Academic Profile : Faculty
Dr Teng Siao See
Assistant Dean, Strategic Engagement, OER Strategic Engagement
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Controlled Keywords
Dr Teng Siao See is a sociologist working at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice. She is also Assistant Dean (Strategic Engagement) at the Office of Education Research.
Diversity and equity in education,Multiculturalism and Intercultural Education, Qualitative Research, Sociology of Education
- Examining educational transitions and pathways in Singapore: From secondary to post-secondary.
- Pathways to Meaningful Careers:Understanding Successes and Challenges in the Transitions from School to Work for Singapore's ITE students
- A sociological study of migrant parents' influences on children's education: Implications for 1.5- and second-generation immigrant students and their integration in Singapore schools
- Enhancing the equity ecology to support disadvantaged students: a preliminary study on school-community partnerships
- Singapore funds of knowledge: A qualitative study of lower-tracked learners' literacy practices in- and out-of-school
- Enhancing Inclusive Pedagogy through Understanding NTU Students' Perceptions and Experiences in Specific Learning Contexts
Courses Taught
Educational Inquiry, Critical Perspectives on Education, Social Context of Education, Character and citizenship Education