Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Looi Chee Kit
Emeritus Professor, National Institute of Education - Learning Sciences and Assessment
Journal Articles (Central)
Martina, H.D, Ivica, B., Natasa, H-B. & C. K. Looi (2020). Exploring group interactions in synchronous mobile computer-supported learning activities. Computers and Education, Volume 146(null), ---.

Wong, L.-H., Chan, T.-W., Chen, W., Looi, C.-K., Chen, Z.-H., Liao, C. C. Y., King, R. B., & Wong, S. L. (2020). IDC Theory: Interest and the Interest Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(null), no pagination (open access).

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Chen, W. (2020). Constructivism-informed variation theory lesson designs in enriching and elevating science learning: Case studies of seamless learning design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Published online: 26 February 2020(null), tbc.

Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chang, B., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Wong, S. L., Yu, F.-Y., Mason, J., Li u, C.-C>, Shih,, J.-L., Wu, Y.-T., Kong, S.-C., Wu, L., Chien, T.-C., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., & Chou, C.-Y. (2019). IDC theory: Creation and the creation loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14, no pagination (open access).

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H. , Chen, W., & Looi, C.-K. (2019). Principled practical knowledge in bridging practical and reflective experiential learning: Case studies of teachers' professional development. Asia Pacific Education Review, 2, 641-656.

Wu, L-K., Looi, C-K., Multisilta, J., How, M-L., Cho i, H., Hsu, T-C. & Tuomi, P. (2019). Teacher's Perceptions and Readiness to Teach Coding Skills: A Comparative Study Between Finland, Mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. Asia-Pacific Educational Research, 29(1), 21-34.

Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Chang, B., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., Liu, C.-C., Kong, S.-C., Jeong, H., Mason, J., So, H.-J., Murthy, S., Yu, F.-Y., Wong, S. L., King, R. B., Gu, X., Wang, M., Wu, L., Huang, R., Lam, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Interest-driven creator theory: towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the twenty-first century. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(4), 435-461.

Looi, C-.K., How, M-.L. Wu, L., Seow, P., & Liu, L. (2018). Analysis of linkages between an unplugged activity and the development of computational thinking. Computer Science Education, 28(3), 255-279.

How, M.L., & Looi, C.-K. (2018). Using Grey-based Mathematical Equations of Decision-making as Teaching Scaffolds: from an Unplugged Computational Thinking Activity to Computer Pr ogramming. Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 2(2), 29-46.

Hsu, P-S., van Dyke, M., Smith, T.J. & Looi, C-K. (2018). Argue like a scientist with technology: the effect of within-gender versus cross-gender team argumentation on science knowledge and argumentation skills am ong middle-level students. Education Tech Research Dev journal, 1(34), online.

Looi, C-K., Sun, D., Kim, M. S., & Wen, Y. (2018). The Impact of a Professional Development Model for a Mobilized Science Curriculum: A Case Study of Teacher Changes. Research in Science & Technological Educat ion, 36(1), 86-110.

Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Boticki, I. (2017). Improving the design of a mCSCL Chinese character forming game with a distributed scaffolding design framework. Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning, 12(null), no pagination (open acc ess).

Sun, D. & Looi, C.K. (2017). Focusing a mobile science learning process: difference in activity participation. Research and Practice in Technology-Enabled Learning, 12(3), xx.

Sun, D. & Looi, C.K. (2017). Boundary interaction: Towards developing a mobile technology-enabled science c urriculum to integrate learning in the informal spaces. British Journal of Educational Technology, XX(XX), XX.

Kong, S.C., Looi, C.K., Chan, T.-W., & Huang, R. (2016). Teacher development in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Beijing for e-Learning in school education.. Journal of Computer s in Education, xx, xx.

Lane, C., McCalla, G., Looi, C-K. & Bull S. (2016). Preface to the IJAIED 25th Anniversary Issue, Part 2: The Next 25 Years: How Advanced Interactive Learning Technologies will Change the World. International Journal of AI & Education, -, -.

Prieto, L., Dimitri adis, Y., Asensio-P'rez, J., & Looi, C. (2015). Orchestration in learning technology research: evaluation of a conceptual framework. Research In Learning Technology, 23(-), -.

