Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Jasper Hong Sim
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
External Links
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Sim, J. H. (2024). Variation in VOT in English child-directed speech of English-Mandarin and English-Malay early bilinguals in Singapore. Asian Englishes.

Sim, J. H. & Post, B. (2023). Influence of caregiver input and language experience on the production of coda laterals by English-Malay bilingual preschoolers in multi-accent Singapore. FirstView. Journal of Child Language.

Schwarz, J., Li, K., Sim, J. H., Zhang, Y., Buchanan-Worster, E., Post, B., Gibson, J., & McDougall, K. (2022) Semantic cues modulate children's and adults' processing of audio-visual face mask speech. Frontiers in Psychology.

Sim, J. H. (2022). Negotiating social meanings in a plural society: social perceptions of variants of /l/ in Singapore English. FirstView. Language in Society.

Sim, J. H. & Post, B. (2021). Variation in quality of maternal input and development of coda stops in English-speaking children in Singapore. Journal of Child Language, 49(6), 1147-1172.

Sim, J. H. (2021). Sociophonetic variation in English /l/ in the child-directed speech of English-Malay bilinguals. Journal of Phonetics, 88.

Sim, J. H. (2019). “But you don’t sound Malay!” Language dominance and variation in the accents of English-Malay bilinguals in Singapore. English World-Wide, 40(1), 79–108.
Book Chapters
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Sim, J. H. & Post, B. (2024). Early phonological acquisition in multi-accent contexts. In E. Babatsouli (Ed.), Multilingual acquisition and learning: Towards an ecosystemic view to diversity. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Conference Papers
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
* Presenting author

Sim, J. H. (2024, August). Child phonological acquisition in Singapore — Variation in the input and input effects. [Oral presentation]. AILA2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2024, 16 July). Modelling individual differences: English /l/ of English-Malay bilinguals in multi-accent Singapore. [Poster presentation]. 16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czech Republic.

Chong, A. J.*, Sim, J. H., Post, B. (2024, 25-27 Mar). Ethnicity-related intonational variation in Singapore English child-directed speech [Oral presentation]. British Association of Academic Phoneticians Colloquium 2024, Cardiff, United Kingdom.

Chong, A., Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2023, 18-21 Nov). Ethnicity and intonational variation in Singapore English child-directed speech [Oral presentation]. Second International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI2).

Sim, J. H.* (2023, 7–11 Aug). Influence of bilingualism or caregiver input? Variation in VOT in simultaneous bilingual preschoolers in Singapore [Paper presentation]. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ICPhS 2023. Paper

Sim, J. H.* (2023, 26–28 June). Variation in English stop voicing contrast in Singaporean Chinese and Malay mothers [Oral presentation]. UK Language Variation and Change 14, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Li, K. K.*, Schwarz, J., Sim, J. H., Zhang, Y., Buchanan-Worster, E., Post, B., McDougall, K. (2022, 18–22 Sept). Recording and timing vocal responses in online experimentation [Oral presentation]. Proc. Interspeech 2022, 4053-4057, doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10697.

Li, K. K.*, Schwarz, J., Sim, J. H., Zhang, Y., Buchanan-Worster, E., Post, B., McDougall, K. (2022, 23–25 June). Recording and timing vocal responses: an online cued-shadowing task [Paper presentation]. LabPhon18: Phonology in a Rapidly Changing World.

Sim, J. H.* (2022, 23–25 June). Bilingual phonological development in a multi-dialectal context: the acquisition of /l/ by English-Malay bilingual preschoolers in Singapore [Poster session]. LabPhon18: Phonology in a Rapidly Changing World.

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2022, 14–16 June). Variation in the development of English syllable-final /l/ in English-Malay and English-Chinese bilingual children [Paper presentation]. Building Linguistic Systems, York, United Kingdom.

Schwarz, J.*, Li, K.*, Sim, J. H., Zhang, Y., Buchanan-Worster, E., Post, B., . . . McDougall, K. (2022, 4–8 Apr). Can we use visual, acoustic and semantic cues to compensate for face mask speech? [Oral presentation]. British Association of Academic Phoneticians Colloquium 2022, York, United Kingdom.

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2022, 4–8 Apr). Acquiring /l/ in a multidialectal context by English-Malay bilingual children in Singapore [Poster session]. British Association of Academic Phoneticians Colloquium 2022, York, United Kingdom.

Schwarz, J.*, Li, K., Sim, J. H., Zhang, Y., Buchanan-Worster, E., Post, B., . . . McDougall, K. (2022, Jan 20-21). The impact of visual, acoustic, and semantic cues on processing of face mask speech by children and adults [Poster session].13th Speech in Noise Workshop.

Schwarz, J.*, Li, K., Sim, J. H., Zhang, Y., Buchanan-Worster, E., Post, B., . . . McDougall, K. (2021, Nov 23). Speech Perception through Face Masks by Children and Adults [Poster session]. Cambridge Language Sciences Annual Symposium 2021: Language and Inclusion. doi:10.33774/coe-2021-l88qk.

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2021, Sept 8-10). Clear /l/ and the Malays in Singapore: origin, social meanings, and ethnic identity [Paper presentation]. UK Language Variation and Change 13. University of Glasgow. https://

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2021, Jun 21-23). Variation in pitch scaling in English of young simultaneous bilinguals in Singapore [Poster presentation]. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2021, Barcelona.

Sim, J. H.* (2021, Jun 7–10). Indexical properties of syllable-final /l/ in Singapore English [Paper presentation]. Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, Hong Kong.

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2021, Jun 2–4). Variation in ethnic-accentedness in child-directed speech of bilinguals [Paper presentation]. Variation in Language Acquisition 4, Rorschach, Switzerland.

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2021, Mar 6). Variation in quality of input and development of coda stops in bilingual children [Poster session]. Jesus College MCR Graduate Conference 2021, Cambridge.

Sim, J. H.* & Post, B. (2020, Apr). Maternal input and variability in the development of coda stops in bilingual children. British Association of Academic Phoneticians Colloquium, York, United Kingdom. [cancelled]

Koh, S.*, Koh, L.*, Sim, J. H.*, Ng, K.* & Mohan, J.* (2017, Jun 29). Exploring the Joy of Learning – from NASA to EL [Paper presentation]. 3rd Anglican High School National Symposium 2017: Assessment Drives the Learning Paradigm.