Academic Profile : Faculty
Dr Teo Shi Ling
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
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Dr. Teo Shi Ling was a primary school teacher before her professional development journey led her to become a lecturer at the English Language and Literature Academic Group in the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE, NTU). Shi Ling earned her B.A. in Education and M.A. in Applied Linguistics degrees at NIE, NTU and her Ph.D. in English Language at the National University of Singapore. Combined with her training as a sociolinguist, Shi Ling was given the opportunity to consider the theory, practice, and identity issues in education. Her current teaching and research areas broadly focus on language and identity. More specifically, she is interested in language (e.g. linguistic knowledge and communication skills) and the development of a professional teacher identity.
Shi Ling's research interests are Language & Identity, Sociolinguistics, and Critical (Multimodal) Discourse Analysis. Her current research is in the area of Teacher Professional Development, focusing particularly on Language Teacher Identity and professional communication.