Wen, Y., Looi, C.K. & Chen, W. (2015). Appropriation of a representational tool in a second-language classroom. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 10(1), 1-32.

Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., & Milrad, M. (2015). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Seamless,Ubiquitous, and Contextual Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 8(1), 2-4.

Daner, S., Looi, C.K. & Xie, W. (2015). The Innovative Immersion of Mobile Learning into a Science Curriculum in Singapore: An Exploratory Study. Research in Science Education, -(-), xx-xx.

Boticki, I., Seow, P., Baksa, J. & Looi, C.K. (2015). Usage of a mobile social learning platform with virtual badges in a p rimary school. Computers & Education,, 86, 120-136.

Boticki, I., Baksa, J., Seow, P., & Looi, C-K. (2015). Exploring self-directed learning and the role of virtual badges in a mobile social learning platform. Int. J. of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 9(4), 289-190.

Looi, C.K., S un, D., & Xie, W.T. (2015). Exploring Students' Progression in an Inquiry Science Curriculum Enabled by Mobile Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 5(1), ---.

Wu, L., Ye, X., & Looi,C-K. (2014). Teachers' preflection in early stages of diffusion of an innovation. Journal of Computers in Education, x, 1-24.

Wen, Y., Chen, W. & Looi, C. K. (2014). Facilitating a representational tool for collaborative language learning: A comparative study of two teachers' enactment. Research and Practi ce in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(1), 189-208.

Looi, C.K., Chen, W., & Chen, F-H. (2014). Integrating technology in the classroom: Factors that account for teachers' regressive developmental trajectories. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 9(3), 1-17.

Sun, D., & Looi, C-K. (2014). Designing for Model Progression to Facilitate Students' Science Learning. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(2), 301-322.

Looi, C.K. & Wong, L.H. (2014). Implementing Mobile Learning Curricula in Singapore Schools: A Program me of Research from Innovation to Scaling. Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), 72-84.

Siu Cheung Kong, Tak-Wai Chan, Patrick Griffin, Ulrich Hoppe, Ronghuai Huang, Kinshuk, Chee Kit Looi, Marcelo Milrad, Cathleen Norris, Miguel Nussbaum, Mike Sharples, Wing Mui Winnie So, Elliot Solowa y, Shengquan Yu (2014). E-learning in School Education in the Coming 10 Years for Developing 21st Century Skills: Critical Research Issues and Policy Implications. Educational Technology and Society, 17(1), 70-78.

Sun,D.,Looi,C.K.,& Xie,W.T. (2014). Collaborative Inquiry with a Web-based Sc ience Learning Environment: When Teachers Enact it Differently. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 390'403.

Looi, C-K, Sun, D., Seow,P., & Chia, G. (2014). Enacting a Technology-based Science Curriculum across a Grade Level: The Journey of Teachers' Appropriation. Comput ers & Education, 71, 222-236.

Looi,C.-K., Sun,D.,Wu,L.K.,Seow,P.,Chia,G., Wong,L-H.,Soloway,E.,& Norris,C. (2014). Implementing mobile learning curricula in a grade level: Empirical study of learning effectiveness at scale. Computers & Education, 77, 101-115.

Toh, Y., So, H. J., Seow, P., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2013). Seamless learning in the mobile age: A theoretical and methodological discussion on using cooperative inquiry to study digital kids on-the-move. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(3), 301-318.

Looi, C.K. & Song, Y. (2013). Orchestration in a Networked Cl assroom: Where the Teacher's Real-Time Enactment Matters. Computers & Education, 65(2), 510-513.

Boticki, I., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2013). Designing technology for content-independent collaborative mobile learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 6(1), 14-24.

Sun, D.,& Looi, C.K. (2013). Designing a Web-Based Science Learning Environment for Model-Based Collaborative Inquiry. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(1), 73-89.

Chan, T.-W., Lin, J., Looi, C.-K., Kong, S. C., Zhu, Z., Hwang, G.-J., Yu, S., Gu, X., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., & Wang, Q. (2013). 'How shall we recognize good academic research in this field?'. E-Education Research, 238, 5-15.

