Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Divya Bhardwaj
Research Fellow, National Institute of Education - Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice
Journal Articles (Central)
Bhardwaj, D., Singh, N., & Badal, A. (2016). Common Fixed Point Results for a Mappings in 2-Metric Spaces. International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications (IJMSEA), 10(II), 79-89.

Kaur,B., Bhardwaj, D. & Wong Lai Fong (2016). Developing metacognitive skills of ma thematics learners.. Research in Mathematics Education (Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematics Education Series D), 20(1), 21-29.

Bhardwaj, D., Singh, N, & Chauhan, O. P. (2016). Complex Valued b-Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems. Advances in Fixed Point Theory, 4(null), 4 56-468.

Singh, M., Singh, N., Bhardwaj, D., & Chauhan, O. P. (2016). Generalized contraction resulting tripled fixed point theorems in complex valued metric spaces. Advances in Fixed Point Theory, 6(null), 397-411.

Book Chapters (Central)
Kaur,B., Bhardwaj, D. & Wong, L.F. (2017). Teaching for metacognition project - Construction of knowledge by mathematics teachers working and learning collaboratively in multi-tier communities of practice.. In Kaur,B., Kwon, O.N. & Leong, Y.H. (Eds.), Professional development of mathematics teach ers: An Asian perspective(PP. 169-187). Singapore: Springer.

Kaur, B. Wong, L.F. & Bhardwaj, D. (2016). Mathematics subject mastery - A must for developing 21st century skills. In Toh, P.C. & Kaur, B. (Eds.), Developing 21st century Competencies in the Mathematics Classroom(PP. 77-94). Singapore: World Scientific.

Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Kaur, B., Bhardwaj, D., & Wong, L.F. (2015, November). Developing Metacognitive skills of mathematics learners. In The Korean Society of Mathematical Education (Ed.), The Korean Society of Mathematics Education Proceedings of the 2015 Internatio nal Conference on Mathematics Education, 2, 237-245.

Kaur, B., Bhardwaj, D., Towndrow, P. & Shaznay, N. (2015, May). A study of student-centred activities for low attainers in primary mathematics. In Vistro-Yu, C. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathemati cs Education, 1, 187-194.

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Bhardwaj, D. (2023, May). Are Large-Scale Classroom Research Findings Consequential in Changing Trends in Singapore Mathematics Teachers' Instructional Practices?. Paper presented at American Educational Researc h Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States.

Bhardwaj, D., & Lin, H. J. (2022, May). CORE 3: Teaching and learning of computer applications curriculum in Singapore secondary classrooms. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Bhard waj, D. (2022, May). CORE 3: Metacognitive and epistemic knowledge in Singapore primary 5 and secondary 3 Mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Bhardwaj, D., & Ganeson, D. (2022, May). Teachers' Perceptions and Practices of Using Code-switching in Singapore Primary 5 Tamil Classrooms. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Goh, H. H., Baoqi, S., Hassan, W., Peacock, A., Bhardwaj, D., & Ganeson, D. (2022, May). CORE 3 Research on Mother Tongue Language Classrooms: Possibility of Code-switching for Translanguaging. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022, Singapore.

Bhardwaj, D., & Jonid, S. (2018, April). Mathematical problem relationships and deliberate practice: Unpacking Singapore's PISA 'success' through classroom ob servations. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York, United States.

Jonid, S., & Bhardwaj, D. (2018, April). Tale of two Mathematics: Hybrid pedagogies in grades 3 and 5 Mathematics teaching and learning. Paper presented at American E ducational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York, United States.

Bhardwaj, D., & Jonid, S. (2017, June). When teachers implement with real students in real classrooms: The Primary 3 Mathematics curriculum in Singapore. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Con ference, Singapore.

Singh, D., Sharma, M., & Bhardwaj, D. (2011, June). Common Fixed point theorems via occasionally weakly compatible and weakly compatible maps in fuzzy metric space. Paper presented at Conference on Recent Trends in Pure & Applied Mathematics, Gorakhpur, India.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Technical Reports or Monographs

Kwek, D., Wong, H.M., Bhardwaj, D., Hussain, F.A., & Goh, S. E. (2022, October). Local Evidence Synthesis on Instructional Core, 44.

Onishi, P., Peacock, A., Bhardwaj, D., Kwek, D. (2021, January). CORE 3 Research Programme: Baseline investi gation of subject-domain pedagogies in Singapore's primary and secondary classrooms. Significant findings for Visual Arts (Primary 5, Sec 1), 64.

Onishi, P., Peacock, A., Bhardwaj, D., Kwek, D. (2021, January). CORE 3 Research Programme: Baseline investigation of subject-domain pedagogies in Sing apore's primary and secondary classrooms. Significant findings for Computer Applications (GCE (Normal) Technical Level, Sec 3), 49.

Onishi, P., Peacock, A., Bhardwaj, D., Kwek, D. (2020, September). CORE 3 Research Programme: Baseline investigation of subject-domain pedagogies in Singapore's prim ary and secondary classrooms. Significant findings for Physical Education (Primary 5, Sec 3), 37.

Onishi, P., Peacock, A., Bhardwaj, D., Kwek, D. (2020, July). CORE 3 Research Programme: Baseline investigation of subject-domain pedagogies in Singapore's primary and secondary classrooms. Significa nt findings for Music (Primary 5, Sec 1), 41.

Kwek, D., Baildon, M., Onishi, P., Yeo, J., Sengalrayan, B. W., Tan, M., & Divya Bhardwaj (2019, March). Synthesis report of NIE projects: Inquiry-based pedagogies and inquiry-based learning in Singapore classrooms, 19.

Workshops and Se minars

Kwek, D., Hussain, F. A., Bhardwaj, D., Jonid, S., Hassan, W., Lim, S., & Teo, E. (2017, October). Translating research insights for teaching Social Studies. CORE 3 research into Social Studies pedagogies in Singapore primary schools.