Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Keita Kinoshita
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - Physical Education & Sports Science
Keita Kinoshita, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Sport Management at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. He received his Ph.D. in Human Kinetics (Sport Management) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. Prior to joining NIE, Keita was an assistant professor at Waseda University in Japan. Keita is the co-founder of the Sport and Entertainment Management Lab where the lab members hope to create a better society and contribute to human well-being through sport and entertainment management research.

His research expertise is in consumer behaviour and social psychology in sport and the research topics of current interest are sport consumer well-being and sport for development and peace. His current research projects include investigating the impact of watching sports on well-being using a neurophysiological approach, the relationship of nature-based physical activity with consumer minimalism and self-authentic consumption, and the effects of socio-environmental factors on youth sport participant's long-term well-being. His work has been published in top-tier journals in the field such as Sport Management Review, Journal of Sport Management, and European Sport Management Quarterly.

Keita loves outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and biking.
Sport Consumer Well-being
Sport for Development and Peace
Consumer Behaviour
Eudaimonic Well-being
  • The influence of engaging in nature-based physical activity on minimalist and true-to-self consumption through eudaimonic well-being
  • Process-focus in sport consumption encourage prosocial consumer behaviour because it boosts hope
Courses Taught
SS2104 - Sport Marketing and Sponsorship (Aug 2023 ~)
SS3616 - Leisure and Recreation Management (Jan 2024 ~)
MES901 - Integrative Project (Jan 2024 ~)