Chen, W., Wen, Y., & Looi, C.K. (2012). Technology enhanced pedagogical innovation in second language learni ng. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 8(1/2), 122-133.

Song, Y., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2012). Fostering personalized learning in science inquiry supported by mobile technologies. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(4), 679-701.

Song, Y., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2012). A collaborative professional development model for rapid collaborative knowledge improvement in Singapore schools. The Asian Pacific Education Researcher, 21(1), 15-27.

Boticki, I., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2012). Experiences in Implementing and Using a Technolo gical Framework for Mobile Collaborative Learning of Mathematics and Chinese Language. International Journal on Mobile Learning and Organisation, 6(1), 79-93.

Boticki, I., Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K.. & Shen, X. (2012). A content-independent mobile learning technology design: Learning fraction s and Chinese Language. Modern Distance Education, 2012(2), 79-84.

Song, Y. & Looi, C-K. (2012). Linking Teacher Beliefs, Practices and Student Inquiry Learning in a CSCL Environment: A Tale of Two Teachers. International Journal of CSCL, 7(1), 129-159.

Sha, L., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W.-L., Seow, P., & Wong, L.-H. (2012). Recognizing and measuring self-regulated learning in a mobile learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 718-728.

Wen, Y., Looi, C. K., & Chen, W (2012). Supporting Teachers in Designing CSCL Activities: A Case Study of Pr inciple-based Pedagogical Patterns in Networked Second Language Classrooms. Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 138-153.

Sha, L., Looi, C.K., Chen, W. & Zhang, B.H. (2012). Understanding Mobile Learning from the Perspective of Self-Regulated Learning. Journal of Computer-Assiste d Learning, 28(4), 366'378.

Wu, L., & Looi, C.K. (2012). Agent Prompts: Scaffolding for Productive Reflection in an Intelligent Learning Environment. Educational Technology and Society, 15(1), 339'353.

Chen, Y-H., Looi, C.K., Lin, C-P., Shao, Y-J., & Chan, T-W. (2012). Utilizing a col laborative Cross Number Puzzle game to develop the computing ability of addition and subtraction. Educational Technology and Society, 15(1), 354'366.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2012). Swarm intelligence - new techniques for adaptive systems to provide learning support. Interactive Learn ing Environments, 20(1), 19-40.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2011). What seams do we remove in mobile assisted seamless learning? A critical review of the literature. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2364-2381.

Wen. Y., Looi, C. K., & Chen, W.L. (2011). Who are the beneficiaries when CSC L enters into Second Language classroom. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 7(1), 91-107.

Chen, W.,& Wen, Y., Looi, C. K. & Ooi, C (2011). Technology and Pedagogy Design for Collaborative Second Language Learning. The Communications in Information Science and Management En gineering, 1(8), 19-23.

Wong, L.-H., Boticki, I., Sun, J., & Looi, C.-K. (2011). Improving the scaffolds of a mobile-assisted Chinese character forming game via a design-based research cycle. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5), 1783-1793.

Boticki, I., Looi, C.-K., & Wong, L.-H. (2011) . Supporting Mobile Collaborative Activities through Scaffolded Flexible Grouping. Educational Technology & Society, 14(3), 190-202.

Looi, C.K., So, H.J., Toh, Y., & Chen, W.L. (2011). The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice and design research. Internati onal Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(1), 9-37.

Looi, C.K., Zhang, B.H., Chen W., Seow, P., & Chia, G. (2011). 1:1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary Science students: A study of learning effectiveness. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(-), 269 -287.

Chen, W., Looi, C. K., & Xie, W. (2011). A design research on collaborative learning enabled by GroupScribbles. China Educational Technology, 11, 1-9.

Chen, W., & Looi,C.K. (2011). Active classroom participation in a GroupScribbles primary science classroom. British Journal of Ed ucational Technology, 42(4), 676-686.

Chen, Y-H., Looi, C.K., Lin, C-P., Shao, Y-J., & Chan, T-W. (2011). Utilizing a collaborative Cross Number Puzzle game to develop the computing ability of addition and subtraction. Educational Technology and Society.

Chen, W., Seow, P., So, H.J., Toh, Y, & Looi, C.K. (2010). Connecting learning spaces using mobile technology. Educational Technology, 50(5), 45-50.

Looi,C.K., Chen, W., & Patton, C.M. (2010). Principles and enactment of rapid collaborative knowledge building in classrooms. Educational Technology, 50(5), 26-32.
Books (Central)
Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Glahn, C., & Cai, S. (Eds.). (2019). Seamless Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities (PP. 208). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.K. & Teh, L.W. (2015). Scaling Educational Innovations (PP. 300). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.K., So, H-J., Chen, W ., Zhang, B., Wong, L-H. & Seow, P. (2012). Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (PP. 4300). Munich: Springer.

Looi, C.K., Chen, w. & Patton, C. (2012). Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (PP. 4300). Munich: Springer.
Book Chapters (Central)
Ho, W. K., Looi, C. K., Huang, W., Seow, P., & Wu, L. (2020). Computational Thinking in Mathematics: To be or not to be, that is the question. In Toh, T. L., & Choy, B. H. (Eds.), AME Yearbook 2021: Mathematics: Connections and Beyond(PP. TBA). Singapore: World Scientific.

Wen, Y. & Looi, C .K. (2019). Review of augmented reality in education: Situated learning with digital and non-digital resources. In K.K. Bhagat et al. (Ed.), Learning on a Digital World:Perspective on Interactive Technologies for Formal and Informal Education(PP. 179-193). Singapore: Springer.

P. Seow, C-K. Looi, M-L. Leong, B. Wadhwa & L-K. Wu (2019). Educational Policy and Implementation of Computational Thinking and Programming: Case Study of Singapore. In S-C. Kong & H. Abelson (Eds.), COMPUTATIONAL THINKING EDUCATION(PP. 100-110). Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2019). The conceptual niche of seamless learning: An invitation to dialogue. In Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Glahn, C., & Cai, S. (Eds.), Seamless Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities(PP. 3-27). Singapore: Springer.

Sun, D. & Looi, C-K. (2018). Learning Primary Science by Inq uiry: What does a Technology-enabled Curriculum look like?. In Kerry J. Kennedy, K. J. & Lee, J. C-K. (Eds.), International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia(PP. ---). New York: Routledge.

Looi, C.-K., & Wong, L.-H. (2018). Mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. In Fische r, F., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Goldman, S. R., & Reimann, P. (Eds.), International Handbook of the Learning Sciences(PP. 368-380). Abingdon: Routledge.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2018). Authentic Learning of Primary School Science in a Seamless Learning Environment: A Meta-Evaluation of the L earning Design. In Chang, T.-W., Huang, R., & Kinshuk (Eds.), Authentic Learning Through Advances in Technologies(PP. 137-170). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.K., Sun, D., Wu, L. & Wong, L.-H. (2016). Professional Development for Sustaining a Mobile Learning-enabled Curriculum. In Cumming, T . & Ng, W. (Eds.), Sustaining Mobile Learning: Theory, Research and Practice(PP. 57-84). Melbourne: Springer.

Looi, C.K. & Seow, P. (2015). Seamless Learning from Proof-of-Concept to Implementation and Scaling-Up: A Focus on Curriculum Design. In Wong, L.-H., Milrad, M. & Specht, M. (Eds.), Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity(PP. 419-435). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.K., Xie, W. & Chen, W.L. (2015). Design and Implementation of an Educational Innovation in Different Contexts: A Case Study of Group Scribbles. In Looi, C.K. & Teh, L.W. (Eds.), Scaling Educat ional Innovations(PP. xx-xx). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.K., Sun, D., Wu, L.K. & Ye, X. (2015). Seeding a Curricular Innovation from One School to Five Schools: A Case Study from Singapore. In Looi C.K. & Teh, L.W. (Eds.), Scaling Educational Innovations(PP. XX-XX). Singapore: Springe r.

