Academic Profile : Faculty

Dr Jessica Tan.jpg picture
Dr Jessica Tan
Education Research Scientist, Centre for Science of Learning in Education
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
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Jessica utilises neurophysiological and eye-tracking methods to examine neurophysiological differences in language development across infancy, childhood and adulthood.
She is also interested in understanding neurophysiological synchrony between interacting partners in collaborative interactions, and utilising various methods concurrently (e.g., EEG, fNIRS, eye-tracking) to examine mechanisms underlying learning during interactions.
child development, inter-brain synchrony, gaze behaviour, language development, social interactions
  • The Neural Mechanisms of Collaboration
  • A multimodal learning analytical approach to highlight group engagement and collaboration for learning
  • Promoting Early Book Reading at Home: An Intervention with Enhanced eBooks
  • Building Cognitive Behavioural Skills with StoryBooks to Reduce Emotional Difficulties in Kindergarten Years (B-READY)