Academic Profile : Faculty

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Ms Jyr Minn Soh
Lecturer, School of Humanities
Miss Soh completed her MA in Linguistics and Multilingual Studies at NTU, where she described and analysed the serial verb constructions of the Shan language, building upon her previous documentation of its phonology and phonetics. She was trained mainly in functional linguistics and in language documentation, with her training shaping the way she views language. She is fascinated by the workings of language and how it reveals the way an individual conceptualises their world.

She is currently interested in literacy education and bridging it for marginalised children and women so that they may flourish and be afforded more opportunities.
Language description, literacy education, teaching and pedagogy.
Courses Taught
CC0001 - Inquiry and Communication in an Interdisciplinary World
HW0105 - Academic Communication in the Humanities and Social Sciences
HW0111 - Communication: A Journey of Inquiry through Writing and Speech
HW0207 - Communication: Academic Communication in Linguistics