Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Christophe de Ray
Lecturer, School of Humanities
Christophe de Ray obtained his PhD from King's College London in 2021. After a couple of years teaching theology and philosophy in a London secondary school, he joined NTU as a Lecturer in August 2023.

While his research initially focused on topics in philosophy of science, his attention has shifted towards philosophy of religion in recent years (natural theology in particular). However, his interests are quite broad, with pieces on political egalitarianism and metaphysical idealism currently under review.

If there was a thread linking the various things that he enjoys thinking and writing about, it would be the recovery and articulation of what some have called 'Ur-Platonism' ( cf. Lloyd Gerson 2005), i.e. a set of interlinked philosophical theses attributed to the Platonic tradition (broadly construed) -- to name only a few, the priority of the intelligible to the sensible, of the mental to the physical, the identity of Being and the Good.
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of Science
Courses Taught
CC0003 - Ethics & Civics in a Multicultural World