Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Hadijah Bte Rahmat.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Hadijah Bte Rahmat
Emeritus Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Asian Languages & Cultures
Journal Articles (Central)
Hadijah Rahmat (2016). In Memory of Dr Liaw Yock Fang (1936-2016). Malay Literature, Vol 29(No 1), 126-129.

Hadijah Rahmat (2016). Pendeta Dr Muhammad Ariff Ahmad- Permata Nilam Melayu (Dr Muhd Ariff Ahmad - Gem of Malay Wisdom). Melayu (Malay) - International Jurnal of Malay World., Vo l 9, 2016(No.2), 300-306.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2015). 'Belasungkawa- Tenas Effendy (Tengku Nasaruddin Said Effendy)/ Tributes to Tenas Effendy, Curtural Icon in the Malay World). Jurnal Antar abangsa Dunia Melayu/International Journal of the Malay World, Dewan bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 8(2), 335-340.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2014). Roar of the Lion in Malay Literature Jungles of Nusantara (English). Malay Literature, 27(1), 18-52.

Hadijah Rahmat (2013). In search for C anon of Singapore Malay Poetry: Reflection On Nature, Race, Religion And Love (English). Malay Literature, Vol No.26,(No.1 June 2013), 1-17.

Hadijah Rahmat (2012). Pelayaran Amerika Syarikat di tengah Lautan Warisan Persuratan Nusantara (The American Journey in the Malay Literary Ocean). iJACH -The INternational Journal of Arts, Culture and Heritage, 1(Special Edition), 17-47.

Hadijah Rahmat (2008). Portraits of A Nation - The British legacy for Malay Settlements in Singapore. Indonesia and the Malay World, University London, Vol 36(No 106), 359-374.

Hadijah Rahmat ( 2008). The Last Kampung Mosque in Singapore. NIE NEWS(No 66), 9-9.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2008). Membina Minda dan Budaya Melayu Melalui Perekayaan Pendidikan Bangsa (Building Minds and Malay Culture through Reengineering of Community education). e-UTAMA Electronic Journal of the Malay Lang uage and Culture Department, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 1(1), 8-23.

Hadijah Rahmat (2002). John Leyden's Malay Annals With an Introductory Essay by Virginia Matheson Hooker and M B Hooker.. Journal of Malaysan Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, Vol.75, 118-120.

Hadijah Rahmat (2001). Mengukir Air Di Pesisir - Sastera Melayu dalam Arus Jagat (Malay Literature in New Global World). SEKATA, nil, 0.

Hadijah Rahmat (1999). Roaming Through Seductive Gardens:Reading in Malay Narrative by G.L.Koster. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of t he Royal Asiatic Society, MBRAS, Vol. LXXII Part 1, 142-144.

Hadijah Rahmat (1997). The Vernacular Press and the Emergence of Modern Consciousness (1855-1913). THE JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, 419-420.

Hadijah Rahmat (1996). The Printing Press and the Changing Concepts of Liter ature, Authorship and Notions of Self in Malay Literature. Journal of Malayan Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, Vol.69 Part 1, 1-21.

Hadijah Rahmat (1996). The Concept of Modernity in Literature: the Western and Eastern Perspective. Tenggara, Vol.38, 105-133.

Hadijah Rahmat (1992). Sastera Melayu Menjelang Abd ke 21: Harapan dan Cabaran (The Hopes and Challenges Faced by Malay Writers in the 21st Century). Dewan Sastera, NA.

Hadijah Rahmat (1991). Suatu Kajian Mengenai Perkembangan Sastera Kanak-kanak Melayu ( A Study of Developments of Children?s Literature in Malay) . Singapore Book World, Vol.21, 37-48.

Hadijah Rahmat (1990). Sastera Kanak-kanak Melayu dan Pencapaian Masyarakat (Children's Literature and Achievement in Malay Society). Titian Ilmu, Vol.1, 21-40.

Hadijah Rahmat (1983). Sastera Islam - Kabus Sepanjang Pencarian (Islamic Literatu re- Searching for Concepts and Meanings). Assyahid, Vol.1, 23-63.

