Academic Profile : No longer with NTU
Asst Prof Heetae Cho
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - Physical Education & Sports Science
Controlled Keywords
Dr. Cho is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science at at Nanyang Technological University. Dr. Cho received his Ph.D. degree from Clemson University in the United States. The primary focus of his research is to understand leisure/exercise participants’ and sport consumers’ behavior, and a large part of his research is related to the concept of nostalgia in the contexts of sport, leisure, and tourism. In addition, his area of research includes health psychology, well-being, exercise/leisure behavior, sport fan behavior, sport marketing, sport tourism, cross-cultural studies, and multilevel analysis. The main purpose of his research is to contribute to the development of the sport industry, and to improve sport participants’ and consumers’ experiences and well-being.
Dr. Cho has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles, and his research has been published broadly in refereed Top-Tier psychology, leisure, tourism, and business journals, such as Psychology & Health, Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies, Journal of Travel Research, Current Issues in Tourism, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, Sport Management Review, Information Technology & People, Technology in Society, Journal of Marketing Management, and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. In addition, with the affiliation of NIE/NTU, he has successfully obtained internal and external research grants and has been involved in various research projects with a total grant of more than S$10 million. As a result of his enthusiasm and hard work, he was awarded the “2020 NIE Excellence in Research Award.”
Dr. Cho is an Associate Editor for Leisure Sciences (SSCI, Tier 1 in SJR) and International Journal of Sport Psychology (SSCI), a Topic Editor for Sustainability (SSCI, Tier 1 in SJR), and a Section Editor for Research in Dance and Physical Education. In addition, he serves on the editorial board of several journals, including Tourism Management Perspectives (SSCI, Tier 1 in JCR and SJR), Journal of Global Sport Management, International Journal of Human Movement Science, Society for Leisure and Cultures Studies, etc.
• Assistant Professor
• Chair, Conference & Symposium
• Endorser, PESS-IRB
Dr. Cho has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles, and his research has been published broadly in refereed Top-Tier psychology, leisure, tourism, and business journals, such as Psychology & Health, Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies, Journal of Travel Research, Current Issues in Tourism, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, Sport Management Review, Information Technology & People, Technology in Society, Journal of Marketing Management, and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. In addition, with the affiliation of NIE/NTU, he has successfully obtained internal and external research grants and has been involved in various research projects with a total grant of more than S$10 million. As a result of his enthusiasm and hard work, he was awarded the “2020 NIE Excellence in Research Award.”
Dr. Cho is an Associate Editor for Leisure Sciences (SSCI, Tier 1 in SJR) and International Journal of Sport Psychology (SSCI), a Topic Editor for Sustainability (SSCI, Tier 1 in SJR), and a Section Editor for Research in Dance and Physical Education. In addition, he serves on the editorial board of several journals, including Tourism Management Perspectives (SSCI, Tier 1 in JCR and SJR), Journal of Global Sport Management, International Journal of Human Movement Science, Society for Leisure and Cultures Studies, etc.
• Assistant Professor
• Chair, Conference & Symposium
• Endorser, PESS-IRB
Dr. Cho's research interests include Health Psychology, Nostalgia, Well-Being, Exercise/Leisure Behavior, Sport Fan Behavior, Sport Marketing, Sport Tourism, Cross-Cultural Studies, Multilevel Analysis.
- Perceptions and Attitudes in IRB Application
- COVID-19 and Sport Business: The Role of Nostalgia
2021 Excellence in Research Award National Institute of Education (NIE)