Academic Profile : Faculty
Dr Teng Siao See
Assistant Dean, Strategic Engagement, Office for Research
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Journal Articles (Central)
Layne, H. & Teng S.S. (2022). Developing Intercultural Mindedness through an experiential learning activity - a case study from Singapore Education Sciences, 12(3), -.
A.B. Mardiana, Teng, S.S., Layne, H. & Kaurani, S.N. (2021). Navigating Diversities: Experiences of youths in one Singapore School. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 16(3), 258-276.
Teng, S.S., Mardiana, A.B. & Layne, H. (2020). Education reforms within neoliberal paradigms: A comparative look at the Singaporean and Finnish education systems. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(4), 458-471.
Kwek, D., Te ng, S.S. , Lee, Y.J., Chan, M. (2020). Editorial for Special Issue- Policy and pedagogical reforms in Singapore: Taking stock, moving forward. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(4), 425-432.
Teng, S.S. (2005). "What 'Chineseness', whose 'Chineseness'? A preliminary assessment of 'Si nicisation' in the discussion of culture and ethnicity in postcolonial Singapore". Essex Graduate Journal of Sociology, 2005, 33-40.
A.B. Mardiana, Teng, S.S., Layne, H. & Kaurani, S.N. (2021). Navigating Diversities: Experiences of youths in one Singapore School. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 16(3), 258-276.
Teng, S.S., Mardiana, A.B. & Layne, H. (2020). Education reforms within neoliberal paradigms: A comparative look at the Singaporean and Finnish education systems. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(4), 458-471.
Kwek, D., Te ng, S.S. , Lee, Y.J., Chan, M. (2020). Editorial for Special Issue- Policy and pedagogical reforms in Singapore: Taking stock, moving forward. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 40(4), 425-432.
Teng, S.S. (2005). "What 'Chineseness', whose 'Chineseness'? A preliminary assessment of 'Si nicisation' in the discussion of culture and ethnicity in postcolonial Singapore". Essex Graduate Journal of Sociology, 2005, 33-40.
Books (Central)
Teng, S.S., Manzon, M., & Poon, K. (Eds.). (2019). Equity in Excellence: Experiences of East Asian High-Performing Education Systems (PP. 198). Singapore: Springer.
Kwok K.W., & Teng S.S. (2018) (2018). Chinese (PP. 115). Singapore: The Straits Times Press.
Teng,S.S. and Lee, J. ( Ed.). (2016). Singapore Perspectives 2016: 'We' (PP. 160). Singapore: World Scientific, Singapore.
Teng, S.S., Chan, C.T., Lee, H.L. (Ed.). (2013). Education-at-Large: Student Life and Activities in Singapore 1945-1965 (PP. 250). Singapore: World Scientific.
Kwok K.W., & Teng S.S. (2018) (2018). Chinese (PP. 115). Singapore: The Straits Times Press.
Teng,S.S. and Lee, J. ( Ed.). (2016). Singapore Perspectives 2016: 'We' (PP. 160). Singapore: World Scientific, Singapore.
Teng, S.S., Chan, C.T., Lee, H.L. (Ed.). (2013). Education-at-Large: Student Life and Activities in Singapore 1945-1965 (PP. 250). Singapore: World Scientific.
Book Chapters (Central)
A.B. Mardiana & Teng S.S. (2021). A Survey of Critical Literacy Education in Singapore: Challenges and Potentialities. In Pandya, J. Z., Mora, R. A., Alford, J., Golden, N. A. & de Roock, R. S. (Eds.), The Handbook of Critical Literacies(PP. 218-226). California: Routledge.
Teng, S.S., Manz on, M., & Poon, K. (2019). Equity and Excellence in East Asian High-Performing Education Systems ' A Paradoxical Relationship?. In Teng, S.S., Manzon, M., & Poon, K. (Eds.), Equity in Excellence: Experiences of East Asian Higher Performing Education Systems(PP. 1-9). Springer: Springer.
Te ng, S.S. (2019). Diversity and Equity in Singapore Education: Parental Involvement in Low-incomes Families with Migrant Mothers. In Teng,S.S., Manzon, M. & Poon, K. (Eds.), Equity in Excellence: Experiences of High-performing East Asian Education Systems(PP. 127-147). Singapore: Springer.
