Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Jasper Hong Sim
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
External Links

Jasper Sim is an Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. He completed a BA (Education) at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2014, and went on to obtain an MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Prof. Francis Nolan. After which, he worked for the Ministry of Education for three years, first as a secondary school teacher, and then as a Curriculum Planning Officer (ELL Secondary) at ministry headquarters. He completed his PhD (2022) in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. Brechtje Post.

Jasper's research focuses on issues that sit at the intersections of child language acquisition, phonetics, and sociolinguistics. His doctoral research and current projects examine child bilingual phonological acquisition in multi-dialectal/multi-accent and multicultural contexts. He takes on an empirical–constructivist perspective in addressing research questions like: 

  • what socially-conditioned linguistic variation is there in adult-directed and child-directed speech?

  • What is the role of input, and what impact does variable input have on child phonological development?

  • what linguistic, input, social and experiential factors account for variation in language outcomes?

  • how can we disentangle effects of long-term language contact from the effects of bilingual acquisition?

  • how different is the nature of phonological acquisition in multi-accent/multi-dialectal and multicultural contexts from that in less diverse settings?

His secondary research interests are in language variation and change and in issues relating to language, race, and culture. Jasper welcomes inquiries from potential MA and PhD students with research interests relevant to his.

Jasper's research interests include child phonological acquisition in first and second languages, bilingualism, language variation and change, language processing, and (socio)phonetics.
  • The ethnolinguistic repertoires and linguistic practices of Malay and Indian bilinguals in Singapore
  • The role of Prosody in Singapore English word recognition (ProSE)
2022: Eugénie Henderson Prize for best poster presented by a non-member at the British Association of Academic Phoneticians Colloquium 2022

2019: Innergy (MOE HQ) award for the development of Lenses and Links: A game of literary perspective

2018: Singapore Police Force NSman of the Year; Innergy (MOE HQ) award for the development of Ding Ding! A virtual discussion platform

2017: MOE Buildathon: Third Place (“Ding Ding! A virtual discussion platform”); NIE Overseas Graduate Scholarship; Anglican High School: Most innovative teacher; MOE Outstanding Contribution Award (Team)

2016: Anglican High School: Most Engaged Staff; MOE Outstanding Contribution Award (Team)

2014: MOE Direct Master's Sponsorship; NTU College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences Master of Arts Research Scholarship (Forfeited); Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal; Koh Boon Hwee Scholar's Award
Courses Taught

AAE23S: The Structure of Singapore English

AAE10D/18D: Exploring the Words and Sounds of English

AMX20A: Multicultural Studies: Appreciating & Valuing Differences


QLK52A/B: Practical Pronunciation for Teachers (PGDE)

QUE502/512: Language Studies for Teachers: Language Variation and Change (PGDE)

QUE514: Understanding and Implementing an English Language Curriculum (PGDE)

MAE902: Language Acquisition Studies

MAE922: Sociophonetics: Studies of Speech in Society
Supervision of PhD Students
Jasper welcomes inquiries from potential MA and PhD students with research interests relevant to his.