Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Lee Sunwoo
Nanyang Assistant Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Sunwoo Lee (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in 2010, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, New York, NY in 2012 and 2016, respectively, working on graphene synthesis and graphene-based nano-electro-mechanical systems for signal processing and sensing applications. In 2016, he joined the Molnar Group in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University as a post-doctoral researcher and worked on heterogeneously integrated CMOS for physiological monitoring and high-speed wirelines.
Hair-sized autonomous microsystems based on heterogeneously integrated CMOS (CMOS + non-silicon devices / systems) for physiological monitoring (neural signals, pH, pressure, etc.)
  • Light-Tolerant, Forward-Bulk-Biased Opto-Electrical Analog Front End for Tetherless Physiological Monitoring
  • Heterogeneously Integrated Autonomous Microsystems
  • CMOS-Integrated Layered Materials for Grain-Sized Biomedical Microsystems
2015 - Pi-Star Award for Young Researcher Presentation at CARBONHAGEN 2015
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2012 - Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QInF) 2012
2013 - Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QInF) 2013
Courses Taught
CT2. Analog Circuits (Fall 2022 | ECE4530/5530 | Cornell University) - Lecturer

CT1. Thermodynamics (Spring 2011 | MECE E3301 | Columbia University) - Teaching Assistant
*Outstanding TA Award