Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Asst Prof Shuhao Zhang
Assistant Professor, College of Computing & Data Science
Shuhao Zhang is an Assistant Professor at College of Computing & Data Science, NTU. Before that, he has been an Assistant Professor at SUTD from 2021 to 2023. He did a postdoc from 2020 to 2021 with Prof. Volker Markl (founder of Apache Flink) at TU Berlin. He obtained his PhD and Bachelor’s degrees from NUS (2019) and NTU (2014), respectively. His research emphasizes the design of database systems and big data processing frameworks, with a special interest in high-performance stream processing algorithms/systems. He regularly serves on the program committees of HPC venues such as SC, ICDCS, and ICPP, and DB/DM venues like ICDE, KDD, and EDBT.
The group has the following current research interests. For more details, look for our team website:

- [System support for Retrieval Augmented Generation] We are now working towards building the next generation Data Stream-Centric Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) System.

- [Hardware-Conscious Data (Stream) Processing] Multicore NUMA, GPU accelerated stream query processing, AMP-aware data stream compression, etc. (ICDE’17, SIGMOD’19, SIGMOD Rec’20, USENIX ATC’20, TPDS’21, SIGMOD’21, ICDE’23a, ICDE’23b, ICDE’23c, DEBS’23, arxiv’23)

- [Transactional Stream Processing] Transactional stream processing frameworks and its applications in LLM, NFV etc. (ICDE’20, SIGMOD’23, VLDBJ’23, arxiv’23a, arxiv’23b, arxiv’23c)

- [Data (Stream)-Centric AI] High performance online machine learning, data stream mining, data stream preprocessing algorithms/systems (BigMM’19, SIGMOD’23, EMNLP’23, arxiv’22, arxiv’23)
  • Parallel Data Management in Retrieval-based Language Models
  • IntelliStream: Towards Highly-Optimized, Ultra-Scalable, and Self-Adaptive Data Stream Analytics in the Heterogeneous IoT Environment
  • Parallelized Stateful Coreset Selection in Continuous Data Streams for Enhanced Stream Learning
2017 - Research Achievement Award (NUS)
2018 - Research Achievement Award (NUS)
Courses Taught
SC4050 Parallel Computing (with Yuanren Loke)

SD6122 Modern Hardware for Data Science

SD6126 SCALABLE DATA SYSTEMS (with Siqiang Luo)
Supervision of PhD Students
Xianzhi Zeng (2021- ):

- B.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2021)

- Published 1x SIGMOD, 2x ICDE, 1x DEBS; Submitted 1x TKDE, 1x SIGMOD Rec.

Zhonghao Yang (2022- ):

- B.Sc. in Computer Science, Singapore University of Technology and Design (2022)

- Published 1x ICDE; Submitted 1x ICDE

Yuhao Wu (2023- ):

- B.Sc. in Computer Science, Huazhong Agricultural University (2022)

- Published 1x EMNLP; Submitted 1x ACL