Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Luke Ong
Distinguished University Professor
Professor of Computer Science
Vice President of Research
Professor Luke Ong will be appointed as a Distinguished University Professor at NTU from 1 August 2022, and Vice President of Research from 1 January 2023.

He is currently Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford; Fellow of Merton College, Oxford; Honorary Professor of Computer Science, Bristol University; and Shaw Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore.

Professor Ong received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics (1984, Triple First) and Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (1985, Distinction) from the University of Cambridge, with support from the President of the Republic of Singapore Scholarship. He holds a PhD in Computer Science (1988) from Imperial College University of London.

After a brief Lectureship at the National University of Singapore (1991) and a Prize Research Fellowship at Trinity College Cambridge (1992-1993), he was appointed to a University Lectureship at the University of Oxford in 1994, and promoted to Reader in 2002 and to Professor in 2004. He was a Visiting Professor at École Normale Supérieure, Paris (1996) and the National University of Singapore (2004, 2014, 2021), Visiting Consultant at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, USA (2001), and Resident Member of the Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (1996, 2006).

Luke Ong was General Chair (2013-2015) of ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, and Founding Vice Chair (2014-2019) of the ACM Special Interest Group in Logic and Computation (SIGLOG). He was founding Steering Committee Chair (2015-2018), Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction. He serves / has served on the council or steering committee of European Association of Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), European Association of Computer Science Logic (EACSL), and European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS). He was Programme Committee Chair of CSL05, LICS07, IFIP TCS08, FoSSaCS10, TLCA11, TASE11 and WoLLIC12. He has served on the judging panel of the EACSL Ackermann Award and the EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award. He chairs the EATCS Best Theory Paper Award panel. He is a member of the Singapore Academic Research Council and a former chair of its Informatics and Mathematics Expert Panel.
Professor Ong's research is broad, ranging across semantics of computation, programming languages, verification, logic and algorithms, algorithmic game theory, and recently, probabilistic and differential programming. A notable feature of his work is the combination of ideas and methods from semantics and structures, with techniques from automated verification. Ong is one of the leading figures and inventors of game semantics and its applications. His solution (with Hyland) to the PCF Full Abstraction Problem has come to be known as Hyland-Ong game. His LICS 2006 paper co-initiated higher-order model checking, a new branch of algorithmic verification. He was a joint winner of the ACM/EATCS Alonzo Church Award 2017 for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation.