Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Rosanne Jocson
Education Research Scientist, OER Centre for Research in Child Development
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office of Education Research
External Links
Journal Articles (Central)
Jocson, R. M., Alampay, L. P., Lachman, J. M., Reyes, J. C., Mamauag, B. L., Maramba, D. H., Eagling-Peche, S., Han, Q., & Caledron, F. (2024). Feasibility and acceptability of a digital parent support group chat intervention to prevent child and adolescent maltreatment in the Philippines. Intern ational Journal of Psychology, Advanced online publication, -.

Han, Q., Jocson, R., Kunovski, I., Raleva, M., Juhari, R., Okop, K., Oppler, A., Wilson, K., Cirovic, T., Sacolo, H., Alampay, L., Eagling-Peche, S., Calderon, F., Vallance, I., Muharam, F., Chen, Y., & Lachman, J. (2024). The bidi rectional temporal relationship between parenting stress and child maltreatment: A cross-lagged study based on intervention and cohort data. Journal of Affective Disorders, 354(null), 302-308.

Jocson, R. M.*, Alampay, L. P., Lachman, J. M., Maramba, D. H. A., Melgar, M. E., Ward, C. L., Mad rid, B. J., & Gardner, F. (2023). Pre-post mixed methods study of a parent and teen support intervention to prevent violence against adolescents in the Philippines. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73(1), 102-109.

Hechanova, M. R. M., Jocson, R. M., Alianan, A. S., Delos Santos, J. J. I., Mana ois, J. O., Gomez, G. A., & Lamzon, G. R. (2023). Developing resilience online: Evaluation of synchronous and asynchronous resilience interventions for Filipino college students. Research in Learning Technology, 31, 2890.

Jocson, R. M.*, Alers-Rojas, F., Ceballo, R., & Cranford, J. A. (202 2). Examining mothers' exposure to community violence: How does it influence young adolescents?. Child & Youth Care Forum, 51, 987-1004.

Hechanova, M. R. M., Alianan, A., Jocson, R. M., & Villasanta, A. P. (2022). Online resilience peer support groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 26(1), 55-65.

Lachman, J. M., Alampay, L. P., Jocson, R. M., Alinea, C., Madrid, B., Ward, C., Hutchings, J., Mamauag, B. V., Garilao, M. A., & Gardner, F. (2021). Effectiveness of a parenting programme to reduce violence in a cash transfer system in the Philippin es: RCT with follow-up. The Lancet Regional Health ' Western Pacific, 17, 100279.

Jocson, R. M.*, & Garcia, A. S. (2021). Religiosity and spirituality among mothers and fathers in the Philippines: Relations to psychological well-being and parenting. Journal of Family Psychology, 35(6 ), 801-810.

Ceballo, R., Cranford, J. A., Alers-Rojas, F., Jocson, R. M., & Kennedy, T. M. (2021). What happens after school? Linking Latino adolescents' activities and exposure to community violence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50(10), 2007-2020.

Jocson R. M.* (2021). A dyadic anal ysis of depressive symptoms and harsh and rejecting parenting in Filipino mothers and fathers. Family Process, 60(2), 556-569.

Jocson, R. M.* (2020). Filipino fathers' parenting in the context of household and neighborhood risk: Familism as a protective factor. Cultural Diversity and Eth nic Minority Psychology, 26(4), 472-482.

Jocson, R. M.*, & Ceballo, R. (2020). Resilience in low-income Filipino mothers exposed to community violence: Religiosity and familism as protective factors. Psychology of Violence, 10(1), 8-17.

Book Chapters (Central)
Jocson, R. M., & Karuppiah, N. (2024). Parental involvement in education and young children's well-being in Singapore. In O. S. Tan, E. L. Low, I. S. Caleon, & E. Ng (Eds.), Enhancing holistic well-being of children and youth: Insights from Singapore for research, policy and practi ce in education(PP. 121-133). Singapore: Springer.

Ceballo, R., Jocson, R. M., & Alers-Rojas, F. (2017). Parental educational involvement and Latino children's academic attainment.. In N. Cabrera & B. Leyendecker (Eds.), Handbook of positive development in minority children and youth(PP. 343-360). Cham: Springer.

McLoyd, V. C., Jocson, R. M., & Williams, A. B. (2016). Linking poverty and children's development: Concepts, models, and debates.. In L. M. Burton & D. Brady (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of the social science of poverty(PP. 141-165) . New York: Oxford University Press.

Conference Papers (Central)

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

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