Hadijah Rahmat (1983). Sekalung Bunga Buat Seorang Pendita - Kesan dari Sebuah Pembacaan (Salute to Pendita Za'ba). Suara Mahasiswa, Vol.1, 9-14.

Hadijah Rahmat (1982). Wawancara Bersama Profesor Ismail Hussien (Inte rview with Prominent Malay Scholar). Suara Mahasiswa, Vol.1, 34-41.

Hadijah Rahmat (1982). Puisi dan Ciri-ciri Tersendirinya (Poetry and Its Unique Attributes). Suara Mahasiswa, Vol.2, 28-34.

Hadijah Rahmat (1981). Motivasi dalam Masyarakat Melayu (Motivation in Malay Society). Analisa, Vol.1, 27-30.

Hadijah Rahmat (1980). Penularan Bebalisme dalam Kesusasteraan Melayu Modern (Bebalism and Modern Malay Literature). Sasterawan, Vol.1, 4-11.

Hadijah Rahmat (1980). Pelajaran Melayu Sebelum Merdeka (Malay Education After Independence). Mekar, Vol.11, 18-1 9 *[D2].

Hadijah Rahmat (1980). Ulasan dari Salina ke Langit Petang - Proses Mencipta Novel. Gempur, Vol.3, 39-41.

Hadijah Rahmat (1980). Ulasan Mengenai Buku Islam dalam Sejarah dan kebudayaan Melayu. Insaf, Vol.7, 39-41.

Hadijah Rahmat (1980). Pelajaran Melayu Sesudah Merdeka ( Malay Education After Independence). Mekar, Vol.11, 18-19 [D1].

Hadijah Rahmat (1980). Melihat Wajah Kita yang Jelek di Cermin Sastera yang Sebenar (Looking at Our Ugly Face on the True Literary Mirror). Sasterawan, Vol.1, 34-41.
Books (Central)
Hadijah bte Rahmat (2021). Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir Munshi (In 2 Volumes) Volume 1: His Voyages and Legacies, and Modernity Volume 2: His Voyages and Legacies, and Colonial History (PP. 1216). Singapore: The World Scientific Publication.

Hadijah Rahmat (2005). Kilat Senja- Sejarah Sosial dan Budaya Kampung-kampung di Singapura (Glimmering Sunset- Socio-Cultural History of Kampungs in Singapore) (PP. 463). Singapore: HS Yang Publishing.

Hadijah Rahmat, Azhar Ibrahim, Juffri Supaat, Mohd Raman Daud, Mukhlis Abu Bakar & Saeda Buang (Eds.). (2015). Yang Terukir - Bahasa dan Persuratan Melayu sempena 50 Tahun Kemerdekaan Singapura - E-book (Inscribed - Malay Language and Literature in Conjunction of 50 years of Singapore's Independence). (PP. 348). Singapore: Malay Language Councils Singapore.

H adijah Rahmat (2005). Mengukir Air Di Pesisiran- Sastera Melayu/Indonesia dalam Arus Jagat. (Carving the Coastal Water - Malay/Indonesian Lietrature in Global World) (PP. 136). Kuala Lumpur: DBP.

Hadijah Rahmat, Razif Bahari (Ed.). (2007). The Last Kampung Mosque in Singapore - The Ex traordinary Story and Legacy of Sembawang (PP. 187). singapore: Masjid Petempatan Melayu Sembawang.

Hadijah Rahmat, Saeda Buang, Mukhlis Abu Bakar, Mohd Raman Daud, Azhar Ibrahim Alwee, Juffri Supaat, Mohd Andi Zulkifli. (Ed.). (2015). Yang Terukir - Bahasa dan Persuratan Melayu sempena 50 Tahun Kemerdekaan Singapura ((Inscribed - Malay Language and Literature in Conjunction of 50 years of Singapore's Independence) (PP. 250). Singapore: Majlis Bahasa Melayu Singapura.

Leo Suryadinata & Hadijah Rahmat (Eds.). (2015). Singapura: Kotaku, Kampung Halamanku (Singapora: My City, My Country. Anthology of bilingual Chinese- Malay poetry (PP. 101). Singapore: Confucius Institute, NTU.