Looi C.K. & Teh, L.W. (2015). Towards Critical Discussions of Scaling Up Educational Innovations. In Looi C.K. & Teh, L.W. (Eds.), Scaling Educational Innovations(PP. XX-XX). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.K., Xie, W., Chen, W. (2015). Design and implementation of an educational innovat ion in different contexts: A case study of GroupScribbles. In Looi, C.K. & The, L.W. (Eds.), Scaling Educational Innovations(PP. 123-150). Singapore: Spinger.

Looi, C.K., Teh, L.W. & Hung, D. (2015). A synthesis: Expanding the reach of education research and reforms. In Looi C.K. & Teh L.W. (Eds.), Scaling Educational Innovations(PP. XX-XX). Singapore: Springer.

Wu, L.,Looi,C.K. (2014). Reflection and Preflection Prompts and Scaffolding. In Spector, J.M. (Ed.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology(PP. 1-8). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc..

Looi, C.K. & Xi e, W. (2014). Sustaining and scaling research-based ICT in education innovations in Singapore. In Huang, R., Price, J. & Kinshuk (Eds.), ICT in Education in Global Context(PP. 85-100). Beijing: Springer.

Looi, C.K. & Toh, Y. (2013). Orchestrating the flexible mobile learning classroom. In M . Ally & A. Tsinakos (Eds.), Increasing Access through Mobile Learning(PP. 161-174). Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Commonwealth of Learning.

Looi, C.K., Song, Y., Wen, Y. & Chen, W. (2013). Identifying Pivotal Contributions for Group Progressive Inquiry in a Multimodel Interaction Environment. I n Suthers, D., Lund, K., Rose, C.P., Teplovs, C. & Law, N. (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions(PP. 265-290). New York: Springer.

Looi, C.-K., & Wong, L.-H. (2013). Designing for seamless learning. In R. Luckin, P. Goodyear, B. Grabowski, J. Underwood & N. Winters (Eds.), Handbook of Design in Educational Technology(PP. 146-157). New York: Routledge.

Chen, W. & Looi, C.K. (2013). GroupScribbles-supported collaborative learning in a primary grade 5 Science class. In Suthers, D., Lund, K., Rose, C.P., Teplovs, C. & Law, N. (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions(PP. 257-263). New York: Springer.

Milrad, M., Wong, L.-H., Sharples, M., Hwang, G.-J., Looi, C.-K., & Ogata, H. (2013). Seamless learning: An international perspective on next generation technology enhanced learning. In Z. L. Berge, & L. Y. Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of Mobile Learning(PP. 95-108). Florence, KY: Routledge.

Looi, C.K. (2013). Sustained Innovation in Classroom Practices: The Role of Educational Researchers as Meso-Level Actors. In Academic Committee of Beijing Forum (Ed.), Selected papers from Beijing Forum 2011: The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All(PP. 130-148). Beijing: Peking University Press.

Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., & Song, Y. (2013). Discovering mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. In Hmelo-Silver, C., O'Donnell, A., Chan, C., & Chinn, C. (Eds.), The Internati onal Handbook of Collaborative Learning(PP. 420-436). New York: Routledge.

Wu, L.K., & Looi, C.K. (2012). Incorporation of Agent Prompts as Scaffolding of Reflection in an Intelligent Learning Environment. In Pe'a-Ayala, A. (Ed.), Intelligent and Adaptive Educational-Learning Systems: Achie vements and Trends(PP. -). Heidelberg: Springer.

Wen, Y., Chen, W., & Looi, C.K. (2010). GroupScribles-enabled Collaborative Learning in Chinese Language Learning: Research and Practice in A Singapore Secondary Classroom. In Chin, C.K. (Ed.), ICT in Chinese language Learning: Global Perspe ctives in 21st Century(PP. 100-121). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.

Wong, L.H., & Looi, C.K. (2010). Online Discussion and E-Mentoring Strategies in Continuing Education Courses. In Ng, E.M.W. (Ed.), Comparative Blended Learning Practices and Environments(PP. 146-169). Hershey: IGI Global.

Wong, L.H., & Looi, C.K. (2010). A Survey of Optimized Learning Pathway Planning and Assessment Paper Generation with Swarm Intelligence. In Stankov, S., Glavinic, V., & Rosic, M. (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems in E-learning Environments: Design, Implementation and Evaluation( PP. 285-302). -: IGI.

