Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Yang Peidong
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - Humanities & Social Studies Education
Controlled Keywords
YANG Peidong is an Assistant Professor at Humanities and Social Studies Education Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Singapore. He received a BSc in Maritime Studies (Hons, 1st Class) from Nanyang Technological University, but moved on to train as a social scientist by obtaining a Master of Philosophy in sociology from Cardiff University, and a Doctor of Philosophy (specializing in sociology of education) from the University of Oxford. Peidong's main research interests are international educational mobility, particularly student mobility. His work is internationally known and widely cited for offering interdisciplinary analyses of the driving forces and consequences of non-traditional student mobility flows occurring within Asia. On the strength of his ISM research, Peidong was ranked by Stanford University among the world’s top 2% of research scientists in education in 2023. Peidong's publications on ISM have been used as course readings in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at world-leading universities such as University College London and the University of Hong Kong.

Peidong's research interests also extend to the sociology of education, ethnic and migration studies, and diversity/identity in the context of globalization. A secondary research interest pertains to Social Studies (SS) education in Singapore and comparative contexts. Peidong welcomes prospective research students interested in these research areas.
International student mobility (ISM); Educational mobility; Ethnic and migration studies; Diversity and identity; Globalization; Singapore society, Social Studies education; Sociology of education
  • Computer-Supported Collaborative Argumentation in Social Studies and History Classrooms
  • A sociological study of migrant parents' influences on children's education: Implications for 1.5- and second-generation immigrant students and their integration in Singapore schools
  • Exploring the potential of regional student mobility: A study of Singapore university students' perceptions and experiences of short-term outbound educational mobility to ASEAN and East Asian destinations
Listed by Standard University among the world’s Top 2% of scientists in Education in 2023

Nanyang Education Award (School) 2021

NIE Excellence in Teaching Commendation 2021
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2024 – present: Member, British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE), UK
2024 – Present: Executive Committee Member, Southeast Asian Geography Association (SEAGA) Singapore
2024 – Present: Member, Higher Education Research Association (HERA) International
2022 - Present: Member, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Pittsburgh, USA
2014 - Present: Associate Fellow, UK Higher Education Academy, UK
Courses Taught
- AAL10G: Globalization: An Introduction
- AAL18B: Identities in A Diverse World
- AAL10E: Principles and Practices of Social Research

MA level:
- MAS947: Sociology of Education
- MAS981: Critical Thinking and Writing in the Humanities (2017-2022)
- MAS982: Inquiry and Perspective in the Humanities (2023-

- QUL511: Sociologies of Governance, Diversity and Globalization for Social Studies Teachers

Ministry of Education (MOE) in-service
- Social Studies Issue-Based Seminars
Supervision of PhD Students
Aloysius Foo. Dissertation title: Experiencing Meritocracy in Singapore: The Making of “Scholars” in a Neighbourhood School [Completed in 2023]

ZOU Zheng. Doctor in Education (EdD). Internationalization of Higher Education in China [ongoing]