Leo Suryadinata & Hadijah bte Rahmat (Eds.). (2015). Singapura:Kotaku, Kampung Halamanku (PP. 102). Singapore: Confucius Institute, Nanyang Technological University.

Hadijah bte R ahmat (2013). KURNIA ALAM - Bingkisan kata dan Warna. (GIFT OF LIFE- Words and Colours). Anthology of Poems (PP. 371). Singapore: TSLANANG PUBLISHING LLP.

Hadijah Rahmat, Mukhlis Abu Bakar, Roksana Abdullah (Ed.). (2011). MASURI SN - Sasterawan Melayu di Persada Antarabangsa [Masuri SN - A Malay Poet Laureate in the International Arena] (PP. 179). Singapore: ALC, NIE.

Hadijah Rahmat, Mana Sikana and Kartini Anwar (Ed.). (2011). Citra Murni Insan dalam Dunia Pendidikan [ The Noble Portrait of Humanity in Educational World] - A Festchrift in Honour of Dr Abbas Mohd Shariff (PP. 179). Singapore: ALC, NIE.

Hadijah Rahmat (2010). Pantun Bunga Kasih/Mom's Bouquet of Love Poetry and Art for Children (PP. 50). Singapore: HS Yang Publishing Pte.

Hadijah Rahmat (2010). Burung Kenek-Kenek/The Little Bird - Poetry, Art and Song for Children (PP. 67). Sin gapore: HS Yang Publishing Pte Ltd.

Seetha Lakshmi(Project Manager), Lim Seok Lai, Rakkappan Velmurugan(Language Advisors),Goh Yeng Seng(Academic Advisor) Hadijah Rahmat, Sivakumaran A Ra(Academic Advisors) Mohamad Aidil(Languge Advisor) (Ed.). (2010). Diverse Languages, One Identity: A Guid e to Conversation in the Chinese, Malay and Tamil Languages (PP. 100). Singapore: National Library Board & National Institute of Education.

Hadijah Rahmat (2006). Peranan dan Perkembangan Sastera Kanak-kanak Melayu (The Role and Development of Children's Literature in Malay). (PP. 209). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Malaysia.

Hadijah Rahmat, Dewani Abbas and Azhar Ibrahim (Ed.). (2004). Potret Diri Seorang Penyair - Antologi Puisi Anugerah Persuratan 1993-2001, Siri Anugerah Persuratan Singapura, Jilid 5. (PP. 88). Singapore: Malay Language Council, MITA.

Ha dijah Rahmat, Dewani Abbas and Azhar Ibrahim (Ed.). (2004). Prisma Pentas - Antologi Skrip Drama Pentas, Anugerah Persuratan 1993-2001, Siri Anugerah Persuratan Singapura, Jilid 4. (PP. 471). Singapore: Malay Language Council, Ministry of Information, Communication and Arts (MITA).

Hadij ah Rahmat, Dewani Abbas and Azhar Ibrahim (Ed.). (2004). Gelombang Kasih - Antologi Drama Radio Anugerah Persuratan 1993-2001, Siri Anugerah Persuratan Singapura, Jilid 6 (PP. 271). Singapore: Malay Language Council, MITA.

Hadijah Rahmat, Dewani Abbas and Azhar Ibrahim (Ed.). (2003). Citra Minda - Antologi Esei Sastera Anugerah Persuratan 1993-2001, Siri Anugerah Persuratan Singapura Jilid 2 (PP. 285). Singapore: Malay Language Council, MITA.

Hadijah Rahmat, Dewani Abbas and Azhar Ibrahim (Ed.). (2003). Anak Bumi - Antologi Cerpen, Anugerah Persuratan 1993-2001, Siri Anugerah Persuratan Singapura, Jilid 1 (PP. 256). Singapore: Malay Language Council, MITA.

Hadijah Rahmat, Dewani Abbas and Azhar Ibrahim (Ed.). (2003). Projek X- Antologi Sastera Remaja Anugerah Persuratan 1993-2001, Siri Anugerah Persuratan Singapura, Jilid 3 (PP. 285). Singapore: Malay Language Council, MITA.

