: the ethnographic case of Indian medical students at a Chinese university. Disc ourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 39(5), 694-708.

Yang, P., Tang, L. (2018). "Positive Energy": Hegemonic Intervention and Online Media Discourse in China's Xi Jinping Era. China: An International Journal, 16(1), 1-22.

Yang, H., Yang, P., & Zhan, S. (2017 ). Immigration, Population, and Foreign Workforce in Singapore: An Overview of Trends, Policies, and Issues. HSSE Online, 6(1), 10-25.

Gomes, C., L eong, S., & Yang, P. (2017). Why Transitions?. Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 1(1), 7-11.

Yang, P. (2017). Understanding 'integration': Chinese 'foreign talent' students in Singapore talking about rongru. Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 1(1), 29-45.

Tang, L, Shan, D, & Yang, P. (2016). Workers' rights defence on China's Internet: An analysis of actors. Information, Communication and Society, 19(8), 1171-1186.

Yang, P., Tang, L., & Wang, X. (2015). Diaosi as infrapolitics: Scatological tropes, identity-making and cultural intimacy on China's Internet. Media, Culture & Society, 37(2), 197-214.

Yang, P. (2014). Privilege, Prejudice, Predicament: "PRC Scholars" in Singapore - an Overview. Frontiers of Education in China, 9(3), 350-376.

Yang, P. (2014). A Phenomenology of being "Very China": An Ethnogr aphic Report on the Self-Formation Experiences of Mainland Chinese Undergraduate "Foreign Talents" in Singapore. Asian Journal of Social Science, 42(3-4), 233-261.

Yang, P. (2014). "Authenticity" and "Foreign Talent" in Singapore: The Relative and Negative Logi c of National Identity. SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 29(2), 408-437.

Yang, P. (2014). Empire at the Margins: Compulsory Mobility, Hierarchical Imaginary, and Education in China's Ethnic Borderland. London Review of Education, 12(1), 5-19.

Yang, P. (2013). 'U nion Regimes': Discipline and punish in three Indian maritime trade unions. International Critical Thought, 3(1), 43-58.

Tang, L. & Yang, P. (2011). Symbolic power and the internet: The power of a 'horse'. Media, Culture & Society, 33(5), 675-691.

Yang, P (2010). Lads in Waiting: A nother Crisis. An Exploratory Study on Indian 'Fresher' Seafarers. Global Labour Journal, 1(3), 331-351.

Yang, P (2009). Ideology and Propaganda in the Official Entertainment: a Curious Gaze at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala 2009. Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, 8, 230-245.

Books (Central)
Yang, P (2016). International Mobility and Educational Desire: Chinese Foreign Talent Students in Singapore (PP. 136). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapters (Central)
Baas, M., Yang, P. (2020). Introduction: Conceptualizing the Asian Migrant's Body. In Baas, M. (Ed.), The Asian Migrant's Body: Emotion, Gender and Sexuality (PP. 7-27). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Yang, P., Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2020). Educational mobility and citizenship: The Asian cases of Chinese "foreign talent" students in Singapore and Indian medical students in China. In Peterson, A., Stahl, G. & Soong, H. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education(PP. 633-647). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yang, P. & Cheng, Y. E. (2018). Educational Mo bility and Transnationalization. In Gleason, N. W. (Ed.), Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution(PP. 39-63). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yang, P. (2018). Commentary: International Students in China - What We Know, What We Don't, and What Next. In Dervin, F., Du, X., H'rk'nen, A. (Ed.), International Students in China: Education, Student Life and Intercultural Encounters(PP. 249-255). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yang, P (2017). Flexible citizens or disconnected immigrants? Chinese student-turned-migrants in Singapore and their discourses on tran snational mobility, flexibility, and identity. In Tran, L. T.Gomes, C (Ed.), International Student Connectedness and Identity in Tertiary Education: Trans-national and Trans-disciplinary Perspectives(PP. 227-242). Singapore: Springer.

Yang, P. (2023). The Developmental and State-Driven Logi cs in Intra-Asia Student Mobilities: Insights from Singapore's 'Foreign Talent' Scholarship Schemes and China's English-Medium Medical Programs. In Tran, L. T., Zou, T. X. P. & Ota, H. (Eds.), East and Southeast Asian Perspectives on the Internationalisation of Higher Education: Policies, Practic es and Prospects(PP. 137-149). London: Routledge.

