Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Dr Chen Mo
Education Research Scientist, OER Centre for Research in Child Development
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Journal Articles (Central)
Chen, M., Hyppa-Martin, J., Bunnell, H. T., Lilley, J., Foo, C., Tan, H. W., & Lim, W. S. (2023). Voice Banking to Support Individuals Who Use Speech-Generating Devices: Development and Evaluation of Singaporean-Accented English Synthetic Voice s and a Singaporean Colloquial English Recording Inventory. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Nil(null), Nil.

Nair, R., Chen M., Dutt, A.S. *, Hagopian, L., Singh, A., & Du, M. (2022). Significant regional inequalities in the prevalence of intellectual disability and trends from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis of GBD 2019. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 31:e91(null), XX-XX.

Chen, M., & Kreibich, S. (2022). R educing perseverative requesting and other problem behavior in a young girl with autism: a sequentially implemented intervention package. Advances in Autism, ahead-of-print(null), ahead-of-print.

Nah, Y. H. & Chen, M. (2022). Developme nt and Psychometric Properties of a Culturally Adapted Video Version of Strange Stories as a Measure of Advanced Theory of Mind in Youths. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 40(5), 605-620.

Nah, Y. H., Chen, M., & Poon, K. K. (2022). Supporting Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Singapore. Intervention in School and Clinic, 57(5), 348-354.

Chen, M*., Dutt, A*., & Nair, R. (2022). Systematic review of reviews on Activities of Daily Living measures for children with developmental disabilities. Heliyon, 8(6), E09698.

Chen, M., Nah, Y-H., Waschl, N., Poon, K., & Chen, P. (2022). Developing and Piloting a Computerized Adaptive Test for a Culturally Appropriate Measure of Adaptive B ehavior. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 40(2), 238-254.

Chen, M., Kreibich, S., & Hyppa-Martin, J. (2022). Teaching a child with autism to request help only when needed. Advances in Autism, 8(1), 60-70.

Yong, Y.H. , Dutt, A.*, Chen, M., & Yeong, A.M. (2021). Evaluating acquisition, preference and discrimination in requesting skills between picture exchange and iPad'-based speech generating device across preschoolers. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 37(2), 123-136.

Hyppa-Martin, J., Chen, M., Jan ka, E., & Halverson, N. (2021). Effect of partner reauditorization on young adults' attitudes toward a child who communicated using nonelectronic augmentative and alternative communication. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 37(2), 141-153.

Waschl, N., Yang, X., Xie, H., Chen, M., & Poon, K. K.* (2021). Construct validity of the Family Outcomes Survey-Revised expanded helpfulness scale. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 112(null), 103895.

Faragher, R., Chen, M., Miranda, L., Poon, K., Chang, F. R., & C hen, H. (2021). Inclusive Education in Asia: Insights From Some Country Case Studies. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 18(1), 23-35.

Waschl, N., Poon, K. K., Chen, M., & Xie, H. (2021). Assessing Family Outcomes ov er time: Longitudinal measurement invariance of the Family Outcomes Survey-Revised. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, OnlineFirst(null), 1-11.

Hyppa-Martin, J. K., Stromberg, A. M., Chen, M., & Mizuko, M. I. (2020). Comparing embedded and non-embedded visual scene displays for one adult diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: A clinical application of single case design. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 36(1), 3-18.

Rifkin-Graboi, A., Khng, K. H., Cheung, P., Tsotsi, S., Sun, H., Kwok, F., Yu, Y., Xie, H., Yang, Y., Chen, M., Ng, C. C., Hu, P.L., & Tan, N. C. (2019). Will the future BE POSITIVE? Early life experience as a signal to the developing brain pre school entry. Learning: Research and Practice, 5(2), 99-125.

Waschl., N., Xie, H., Chen, M., & Poon, K. K. (2019). Construct, convergent, and discriminant validity of the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale for Singapore. Infants and Young Children, 32(3), 201-214.