Wee, J. D., & Looi, C. K. (2009). A Model for Analyzing Math Knowledge Building in VMT. In Stahl, G. (Ed.), Studying Virtual Math Teams(PP. 475-497). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Looi, C. K., Lim, W. Y., & Chen, W. (2008). Communities of practice for continuing profess ional development in the Twenty-first Century. In Voogt, J., & Knezek,G. (Eds.), International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education(PP. 489-502). NewYork: Springer.

Tan, S. C., & Looi, C. K. (2007). Supporting collaboration in e-PBL. In O.S. Tan (Ed.), Pr oblem-based learning in eLearning breakthroughs(PP. 185-206). Singapore: Thomson Learning.

Looi, C.K., Hung, D., & Tan, S.C. (2006). Learning for life in the 21st Century: Fostering deep learning mediated by technologies. In Khine, M. S. (Ed.), Teaching with technology: Strategies for enga ging learners(PP. 323-341). Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Hung, D., Bopry, J., Looi, C.K. & Koh T.S. (2006). Situated Cognition and Beyond: Martin Heidegger on Transformations in Being and Identity. In Kincheloe, J.L. & Horn, R.A. (Eds.), The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology(PP . 709 - 716). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers.

Looi, C.K., Lim W.Y., Koh T.S. & Hung, D. (2006). Systemic Innovations and the Role of Change-Technology: Issues of Sustainability and Generalizability. In Leo Tan Wee Hin and R. Subramaniam (Ed.), Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level : Issues and Challenges(PP. NA). Hershey: Idea Group Inc.

Looi, C.K. (2004). Learning Inquiry and Structural Knowledge through Epistemic Games. In Piet Kommers (Ed.), Cognitive Support for Learning - Imagining the Unknown(PP. 73 - 79). NA: IOS Press.

Looi, C.K. (2003). e-Learning in K -12 Education: Where are we and Where are we heading?. In NA (Ed.), Towards a digital learning society(PP. 35-50). Taipei: YLib Publishing.

Looi, C.K. & Hung, D. (2003). Upon What Does the Turtle Stand?. In A.Aviram & J. Richardson-Deberghes (Eds.), ICT-in-Education Policies and Implem entation in Singapore and other Asian countries(PP. NA). NA: NA.

Looi, C.K. (2002). Computers for Learning in K-12 Education: Where are we and Where are we heading?. In NA (Ed.), New Educational Waves(PP. 43 - 48). NA: NA.

Quek, C., Wong, L.H. & Looi, C.K. (2001). TAP: An inquiry Teac hing Shell Using Both Rule-based and State Space Approaches. In Leondes, C.T. (Ed.), Expert Systems(PP. 1832-1897). New York: Academic Press.

Looi, C.K. (2001). Technologies for the Support of Online Communities of Learning. In H.H. Adelsberger, B. Collis, & J.M. Pawlowski (Eds.), Handb ook on Information Technologies for Education & Training(PP. NA). NA: NA.

Looi C.K. (2001). Supporting Conversations and Learning in Online Chat. In NA (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence in Education(PP. 142 - 153). Ohmsha: IOS Press.

Wong, L.H., Quek, H.C. & Looi, C.K. (1998). An intell igent tutoring system based on inquiry teaching approach. In NA (Ed.), Gordon & Breach International Series in Engineering Technology & Applied Science(PP. NA). NA: NA.

Wong, L.H., Quek, H.C. & Looi, C.K. (1997). "PADI-2: An inquiry-based geography tutor". In NA (Ed.), Artificial Intelli gence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Application Series(PP. 47-54). Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Wong, L.H., Looi, C.K. & Quek, H.C. (1996). Issues in computerizing an inquiry dialogue. In C. Frasson, G. Gauthier, & A. Lesgold (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Intelligent Tutoring Systems(PP. 252 - 260). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Looi C.K. & B.T. Tan (1996). A Computer-Based Workbench for Teaching and Learning Word Problem-Solving. In NA (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1108(PP. 78 - 86). NA: NA.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Looi, C. K., Chan, S. W., Huang, W., Seow, P., & Wu, L. (2020, August). Preservice Teachers' View of Computational Thinking: STEM Teachers vs non-STEM Teachers. In null (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2020, -, 4.