Yang, P. & Lu, Y. (2022). Navigating Desire, Despondency, Disconnectedness, and Disillusionment: International Students' Emotional Turmoil Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic. In Cheng, Y (Ed.), International Student Mobilities and Voices in the Asia-Pacific: Letters to Coronavirus(PP. 121-136). Singapore: Springer.

Yang, P. (2020). Desiring 'foreign talent': lack and Lacan in anti-immigrant sentiments in Singapore. In Collins, F. L. & J'rgen, C. (Eds.), Aspiration, Desire and t he Drivers of Migration(PP. 100-117). London & New York: Routledge.

Yang, P (2016). 'Eliteness' in Chinese schooling: towards an ethnographic approach. In Maxwell, CAggleton, P (Ed.), Elite Education. International Perspectives(PP. 135-147). London: Routledge.

Yang, P (2016). The PRC "Foreign Talent" Scholars and Their Singaporean "Other": Neo-Occidentalism Amidst Intercultural Contact in the Context of Higher Education Student Mobility. In Machart, RDervin, FGao, M (Ed.), Intercultural Masquerade: New Orientalism, New Occidentalism, Old Exoticism(PP. 33-49). Berlin: Spri nger.

Yang, P (2014). 新加坡面向中国学生奖学金项目概况以及奖学金获得者留新经历之简要观察. In 王 ;,辉耀苗,绿 (Eds.), 国际人才蓝皮书 中国留学发展报告(2014)No.3(PP. 212-232). 北京: 社会科学文献出& #29256;社.

Conference Papers (Central)

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Yang, P. Chow, L. T. (2019, August). Differentiated Inclusion, Muted Diversification: (Im)migrant Teachers in Mainstream Singapore Schools as a Case of 'Middling' Migrants Integration. Paper presented at Migrant-led Diversification and Differe ntial Inclusion in Arrival Cities across Asia, Singapore.

Yang, P. (2019, June). Social and professional integration of Chinese and Indian (im)migrant teachers in Singapore. Paper presented at International Metropolis Conference 2019: The Promise of Migration, Ottawa, Canada.

Yang, P (201 9, April). Socially Sustainable Educational Mobility: Rethinking the Ethics and Politics of International Student Mobility. Paper presented at 63rd Annual Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference: Education for Sustainability, San Francisco, United States.

Yang, P ( 2018, November). Educational mobility and citizenship: A comparison of the experiences of Chinese "foreign talent" students in Singapore and Indian medical students in China. Paper presented at Youth Future - Connection and Mobility in the Asia Pacific, Melbourne, Australia.

Yang, P. (2024, July). "Watery Master's" (shuishuo) and "Reverse Study-abroad" (fanxiang liuxue)? Reconsidering the Rationales of International Student Mobility (ISM). Paper presented at Learning to Belong in the City, Singapore.

Yang, P. (2024, July). "Watery Master's" (Shuishuo) and "Revers e Study-Abroad" (fanxiang liuxue)? Reconsidering the Rationales of International Student Mobility (ISM). Paper presented at Learning to Belong in the City, Singapore.

Yang, P. (2024, June). Democratizing International Student Mobility: Challenges and Opportunities. Paper presented at Hi gher Education Research Association (HERA) 10th Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, P. (2024, May). Insecurity and migrant parenting: A study of middle-class Chinese immigrants in Singapore. Paper presented at Global Korea / Asia Pacific, Transnational Koreans/Asians, Jeju, Korea.

Yang, P. (2024, March). Transmigrants' Insecurities and Intensive Parenting: A Case Study of Middle-class Chinese Immigrants in Singapore. Paper presented at Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (68th), Miami, Florida, United States.

Yang, P. (2024, February). Democra tizing International Student Mobility: Challenges and Opportunities. Paper presented at International Symposium: Democratizing International Student Mobility, Tokyo, Japan.

Yang, P. (2023, February). Mums but not "tigers"? Discourse on education by immigrant parents in Asian city-state Sing apore. Paper presented at 67th Annual Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Washington, DC, United States.