T eng, S.S., Wang, L.Y., Chiam, C.L. (2013). Adaptivity in the Singapore Education System: Policy Development Relating to Low Achievement. In Hung, D., Lim, K. and Lee, S.S. (Ed.), Adaptivity as a Transformative Disposition for Learning in the 21st Century(PP. 229-245). Singapore: Springer.
Teng, S.S., Manz on, M., & Poon, K. (2019). Equity and Excellence in East Asian High-Performing Education Systems ' A Paradoxical Relationship?. In Teng, S.S., Manzon, M., & Poon, K. (Eds.), Equity in Excellence: Experiences of East Asian Higher Performing Education Systems(PP. 1-9). Springer: Springer.
Te ng, S.S. (2019). Diversity and Equity in Singapore Education: Parental Involvement in Low-incomes Families with Migrant Mothers. In Teng,S.S., Manzon, M. & Poon, K. (Eds.), Equity in Excellence: Experiences of High-performing East Asian Education Systems(PP. 127-147). Singapore: Springer.
T eng, S.S., Wang, L.Y., Chiam, C.L. (2013). Adaptivity in the Singapore Education System: Policy Development Relating to Low Achievement. In Hung, D., Lim, K. and Lee, S.S. (Ed.), Adaptivity as a Transformative Disposition for Learning in the 21st Century(PP. 229-245). Singapore: Springer.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Teng, S.S. (2000, October). Who Needs Postcolonial Consciousness?. In null (Ed.), Tangent Inaugural Issue: Alternative Deliberations on Modern Singapore, 1, 67-77.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Teng, S.S. (2021, September). Youths Navigating Diversities in Singapore. Paper presented at Singapore Researchers Summit 2021, Singapore.
Mardiana, Teng, S.S., Layne, H. & Kaurani, S.N. (2019, October). Youths in Singapore Schools Navigating Diversities: A Preliminary Analysis. Paper pres ented at 2019 Situations International Conference -Ethnicity, Race and Racism in Asia, Singapore.
Teng, S.S.& Kwok, K. W. (2019, October). Beneath and Beyond 'Brownface;: Escaping the Entrapment of 'Race' and 'Racism' in Singapore. Paper presented at 2019 Situations Inter national Conference - Ethnicity, Race and Racism in Asia, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2019, May). Can Diversity Education do without local diversity knowledge? 'Advancing a contextualized intercultural education research agenda through the deliberation on the 'White Privilege' adapted 'Chinese Privi lege' discourse in Singapore. Paper presented at 11th Korean Association for Multicultural Education (KAME) Conference, Seoul, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. & Kwok, K.W. (2019, May). On Privileging the Concept of Privilege: Decoding 'Chinese Privilege' in Singapore. Paper presented at Does "Inv isible Privilege" Travel:Looking Beyond the Geographies of White Privilege, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2018, August). Journey to the West-East - Navigating Chinese Singaporean identities in a greater diversified intercultural landscape. Paper presented at The 'Good' Interculturalist, Helsinki, Finland.
Teng, S.S. (2015, February). 'Educational Support for Singaporean Students with Migrant Mothers'. Paper presented at Educational Resilience among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment at Asia Research Institute, Singapore, 4-5 February 2015, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2014 , October). 'Negotiating Identities, Navigating Harmony'. Paper presented at Race, Religion and Language Conference, Singapore.
S.S. Teng (2013, September). Deconstructing Differences for Greater Diversity in Singapore Education. Paper presented at Unity and Disunity, Connections and Separations: Intercultural education as a movement for promoting multiple identities, social inclusion and transformation, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska).
Teng S.S. (2013, June). Parental involvement in the educational experiences of Singaporean students from low-income families with migrant mothe rs: Strategies and Challenges. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogies 2013, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2012, October). 'Managing Greater Diversity: Towards a Multicultural Education in Singapore'. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) 2012, Cultiva ting Humanity and Transforming the Knowledge Society: For a Vision of Future Education, 17-19 October 2012, Seoul, Korea.