Chen, M. (2019). Communication interventions on conditional requesting or rejecting skills for individuals with moderate to severe developmental disabilities: a scoping review. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 65(4), 205-219.

Chen, M. (2019). Examini ng generalization performance in a conditional discrimination task for learners with moderate to severe intellectual and developmental disabilities: Using a generalization gradient. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 20, 14-47.

Hyppa-Martin, J., Collins, D., Chen, M., Amundson, C., Timinski, K., & Mizuko, M. (2016). Comparing first graders' attitudes and preferences toward a peer using an iPad-based speech-generating device and a non-electronic AAC system. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32(2), 94-10 4.

Chen, M., Hyppa-Martin, J., Reichle, J., & Symons, F. (2016). Comparing single case design overlap-based effect size metrics from studies examining speech generating device intervention. American Journal on Intellectual and Developme ntal Disabilities, 121(3), 169-193.

Kreibich, S., Chen, M., & Reichle, J. (2015). Teaching a child with autism to request breaks while concurrently increasing task engagement. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in S chools, 46, 256-265.

Chen, M., McComas, J. J., Reichle, J. E., & Bergmann, J. A. (2015). Brief component analysis to identify the active variable in the maintenance of tolerance for delay of reinforcement intervention for an adolescent with autism. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 27(3), 393'404.

Guo, X., Gu, D.-Q., & Chen, M. (2015). Developing the career maturity scale for Chinese college students with hearing impairment. Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation, 73, 448-452.

Chen, M., & Wei, X.-M. (2015). The assessment of non-verbal com munication skills for children with autism. Chinese Journal of Special Education, 5, 44-50.

Chen, M., & Wei, X.-M. (2015). Examining the Weak Central Coherence for children with autism on visual processing tasks: A preliminary experiment. Journal of Suihua University, 35(1), 6-9.

Parker-McGowan, Q., Chen, M., Reichle, J., Pandit, S., Johnson, L., & Kreibich, S. (2014). Describing treatment intensity in milieu teaching interventions for children with developmental disabilities: A review. Language, S peech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 45, 351-364.

Chen, M., Xu, W.-Q., Ding, P.-P., & Wei, X.-M. (2014). A survey on the professional development of special physical education teachers in the schools for students with intellectual disabilities in Beijing . Contemporary Sports Technology, 4, 136-138.

Chen, M., & Wei, X.-M. (2013). An overview of the research into non-verbal communica tion skills of children with autism. Chinese Journal of Special Education, 12, 36-42.

Hyppa-Martin, J., Reichle, J., Dimian, A., & Chen, M. (2013). Communication modality sampling for a toddler with Angelman Syndrome. Languag e, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 44, 327-336.

Luo, Y.-L., Wang, P., Li, X.-J., Shi, Y.-Q., Chen, M., Wang, P.-P., & et al. (2010). The effect of characters' whole recognition on the processing of components in the processes of Chinese characters. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42, 683-694.

Luo, Y.-L., Wang, L-F., Li, X-J., Chen, M., & Peng, D.-L. (2010). Effects of the number of strokes and the spatial sequence on stroke-form-character in Chinese. Psychological Science, 3, 584-588.

Chen, M., & Wei, X.-M (2008). A review on W eak Central Coherence theory in autism. Chinese Journal of Special Education, 100, 79-86.

Xiao, F., & Chen, M. (2008). Investigation study on career expectation and its causal factors of senior students in the schools for the deaf in Beijing. Chin ese Journal of Special Education, 91, 43-49.

Luo, Y.-L., Chen, M., & Peng, D.-L. (2007). Influence of whole characters and radicals on stroke-form-charact er. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, 11(35), 7037-7040.

Books (Central)
Chen, M., & Peng, Y. (2020). Augmentative and alternative communication: Supporting children and adults with complex communication needs (Chinese Translation Edition) (PP. 352). Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House.

