Academic Profile : Faculty
Prior to joining NTU, Dr Josephine Chong has previously worked at the Northumbria University (England) and Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand). While working at these universities, she teaches a range of Business Information Systems modules such as Business Information Systems, Enterprise Information Systems, Business Database Management and SAP. Her main research interest focuses on digital transformation and specially how organizations can redesign their strategies and frameworks for data analytics capability.
Digital Transformation
Sustainable Collaborative Networks
Data Management Systems
Sustainable Collaborative Networks
Data Management Systems
- Game-based Authentic Learning in Engineering Courses
Northumbria University Student Led Teaching Award Nomination
Fellowships & Other Recognition
Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
Courses Taught
CC0002 - Navigating the Digital World
CC0007 - Science and Technology for Humanity
CC0007 - Science and Technology for Humanity