Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Jo-Anne Elizabeth Manski-Nankervis.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis
Associate Professor, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
A/Prof Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis is an academic general practitioner (GP) and Academic Director of Primary Care and Family Medicine at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. Her research focus is on the development and implementation of technology to inform decision making in general-practice, health services research and the use of data to describe and improve general-practice activity, with a focus on cancer, chronic diseases such as chronic kidney disease, and antimicrobial stewardship. She is a contributor and proponent of practice based research networks and programmes to develop primary care clinician researchers.

She aims to include primary care professionals and people that attend primary care in the development and implementation of research to ensure it meets the needs of end users and can be translated into practice.
Primary care
Health services research
Implementation science
Chronic kidney disease
Type 2 diabetes
Cardiovascular disease
  • Risk Program
  • The Strategic Development of the Centre for Primary Healthcare Research and Innovation
  • The Strategic Development of the Centre for Primary Healthcare Research and Innovation (NHG)
Professor Peter Mudge Meal, RACGP GP20 conference. The medal is awarded annually to a presenter at the annual RACGP Annual Conference who has advanced the discipline of general practice and the goals of the RACGP and whose original research has the most potential to significantly influence daily general practice. 

Professor Peter Mudge Medal, RACGP GP19 conference. The medal is awarded annually to a presenter at the annual RACGP Annual Conference who has advanced the discipline of general practice and the goals of the RACGP and whose original research has the most potential to significantly influence daily general practice. 

Second prize, Clinical posters, 6th Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference, Singapore 

Rajakumar Award for best oral presentation at 5th Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2015 

Special Recognition, Youth Investigators Award, WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Taiwan, 2015 

Professor Peter Mudge Medal, RACGP GP13 conference. The medal is awarded annually to a presenter at the annual RACGP Annual Conference who has advanced the discipline of general practice and the goals of the RACGP and whose original research has the most potential to significantly influence daily general practice 

Registrar Research Prize, General Practice Education and Training 2012
Fellowships & Other Recognition
Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors Course 
Certified Health Informatician Australia 
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne 
Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) 
Melbourne Teaching Certificate, University of Melbourne 
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Honours), University of Melbourne 
Bachelor of Science (Honours), University of Western Australia 
Supervision of PhD Students
Available for student supervision