Academic Profile : Faculty

Prof Tan Kong Yam.JPG picture
Prof Tan Kong Yam
Emeritus Professor, School of Social Sciences
Journal Articles
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Tan Kong Yam. (2017, May). China-Singapore Cooperation and the Belt and Road Inititative. Paper presented at 12th China-Singapore Forum in Beijing.

Tan Kong Yam. (2017, March). China: Heading into the 19th Party Congress in autumn of 2017;domestic challenges and global implications. Paper presented at MOE-NTU Seminar.

Tan Kong Yam. (2017, March). State Governance Reform and Anti-Corruption: The Experience of Singapore and Implications for Vietnam. Paper presented at Joint Workshop with Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics.

Tan Kong Yam. (2017, February). Heading to the 19th Party Congress: Main Trends in Chinese politics and social-economic development. Paper presented at Presentation to Rajaratnam School of International Studies.

Tan Kong Yam. (2017, January). Regional Economic Outlook and Trends: Prospect for foreign investments in South East Asia. Paper presented at Presention to Rajaratnam School of International Studies.