Teng, S.S. (2008, December). "Postcolonial Reflections: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Singapore. Paper presented at International Conference on Globalization, Cultures, Institutions and Socioeconomics, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Teng, S.S. (2000, October). Who Needs Postcolonial Consciousness?. In null (Ed.), Tangent Inaugural Issue: Alternative Deliberations on Modern Singapore, 1, 67-77.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Teng, S.S. (2021, September). Youths Navigating Diversities in Singapore. Paper presented at Singapore Researchers Summit 2021, Singapore.
Mardiana, Teng, S.S., Layne, H. & Kaurani, S.N. (2019, October). Youths in Singapore Schools Navigating Diversities: A Preliminary Analysis. Paper pres ented at 2019 Situations International Conference -Ethnicity, Race and Racism in Asia, Singapore.
Teng, S.S.& Kwok, K. W. (2019, October). Beneath and Beyond 'Brownface;: Escaping the Entrapment of 'Race' and 'Racism' in Singapore. Paper presented at 2019 Situations Inter national Conference - Ethnicity, Race and Racism in Asia, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2019, May). Can Diversity Education do without local diversity knowledge? 'Advancing a contextualized intercultural education research agenda through the deliberation on the 'White Privilege' adapted 'Chinese Privi lege' discourse in Singapore. Paper presented at 11th Korean Association for Multicultural Education (KAME) Conference, Seoul, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. & Kwok, K.W. (2019, May). On Privileging the Concept of Privilege: Decoding 'Chinese Privilege' in Singapore. Paper presented at Does "Inv isible Privilege" Travel:Looking Beyond the Geographies of White Privilege, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2018, August). Journey to the West-East - Navigating Chinese Singaporean identities in a greater diversified intercultural landscape. Paper presented at The 'Good' Interculturalist, Helsinki, Finland.
Teng, S.S. (2015, February). 'Educational Support for Singaporean Students with Migrant Mothers'. Paper presented at Educational Resilience among Asian Children in Challenging Family Environment at Asia Research Institute, Singapore, 4-5 February 2015, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2014 , October). 'Negotiating Identities, Navigating Harmony'. Paper presented at Race, Religion and Language Conference, Singapore.
S.S. Teng (2013, September). Deconstructing Differences for Greater Diversity in Singapore Education. Paper presented at Unity and Disunity, Connections and Separations: Intercultural education as a movement for promoting multiple identities, social inclusion and transformation, Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska).
Teng S.S. (2013, June). Parental involvement in the educational experiences of Singaporean students from low-income families with migrant mothe rs: Strategies and Challenges. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogies 2013, Singapore.
Teng, S.S. (2012, October). 'Managing Greater Diversity: Towards a Multicultural Education in Singapore'. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) 2012, Cultiva ting Humanity and Transforming the Knowledge Society: For a Vision of Future Education, 17-19 October 2012, Seoul, Korea.
Teng, S.S. (2008, December). "Postcolonial Reflections: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Singapore. Paper presented at International Conference on Globalization, Cultures, Institutions and Socioeconomics, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Conference Proceedings
Teng S.S. and Lee, J. (Ed.) (2016). Singapore Perspectives 2016 Conference "We". PROCEEDINGS OF THE Singapore Perspectives 2016 "We". Singapore
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Kwek, D., Teng, S. S., Lee, Y. J., & Chan, M. (Ed.) (2020). Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Policy and pedagogical reforms in Singapore: Taking stock, moving forward, 40 (4).
Keynote Addresses
Teng, S.S. (2021, November). Intercultural Competence and Global Education: New Perspective, Implementation and Evaluation. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Developing Intercultural Literacy Education in an increasingly divided world: a Postcolonial Perspective from Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.
Teng S.S. and Lee, J. (Ed.) (2016). Singapore Perspectives 2016 Conference "We". PROCEEDINGS OF THE Singapore Perspectives 2016 "We". Singapore
Editorships of Special Issue of Journal
Kwek, D., Teng, S. S., Lee, Y. J., & Chan, M. (Ed.) (2020). Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Policy and pedagogical reforms in Singapore: Taking stock, moving forward, 40 (4).
Keynote Addresses
Teng, S.S. (2021, November). Intercultural Competence and Global Education: New Perspective, Implementation and Evaluation. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Developing Intercultural Literacy Education in an increasingly divided world: a Postcolonial Perspective from Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Teng, S.S. (2020). [Review of Soh, K. Teaching Chinese Language in Singapore: retrospect and challenges]. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 277-282.