Qiu, B.-B., & Chen, M . (2019). Principles of behavior (Chinese Translation Edition) (PP. 475). Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House.

Wei, X.-M., Chen, M., Yang, X.-J., & Tian, L (2014). Single-case designs for educational research (Chinese Translation Edition) (PP. 261). Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House.

Book Chapters (Central)
Chen, M., Clarissa, N. M. Y., & Yu, J. R (2022). Investigating the public's experiences and knowledge of communicating with people with dementia. In Guo, H., Ren, H., Wang, V., Chekole, E.G., Lakshmanan, U. (eds) (Ed.), IRC-SET 2021: Proc eedings of the 7th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, August 2021, Singapore(PP. 435-445). Singapore: Springer.

Waschl, N. & Chen, M. (2022). Cross-cultural considerations for adapting valid psychoeducational assessments. In Tan, O. S., Poon, K. K., O'Brien, B. A., & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (Eds.), Early Childhood Development and Education in Singapore(PP. 113-140). Singapore: Springer.

Reichle, J. & Chen, M. (2016). Challenging behavior and communicative alternatives. In M. Romski, & R. A. Sevcik (Eds.), Communication interventions for individua ls with severe disabilities(PP. 35-74). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.

Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings


Conference Papers Witho ut Proceedings

Kit, P.L., Chen, M., & Ow Yeong, W.M.E. (2022, May). Becoming Special Education Needs Teachers in Mainstream Schools in Singapore: A Qualitative Study of the Mid-career Change Decision Making Process.. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Chen, M., Ow Yeong, W.M.E., Kit, P.L. (2022, May). Surviving Special Education Needs Teacher Training at the Height of the Pandemic: A Qualitative Investigation.. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Ow Yeong, W.M.E., Kit, P.L., Che n, M. (2022, May). Impact of School Based Attachment on Special Education Needs Teacher Training.. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Ow Yeong, W.M.E., Kit, P.L., & Chen, M. (2022, May). Being and Becoming a Trainee Special Education Needs T eacher in Singapore Public Schools: A Qualitative Exploration of the Trainee's Journey Just Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic.. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Chen, M., & Hyppa-Martin, J. (2022, May). Voice Banking to Support Individu als Who Use Speech-Generating Devices: Development and Evaluation of Singaporean-Accented English Synthetic Voices. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Chen, M., Dutt, A., & Nair, R. (2022, May). Systematic Review of Reviews on Activities of Dai ly Living Measures for Children with Developmental Disabilities. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Broschofsky, K., Friese, J., Hyppa-Martin, J., & Chen, M. (2019, November). Effect of environment & software type on naturalness & intelligibili ty of banked synthetic voices. Paper presented at American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, Orlando, Florida, United States.

Chen, M., Xie, H.C., Waschl, N., Bull, R., & Poon, K.K. (2019, June). One year child outcomes of early intervention for children with developmen tal concerns. Paper presented at International Society on Early Intervention Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Waschl, N., Poon, K., Chen, M., Xie, H., Nah, Y. H. (2019, June). The adaptation and norming of standardized tests: Understanding the development of young children in Singapore. P aper presented at International Society on Early Intervention, Sydney, Australia.

Chen, M., Poon, K., Nah, Y.-H., Xie, H.-C., Aryadoust, V., & Waschl, N. (2019, June). Developing and piloting an item bank for a computerized adaptive test of adaptive behavior skills. Paper presented at Inter national Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing, Minneapolis, United States.

Chen, M., Poon, K. K., Xie, H.C., Waschl, N., & Nah, Y.H. (2019, June). The development of a survey of adaptive behavior skills among children in Singapore. Paper presented at International Society on Early Intervention Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Chen, M., & Liu, W. (2018, July). Knowledge and perception of AAC use for individuals with disabilities in an AAC-emerging area. Paper presented at 14th International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

Chen, M., Poon, K., & Xie, H-C (2018, April). Engagement of children with developmental disabilities in early intervention centers in Singapore: Considering classroom environment. Paper presented at 2018 AERA Annual Meeting, New York City, United States.

