Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Keita Kinoshita
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - Physical Education & Sports Science
Journal Articles (Central)
Kinoshita, K., Nakagawa, K., & Sato, S. (2024). Watching Sport Enhances Well-Being: Evidence from A Multi-Method Approach. Sport Management Review, Advanced Online Publication(null), 1-25.

Kinoshita, K., Usami, S., & Matsuoka, H. (2024). Perceived event impacts of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Gam es on residents' eudaimonic well-being: a longitudinal study of within-person changes and relationships. Sport Management Review, Advanced Online Publication(null), 1-25.

Oshimi, D*., Kinoshita, K*., & Yamashita, R.(*Shared first authorship) (2023). The mediating role of sport-specific PERM A in the relationship between physical activity/passive sport and global well-being/loneliness. Journal of Leisure Research, Advanced Online Publication(null), 1-22.

Kinoshita, K., & Sato, S. (2023). Incivility and psychological safety in youth sport: the reciprocal effects and its impact o n well-being and social outcomes. Sport Management Review, 26(2), 246-270.

Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Parent, M. (2023). Social outcomes from participating in the Youth Olympic Games: the role of the service environment. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(2), 488-507.

Journal Articles
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Sato, S., Kinoshita, K., Funahashi, H., Furukawa, T., Ma, S., & Kaplanidou, K. (In press). A longitudinal examination of Tokyo 2020 impact on residents’ support: A mediating role of social well-being. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management (2023 IF = 8.9/Tier 1 in SJR 2023)

Yang, Y., Gray, E., Kinoshita, K., & MacIntosh, E. (2024). Reframing the Service Environment in Collegiate Sport: A Transformative Sport Service Research Approach. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport. 17(1), 123-146.

Kinoshita, K., Sato, S., & Sugimoto, D. (2023). Conceptualisation, measurement, and associated factors of eudaimonic well-being of athletes: a systematic review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Advance online publication (2022 IF = 3.3/Tier 1 in SJR 2021).

Sato, S., Kinoshita, K., Kondo, M., Yabunaka, Y., Yamada, Y., & Tsuchiya, H. (2023). Student athlete well-being framework (SAWBF): An empirical examination of elite college student athletes. Frontiers in Psychology (2022 IF = 4.23).

Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Sato, S. (2023). Creating sport environments for youth to thrive: understanding the mechanism to intentions to continue sport and subjective well-being. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Advance online publication (2022 IF = 3.3/Tier 1 in SJR 2021).

Kinoshita, K., & Matsuoka, H. (2023). Risk and Psychological Return: A Moderating Role of the COVID-19 Risk Perception on the Impact of Team Identification on Vitality After Sport Spectatorship in Tokyo. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship (2021 IF = 2.53). 24(1), 20-37.

Oshimi, D., & Kinoshita, K. (2022). Relationship Between Residents’ Sporting Life and Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being in Hiroshima: The Mediating Role of PERMA in Sport. Managing Sport and Leisure (2022 IF = 3.6). Advance online publication.

Wu, Y., Kinoshita, K., Zhang, Y., Kagami, R., & Sato, S. (2022). Influence of COVID-19 crisis on motivation and hiking intention of Generation Z in China: perceived risk and coping appraisal as moderators. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2020 IF = 3.39) 19(8), 4612;

Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Sato, S. (2022). Association of Latent Mental Health Profiles of Military Officers with Active Sport Participation and Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives for Sport Participation. Sport Exercise, and Performance Psychology (2020 IF = 4.25/Tier 1 in SJR 2021) Advance online publication.

Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Sato, S. (2022). Thriving in Youth Sport: The Antecedents and Consequences. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 20(2), 356-376. (2020 IF = 3.30/Tier 1 in SJR 2021).

Sato, S., Kinoshita, K., Kim, M., Oshimi, D., & Harada, M. (2022). The Effect of Rugby World Cup 2019 on Residents’ Well-being: A Mediating Role of Psychological Capital. Current Issues in Tourism (2020 IF = 7.43/Tier 1 in SJR 2022). 25(5), 692-706.

Sato, S., Kinoshita, K., Sekino, K., Haruka, A., Bizen, Y., & Matsuoka, H. (2021) The Association between Facial Width-to-Height Ratio (fWHR) and Sporting Performances: Evidence from Professional Basketball Players in Japan. Frontier in Psychology (2020 IF = 2.99/Tier 1 in SJR 2021).

Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Sato, S. (2021). A Buffering Effect of Mental Toughness on the Negative Impacts of Basic Psychological Need Thwarting on Youth Sport Participants’ Functioning. The Sport Psychologist (2020 IF = 1.45).

Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Sato, S. (2021). The Effect of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction on Intrinsic Regulation is Moderated by Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives: A Longitudinal Investigation among Youth Athletes in Japan. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research (Web of Science; 2021 Cite Score = 1.2). 89(1), 34-44.

MacIntosh, E., Kinoshita, K., & Sotiriadou, P. (2020) The Effects of the 2018 Commonwealth Games Service Environment on Athlete Satisfaction and Performance: A Transformative Service Research Approach. Journal of Sport Management (2019 IF = 2.359/Tier 1 in SJR 2022). 34, 316-328.

Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Sato, S. (2020). The Relationship between Avoidance Goals and Goal Attainment: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (2019 IF = 1.883). 91, 394-404.

MacIntosh, E., Kinoshita, K., Naraine, M., & Sato, S. (2019). Examining the Youth Multi-Sport Event Environment: Implications towards Athlete Development and Transitioning. Journal of Athlete Development and Experience. 1(2), 53-65.
Conference Papers (Central)

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