Looi, C. K., Chan, S W., Ho, W. K., Huang, W., Wu, L., & Seow, P. (2020, June). Computational Thinking Activities in Number Patterns: A Study in a Singapore Secondary School. In null (Ed.), Proceedings of 24th Global Chines e Conference on Computers in Education, -, 4.

Chang, B., Chan, T.-W., Chen, W., Kong, S.-C., Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Wong, S. L., Mason, J., & Shih, J.-L. (2019, December). A Learning Theory Design for Asia in the 21st Century: Interest-Driven Creator Theory (IDC) Panel. I n null (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 5-5.

Ho, W. K., Looi, C. K., Huang, W., Seow, P., & Wu, L. (2019, December). Realizing Computational Thinking in the Mathematics Classroom: Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap. In Yang, W.-C., & Meade, D. B. (E ds.), Proceedings of the 24th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 1, 35-49.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2019, September). Tracing the Decade-Long Trajectory of Implementation Research in Mobile- and Social Media-Assisted Seamless Learning in Singapore. In null (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2019, 0, 141-148.

Chen, W., Zhang, S., Wen, Y., Looi, C.K. & Yeo, J. (2019, June). A Spiral Model of Collaborative Knowledge Improvement to Support Collaborative Argumentation for Science Learning: Technological and Pedagogic al Design. In null (Ed.), 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), 13, 240-247.

Zhang, S., Chen, W., Wen, Y., Looi, C.K., Chai, A., & Ang, J. L. (2019, June). Collaboration Script Appropriation in a Science Class. In null (Ed. ), 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), 1, 561-564.

Wen, Y. & Looi, C.K. (2019, May). Reinforce Context Awareness in Augmented Reality-based Learning Design. In null (Ed.), 13th International Conference on Computer Supporte d Collaborative Learning (CSCL), 1, 841-842.

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K.. (2019, May). Analysing a seamless inquiry science lesson design and implementation through the lens of variation theory. In null (Ed.), Workshop Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Edu cation 2019, -, 108-115.

Chen, W., Zhang, S., Wen, Y., & Looi, C. K. (2019, May). A Study of Students' Collaborative Learning in Science Classroom Based on AppleTree. In null (Ed.), Proceedings of the 23rd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 13-18.

Ho, W. K., Huang, W., Looi, C. K., & Longanathan, S. (2018, December). Can Secondary School Mathematics Students Be Taught To Think Computationally?. In W.-C., Yang, & D. B., Meades (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 1, 63-77.

Zhang S., Chen, W., & Looi C.K. (2018, November). Exploring Chinese Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Collaboration and Satisfaction in the Context of Online Collaborative Learning. The 26th International Conference on Computers in Education, 26, 428-433.

Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Voon, X. P. (2018, Nov ember). A rubric for assessing seamless science learning lesson plans. Workshop Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2018, -, 754-759.

Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Biswas, G., Du Boulay, B., Hoppe, H. U., & Mizoguchi, R. (2018, November). "Smartness of technol ogy" or "smartness of learners": Is it a zero-sum game? Or can we have both?. International Conference on Computers in Education 2018, -, i-36 - i-42.

Longkai WU, Chee-Kit LOOI, Meng-Leong HOW & Sujin HE (2018, November). Student Questioning Tendencies and Learning Performanc es in a Classroom Inquiry Curriculum: An SEM Analysis. In J. C. Yang, M. Chang, L. H. Wong (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 397-405.

How, M-.L., & Looi, C-.K. (2018, June). Cross Comparison of Multiple Computational Thinking Activities : a Grey-based approach. In KONG, S-.C., ANDONE, D., BISWAS, G., CRICK, T., HOPPE, H.U., HSU, T-.C., HUANG, R., LI, R.K-.Y., LOOI, C-.K., MILRAD, M., SHELDON, J., SHIH, J-.L., SIN, K-.F., TISSENBAUM, M., & VAHR ENHOLD, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2018, 3, 125'128.