Chen, M. (2017, November). Examining generalization performance in a conditional discrimination task for learners with moderate to severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. Paper presented at IASSIDD 2017 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.

Chen, M., & Yang, X-J. (2017, Novembe r). Is WeChat influencing policy making for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in China?. Paper presented at IASSIDD 2017 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.

Chen, M., Hyppa-Martin, J., & Morrow, D. (2016, September). AAC misconceptions & supports: Implications in China and the US. Paper presented at Fifth China International Conference on Speech Therapy, Beijing, China.

Morrow, D., Chen, M., & Hyppa-Martin, J. (2016, August). Do students really need communication devices? Paraprofessionals' perspectives on AAC and interaction. P aper presented at International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Hyppa-Martin, J., Morrow, D., & Chen, M. (2015, November). Paraprofessionals' perceived barriers to supporting AAC in the school setting. Paper presented at American S peech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, Denver, CO, United States.

Chen, M., Reichle, J., & Bergmann, J. (2015, May). A latency-based functional analysis of elopement and clinical intervention for an adult with autism. Paper presented at 41th Annual Convention of ABAI (Associa tion for Behavior Analysis International), Austin, TX, United States.

Chen, M., Hyppa-Martin, J., & Reichle, J. (2014, November). Evaluating effectiveness of speech-generating device interventions for learners with severe communication disorders: A review. Paper presented at American Speech -Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, Orlando, FL, United States.

Kreibich, S., Chen, M., & Reichle, J. (2014, September). Teaching a child with autism to request breaks. Paper presented at Minnesota Northland Association for Behavior Analysis (MNABA) Regional Conference, Minneap olis, MN, United States.

Chen, M., Reichle, J., & Kreibich, S. (2014, May). A function-based intervention for decreasing problem behavior and facilitating conditional requesting. Paper presented at 40th Annual Convention of ABAI (Association for Behavior Analysis International), Chicago, IL , United States.

Chen, M., McComas, J. J., Reichle, J., Miles, A., & Kreibich, S. (2014, February). Effects of a three-component treatment package on reducing off-task behavior: An application of contingency space analysis (CSA). Paper presented at Minnesota Northland Association for Behavi or Analysis (MNABA) Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Chen, M., McComas, J. J., & Bergmann, J. (2013, May). Brief component analysis of a treatment package for problem behavior in an adolescent with autism. Paper presented at 39th Annual Convention of ABAI (Association fo r Behavior Analysis International), Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Chen, M., McComas, J., Reichle, J., Bergmann, J., & Byiers, B. (2012, September). Functional Analysis and Function-based Intervention for the Self-Injury Behavior in An Adult with Autism. Paper presented at Minnesota Northl and Association for Behavior Analysis (MNABA) Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Reichle, J., & Chen, M. (2011, October). Conditional Use of Communication and Severe Disabilities: A Review and Tutorial.. Paper presented at Clinical Augmentative and Alternative Communicatio n (AAC) Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Reichle, J., Hyppa-Martin, J., Dimian, A., & Chen, M. (2011, October). The use of various communicative modalities with a toddler having Angelman Syndrome. Paper presented at Clinical Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Confer ence, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Technical Reports or Monographs

Poon, K.K., Bull, R., Xie, H., & Chen, M. (2018, January). Factors That Affect Child and Family Outcomes of EIPIC in Singapore (FACES): Volume 1, 329.

Poon, K. K., Bull, R., Xie, H., & Chen, M. (2018, January). Factors That Affect Child and Family Outcomes of EIPICin Singapore (FACES): Volume 2, 125.

Workshops and Seminars

Chen, M (2015, November). Functional behavior assessment.

Chen, M (2015, November). Introduction to applied behavior analysis.

Chen, M (2015, October). General interaction strate gies for learners with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.

Chen, M (2012, July). Evidence-based interventions for learners with intellectual disabilities.