Teng, S.S. (2019). [Review of Teoh, K. Schooling Diaspora:Women, Education, and the Overseas Chinese in British Malaya and Singapore, 1850s-1960s]. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 133_ -136_.
Teng, S.S. (2006). [Review of Altbach, P.& Umakoshi, T. Asian Universities: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges]. Asia Pa cific Journal of Education, 252-255.
Professional Articles
Teng S.S. (2015, August). IPS COMMONS From Tolerance to Acceptance: Racial and Religious Harmony in Singa pore, -, -.
Teng, S.S. (2012, June). ReEd (Research in Education) Embracing "New Singaporeans", 7, 10.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Teng S.S., Mardiana, A.B. & Layne, H. (2021, August). Navigating Diversities and Differences in Singapore Schools: An Explorator y Study of Singapore's Students' Intercultural Mindedness, 40.
Mathews, M., Lim, L., Teng, S.S. (2017, July). Parents' Perception of the Singapore Primary School System, 55.
Wang, L. Y., Teng, S. S., & Tan, C. S. (2014, August). Levelling up academically low progress students (NIE Working Paper Series No. 3)., 33.
Workshops and Seminars
Teng, S.S. (2021 , November). Education Roundtable at SWITCH 2021 organised by Stanford University, Enterprise Singapore and Potato Productions.
Teng, S.S. (2021, September). "Dreams, Realised, Dreams Deferred" Book Launch and Webinar.
Teng, S.S. & Bahrawi, N. (2021, March). The Mult iple Shades of Chinese Privilege: Discourses and Positionalities behind the Contested Signifier.
Teng, S.S. (2019, November). Personal Narratives and Social Structures Symposium.
Teng, S.S. (2016, October). HEAD Foundation Roundtable- External education policy referencing : Engla nd and East Asia.
Teng, S.S. (2016, August). Action Plan Singapore (Skills) -Strategy-building workshop.
Teng S.S. (2015). 从容忍到接& #21463;:新加坡族群与宗教和谐 . Singapore: Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报.
Teng, S.S. (2020). [Review of Soh, K. Teaching Chinese Language in Singapore: retrospect and challenges]. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 277-282.
Teng, S.S. (2019). [Review of Teoh, K. Schooling Diaspora:Women, Education, and the Overseas Chinese in British Malaya and Singapore, 1850s-1960s]. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 133_ -136_.
Teng, S.S. (2006). [Review of Altbach, P.& Umakoshi, T. Asian Universities: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges]. Asia Pa cific Journal of Education, 252-255.
Professional Articles
Teng S.S. (2015, August). IPS COMMONS From Tolerance to Acceptance: Racial and Religious Harmony in Singa pore, -, -.
Teng, S.S. (2012, June). ReEd (Research in Education) Embracing "New Singaporeans", 7, 10.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Teng S.S., Mardiana, A.B. & Layne, H. (2021, August). Navigating Diversities and Differences in Singapore Schools: An Explorator y Study of Singapore's Students' Intercultural Mindedness, 40.
Mathews, M., Lim, L., Teng, S.S. (2017, July). Parents' Perception of the Singapore Primary School System, 55.
Wang, L. Y., Teng, S. S., & Tan, C. S. (2014, August). Levelling up academically low progress students (NIE Working Paper Series No. 3)., 33.
Workshops and Seminars
Teng, S.S. (2021 , November). Education Roundtable at SWITCH 2021 organised by Stanford University, Enterprise Singapore and Potato Productions.
Teng, S.S. (2021, September). "Dreams, Realised, Dreams Deferred" Book Launch and Webinar.
Teng, S.S. & Bahrawi, N. (2021, March). The Mult iple Shades of Chinese Privilege: Discourses and Positionalities behind the Contested Signifier.
Teng, S.S. (2019, November). Personal Narratives and Social Structures Symposium.
Teng, S.S. (2016, October). HEAD Foundation Roundtable- External education policy referencing : Engla nd and East Asia.
Teng, S.S. (2016, August). Action Plan Singapore (Skills) -Strategy-building workshop.
Teng S.S. (2015). 从容忍到接& #21463;:新加坡族群与宗教和谐 . Singapore: Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报.