Kwok Kian Woon, Arun Mahizhan and T.Sasitharan. Hadijah Rahmat(associate editor). (Ed.). (2002). SELVES- The State of the Arts in Singapore (PP. 268). Singapore: National Arts Councils.

Kamsiah Abdullah, Paitoon CM, Hadijah Rahmat, Abbas Md Sharif & Roksana B Abdullah (Eds.). (2002). Ke Arah Keseimbangan Insan :Jilid 2.(Towards a Balanced Humanity) (PP. 250). Singapore: NIE.

Kamsiah Abdullah, Paitoon M. Chaiyanara, Hadijah Rahmat, Abbas Mohd. Shariff and Roksana Bibi Abdullah (Ed.). (2002). Ke Arah Keseimbangan Insan Jilid 1 (Towards ba lanced human being) (PP. 240). Singapore: National Institute of Education.

Hadijah Rahmat (2001). In Search of Modernity - A Study of The Concepts of Literature, Authorship and Notions of Self in Traditional Malay Literature (PP. 387). Kuala Lumpur: Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya.

Kirpal Singh, Wong Yoon Wah & Hadijah Rahmat (2000). RHYTMS - A Singaporean Millennial Anthology of Poetry. (PP. 268). Singapore: National Arts Council.

Hadijah Rahmat (1999). Antara Dua Kota (Between Two Cities) (PP. 291). Singapore: Regional Training and Publishing Ce ntre, Yayasan MENDAKI.

Hadijah Rahmat (1998). Sastera dan Manusia Melayu Baru- Kumpulan Esei Sastera dan Wawancara .(Literature and the New Malays - Collection of literary essays and interviews) (PP. 333). Singapore: Persatuan Wartawan Melayu Singapura.

Hadijah Rahmat (1997). Peranan d an Perkembangan Sastera Kanak-kanak Melayu (The Role and Development of Children's Literature in Malay) (PP. 232). Kuala Lumpur: DBP.

Annabel Teh-Gallop & Hadijah Rahmat (Eds.). (1994). Legacy of the Malay Letter, Warisan Warkah Melayu (PP. 240). London: The British Library for the Nat ional Archives of Malaysia.
Book Chapters (Central)
Hadijah Rahmat (2018). Malay Literature: Native Voices to Narrative Nationhood. In Koh Tai Ann (Ed.), Singapore Chronicles - Literature(PP. 58-79). Singapore: Institute of Policy Studies.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2018). Hikayat Abdullah, Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir. In Tan Huism (Ed.), Ta les of Malay World- Manuscripts and Early Books(PP. 102-104). Singapore: National Library Board Singapore.

Hadijah Rahmat (2016). In Search for the Canon of Singapore Malay Poetry:Reflection on Nature, Race, Religion and Love. In Zainul Abidin Rasheed and Norshahril Saat (Ed.), MAJULAH 50 Y ears of Malay/Muslim Community in Singapore(PP. 445-463). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd.

Hadijah Rahmat (2002). Patah Tumbuh Hilang Belum Berganti -Singapura Sebagai Kota kebangkitan Seni (Malay Literature - Seeking a Resurgance). In Kwok Kian Woon, Arun Mahizhnan & T. Sasi tharan (Eds.), SELVES- the State of Arts in S?pore(PP. 158 - 169). Singapore: NAC.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2015). Bagai Air Murni Mengalir atau Buih hanyut:Cabaran, Keindahan dan Keunggulan Kesusasteraan Asia Tenggara. In Aaron Maniam (Ed.), MENDAKI POLICY DIGEST 2015 SG Special Edition.(PP. 107-113). Singapore: Research and Policy Department, Yayasan MENDAKI.

Hadijah Rahmat (2015). Bagai Air Murni Mengalir atau Buih Hanyut:Cabaran, Keindahan dan Keunggulan Kesusasteraan Asia Tenggara. In Aaron Maniam (Ed.), MENDAKI Policy Digest 2015 SG5) Special Edition(PP. 107-11 3). Singapore: Research and Policy Development, Yayasan MENDAKI, Wisma MENDAKI.