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2018, May). Analysing the mediating processes of teacher's growth: A case study in a seamless inquiry science learning environment. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) 2018, 1, 773-780.

Longkai Wu, Chee-Kit Looi, Liu Liu & Meng-Leong How (2018, January). Understanding and Developing In-Service Teachers' Perceptions towards Teaching in Computational Thinking: Two Studies. In J. C. Ya ng, M. Chang, L. H. Wong (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 735-742.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Conference Proceedings

Looi, C-K., Polman, J., Cress, U., & Reimann, P. (Ed.) (2016). Proceedings of the International Conference on the Learning Sciences. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on the Learning Sciences. United States

Walker, E., & Looi, C.K. (E d.) (2013). Proceedings of the Workshops at the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2013. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2013. Netherlands

Wang Q., Kong, S.-C., Zhang, B., Chang, B., Wong, L. H., Looi, C. K., Cheng, G., Shih, J., Lee, J., Sim, S. H., Tseng, C.-C., Chun, C.-C., Chao, C.-C., Wang, A. C., Yen, C. J., Chen, C. P., Hong, J.-C., Miao, C., Li, X., & Shen, Z. (Ed.) (2010). Workshop Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010. Singapore

Siu Cheung Kong, Hiroaki Ogata, Hans Christian Arnseth, Carol K.K. Chan, Tsukasa Hirashima, Fanny Klett, Jimmy Lee, Chen Chung Liu, Looi, C.K., Marcelo Milrad, Antonija Mitrovic, Kiyoshi Nakabayashi, Su Luan Wong, Stephen Yang (Ed.) (2009). The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2009. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education. Hong Kong (China)

Chan, T-W, Biswas, G. Fei-Ching Chen, Sherry Chen, Chien Chou, Michael Jacobson, Kinshuk, Fanny Klett, Looi, C.K., M itrovic, T. Riichiro Mizoguchi, Kiyoshi Nakabayashi, Peter Reimann, Daniel Suthers, Stephen Yang, Jie-Chi Yang (Ed.) (2008). The 16th International Conference on Computers in Education 2008. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education. Taiwan

Editorships of Special Issue of Journal

Lane, C., Bull, S., Looi, C.K. & McCalla, G. (Ed.) (2015). International Journal of AI & Education, IJAIED 25th Anniversary Issue, Part 2, XX.

Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., Milrad, M. (Ed.) (2015). IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Seamless, ubiquito us and contextual learning, 6.

Chen, W., & Looi, C.K. (Ed.) (2014). Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Assessment in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 9 (2).

Keynote Addresses

Looi, C.K. (2020, September). World Conference on Mobile and Contextu al Learning (mLearn 2019). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Seamless Learning: Reflections from a decade of research work, Delft, Netherlands, Netherlands.

Looi, C.K. (2019, October). Third International Conference on Learning Innovation. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Seamless Learning as a Disruptive Learning Inno vation, Malang, Indonesia, Indonesia.

Looi, C.K. (2019, June). International Conference on Computational Thinking Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Designing for Disciplinary-specific CT: How to bring CT into Mathematics classrooms?, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).

Looi, C.K. (2019, February). International Conference on Human Computer Interface. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Where Learning Meets Theory Meets Technology Meets HCI Design, Jeju, Korea.

Looi, C.K. (2018, September). International Conference on Cognitive Load Theory. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, When Mobile Learning meets Cognitive Load Theory, Beijing, China.

Looi, C.K. (2018, April). International Conference on Mobile Learning. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Whither Seamless Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities, Lisbon, Portugal.

Looi, C.K. (2017, July). 8th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning. KEYN OTE ADDRESS, Realizing inquiry learning in schools: Innovation, implementation & impact, Chengdu, China.

Looi, C.K. (2017, March). Seminar on Computational Thinking Education in Primary Schools. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Pedagogies for Teaching Computational Thinking: Pathways and Possibilities, Hon g Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Patent/Licences/Commerical Products

Fairchild, K.M., Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., Foong, K., & Olivo, M. (2004). Optimizing delivery of computer media. PATENT NO.United States Patent 6728760.