Yang, P. (2021, May). Compromise and complicity as "extra-rational" logics of international student mobility: the case of Indian medical students in a provincial university in China. Paper presented at Youth mobility webinar series week 1: India, London, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2020, January). Professional integration of (im)migrant teachers in Singapore: Practices and Values. Paper presented at IAFOR International Conference on Education, Hon olulu, United States.

Yang, P (2019, November). Navigating marginality, Negotiating difference: Migrant teachers in Singapore and their experiences of professional and social integration. Paper presented at Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo, Japan.

Yang, P (2019, November). China in the global field of international student mobility: Analyses of economic, human, and symbolic capitals. Paper presented at Belt and Road Initiative: New knowledge spaces and Asian regionalism, Singapore.

Yang, P. (2018, March). Transformative mediocrity amidst compromise and complicity in international student mobility: the ethnographic case of Indian medical students at a provincial Chinese university. Paper presented at 62nd Annual Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference: Re-mapping Global Education ' South-North Dialogues, Mexico City, Mexico.

Yang, P (2017, July). Towards a conceptual framework for studying the migrant's body. Paper presented at The 10th International Convention for Asia Scholars (ICAS10), Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Yang, P. (2017, July). Compromise and complicity as discrepant logics of international student mobility: the ethnographic case of Indian youths studying medicine at a provincial Chinese university. Paper presented at The 10th International Convention for Asia Scholars (ICAS10), Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Yang, P. (2016, November). State, market, and Asian developing-country youths' experiences edu cationalmobility: The cases of Chinese 'foreign talent' students in Singapore and Indian medical students in China. Paper presented at Youth Mobilities and Immobilities in the Asia-Pacific Region, Singapore.

Yang, P. (2015, November). Desiring 'foreign talent': fantasy, lack, and race in an ti-immigrant sentiments in Singapore. Paper presented at Race, Mobility and Imperial Networks Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Yang, P. (2015, November). Indian Doctors Made in China: India-to-China medical educational mobility - preliminary insights and fieldwork reflections. Paper pr esented at Transient Migration in the Asia-Pacific Symposium, Melbourne, Australia.

Shan, D. Tang, L. & Yang, P. (2014, June). Rights Defence on China's Internet: What Do Unheard Cases Reveal. Paper presented at Connected Life 2014: A Multidisciplinary Conference for Emerging Internet Resea rch, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2014, March). Desiring home, nation and citizenship: the flexible 'regime shopping' discourse and practice of mainland-Chinese 'foreign talents' in Singapore. Paper presented at Southeast Asian Studies Symposium 2014, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2014, March). Imaginations, discourses and practices of 'flexible citizenship' - the case of Chinese 'foreign talent' scholars in Singapore. Paper presented at Chinese Students Abroad: Reflections, Strategies and Impacts of a Global Generation, Aarhus, Denmark.

Yang, P. (2014, March). Imaginations, discourses and practices of 'flexible citizenship' ' the case of Chinese 'foreign talent' scholars in Singapore. Paper presented at Southeast Asian Studies Symposium 2014, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2013, September). Empire at the Margins: Compulsory mobility, hierarchi cal imaginary, and education in ethnic borderland China. Paper presented at Education and Learning: Sociological Perspectives, Guildford, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2013, July). The emergence of a 'PRC/Foreign Talent' race in Singapore: Nationality, quasi-racism and immigration politics thro ugh the philosophical-psychoanalytic lens of desire. Paper presented at Race, Migration, Citizenship - conference organized by Theory Study Group, British Sociological Association, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2013, June). Moral Education in Chinese Middle Schools: Ethnographic Per spectives from a Speech Contest in a Jiangxi School. Paper presented at AREC (Association for Research into Education of China) Annual Conference 2013, London, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2013, May). Ideological Rhetoric, Pragmatic Desire, and Global Horizon: Chinese middle school education a s infrastructures of desire. Paper presented at SchoolScapes: Educational Imaginaries in Comparative and International Contexts, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2013, May). Privilege, Prejudice, Predicament: the 'PRC scholars' as 'foreign talents' in Singapore and their experiences ' an o verview. Paper presented at Chinese Students, Teachers and Scholars Abroad: Myths and Realities, Helsinki, Finland.