Hadijah Rahmat (2015). Image of Southeast Asians and Americans- In the Eyes of Alfred North and Munsyi Abdullah. In Ding Choo Ming and Zalina Abdul Aziz (Ed.), Bridging the Past and the Present: A Festschrift Honour ing Muhammad Haji Salleh.(PP. 140-172). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2014). Percikan Kembara ' Merentas Benua Kehidupan dan Mencangkul Lembah Kemanusiaan Melalui Antologi Puisi Yatiman Yusof (1970-2013). In Hadijah Rahmat (Ed.), Percikan Kembara /Glimpse of J ourney by Yatiman Yusof(PP. xxvi-Iiv). Singapore: Pustaka Melayu Publishing.

Hadijah Rahmat (2013). Gerimis di Hati - Wajah Sosial Melayu dari cermin TV Singapura (Cries of the Heart - Social Face of the Malays reflected on Singapore TV screen). In Amanah Mustafi,Hartinah Ahmad, Hamed Ismail and Samsudin Said (Ed.), Gerimis di Hati (Cries of the Heart)(PP. xi-xxxviii). Singapore: Perkumpulan Seni.

Hadijah Rahmat (2013). Kembali Ke Akar Diri: Cabaran Tradisi dalam sastera Moden Singapura (Return to Roots of Self: The Challenges of Traditions in Modern Literature of Singapore). In Jelani Harun and Murtagh B. (Ed.), Crossing The Sea of Malay Literature, mengharungi Laut sastera melayu- Festschrift in Honour of Professor Emeritus V.I.Braginsky(PP. 347-371). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2012). Bibliografi MAS- Merenangi Su ngai Budaya yang terus menerus mengalir jernih (MAS Bibliography -Swimming along cultural river). In Rohayah Md.lani and Juffri Supa'at (Ed.), Bibliografi Muhammad Ariff Ahmad- Siri sastera Melayu Singapura 3 (Bibliography of Muhammad Ariff Ahmad)(PP. 6-7). Singapore: National Library of Sing apore.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2012). Kampung Dalam lagu Jiwa dan Minda Melayu - Renungan Melalui Bacaan Skrip Muzika Lorong Buangkok (Village un the Musical Soul and the Malay Mind - A Reflection Thhrough the Script of Lorong Buangkok:The Musical). In NADIPUTRA (Ed.), MUZIKA LORONG BUANG KOK(P P. vii-xxvii). Singapore: COKELAT.

Hadijah Rahmat (2011). American Missionary Journey Into the Malay Printing World. In Sinha, L. (Ed.), Rainbows of Malay Literature and Beyond - Fetstschrift for Professor Muhammad Salleh Yappar(PP. 103-123). Pulau Pinang: University Sains Malaysia (USM), P ulau Pinang.

Hadijah Rahmat (2011). Bibliografi Sastera Melayu Singapura (1965-2009): Langkah membina pengetahuan dan Penghargaan terhadap Sastera Melayu Singapura ( Steps Towards Building Knowledge and Appreciation of Singapore Malay Literature). In Juffri Supaat (Ed.), Bibliografi Sastera Mel ayu Singapura (1965-2009)/ Bibliography of Singapore Malay Literature (1965-2009)(PP. 10-11). Singapore: National Library Board.

Hadijah Rahmat (2010). The Community Spirit and Kampung Life. In Aileen T. Lau, Bernard Platzdasch. (Ed.), The Malay Heritage of Singapore(PP. 84-95). Singap ore: Suntree Media Pte. Ltd.

Hadijah Rahmat (2010). Pohon Kayu di Hutan - Cina dari Kacamata Munsyi Abdullah [ Trees in Forest - China in the Eyes of Munsyi Abdullah]. In Hashim Ismail (Ed.), Tinta di Dada Naskhah: Melakar Jasa Dato' Dr Abu Hassan Sham [Writing on Manuscripts - Sketching Contri bution of Dato' Dr Abu Hassan Sham](PP. 299-329). Kuala Lumpur: Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2010). Pohon Kayu di Hutan - Cina dari Kacamata Munsyi Abdullah. In Hashim Ismail (Ed.), Tinta di Dada Naskhah - Melakar Jasa Dato' Dr Abu Hassan Sham(PP. 299-329). Kuala Lumpur: Academy of Malay Studies Universiti Malaya.

