Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Veronica Ranner
Assistant Professor, School of Art, Design and Media
Book Chapters
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Lockton, D., Ranner, V. (2017). Plans and Speculated Actions: Design, Behaviour and Complexity in Sustainable Futures, In The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Product Design, edited by Jonathan Chapman, 1st ed., London: Routledge, pp. 487–501.
Conference Papers
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Ranner, V. (2023). Towards Designing with Transience — Mattering temporalities of silken bio-digital interfaces (a thought experiment), Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS 2023), Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Ranner, V., Lockton, D., Galik, G., Kerridge, T., Steenson, M. (2016). Plans and speculated actions, Design Research Conference (DRS 2016), Brighton, UK

Ranner, V., Lockton, D. (2015). Reflective Silk —Behaviour change through better self-knowledge, In Proceedings of the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference (DRHA 2015), Dublin City University, Ireland.

Ranner, V., ‘Silken Selves’ (2014). The Human After Anthropocentrism? ‘Life. Matter. Being.’, London Conference of Critical Thought, Goldsmith University, London, UK

Ranner, V., Winkler, C. (2014). Living Assemblies’, In Maragiannis, A. ed. Communication Futures, Proceedings of Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference (DRHA 2014). London: Greenwich University, pp. 274–276. ISBN: 978-1-291-97878-0

Ranner, V. (2013). UISilk — Towards Interfacing the Body, In Smart Material Interfaces: Another Step to a Material Future: p. 13–18, Proceedings of 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. ACM: New York, USA

Ranner, V., Walker, K. (2013). Scientific Illustration v. the Quantified Self, In Proceedings of the 4th International Illustration Symposium “Science, Imagination & the Illustration of Knowledge”, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, UK

Ranner, V. (2012). From Hardware to Wetware: How Sericulture Could Shift our Manufacturing Attitude in an Age of Biotechnology, In “Slow Technology: Critical Reflection and Future Directions”, Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS 2012), Newcastle, UK
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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‘Design and Bio-Digital Interfaces — Polyphonic Biodesign’, opening keynote at the ADM Symposium “Innovation, Biodesign, Culture and Technology” (2017), School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore

'Speculative Subtlety”, opening keynote debate on "(Speculative) Futures in Design Research", Design Research Society Conference (DRS 2016), Brighton Dome, Brighton, UK. Available at:
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