Yang, P. (2013, March). Authenticity in the Relative and Negative: National identity and 'Foreign Talents' in Singapore. Paper presented at Southeast Asian Studies Symposi um 2013, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Yang, P. (2012, May). A Phenomenology of Being 'very China': the subjective transformation of PRC undergraduate students as 'Foreign Talents' in Singapore. Paper presented at ARI-GUISM Joint Conference on Education Mobilities in East Asia, Singapore.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Editorships of Special Issue of Journal

Yang, P. & Chua, J. Y. (Ed.) (2021). HSSE Online, Social Studies Special Issue, 10 (1).

Keynote Addresses

Yang, P (2018, September). COST ACTION 15130: Study Abroad Research in European Perspective (SAREP) - PERIPHERAL PERSP ECTIVES ON INTERCULTURALITY FOR STUDY ABROAD: INSPIRATIONS FOR EUROPE. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Study abroad, citizenship, and cosmopolitanism: 'peripheral' perspectives oninterculturality from two cases of intra-Asia student mobility, Lisbon, Portugal.

Yang, P. (2017, September). Sociological Revi ew Seminars 1 - Embodying China's educational (im)mobilities: Ethnographic insights. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, State, market, international education, and youth (im)mobilities in Asia: A comparative study of Chinese "foreign talent" students in Singapore and Indian medical students in China, Ke ele, United Kingdom.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)


Chow, L.-T., & Yang, P. (2019). [Review of Raqib Chowdhury and Phan Le-Ha Desiring TESOL and international education (Chowdhury & Phan 2014) & Transnational education crossing 'Asia' and 'the West' (Phan, 2017)]. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 200-205.

Yang, P. & Chow, L-T (2019). [Review of Chen, S The Meaning of Citizenship in Contemporary Chinese Society]. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 132-134.

Yang, P. (2017). [Review of Chin, E. Migration, media, and global-local spaces]. Mobile Media & Communication, 277-278.

Yang, P. (2017). [Review of Soong, H. Transnational Students and Mobility: Lived Experiences of Migration]. Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 137-139.

Yang, P. (2017). [Review of Lee, J. & Zhou, M. The Asian American Achievement Paradox]. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 130-1 31.

Yang, P. (2016). [Review of Learning under neoliberalism (Hyatt, Shear and Wright 2015) and Figuration work (Nielsen 2015)]. Social Anthropology, 243-248.

Workshops and Seminars

Yang, P. (2019, August). Towards a Framework for (re)thinking the Ethics and Polit ics of International Student Mobility.

Yang, P. (2016, May). Compromise, complicity and contingency in international student mobility: the ethnographic case of Indian medical students in China.

Yang, P. (2016, March). Contemporary Chinese Migrants in Singapore: Scandals, Stereoty pes, Settlement and Success.

Yang, P. (2024, June). The Insecure Migrant Middle in Singapore: Research insights on migrant professionals, immigrant teachers, and immigrant parents.

Yang, P. (2024, May). Democratizing international student mobility? An assessment of challenges and opportunities from the 'accessibility' perspective and the 'relational-conduct' perspective.

Yang, P. (2024, May). Rethinking international student mobility (ISM) through the notion of 'democracy': challenges and opportunities, with specific observations on Chinese international students.

Yang, P. (2024, February). Democratizing International Student Mobility (ISM): Challenges and Opportunities.

Yang, P. (2023, September). Towards a Framework for (Re)Thinking the Ethics and Politics of International Student Mobility.

Yang, P. (2021, November). Rethinkin g International Student Mobility through the Lens of "Crisis" at a Juncture of Pandemic and Global Uncertainties.

Yang, P. (2021, May). Compromise and complicity as "extra-rational" logics of international student mo bility: the case of Indian medical students in a provincial university in China.

Yang, P. (2019, January). Infrastructures of Injustice: Migration and Border Mobilities.

Yang, P. (2015, December). "Positive Energy": Hegemony and online public opinion guidance in Xi Jinping era China.

Yang, P. (2014, April). Education and Politics of Future.

Yang, P. (2013, November). Imaginary, Desire and Educational Mobility: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Exploring the Theoretical Frontiers of Global Educational Mobility Studies.

Yang, P. (2012, Jun e). Mainland Chinese Students' Adjustment Problems in Singapore.

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