Hadijah Rahmat (2009). Aksara & Warisan Intelektual Melayu-Islam- Singapura Sebagai Pusat (Malay-Islamic Script & Intellectual Heritage - Singapore as Its Centre). In Juffri Supa'at & Nazeerah Gopaul (Eds.), Aksar a- Menjejaki Tulisan Melayu, The Passage of Malay Scripts(PP. 164-183). Singapore: National Library Board Singapore (NLB).

Hadijah Rahmat (2008). Seulas Pinang [Forewords). In Juffri Supa'at (Ed.), Bibliografi Masuri SN (1927-2005)(PP. 7-8). Singapore: National Library Board.

Ha dijah Rahmat (2007). Menyunting Bunga-bunga Kemanusiaan A.Ghani Hamid di Padang Perburuan Insan (Plucking A Ghani Hamid's flowers of humanity in Man Battle Field). In Abdul Ghani Hamid (Ed.), Berburu Di Padang Datar Dll.(PP. 6-24). Singapore: Perkumpulan Seni,.

Hadijah Rahmat (2006). Malay Settlements. In KOH, T (Ed.), SINGAPORE - The Encyolopedia(PP. 324-325). Singapore: Editions Didier Millet and National Heritage Board, Singapore.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2013, December). Ngaum Singa di Tengah Sastera Nusantara (The Lion Roars in the Midst of Regional Literary Jungle). In Suhaimi Abdul Aziz (Ed.), Prosiding Persidangan Serantau Kesusasteraan Melayu Malaysia-Singapura Dalam Di mensi Pasca 1965 (Regional Conference on Malaysia-Singapore Literature After 1965), 1, 3-45.

Hadijah Rahmat (2010, July). Alam dan Diri Dalam Karya Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir Munsyi [Nature and Self in Writings of Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir Munsyi]. In Md Salleh Yappar (Ed.), Alam Dalam Kesusas teraan [Nature in Literature] -Persidangan Antarabangsa, University Sains, P.Pinang [International Conference, USM, P.Pinang], 1, 1-20.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2009, June). Arenawati - Melihat Dunia Besar Melayu Melalui Mata Si Helang Tunggal (Arenawati - His perspective of the Malay World). In NI L (Ed.), Seminar on Arenawati, Malaysian National Laureatte, Please update with the necessary information, N.A.

Hadijah Rahmat (2009, June). Pohon Kayu di Hutan - Cina Dari Kacamata Munsyi Abdullah (Trees in the Jungle - China In the Eyes of Munsyi Abdullah). International Seminar on Mal ay Studies, In Conjunctions of 35 years of Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations, Please update with the necessary information, N.A.

Hadijah Rahmat (2008, July). Masuri SN dari Jendela Arif Budiman dan Pembinaan Rumah Manusia Sejagat. In Mukhlis Abu Bakar and Hadijah Rahmat (Ed.), Kumpulan Ke rtas kerja Seminar Masuri SN, 55-82.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2008, March). Bahasa Melayu di Singapura - Perkembangan, Cabaran dan Masadepannya (Malay Language in Singapore - Its Development, Challenges and Future). In Kadir, Mashudi, Molen, W.vam der, Minde, D.van (Ed.), IIAS Roundtable Meeting on Malay/Indonesian Language as a Language of Knowledge and Practical Communication - Appraisal, Challenges and Future, 146-176.

Hadijah Rahmat (2007, August). Membina Minda dan Budaya Melayu Melalui Perekayasaan Pendidikan Bangsa (Building Malay Mind and Culture by Reengineering of Community Education). Seminar Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam (Malay World and Islamic World), Please update with the necessary information, N.A.

Hadijah Rahmat (2007, May). Portraits of A Nation: British Legacy on the Malay Settlement in Singapore. Britain and Malay World Symposia The Royal Asiatic Soc iety, London, Please update with the necessary information, N.A.

Hadijah Rahmat (2006, January). Glimmering Sunset - Preservation of Artistic Cultural Heritage of Malay Kampung in S'pore). In Puteri Roslina Abdul Wahid (Ed.), Pelayaran Kilat Senja- Sebuah Pelestarian Warisan Seni Budaya Kam pung Melayu di Singapura (Jurney of Prosiding Persidangan Antarabangsa, Pengajian Melayu 2006,, 125-139.

