Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Khor Ean Teng
Education Research Scientist, OER Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Dr. Khor Ean Teng is a faculty member at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. She is also a founding leader of Learning Analytics Special Interest Group at NIE; an editorial board member of the European Journal of Educational Research; an executive editor of the NIE working paper series; an affiliate faculty of the Science of Learning in Education Centre; a fellow of the Centre for Research and Development in Learning; an academic assessor for the Nanyang Research Project Junior Research Programme; a judge for the Global Undergraduate Awards and a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals. In addition, she is part of the Computer-supported Collaborative Learning and Learning Sciences Special Interest Group for the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.

Prior to joining NTU, Dr. Khor was a faculty member (in addition to the role of course coordinator and programme coordinator) at a few other universities. She taught various computing courses and actively involved in education research. With a background of computer science and educational technology, her academic career and work has been centered on bridging technology with education. Much of her research and teaching over the years has focused on different pedagogical approaches and educational technology to deliver various learning experiences.

She has published numerous research articles in journals and presented numerous papers at international conferences. Her research papers have won several awards at these conferences. Among some of her achievements, she won International Council for Open and Distance Education Prize for Innovation & Best Practice in 2013 (Tian-Jin). She is also the recipient of the Gold medal (2010-Hanoi & 2014-Hong Kong), Silver medal (2013-Islamabad) of the Young Innovator Award. In addition, she received the Best Paper Award in 2023. Under Dr. Khor's research supervision, a Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA) student won NTU President Research Scholar Award and another student won the second prize of the DISCOVER URECA Poster Competition in 2023.

Throughout these years, she has completed several research projects in her area of expertise and has also been involved in various predictive analytics research works to gain better insights into individual students or education systems which include (1) the identification and patterns measurement in learning data to extrapolate students’ future learning behaviours and (2) the classification of discussion threads that require instructors’ intervention. One of her current grant projects as principal investigator includes works that leverage generative AI and large language models to support students' learning through agent-augmented intervention.
Dr. Khor’s main research interests revolve around the areas of AI for education, learning analytics, educational data mining, and educational technology.
  • Exploring the Effect of Data Literacy Professional Development on Beginning Teachers' Data Literacy Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Perceived Value of Data Use
  • SingaKids Pic2Speak: Multilingual AI Tuto r ' Uplifting Singapore's Bilingual Edge
  • Integrating WiREAD+ with Singapore Student Learning Space (Phase 1)
  • MyBotBuddy: Supporting K-12 Students Learning Computing Through Agent-augmented Interv ention
2023: Best Paper Award (AsTEN2023)

2014: Young Innovator Award Gold Medalist (Hong Kong)

2013: International Council for Open and Distance Education Prize for Innovation & Best Practice (Tianjin)

2013: Young Innovator Award Silver Medalist (Islamabad)

2010: Young Innovator Award Gold Medalist (Hanoi)
Fellowships & Other Recognition
Nominated Best Paper Award (AAOU2014)

Dean's Awards

Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certified

2nd runner up Microsoft Imagine Cup Programming Competition

1st runner up 4th IBM-MMU Programming Competition
Courses Taught
AGE06E Neuroscience, Computational Thinking and Artificial Intelligence

AED430/AED40A Education Research
Supervision of PhD Students
Supervision of URECA students
- Won DISCOVER URECA Poster Competition
- Received NTU President Research Scholar Award