Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Minne Chen
Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences
Minne Chen received her doctoral degree in Sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2023 and her bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2016. Her research primarily focuses on the intersection of socialization, medical sociology, gender, and family, with a specific emphasis on Asia. She has been engaged in examining how cultural, structural, and individual-level factors, along with agents of socialization, influence population wellbeing and contribute to social stratification. Minne is also interested in applied sociology, where she evaluates the design, feasibility, effectiveness, and implementation of health interventions. Her doctoral research employs both quantitative and qualitative methods. It primarily explores how school-based sex education, as a form of health education, perpetuates various forms of inequality, encounters issues in effectiveness, and faces structural barriers in the process. In addition to her research, Minne has taught various undergraduate classes, including Introduction to Sociology, Family, Social Stratification. Her teaching interests expand to Medical Sociology, Sociological Research Methods, Applied Sociology, Gender and Sexuality, and Gerontology.
Socialization, Medical Sociology, Gender, Family, Health and Health Intervention, Applied Sociology, Aging
  • Gender Difference in Sexual and Reproductive Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, and Health Outcomes
  • Gender, Health, and Media: Uncovering How Media Shapes Discourse around Gender and Health
  • Stratification in health education, health-seeking, and implications for health inequality
Courses Taught
HS2014 - The Changing Family (Semester 2, AY 2023-2024)