Hadijah Rahmat (2004, December). Dari Injil Ke AL-Quran - Menyusur Perjalanan Mubaligh Kristian Dalam Alam Percetakan & Kesusasteraan Melayu Abad Ke-19. In NA (Ed.), Seminar on Sastera Cetak Abad Ke-19, NA.

Hadijah Rahmat (2004, December). Daripada Teks Klasik Kepada Cerita Rakyat Singapura - Cabaran Sastera Melayu Tradisional di Pangung Jagat Raya. In NA (Ed.), International Seminar Menuju Kecemerlangan Kebudayaan Jepang dan Asean, NA.

Hadijah Rahmat (2001, Augus t). Mengesan Jejak, Batas Langit Satu Bumi Pada 9 Ogos 1965(Three Singapore Novels and its Interpretation of(Ogos 1965). In NA (Ed.), Seminar Antarabangsa Kesusasteraan Asia Tenggara ke 2,(2nd International Seminar of South East Asian Literature), NA.

Hadijah Rahmat (1996, August). Konsep K epengarangan dan Diri Dalam Hikayat Abdullah (The Concepts of Authorship and Notions of Self in the Hikayat Abdullah). In NA (Ed.), International Seminar on Munsyi Abdullah, NA.

Hadijah Rahmat (1995, January). Sastera Melayu Menjelang Abad 21- Cabaran, Kenyataan dan Harapan, (Malay Literat ure in 21 st Century- Challenges, Reality and Future Hopes). In NA (Ed.), Dialog Selatan, 55 - 77.

Hadijah Rahmat (1993, May). The Origins of New Malay/Indonesian Literature: Research so far. In NA (Ed.), South East Asia Postgraduate Research Group, Centre of South East Asia Studies, SO AS, NA.

Hadijah Rahmat (1992, July). Peranan Penulis Wanita Dalam menyahut Cabaran Abad ke 21 (The Challenges Faced by Women Writers in the 21 Century). In NA (Ed.), Forum Sastera Wanita, NA.

Hadijah Rahmat (1991, June). Nota: A.Ghani Hamid- Sebuah Alunan Ombak dan Kocakan Sepi di Pan tai Seni (A Study of Malay Poet- A.Ghani Hamid). In NA (Ed.), 7th Regional Malay Writers Conference, 42 - 54.

Hadijah Rahmat (1990, October). Functional Objectives of Languages Learning - A report on Phase 1 and II of the Studies. In NA (Ed.), Annual Conference of Educational Research As sociation, NA.

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2018, August). HIKAYAT NAKHODA MUDA -Sebutir Mutiara Bernilai Dari Lautan Sastera Melayu( A Precious Pearl from the Malay Literary Ocean). Paper presented at HIKAYAT NAKHODA MUDA - Pelancaran dan Semin ar Karya Agung MELAYU (The Launch and Seminar of the Classical Malay Texts), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2017, November). The Malay Manuscript collection and Early Printed materials in USA and Europe. Paper presented at NLB Tales of Malay World, Singapore.

Hadijah Rahmat ( 2016, September). Falsafah Budi, Adab dan Kesantunan Melayu- Sastera Sebagai Wadah Pendidikan (Philosophy of Malay Goodness, Courtesy and Manners - Literature as Educational Discourse) Please update with the neccessary information. Paper presented at SAKAT - International Seminar of South E ast Asian Literature, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2016, April). The Role of Missionary Presses in 19th Century Malay Publishing Industry In relation to Anjung and Pustaka Gallery. Paper presented at The Friend of Museums(FOM) Docent Training Symposium 2016, Singapore.

Had ijah bte Rahmat (2014, November). Abdullah bin Abdul kadir Munsyi- His Life, legacies and Singapore Stories (English). Paper presented at Friends of Museum Conference, Docent Training Programme, Singapore.

Hadijah Rahmat (2012, November). Cahaya Nusantara Dalam Gelap Langit Penjajah- Per bandingan Munsyi Abdullah dan R.A.Kartini (Light of Nusantara under Colonial Sky- Comparative Study between Munsyi Abdullah and R.A.Kartini). Paper presented at CITA ARTS House, Singapore.

