Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Aishah Abdul Rahman
Education Research Scientist, OER Centre for Science of Learning in Education
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Abdul Rahman, A., Tan, H. K., Loo, S. T., Malik, A. B. A., Tan, K. H., Gluckman, P. D., ... & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (2022). Cognitive flexibility in preschoolers: A role for the late frontal negativity (LFN). Cognitive Development, 63, 101200.

Zhang, Z., Wiebe, S. A., Abdul Rahman, A., & Carson, V. (2022). Longitudinal associations of subjectively-measured physical activity and screen time with cognitive development in young children. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 100447.

Verswijveren, S. J. J. M, Wiebe, S. A., Abdul Rahman. A., Kuzik, N., & Carson, V. (2020). Longitudinal associations of sedentary time and physical activity duration and patterns with cognitive development in early childhood. Mental Health & Physical Activity, 19, p100340.

Abdul Rahman. A. & Wiebe, S. A. (2018). Valence matters: An electrophysiological study on how emotions influence cognitive performance in children. Developmental Psychobiology, 61(2), 290 - 303,

Abdul Rahman, A., Carroll, D. J., Espy, K. A., & Wiebe, S. A. (2017). The neural correlates of response inhibition in early childhood: Evidence from a Go/No-go task. Developmental Neuropsychology, 42, 336 – 350.

Carson, V., Abdul Rahman, A., & Wiebe, S. A. (2017). Associations of subjectively and objectively measured sedentary behavior and physical activity with cognitive development in the early years. Mental Health & Physical Activity, 13, 1-8.

Singh, L., Fu, C., Abdul Rahman, A., Sanmugam, S., Agarwal, P., Jiang, B., Chong Y. S., Meaney, M., & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (2015). Back to basics: A bilingual advantage in infant visual habituation. Child Development, 86(1), 294-302.
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