Academic Profile : Faculty

Yue Mu photo_formal small.jpg picture
Dr Mu Yue
Lecturer, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Journal Articles
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Wong, WK., Cheng Y., Yue, M.∗ (2024) Could regression of stationary series be spurious? Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research.

Li, C., Bao, Y., Li, Y., Yue, M.∗, et al. (2024). Assessment of the Coupling Coordination Relationship between the Green Financial System and the Sustainable Development System across China. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 11534.

Li, C., Zhao, G., Koh, K.P., Xu, Z., Yue, M., et al. (2024). Impact of China’s financial development on the sustainable development goals of the Belt and Road Initiative participating countries. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, 294.

Li, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Wang, X., Yue, M., Liu, J., Jiang, Y., Zhao, Z., Cai, G. (2023). Systematic and dynamic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on marine economic development, air pollution and energy consumption: A case study of China’s coastal regions. Ocean & Coastal Management, 244,106774.

Zhang, Z., Yue, M., Huang, L., Wang, Q., and Yang, B. (2023). Large portfolio allocation based on high-dimensional regression and Kendall’s Tau. Communication in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 1-13.

Zheng, C., Peng, B., Zhao, X., Wei, G., Wan, A., Yue, M.∗ (2023). Power battery third-party reverse logistics provider selection: Fuzzy evidential reasoning. Energy & Environment, 0958305X231179905.

Zheng, C., Peng, B., Zhao, X., Wan, A. & Yue, M.∗ (2023). A novel assessment approach based on group evidential reasoning and risk attitude. Group Decision and Negotiation, 1-40.

Zheng, C., Peng, B., Zhao, X., Wei, G., Wan, A. & Yue, M.∗ (2022). A large group hesitant fuzzy linguistic DEMATEL approach for identifying critical success factors in public health emergencies. Aslib Journal of Information Management.

Yue, M., Sun, B. & Li, J. (2022). Conditional sparse boosting for high-dimensional instrumental variable estimation. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 92(15), 3087-3108.

Xu J., Yue, M., & Zhang W. (2020). A new multilevel modelling approach for clustered survival data. Econometric Theory, 36(4), 707-750.

Yue, M. & Huang, L. A new approach of subgroup identification for high-dimensional longitudinal data. (2020). Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 90(11), 2098-2116.

Yue, M., Clapham HE & Cook, A. R. (2020). Estimating the size of a COVID-19 epidemic from surveillance systems. Epidemiology, 31(4), 567-569.

Yue, M., Wang, Y., Low C. K., Yoong, J. S. Y., & Cook, A. R. (2019). Optimal design of population-level financial incentives of influenza vaccination for elderly. Value in Health, 23(2), 200-208.

Yue, M., Dickens, B. L, Yoong, J. S. Y., Mark, I., Teerawattananon Y., & Cook, A. R. (2019). Cost-effectiveness analysis for influenza vaccination coverage and timing in tropical and subtropical climate settings: a modelling study. Value in Health, 22(12), 1345-1354.

Li, J., Yue, M.∗, & Zhang, W. (2019). Subgroup identification via homogeneity pursuit for dense longitudinal/spatial data. Statistics in Medicine, 38(17), 3256-3271.

Yue, M., Li, J., & Cheng, M. Y. (2019). Two-step sparse boosting for high-dimensional longitudinal data with varying coefficients. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 131, 222-234.

Yue, M., Li, J., & Ma, S. (2018). Sparse boosting for high-dimensional survival data with varying coefficients. Statistics in Medicine, 37(5), 789-800.

Teh, D. B. L., Chua, S. M., Prasad, A., Kakkos, I., Jiang, W., Yue, M., ... & All, A. H. (2018). Neuroprotective assessment of prolonged local hypothermia post contusive spinal cord injury in rodent model. The Spine Journal, 18(3), 507-514.

Yue, M., & Li, J. (2017). Improvement screening for ultra-high dimensional data with censored survival outcomes and varying coefficients. The International Journal of Biostatistics, 13(1).
Book Chapters
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Yue, M. (2021). Sparse Boosting Based Machine Learning Methods for High-Dimensional Data. Computational Statistics and Applications. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.100506
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Guest Editor, Special Issue on High-Dimensional Data Analysis and Applications, Mathematics (IF 2.3, Rank Q1)

We invite the submission of high-quality papers for this special issue. Note that the first five feature papers will be published free of charge. The submission due date is February 2025.