Hadijah Rahmat (2010, December). European Relations to Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir Munsyi and Malay-Indo nesian Literary Developments. Paper presented at International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS) Public Lecture, Leiden, Leiden University, Netherlands.

Hadijah Rahmat (2002, October). Lukisan Sastera Melayu- Antara Keunggulan dan Kenyataan (The Portraits of Malay Literature - Between the I deals and Reality). Paper presented at Paper presented at ASAS 50 Seminar, Singapore.

Hadijah Rahmat (1998, March). Sumbangan dan Kesan-Kesan Peninggalan Sejarah Munsyi Abdullah di Melaka dan Singapura. Paper presented at Seminar on Munsyi Abdullah, Singapore.
Creative Works (Central)
Hadijah Rahmat (1998). Di Tengah Alam (In the Midst of Universe- Anthology of poetry) [ Large Work ].Please update with the neccessary information

Hadijah Rahmat (1998). Munsyi (Historical play) [ Large Work ].Singapore

Hadijah bte Rahmat (1995). DiTengah Alam; Sebutir Pasir a nd Ingin Kurasa Journeys: Words, Home and Nation, Anthology of Singapore Poetry (1984-1995). [ Short Work ].Please update with the neccessary information

Hadijah bte Rahmat (1995). DiTengah Alam, Sebutir Pasir and Ingin Kurasa [Journeys: Words, Home and Nation, Anthology of Singapore Poe try] - (1984-1995). [ Short Work ].Please update with the neccessary information
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Conference Proceedings

Mukhlis Abu Bakar & Hadijah Rahmat (Ed.) (2008). Kumpulan Kertas Kerja Seminar Masuri S.N. [Collection of Papers on Seminar on Masuri S.N.]. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Seminar on Masuri S.N.: His Work and Contribution. Singapore

Keynote Addresses

Hadijah bte Rahmat (2015, September). SEMINAR ANTARABANGSA SASTERA ASIA TENGGARA (INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON SOUTHEAST ASIAN LITERATURE), 7-8 Sept SAKAT 2015. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, "BAGAI AIR MURNI MENGALIR ATAU BUIH HANYUT- Cabaran, Keindahan dan Keunggulan Sastera Asia Tenggara" ; (Like a flowing of pure river or drifting bubble - Challenges, Beauty and Ideals of Southeast Asian Literature), Singapore.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Government Reports

Hadijah Rahmat, Chairperson, MLCPRC (2005). Report of The Malay Language Curriculum and Pedagogy Review CommitteeSingapore.


Hadijah Rahmat (2009). [Review of Please update with the neccessary information Please update with the neccessary i nformation]. Merenangi Samudera Seni Rakyat Melayu (Diving into the Oceon of Malay folks Arts), N.A.

Professional Articles

Hadijah Rahmat (2013, June). Berita Minggu Singapure Dua Perdana Menteri Awal Singapura (Two Early Prime Ministers of Singapore), Nil, 5-6.

Hadi jah Rahmat (2013, June). Berita Minggu, Singapore Sejarah Keluarga Diraja (History of Royal Family), NIL, 4-5.

Hadijah Rahmat (2000, January). Berita Harian, Singapore Bolehkah Jeti Di Tanjung Irau Dikekalkan?, 00, N.A.

Hadijah Rahmat (1997, January). Budaya Melayu Menanti Sumba ngan Karyawan, ruangan Pandangan Please update with the neccessary information, 00, N.A.

Hadijah Rahmat (1997, January). The Straits Times Singapore The Annals point to grave as that of S'pore's founder, 00, N.A.

Hadijah Rahmat (1996, January). 200 Tahun Setelah Kelahiran Abdullah - Suatu Tinjauan Kembali Perkembangan Bahasa dan Sastera Melayu Please update with the neccessary information, 00, N.A.

Workshops and Seminars

Hadijah Rahmat (2012, March). Perkhemahan Adab dan kesantunan Melayu (Malay Grace and Courtesy Workshop).

Hadijah Rahmat (201 1, August). Seminar Jalinan Budi.